Tho N v. j Print ry 11 eqof.F4 to do vk it c-it rdtr of Job Fr'.a'iiz : r . : . y Dob t seed your wori cat c-f town we wiJ da it to iait yoa. LET U3 CONVINCE YOU The Lenoir News. II the very brt Advertising Meditm, Unin It U rMd by tbe Largest NiMber of tt people ol Caldwell Coanty. : ONLY l.OO THK YKAH 0 h. cmarttn", jeditqr and prop. . rususzEflmsrmAxsfEim. ; - - phice slop the year. yOIJMEXI.;: ; v- t - XQ. 1()2 i : 'i National Fanners' Cn!oa.';A . . Durham, Oct, t3.-ol Beneban Cdmeron announce that tht date ot the visit of the National . Farm rt convention W Durham will be November 4.- . r. It had been undertrtoodthat the gricutlurlst8 would come to.Eal -" eigb during thVaeate fair,,' aud everybody was expectiog tbsm here " next weelcT; Colonel Cameron said yesterday that the very thing the convention didn't Vaat to do Vwas to meet during the fair, when Bal dgn would be filled, above ability v to tale good care of her dlstiog uish d visitors. 1 y -The plan iJ to eoae - here and ' ipend the time between the train ; 'that reaches Durham at 9M- and c25 o'clock Theyl will, goover he factories and schools, roads and all the that Durham has. They aay also go to Greensboro on a Visit of a day. I ' Officers of the Daughters of the I Confederacy. At the 'State meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy io 'Wilmington last week, officers 'were elected as follows: President, Mrs. F.M. Williams, Uewton; vice presidents: Mrs. M. 8. Willard, Wilmington; Mrs Joseph us Daniels, ,- Baleigb; Miss Carrie Leazar ' Mooresville: record Ing secretary, Mrs. T. T. Marsh, Tarboro; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. C. Feimster, Newton; treasurer, Mrs. Eugene Little, Wadesboro; registrar, Mrs. W. W. Watt Charlotte;- recording of Mrs. Thomas Craig Gaston 1a. historian, Miss Rebecca Camer Hillsboro; assistant historian, Mrs. W. O. Shannon, Henderson; chap lain, Miss Hettie James, Wilming too. The retiring president, Mrs. I. W. Faison, of Charlotte, was un animously endorsed for president general of the national organiza tioo. A Remarkable Occurrence in Mecklenburg. Quite a strange and unumal on currence, which is causing much interest is going on uear here. On the Glsenheimer farm near the Ca barrus line, rain has been falling over a small area for two weeks or longer. With the sky perfectly clear and the sun shining brightly the rain continues to fall. Some boyj first saw the pheuom enon, and as it was an unnsual oe currence, people seemed- to doubt the truthfulness of their statement. Since then quite a number of peo pie have visited the place and are convinced that rairi is actually fall ing. It seems a mystery which Uo one is able to solve satisfactorily. The boys who first saw the rain say now fell there Sunday a week ago, : llundreds Killed on Chinese Coast - London, Oct 20. Dispatches Irom near Hong jfong jyare that hundreds have been lulled, ship- phig destroyed,' and interior " eoiu- munication destroyed by a typhoon that swept 'the Chinese coast. l Manila, P. I., Oct. 20-The Ma- nila authorities fear gi'eat loss . of aife by a typhoon that swept l.u con. That there was great oiop damage is known. All wires are down, v,' : t Messengers report serious floods in Northern Luzon.- A Hurry Up Call. ' ' V , '. Quiokr Mr. Druggist-Quick! A "box of Buokleu' Arnica Salvf Here' -, qurrter For the love of Moses, hurry 1 Baby's burned himself, terri bly Johnnie out his foot with the f "jte, Mamie's scalded. Pa Can't walk - from piles, Billte has bolls and my ; i oerns aohe. 1.She got it and soon ufed air the family. It's the great , kealeron earth ' Bold by J, K. Shell TKK LNO OF FREE UNO N Mtaas the Beinniflf of a' New Eralathe'oited SUtes; Fredrie C. Howe la Boribaer ', M "4Thft west is how- inclosed;, .The free land has been taken up. There is do homestead to be had now" for the asking. The frontier has only a historical significance. The' oa tiooal domain is a thing of the past "The public lands which now re main are chiefly arid in character" tays the public land v commission. The opportunity for a home, which for three centuries has been open to all, has finally been closed by title deeds or fraudulently appropriat ed by individuals and corporations in collusion with the government The inclosue of the free public domain terminates the greatest epoch in American history. In a big perspective it may be likened to the fall of Borne, the opening up of a new route to India by Vasoo da Gama, or the discovery of Amer icaby Columbus. It marks the end of the westward drift of civil!' zation, a arift which, with occa sional interruptions, has been go irg on since the beginning of his tory. . Ever since the seventeenth century the Old World has had a vent in America. Duriug these centuries Europe has been relieved of its discontent by the broad, hos pitable prairies of the west. Amer ica has been a hospital for all of the world. The opportunity which it offered has relieved the explo sive elemeuts of other lands'' aud bronght them back into har mony with life. Aud undertow is now setting upon the east. Population is crouding i n ugon our cities. The energetic wage-earner, who former ly followed the westward trail, is now entering the trade union. Here he will find expression for the energy which formerly fond an outlet in the west . It is this that explains the present 'industri al unrests It is this that accounts for the political ferment. No long er can the discontented hope to im prove his .fortunes in another longi tude. He m ust remain at home, became a tenant or a wage-earner. It is this, too, that explains the coming of poverty and distress. The alternative of a homestead in the west which for three centuries has relieved the dispossessed of the world, is now closed forever. It is th is that explaius the change which has come over the spirit of America during the last ten years And as time goes on this spirit of unrest must of necessity increase. Id this sense, as has been said, America is the mirror of all history An understanding of the evolution of our own land offers a key to an understanding of the evolution of the western world, from the begin ning of the migration of the Greek colonists out of the Peloponnesui into the western seas. ' Killed by Blow, i With the first blow, Edward Good win instantly killed Eugene WU liams this after noon, breaking his heck." .The men quarreled, it Vis said, over a dollar alleged to have been given Williams by Goodwin, with which to buy whiskey. - Do not be deceived by unscrupu lous imitators who would have you believe that the Imitation pills are as pood as DeWltt's Kidney aud Bladder Pills. .There Isn't anything Just as good as these wonderful pills for the relief of Backache, 'Weak BAok, in flammation of the bladder, urinary Ldlsorders, and all kidney complaints Any one " can , tune ue wium K Id ney aud Bla dder Pillls as dlreot ed In perfect confidence of good re suits.' Sold by J. R. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. and (iranite Falls Drug Co. ADVICE. TO WOMEN ; A 5 Message from a Famous '- Beauty Specialist to Womea ' ' Lacking in Eneryy and ', " '.,-tTtant::;:;', .Thousands of women, vainly at tempt to improve ' their complex ions and to . remove blackheads, crows' feet and, other blemishes, through the use of cosmetics. This treatment tails because the trouble lies far deeper than the skin. They are suffering from impure and im poverished blood. This condition is in many cases due to a catarrhal condition of the whole system which finds its expression in sallow, muddy complexion, darkcircled eyes, general weakness of the system, and perhaps most plainly in the weeping of mucous mem branes that is commonly called catarrh. In fact this whole tendency is, properly speaking, atarrh. Ban ish this catarrh, aud the complex iou will clear as if by magic, eyes will brighten, faces become rosy and shoulders erect. Perfect beauty goes only with perfect health, and perfect health for wo men can only be obtained through one certain treatment that which will cure catarrh. Mme. Swift, New York, the fain ous beauty specialist known thrughout the world and an accept ed authority on all relating there to, states that the one positive and permanent relief for catarrh is Bex all Mucu-Tone. Here is her let ter: "I can strongly endorse the claims made for Bexall Mucu-Tone as a cure for systemtc catarrh . Its tonic effects are remarkable. It builds up the strength and restores vitality. If women who are tired and run down,' lacking in energy aud vitality, will use Bexall Mucu Tone, they will praise as I do its strengthening and healing quali ties." Bexall Mucu-Tone orks through the blood, acting thus upon the mucous cells the congestion and inflammation of which causes local catarrh. This remedy causes poison to be expelled from the system, and the blood is purified and revit alized. Thus the natural functions of the m ucous cells are restored, and the membranes are cleansed aud made strong. We know that Rexall Mucu Tone does relieve ca tarrh. We positively guarantee to refund the money paid us for this remedy in every case where the user is dissatisfied. It is a builder of vigorous health and a creator of good complexions. Price 60 cents and $1.00 per bottle. Mail orders filled. It may be ob tained Only at our store, The Bex all Store. The Lenoir Drug Co. Prophet Nahum Foresaw the day on Automobiles. The prohet Nahdm, is recorded verse 4, chap. 2, book of Nahum to have prophesied as follows: "The chariots rage in the streets, they jostle one another in 'the broad ways; the appearance of them is like torches, they run like light nings." Some two thousand years later viz., in thirteenth century A. D.- Boger Bacon, the learned Francis can monk, wrote this, in the light of present events, extraordinarily correct prophecy: "We will be able to construct machines which will propel large ships with greater speed than a whole garrison of row era, and which will need only one pilot to direct them ; we will be able to propel carriages with in credible speed without the assis tance of soy animal; and we will be able to make machines which, by means of wings, will enable us to fly into the air like biras." : "News Items., ; The State Fair, which was held at Baleigh last week was said to be the meet successful ta the - history of the Fair association. f - Watkins, who killed Hill Bunt ing at the Gladstone Hotel, Black Mountain, last August is to be tried "for murder this week in Asheville. Senator Tillman, of South Caro Una, is again apprearing in publie notice rather badly for refusing to to attend the reception to be given President Taft, at Columbia, be cause he was asked to contribute ten dollars towards the expenses. The Livery stable of Tount & Wilaog at Newton was destroyed by fire last Saturday night and with 8t 24 head oft horses and mules. The origin of the fire is unknown and the loss above insurance said to be about 12.000. Mr. D. J. Wichard, editor of the Greenville Reflector, was assaulted and right painfully hurt be a man named Hatchings of that town last Saturday. Wichard had accused Hutchings of lying and when asked to retract what be had published refused to do so hence the trouble. A young mau named Charles Finch, a student at Guildford Col lege, fell from a car near Greens boro Saturday and was so badly in jured that'be died in a few hours. He was passing from one car of the train to another when he fell, striking his head against a freight car on a side track. John B. Early the man who was supposed to have Leprosy seems to be having trouble about some place to live, his neighbors in New York, talked complained and threatened, until they got him to move out. He is now living on a farm in Connecticut, where he says the owner will let him live till next spring rent and board free. Jack Sanders, who is charged with killing Mayor Newberry ot Newport Carteret county, is on trial for the crime this week. It will be remembered that the May or was shot while entering his home by some one concealed in the dark ness and Saudres was arrested on suspicion as he hak made threats against the Mavor, for his efforts to break up -the illegal liquor busi uess ef the town. Canton Greatly Excited. Asheville, Oct. 18. It is learn ed here that Canton is considera bly exercised over a "Black Hand" affair at that place several days ago. T. W. Sharp, eue of the wealthiest men in the town, receiv ed a threatening letter, saying that if he didn't leave 1, 000 at a cer taip corner of a church he would meet violent mishap; that dynamite was cheap. The letter, telling Mr. Sharp at a certain time to deposit the money, was turned over to pot office inspectors and trap laid for the "Black Hand." Everything was carried out well except that Mr. Sharp instead of going alone to the place, went part of the way with two friends and carried a lan tern. The inspectors waited until near morning, but ' the "Black Hand" did not appear. The ease is being worked on, however, and every effort will be made to identi fy the hand writing and cause the arrest of the guilty person. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the safe, sure, easy, gentle, little liver pills. The origin a! Car boll ted Witch Hazel Salve Is DeWitt's. The name la plainly stamped on every box. It is good for cuts burns, bruises, sores, boils and sunburn but it is especial ly good for Piles. Bold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Ca and Granite Falls Brug Co. Fool-Proof is a much abused word. Thiugs have been called '-fool proof that it would take a Philadelphia law yer t Ntraighten out or a Sherlock Holmes to understand. - . . A man may buy a "Westinghonse Gasoline Engine" and before he has used it two hours the engine may get hot or his connecting rods grind. But the ONLY reason why this should happen is because he hadn't water enough in his tank or be cause he was trying to run his machine without oil. With ordinary care and ordinary intelligence he " Westinghouse Is as "fool-proof as it is pos sible to make an engine. That's one of its strong points. The " Westingbouse" is a simplified engine. Every single point about its machinery and mechanical construction is reduced to the A B C t V of simplicity. A bright boy enn .Wn all alnnit the '-Wcstinghous and uudursUnd it thoroughly in hail" a day. The "Westingbouse" has no complications of any kind. It is especially built to avoid complications. It has rione of the "cranky habits of other engines. We can show you. Let us run one for you See us QUICK X Thoughts Along Harness Lines us sell you a new saddle. "i You'll le surprise! at the result. The whole out- ; '4 lit will take on an appearance of newness and fresh- ' '" ness, and several years of life will be added to your harness. We can put in a new saddle for $1.90, aud make the public think you bought a bran new harness. "WHEN IN DOUBT, BUY OF PRICE!". Night On Bald Mountain. On a lonely night, Alex Benton, of Fort; Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor tortured by Astnma, bent on earing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that had cured himself of "asthma. Thio wonderful medicine soon re liev.'.l and quickly cured his neigh bor. Later it cured his son's wife of a severe lung trouble. Millions be lieve its the greatest Throat and Lung cure on earth. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. Best for Hay Fever, Grip and Whooping Cough: 50o and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by J. E. Shell. He Wanted a Goat. Sunday School Teacher -Why, Tommy, I am surprised to hear you say that you don't believe our prayers are (answered. Tommy Well, the angels brought a new baby to our house last week and all the time I had been praying tor a goat. ' , Here is a real pointer. Your harness saddle is a sort of central or pivotal point in the horse costume.' If the harness is worn and looks a bit shabby, let -e Prevention. Cholly Softhead "Say, Mr. Eilltime, I er love your daugh ter and want to marry her. Is there any insanity in yourfamiljl" Mr. Killtime "No, young man, there'snot, an' moreover, there ain't ergoin't' be.' Why Druggists Recommend Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank C. Hanrahan, a promt' nent druggist of Portsmouth, Va.. says: "For the past Bix years I have sold and recommended Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy. It Is a great remedy and one. of the best pntent medicines on the market. I handle some others for the same purposes that pay me a larger profit, but -this remedy la so u to effect a on reand my custom er so certain to appreciate my1 reooia mending it to him, that I give it the preference." For sale by J. E. Shell. Druggist, Dr. Kent, Druggist' "Yf