O 7 The News Printery JIs equipped to do your next order of Job PrinMng promptly Don t eend your work oat of town we will do it to iait you. LRTTJ8 CONVINCE YOU The Lenoir News. lis the very beet Advertising llediam, because it it read by the L&rpext dumber of the people of Caldwell Coaoty. ONLY Sl.OO THE YEAR 4 f rfrWrjr, i I I I t III il I I I i i V S h.c. marit, editor and prop. published Tuesdays aid frioats. price si .oo the year. VOLUME 'XT. ' JLEISTOIR, 1ST. C, OCTOBER 15, 1009. XO.!)!i I V i' i f ? 4 I f FEARFUL STORM IN FlORiDA. Wilbur Wrifht Makes Record. New Key West and Tampa Wrecked. New Orleans, October 12. A w reless bulletin from an unidenti fied vessel off 8outhweet Florida this morning says that an outskirt gale swept Key West and 800 per eons lost their lives by drow ning. A telephone message from Tam pa confirms the extent of the loss oflife and adds that Key West is in the grip of a reign of terror. Sol diers have been forced to shoot looters who began their work of pil lage before dawn today. Lawless fishermen aud cigar makers from adjoining islands who were warned to take refuge in the city when the storm began, started the raid of what was left of the storm demol ished houses. The city is already undej mar tial law and the Key West Guards are doing what they can to pre serve order, but regular troops have been asked for and the Sec retary of War has directed the com manding ollicer of the army of Key West to render such assistance there as may le requested by the mayor. Along the eoast giant wavesswept over the islands, catching the in habitants and hurling them into the sea. These islands are practic ally Hat and the 20 foot waves that swept over them swept them clean oflife. Key West proper is a mass of wreckage. Hardly a house is left undamaged. The most conserva live estimate ot in open v loss is three million. It is doubtful it' mm will cover the loss uf life in the swept lis trict. He t ween 2,000 and :,0(H) labor ers on the keys are believed to have perished. The wind reached the velocity of 100 miles an hour. Report says that 800 people were killed at Tampa. Four hundred men who were building a railroad on the keys, are also reported dead. At Key West the storm demol ished two thirds of the residence section of the city. Ten of the largest cigar factories were destroy ed. The damage is about R 000,000. One hundred vessels were in the harbor and all but the largest were destroyed. The negro quarter was wrecked. The loss oflife is unknown. The army barrack at Key West were destroyed but there were no fatalities. There has been a request for mil itary assistance and the soldiers are patroling the city to prevent loot ing. Will Use Polar Bears For Travel. Captain Roald Amusden, the well known Danish explorer, who is about to start on a polar expedi tion has decided to try a remark able inovation in the use ol draught animals for polar travel. He will endeavor to make polar bears draw his sledges. Some time ago Captain Amus den made a contract with Carl lla genbeck, the famous animall train er, lor twenty ice bears three years old. Hagenbeck'N men have been industriously at work for a month training the beam. The animals will be shipped to Christiana this week where they will be taken on board Captain Amnsden's ship. College Park, Md., Oct. 9 Wilbur Wright broke one world aviation record this morning. Over a measured course of 535 yards and bock, starting at a marker post, Hying to another post and back, the Dayton aviator made the dis tance iu 571 seconds, establishing a world's record. Wright made t'uee flights this morning. At 8:55 he started with out the use of the weight or mono rail, aud remained in the air for six minutes, flying at the rate of 46 miles an hour. At 9:33 o'clock he ascended aud made the record flight. At 9:53 he made an exper imental flight to test the ability of the machine to get off the ground without the weight or monorail, and stayed up for half a minute. Today Wright not only shatter ed a world's record, but he has demonstrated the ability of his aeroplane to rise from the earth int.) the air without the use of weights or a running start. Prohibition Here to Stay. New York, Oct. 10 "It looks to me as if theSouth would be solid ly prohibition within the next five years,'' declared Governor Ansel ofS. C, "Prohibition is making tremendous strides all through the South. In my State, S. C. the places where a thirsty man can get a drink aie few and far Itetween." And then he proceeded to tell how prohibition had gained a foothold in the State ami spread prior to August last. f iltcen additional counties went 1 1 1 ' at the elections in that month," he continued, "and alter November I.", next, it will Ik' pos sible to get a drink in only six counties ot the State, and then only through the medium of the county dispensary." Governor Ansel discussed other phases of the liquor question and concluded by saying that "there is no doubt that the prohibition movement has come to stay, and that it is making steady progress." Such a potent factor has it become tbrougliout the South, he stated, that all political parties are forced to recognize the issue. At Canton, N. Cf says an ex change, is located the largest pulp mill in this country, if uot in the world It c t from two to three million dollars; works about eight hundred men and runs night and day the year round. It takes 375 tons of coal a day to keep the mrchinery going, and requires 400 cords of day to supply tkis machin ery with material to operate upon. The plant consists of thirty-nine buildings, all sizes, and, when it is lighted up at night, looks more like a town than just one plant. Very little of this wood pulp is made into paper here, but most of it is shipped North to be finish ed into paper. They are consider ing now' the advisability of putting in a finishing plant here to supply the Southern trade. A Hurry Up Call. tiuiek! Mr. Druggist yujckl A box of Buc Men's Arnica Salve Here's a qurrter For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned himself, terrf bly Johnnie out his foot with the axe, Mamie's scalded, Pa Can't walk from piles, Blllie has boils and my corns ache. She got it and soon cared all the family. It's the great healer on earth Sold by J. E. Shell. Lucrative Job Killing Prarie Dogs. Kansas City Dispatch. , More than 750,000 prairie dogs have been killed in the last six months by J. W. Holman, the of ficially racognized United States Government poisoner of the pests in the Southwestern States. "I am going to kill at least 1, 500,000 dogs during the next eight months, said Mr. Holman, "Strych nine is mixed with wheat and about a teaspoonful is placed at the en trance of a prairie hole. Each tea spoonful killing three dogs. The government pays a cent and and a half a head for killing the dogs. The Clark's Creek Dredge Boat. Lincoln Times. The dredge boat bought by Lin coln and Catawba counties to clean out a channel that will remain open in Clark's Creek having been got in working order. Mr. R. M, Rose man went up last Tuesday to see it working. The boat is oo the order of the steam shovel used in rail road building. The machinery and the engine which drives it are on a boat sixty feet long. Projecting from the front end of the loat is a crane which works the shovel. A cubic yard of dirt is scooped up at each dive of the shovel, and is car ried over and dumped on each side of the ditch. On an average two yards are taken out per minute. Up to this time the work has been mainly iu getting the machinery to working properly and overcom ing the little hitches that are al ways incident to the starting of complicated machinery, but on Tuesday it had beeu so adjusted they were able to do a full days work and it has kept up its steady speed ever since. Mr. Koseman and others interest ed measured the work several linn's with the rod and saw that it was coining up to the specifications. On Tuesday it cut a channel twen ty feet wide, nine feet deep and two hundred and foity nine feet long. This is as good speed as the mo .t enthusiastic advocate of ditch ing the creek could wish, and if this speed is kept up for a couple of years the people of Lincolnton may expect to see it open up the channel clear into the South Fork river by that time. Lightning Wrecks a Dwelling in a Remarkable Manner. The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Ol (server says that Sunday night at 10 o'clock, during a slight electrical display, a heavy liolt of lightning played a most re markable prank at the home of Mr. Will Lyerly, near Christiana church, six miles from Salisbury. Striking the end of the two story- house at the cone, the Iwlt literally tore the building to pieces, throw ing some of it a hundred feet away and scattered and badly damaged the contents. The cradle in which an infant was sleeping was torn to pieces, but the infant was unhurt, and its parents had as remarkable an escape when their IxhI was dd mohshed. Ceiling fell all over sleeping children, but none of them were hurt in any way. No tire followed the lightning's stroke, but the building was completely wrecked. Two Hundred Thousand Bushels Corn Ordered. Mexico City, Oct. 7. Two hun died thousand bushels of corn have been ordered by wire from the United States by the government of Guanajuato to relieve distress occasioned by the cold weather, which killed all the growing crops. Accordiug to George W. Bryant, there is less than two week's supply of food in Guauajuato, and the most energetic measures are needed to relieve the situation. Night On Bald Mountain. Ou a lonely night, Alex Benton, of Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed B,ald Mountain to the home of a neighbor tortured by ABtlnna, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Diseovery, that had cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon re lieved and quickly cured his neigh bor. Later it cured his boii's wife of a severe lung trouble. Millions be lieve its the greatest Throat and Lung cure on earth. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. Best for Hay Fever, Grip and Whooping Cough: 50c and 1.00 Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by J. E. Shell. Best Apples in The World. Raleigh News Observer. Where North Carolina sits in the apple world is the head of the table. The Lenoir News says that Mr. John S. Green, who lives near Blowing Rock, has received a check for one thousand dollars, the same being the first premium on apples awarded by the International Apple Show held at Spokane, Washing ton, last winter. The gr owth of apples in Western North Carolina for profit is only in its infancy. The soil and the cli mate in twenty counties is all that could be desired, for apple culture, and men with money are planting fine orchards. The late Mr. Moses Cone, one of the most capable and far seeing men North Carolina has known in recent years, foresaw that growing apples was to become profitable in Western North Caro lina, and his apple orchard in Wat auga county is one of the most beautiful sites in America, and it is going to bring in large revenue. Capitalists at home and abroad have planted large orchards in Haywood and other counties west of the Blue Ridge, and the indus try is certain to I the most protl table in all our mountain counties, as well as in many other counties suited to the growth of apples. Apples are apples these days. The time was when they were cheap and not so highly esteemed. Now they are knowp to lie very healthy, as well as very w holesome, and are in the class w ith oranges. If you want to make money, go to the mountains and plant an apple or chard in the isothermal belt, or come to the pine lands and plant a peach orchard, or go east and grow strawberries. North Caro Una is indeed the garden spot and the home of opportunity . Serious Cutting Scrape in Mitchell County. Asheville. N. C. Oct. 9. - News has reached here from Mitchell county of a cutting affair which oc curred there Thursday, in which Jim C. Phillips, a well known busi ness man, of lA'dgM-, Mitchell oun ty, was seriously if not fatally in jured. The particulars of the trag edy could not I' learned, other than Mr. J'hillips and another man got into a scrape, in w hich it was stated Mr. Phillips was badly carved up, and was not expected to live. Mr. Phillips is a prominent man of Mitchell county, and is well known in western North Carolina. He was a prominent Democratic politician and was once treasurer of his county. Should Mr. Mitchell die, this will be the third homicide in Mitch ell county within a month. Two Charters Today. Exchange. The Nilxdung Gold Mining Com pany filed a certificate of incorpor ation today with the secretary of state, among the objects for which it is incorporated, are to secure mineral lands and to operate mines The principal office is in Caldwell county and the postoffice is Mor ganton, R. F. D. No. 3. The au thorized capital stock is $100,000 but may organize and commence business when $1,250 is paid in. The incorporators are Sidney II. Bourne and Henry E. Wood, 43 Exchange Place, Borough of Man hattan, New York, and R. W. Tay lor, Morganton, R. F. D. No. 3. Good rnj PaintJ Buy the paint that looks well longest, gives most years of good ser vice and is positively the most economical. It is HARRISONS 48 COLORS AND ALL GOOD There is no question that it is right. If there were a better paint made, it would be sold at this Store. Write or tsk for "A Book for House-Owners. It is free. a: Take care of your stomach. Let Kodol digest all the food you eat, for that is what Kodol does. Every table spoonful of Kodol digests 2i pounds of food. Try it today. It is guaran teed to relieve you or your money back. Sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. and Granite Falls Drug Co. Wi: M Mil IT take up a lot of your time telling you what styles of work we carry and what prices we are asking for them, and you might not U much wiser than before. At any rate you would n.iturally want to come in and do some pretty close inspecting that is if you thought of buying a set of harness. And you would lie quite right, too. It's poor business policy to buy anything liefore ou have had a chance to find out something alout it especially when the article is a set of harness. People who buy harness they have never seen, of houses they don't know generally get stung. We want you to come to our shop, we want you to ex amine the goods, and find out all about them. We are not trying to get you to deal with us on specula tion. The only way to satisfy a buyer is to let him thoroughly inspect the harness first. Then he knows what he is doing. We have a splendid line of the lest harness in the country. Call when you like, and "WHEN IN DOUBT, BUY OF PRICE!" M(Dtln((Eo' New Blacksmith and General I Repair Shop - We are opening a New Shop at T. L. Holder's stable, back of the Graded School, where all kinds of Repairing, Horse shoeing and General Smith Work will be promptly attended to. We invite all our friends and customers to come and see us when in need of anything in our line. Respectfully, A. J. CONLEY HENRY E. COBB Oct. 13, '09. 1

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