The News Printery 111 equipped to do your next nn of 3ol' Pr,nln promptly 1)od t tend your work out of town-we will do It to suit you1. LET Ua OONVIKCK YOIT The Lenoir Mews. II s the very ttt Adwtlilng tedium, beoM it ia rd by the LargeHt timber of the people of Caldwell County. : ONLY gl.OO THK YKAR H. o. MARTIN", Editor and Prop. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PRICE SI .00 THE YEAR. VOLUME XII. JLENOIR, N.C., OCTOBER 29, 1909. :nto. 1 , i - Five Little Girls Die In the Flames At Lynchburf , Va. Charlotte Chronicle. Lynchburg, Ott. 2(5. The Shel ton cottage, the girls' home of the Presbyterian Orhanage of the Vir ginia Syod, was destroyed by fire this morning about 4 o'clock and with it five little girls, members of the nursery department jpf the in stitution, lost their lives. There were 29 children and two adult women in the building and it is regarded as a miracle that more than half of them were not inciner ated, for the entire basement and first floor were enveloped in flames when the blaze was discovered by Mrs. Priest, the cook, who was sleeping in the structure. When she discovered the blaze she aroused the entire number of occupants. Going to the third floor she brought 12 or 15 girls to the sec ond floor and they were rescued from the top of the veranda for all means of escape through the stair way was cut off aod the building was about ready to fall. Mrs. Priest, after seeing the children in the maiu part of the building out safely, was compelled to jump aud she suffered a dislocat ed shoulder, sprain of her lek and a paiuful wouud on her scalp. She will recover. Only one of the rescued girls was injured and she sutained a sprained ankle by jump ing. One little girl who had been taken out on the roof of the veran da feu ud her younger sister was inside the building and she return ed to get her. Both of them per ished. Hij h Point's Commission Form of Government Islington Digpntch. High Point is delighted with its commission form of government. Kitht different men are hired by the city to look after eight different departments of the government and ouch is entirely responsible for his department. The commiss ion from is the tiling. It is being gradually put in operation in pro gressive communities all over tin county. It will lie seen at a glance that it is much more business-like to have eight men who know all aliout eight departments of the government than to have eight who know very little, or nothing at all, about any of them, w hich is the case with the usual board of aldermen. Coder the commission form, a community says to a man, "Here I want you to take this part of our government and run it. I will pay you so much and you are to be respoonsible for it." The system appeals to all who have rea lized the deplorable failure of municipal government in the l'n ited States. In this connection, te borrow an idea from a Lexington citizen, would it not lie a good idea for the State to appoint non-part isan examiners, after the batik ex arainer plan, and have them to go over the entire State and inspect both county and municipal bookst It would make for clearness, ac curacy, letter liookkeeping,' hon esty and good government. Night On Hald Mountain. On a lonely niht, Alex Benton, of Fort Kdwaid, N. Y., climbed Maid Mountain to the home of a neighbor tortured by Anthnm: bent on eurinir him with Dr. Ki"K'N'ew Discovery. that had cured hinmelf of ntdmua. Thin wonderful medicine eoon re lieved and quickly cured his neigh bor. Later it, cured his (ton's wife of h everc lung trouble. Million be lieve it the greatest Throat and Lunar cure mi earth. Coughs, Colds Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Luiign urc mirelv cured bv it. Heft for Hay Fever i rip ami Whooping Coinrb: fine and 1.00 Trial bottle free. Huar antced by .1. K. Shell. L0SS OF 5.000,000 PbSOS Terrible Floods Resultant From Record-Breaking Storms. Mexico City, Oct. 26. An esti mated loss of five millions of pesos, including crops and fine hardwood, two lives known to be lost and many others, ft is feared, sacrificed in the floods, hundreds of homes in country and town warned away aud thousands of head of cattle drowned are the known results of the disastrous cloudbu rst and storm that broke over the State of Tobas co yesterday, following twenty-one days of incessant rain all over this region. Rivers are out of their banks, towns are inundated, thous ands are homeless and no relief is yet in sight. ' Five hundred families are home ess in the City of Atasta alone. A total of thirty-two and a half inches of water has fallen in the state in three weeks. New Church Buildings in South. More than $1 3,000,000 is repre sented in church edifices reported in The Manufacturers' Record as having l)een built, in course of erection, or definitely planned dur ing the first nine mouths ef 1909 in the fourteen Southern States, the District of Columbia, Oklahoma aud Missouri. Of the total amount f4,:MMi,000 represent Methodist undertakings, 2,bOcS,500 Baptist, $1,840,500 Protestant Episcopal, $1,161,000 Presbyterian, $1)30,000 Catholic, $59,000 Christian, $270,500 Luth eran, 210,400 Jewish and $1,032. 700 various Inxlies with com para tively small following in the South, Iu addition there were reportrd up to October 1 about 100 other edifi ees not included in the table. A Mule With Pellagra. Mr. Ceorge Host, who lives near '"old Spring, in No. S township, brought to the city Tuesdayla mule which had lieen sick since last June. The animal, w hich is 12 years old, could hardly walk and was led to Concord with much difficulty. It was taken to lr. (iritlin, who, alter examining it, could not diagnose the case as one which was common among stock. Heat once examined his veterinary books on pellagra and found that the mule had every symptom of this disease. There are scales all over its face and Iwdy. The mule w ill not eat any thing except corn and has but little appetite for that. Concord Times. . Foretold His Own Death. Winston Sentinel. L'id. Mr. Clingman Henge, aged 50 years, was found dead in bed this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jane Jenkins." Mr. Henge's death was foretold by him almost to the exact hour. On yesterday he repeated the state ment to the family that he was soon to die and on last eveniug he remarked t his sister, with whom he lived, that he would die during the night. He also gave instruc tions regarding the clothes he wish ed to le buried in. CAUSES SICKNESS Good Health Impossible With a Disordered Stooiach. There is nothing that will create sickness or cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people daily contract serious maladies simply through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge every one suffering from any stomach derangement, indigestion or dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic, to try Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets, with the distinct understanding that we will refund their money without question or formality, if after reasonable use of this medicine they are not satis fied with the results, We recom mend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefited by them. Three sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 a box. Sold iu Lenoir only at our store, The Rexall Store. The Lenoir Drug Co. The Managed Town. Charlotte Chronicle. The city of Staunton, Va., has been trying the German system of municipal government. It has no mayor, but employs a general mauager to look after the city's business. This experiment in the way of introducing system and business principles in the conduct of the city's business, is said to have proved remarkably satisfac tory, so much so, indeed, that Charlottesville is goiug to try the experiment, and other towns may follow suit. The Lynchburg News says that Stauton tells visitors to the well kept little city that suc cess in this field depends largely on the man; but this is equally true in a shoe factory or a railroad. It ought to be just as easy, if you pay the price, to secure a good ex ecutive manager for a city's busi ness as for any other business in volving many details and compli cations. It requires the same firm ness; the same knowledge of human nature, the same capacity for quick ami wise action, and the same fidelity of duty. "It is to be hoped,'" says The News, "that Charlottes ville will secure a man with these dualities, and that there mav be one more successful example of ad ministering the affairs of a small city under one business head. Pos sibly some ol the larger cities may find the plan practicable. In any event the Charlottvsvi le experi mentis likely to prove valuable in attesting the w isdom ol grouping and centering administrative func tions within as small a compass as is possible and practicable." A Sprained Ankle. As usually treated a sprained ankle will disaltle the injured person for a month or more, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and observ ing the direction with each bottle faithfully, a cure may in' most cases be effected in less than one week's time. This liniment In a most te tunrkahle preparation; try It for a rprain or a bruise, or when laid up with chronic or muscular rheuma tism, and you are certain to be de lighted with the prompt relief it af fords. For tale by J. K. Shell, Drug gist, Dr. Kenf, Druggist. Million Dollar Bond Issue Good Roads. For Jacksonville. Fla., 2(1. In a special election held today in this ( DnVal) county, the $1,000,000 bond issue was carried. This money is to lie used in building good roads to the county lines conj "hecting with roads from other counties. Lives of Great Men. Lives of great men oft remind us What a lot we owe our wives. Little women get liehind us And makesomethingof our lives. Do not he deceived by unscrupu lous imitators who would have you believe that the imitation pills are as good us DeWitt's Kidney and Hladder Piils. There isn't anything jut n good as these wonderful pills for the relief of Backache, Weak Back, in flammation of the bladder, urinary disorders, nod all kidney complaints. Any one can tHke HeWitt Kidney and Bladder Billls as direct ed in perfect confidence of good re sults. Sold by J. K. Shell, Inoir Drug Co. and Uranite Falls Drug Co. The Comet. Charlotte Chronicle. The Chronicle tells in its news columns of a man at Polkton who distinctly remembers having seen Halley's comet seventy-five years ago and who is living in expectan cy of renewing his visual acquain tance. In this expectation, the Chronicle hopes his wish will be granted to the full. While the comet is visible now through the telescope, it will become brighter as the nights go by until May, when it will be a glori ous spectacle in the sky. The his of this comet is interesting and we find it condensed in readable shape in the Yorkville Enquirer. That paper says it is named in honor of the astronomer who first indentifi ed it and fixed the date for its re apperance by calculating the time of its orbit. He did not live to see his prediction verified, but other men saw it, and have since seen the comet reappear at regular Inter vals of about seventy four years. With the improved instruments of the present time, lietter observa tions will be possible, and the com et will lie more closely studied than ever before. Its nearest approach to the earth will lie in Mav when its distance from us will be 12,000000 miles. Perhaps during its present visit enough will be learned about its course toenable the ast.-ono mers to figure out the exact date of its next re appearance, for this has never yet been possible. After re maining visible for a short time it will again disappear, to travel in limitless space for seventy-four years before returning again. The human mind tails to grasp the meaning of space in which a celes tial body can travel for such a length of time at comet speed and yet not reach the end. What is beyond! The human mind stopped at that question. It cannot con ceive of a universe to which there is no limit as to space, or time to which there is no lieginning or end What a small thing is man, with all his hosted knowledge, face to face with such a thought! Theap pe ranee of a comet does not now strike terror to the human heart as it did in the days of men's greater ignorance. We are prepared for the comig of Halley's comet, thanks to the studies of those ho have lived Itefore us. We shall watch it curiously, knowing it to lie the star which the wise men of the Kast followed at the lierth of Christ. And with the thoughts that its presence w ill bring, we can only turn from our little selves and our little world to the great Cod w ho made aud rules the un iverse, whose creatures we are and who guides all our destinies. Was Fined $65,000. Austin, Tex.. Oct. 2(i. The Standard Oil company of Indiana was today fined $(5.000 in the Dis trict court here for the violation of the Texas anti-trust law. The Security Oil company and the Navarro Refining company con fessed to having entered into a com bineiu violation of the Texas Anti trust law and judgment amount ing to abont $175,000 was entered against the companies. Forfeitures of charters, permits and ousters from the state will at once be pre pared by the court and executed. The suits against the Standard Oil company of New Jersey and the National Transit company were dismissed witluuit prosecution. The Cnion Tank Line company was fined for the value of sixty live tank cars ot oil, which are now in possession ol the state. Fool-Proof is a much abused word. Things have been called 'fool proof that it would take a Philadelphia lawyer t i straighten out or a Sherlock Holmes to understand. A man may buy a "Westinghouse Gasoline Engine" and before he has used it two hours the engine may get hot or his connecting rods grind. But the ONLY reason why this should happen is because he hadn't water enough in his tank or be cause he was trying to run his machine without oil. With ordinary care and ordinary intelligence the "Westinghouse is as 'fool -proof as it is pos sible to make an engine. That's one of its strong points. The "Westinghouse"' is a simplified engine. Kvery single point alwut its machinery and mechanical construction is reduced to the A B C of simplicity. A bright boy can learn all about the WotiughouN and understand it thoroughly in half a day. The "Westinghouse" has no complications of any kind. It is especially built to avoid complications. It has none of the "cranky habits of other engines. We can show you. Let us run one for See us QUICK! you ' Thoughts Along Harness Lines The violation of a law is often called sin. when the law itself is cue. Here is ;i real pointer. Your harness saddle is a sort of (vntral or pivotal point in the horse costume. If the harness is worn and looks a bit shabby, let us sell you a neu saddle. You'll lie surprised at the result. The whole out fit will take on an appearance of new ness and fresh ness, and several years of life will lie added to your harness. We can put in a new saddle for I.!H, and make the public think you liought a bran new harness. "WHEN IN DOUBT, BUY OF PRICE!"' FERTILIZERS We are selling the same "OLD KKLIABLK BRANDS" that we have sold for years. Farmer's Friend Complete Planters Bonk m potash Mixti kk Ri.ik Ridok Wheat (Jkowek Alkaline Bonk Potash Kovstkk's H. (J. Arm Phosi'h vtk PRICKS LOWKR than they have lieen for Several seasons. fjMr. J. A. Bush will wait on you at our old stand where K. D. Pulliam is now located. Yours truly, Geo. E. MOORE If You Want the News While it is News- Read THE LENOIR NEWS.