The News Printery 111 equipped to do your next order of Job Printing promptly Doo't tend your work out of town we will do it to suit you. XETUS COJfVINCK YOU The Lenoir News. il the very beet Advertising led! an, breause it is red by the Largest Nniaber of the people of Caldwell County. : ONLY OLOO THKYKAB EC. O. MARTIN", Editor and Prop. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PRICE SI .00 THE YEAR. VOLUME XT. .LENOIR, N.C., OCTOBER 8, 1900. NO. 97 3nrl6av5 VI. If IX III ISl A MSI TTO THE EVERGLADES. Mr. Lutz Tells of His Trip of In spection to the Everglades of Florida. I have been asked for a write up of my recent visit to the proper ty of the Florida Everglades Land Co, lying South of Lake Okeecho bee in the Everglades of Florida, and submit the following as the re salt of my investigation. My trip was made at, probably the most unfavorable time of the year it could have been made it being daring the equinoxial storm. The rain was pouring practically the entire time I was in Florida and the water was higher than it had been in ten or fifteen years. I gathered this both from what peo ple told me and my own observa tion. The Company is offering a genu ine good proposition and one that will be worth in a few years 10 times what they are asking for it. It will require the completion ofthedrain age canals that the State is having cat to make this proposition per fect in all ways and I am informed from reliable and disinterested authority that the State has at its command, for this purporse, sever al millions of dollars; ora sufficient sum to accomplish the work. I believe further it will be only a matter of a short time when the work will be completed sufficient for settlement say about a year The soil is the same as the samples that have been exhibited here and the growth on the land is far ahead ot anytnincr 1 nave ever heard claimed for it or that I im lagined was possible. For instance, "j saw sugar cane that was twenty feet high and was planted last April. Banana plants that were also planted last April were ten to twelve feet high and were beginning to bloom. 1 i found also that all varieties of citrus fruits and vegetables grow to perlection and make enormous vields. I met Mr. (Joodno, who lives near the property Iwiiig oiler ed for sale, and who set forty acres in oranges seven years ago and last spring sold the grove for forty two thousands dollars. I saw more mosquito the night before, 1 left North Carolina than I did the entire time I was in Florida. As for the weather it was far from being hot as most people imagine in fact the tem perature was pleasant. I enquired particularly about the healthful ness of the section and every one said that they never had chills or malaria. A Western Compiny has a move on foot to establish a large sugar refinery near this property and they are making the people who buy this land the proposition that they will plant their land in sugar caue and pay them one hundred dollars per year rent for it for three years and then turn the land lack to them already set In cane. They are making this offer of course to get a sufficient acreage planted in cane to justify them to put up the refinery and then to encourage the people in the future to continue to grow it. I found a eood manv natives of Florida "knocking" onr proposi tion but upon asking them if they had ever seen it they admitted, without a single exception, that they uever had. I found no one opposed to it who had seen it. My own opiniou is that it will soon be the garden spot of the United 8tates and as evidence of this faith I have purchased more of the land since my return. Very truly yours. O. P. Lute. Many education is obtained at the expense of common sense. A Case That Puzzled the Doctors. The death of William Henry Tompson, in West Albemarle Mon day afternoon at 1 o'clock was the inevitable end of condition that baffled the physicians Mr. Thom son had been suffering for some time with an attack of fever, and a few days previous to his death there had been a formation, em bolons in nature, in one of the leading arteries and the physicians were unable to locate it. The man's lower limbs began to die and dry gangrene set in. One limb was am putated above the knee, after it had become totally lifeless and be gan to decay. When the operation was effecced it was discovered that the entire lower portion of the body was infected with the poison and death was but a matter of a few hours The case presented rather a study for the attending physician, Dr. Anderson, who was assisted by Drs. Hall and Dun lap, who did all that was possible for the yonng man. South Carolinian Dies of a Rare Disease. Charlotte Chronicle. Rock Hill, S. C, Oct. 3. Mr. M. A. Johnson of the Highland Park mill village died Friday after noon aqd was buried here Saturday Mr. Johnson was affected with ac romegaly that causes an abuortnal enlargement of everything about a person. Mr. Johnson's entire body was enlarged, his hands, nose and ears being two or three sizes larger than the average. Very lew cases oi tne kinu nave ever come to the attention of physicians at large although I am reliably in formed that it has been known to medical science since 1886. Mr. Johnson has been afflicted with this disease for a number of years, and has a son who shows some af fection of the same disease by an largeuient of his jaws. Husband Spends too Much time Kissing. Trenton, Neb., Oct. 5 Mrs Henrietta Met. raw insists thatthere is a limit to all things, even to the kisses of her husband, John E. Mc(iraw. As a result of exceeding the limit she has sought the di vorce courts of Hitchcock county, where she haj applied for a divorce alleging that he has kissed and in sisted upon kissing until the cruel ty stage has been reached. In her petition Mrs. McCraw says that fjr six months she stood the kissing without a murmur, supposing that in time the practice would be dropped to a certain ex teut, but instead of becoming less the kisses have liecome more fre quent. She avers that while her husband has been spending his time kissing, the weeds have grown higher than the wheat and hay, and generally things have gone to the bad. Miss Nannie Belle Sherrill, of Shelby, and Mr. J. D. Lineberger, Jr., of the same town, will be mar ried on Wednesday evening, Nov ember 24, at 6 o'clock. Miss Sher rill is a daughter of Rev. C. F. Sherrill, presiding elder of the Shelby district, who leved in Con cord qnite a number of years ago, and is a brother of the editor of The Times. Mr. Linebeager is a promising youug man of Shelby. Exchange. Why? From a small beginning the sale and use of Charaberlaln'e Cough Rem edy has extended to all parte of the United Btatee and to many foreign eonntrlea. Why? Beeaute It baa Droved especially valuable for eoagba and eolda. For sale by J. E. 8hel), Druggist, Dr. Kent, Druggist. Little River, District Two. The Tteachers's Meeting was held lastSaturdap with Oak Hill School, District 2, Little River. It was more than a teachers' meeting, for a comparatively few of the several hundred men, women and children present attended for that purpose; they were there to do reverence to the dedication of their elegant new school bulding. Rev. Mr. Browne, of Hudson conducted the opening exercises. His scripture reading, prayer and talk were appropiate and beautiful, brought inspiration to the work of the day. The printed program was little noticed. Every one seemed bubbl ing over with joy at the great awakening in the combined Union and Cedar Valley districts. A prolonged "round table" seemed the natural order for the day almost every body present talked some. The only real speech of the day was by Prof. G. M. Garrison, Supt. Granite FallsGradedSchools. His address was full of good ex pressions foi patron, teacher and child, and, without so intending, endeared himself to the people ot Little River. Prof. Winkler, Princ'pal of the school at Oak Hill, made a very impressive talk, and one that re minded the people that the right man is at the helm. Where any Deonle love and confidence an able and good man as these of Oak Hill do Prof. Winkler, glorious success is sure to follow. The model three-room school building at Oak Hill is nearer "up to date" than any other of the many good school buildings of the county. And the people who build this elegant and commodius house about all the people of the two consolidated districts are joy ful and have happv plans for the future development of their section. A new paragraph must be added to state that no people on earth know Iwtter how to look after the wants of the "inner man." The dinner whs excellent and Injnnti ful. In addition to their educa tional enthusiasm, those Methodist and Baptist people were expecting Kev. Mr. McGeachv. He missed it by not being there. Y. D. Muokk, Co. Supt. Bad Shooting Affray. Bluefield, W. Va., Oct. 4. Mathis Beavers, deputy sheriff of McDowell county is dead and Crockett Lowe, fatally wounded as the result of a shooting affair at Susauna, this state, last Saturday Iiad feeling has existed far some time between the two, who were next door neighbors- This feeling was accentuated by several quarrels recently lictween the women of the two families, and culminated in Saturday's tragedy. The two men had been drinking, it is said, and IiOwc had taken Beavers home and had prevailed upon him to give his revolver to Mrs. Beavers. Lowe then return ed to his saloon . Beavers secured his revolver and followed him. The two men met in front of Lowe's establishment and exchanged words. Both drew their revolvers and tired at each other almost simultaneously. Ik-avers was shot through the heart while a bullet penetrated Lowe's breast. (io With A Rush. The demand for that wonderful Steinarh, Liver and Kidney cure. Dr. King's New Life Pill. is abounding Say they never saw tbe like. It'a because tbey neveT fail to core Soar Stomach, Con itipation, llodigeetioo, Bilionaneas, Jaandiee, Siek Headache, GhlUaand Malaria, Only Vie at J. E. Shell' ARE MICROBES IN YOUR SCALP? j It Has Been Proved that Microbes Cause Baldness. Professor Unna of Hamburg. Germany, and Dr. Sabourand, the leading French dermatologist, dis covered that a microbe causes bald ness. Their theory has time and again been amply verified through research experiments carried on under the observation ol eminent scientist. This microbe lodges in the Sebum, which is the natural hair oil; and when permitted to flourish it destroys the hair follicles and in time the pores entirely close, and the scalp gradually takes on a shiny appearance. When this hap pens there is no hope of the growth of hair being revived. Dandruff is a contagious dis ease, which is largely due to a de structive microbe, which when lett to pursue its course causes itching scalp, falling hair and baldness. Dandruff is caused by the microbe affecting the glands which produce the sebaceous matter, which latter then unnaturally dries up and scales off. We have a remedy which will, we honestly believe, remove dan druff, exterminate the microbe,pro- mote good circulation in the scalp ainj around the hair roots, tighten and revitalize the hair roots and overcome baldness, so long as there is any life left in the hair roots. We back up this statement with our owu personal guarantee that this remedy called Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will be supplied free of all cost to the user if is fails to do as we state. it will irequenuy restore gray and faded hair te its original color, providing loss of color has been caused by aisease; yet it is in no sense a dye. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic accomplishes these results by making every hair root, follicle and pigment gland strong and ac tive, and by stimulating a natural How of coloring pigment through out the hair cells. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is en tirely free from grease or sediment, is exceedingly pleasant to use and will not it in the hair or per manently still the clothing or pillows. We exact no obligations or promises we simply ask yon to give it a thorough trial and it not satisfied tell us and we will refund the money vou paid us for it. Two sizes, 50 cents and tl .00. Remem ler you obtain it in Lenoir only at our store. The Rexall Stoie. The Lenoir Drug Co. His Bullet Hit the Paper Mark. New York, Oct. 3. Enraged at his wife lecause breakfast was not ready on time, Edward F. Muller, a special detective in the emyloy of the Interlwrough Rapid Transit company shot at her with a revol ver today and when he saw her fall, turned the weapon against himself and blew out his brains. His wife was not even scratched by the bullet. She had fainted from pure fright. Muller died almost instantly. SUte of Ohio, City of Toledo I Lucas County j ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he in senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business iu the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chenney. Sworn to before lue and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day Decem ber, . D. 1S5. (Seal) A. W. Qleason, Notary Public. H all's Catrrrh Cure is taken inter nally, and aeti directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. eend for testimonials free. F.J. Cheney t Co., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists, 75e, Take Hall 'a Family Pills for oon-atiyatioo. I THIS is the GRAIN DRILL and HEATING STOVE season. You will have to have these. Why not take advan tage of our offerings NOW 1 Drills will be higher later and you have a large stock to select your Stove from. Why not see us, Mr! "phat Harness of Yours Is beginning to look pretty shabby. What's more, parts of it have reached the danger point. Let your horse plunge, and a line or trace break, and it will cost more than the price of a new harness to put you and your carriage in shape again, J We're specialists in harness, paying close attention to stock, style and finish. We can fit anything from a pony to a draft horse and we guarantee longer service and more lasting finish than you can get in any harness anywhere and at anywhere near onr prices. "WHEN IN DOUBT, BUY OF PRICE!" DULA, Jeweler & Optometrist Dula Building, -:- -:- Lenoir, N. C. Governor Says Shoot Riders. Nifht Frankfort, RA(ct. 4. (Jover nor Wilson is advising the indepen dent tobacco growers ot Kentucky to shoot the night riders to protect their homes. Piles of letters are stacked on his desk, the governor says, from tobacco growers asking him whether they Imust pool their tobacco, or whether they will re ceive protection from the milita if they do not pool it. Organize liberty leagues and kill the roctnrnal invaders," is the advice that the governor gives. In a statement Governor Wilson says that no man should pool his tobac co unless he wants to, and that he will pardon any man who resorts to measures to protect his home. The feeling is intense and the crisis for the independents of the organ iiation men will be reached with in the next few days. Bloodshed la feared. 31 H VICTOR New Records coming every lew days. Full Line of Machines, $12.50 17.:0, $25.00, $32.50, and frtiO.OO Machines in Stock. Get the Best and have no regrets. Sold on EASY PAYMENTS. A Postmaster in Trouble. John E. Osliorne, postmaster at City, Alleghany county, is iu jail at Wilkesboro, charged with flag rant and oftrcpeated violations of the postal laws. He is charged emj bezzlement of funds to an amount between $ 600 and $1000. He was arrested by Deputy Marshall Hark radar last week and carried to Sparta, where he was given a hear ing before a V. S. Commissioner, and in default of a fl200 bond he was committed to jail in Wilkes boro to await trial. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the safe, sore, easy, gentle, little liver pills. Tbe original Carbollsed Witch Hazel 8alve it DeWitt'a. Tbe name is plainly stamped on ever box. It is good for cuts barns, bruises, sore, boils and sunburn but it ia especial ly good tor Piles. Sold by J. E. Shall, Lenoir Drag Co. and Granite Falls Drag Co. 4