Our Job Office is Com plete. Your next order respectfully .solicited. The only Semi-Weekly Published in Caldwell County. $1.00 per year. -an6 H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Prop. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PRICE 81.00 TJ fK Y KA R. XTI . LENOIR, TsT.C, NOVlfRER 2J, 11)01) NO. '.). - - It M V i J it In Honor of Daniel Boone. "According to the Lexington Dispatch, Mr. Bhillip Sowers, of Davidson county, has executed a deed to the Daniel Boone Memorial Association, of which Mr. .1. R. McCrary, of Lexington, is chief, giving about three acres of land whereon the traditional site of the Boone cabin is located, for the purpose of the association, which are to build a log cabin like the original, if possible, and store within it certain relics of the Boone family, and preserve the place. The site of the cabin is on a bluff on the Yadkin river, in Boone township, near Boone's ford and Boone's cave. The asso ciation hopes to do something worth while in the way of peipet uating the memory of the old pio neer. It is interesting to hear that the tombstone marking the grave of Boone's father at Joppa grave yard in Davie county has been moved to save it from the hand of souvenir hunters, and is now in Safe keeping in Mocksville. Mr. Bowel's has been very generous and and deserves warm commendation for his gift of the land." Daniel Boone has a large mini ber of relatives in Caldwell county. The oldest man in the county, (Jilliam Coffey, who will be HMi years next May should he live till then, is closely related to the Boone family, and there are many others The wit' of the editor of the News has lioone blood in her veins. Her great grand mother was a Boone, a daughter of ex sheriff John Boone, who was a son of Isreal Boone. The old ritle and powder horn of Isreal Hoone are still in existence and in a good state of preservation. The writer of this has killed mafoy squirrels and other game with the old flint lock rille. The Suckers Bit. Monroe Enquirer. Yesterday a faker struck town aud soon had a large crowd around his buggy, lie told his hearers that he was such an expertlat sell ing things, that he could even sell the dirt under their fH-t if he was SO disposed. Seeing a blade of fodder on the ground the faker SCized upon it, broke oil" a small bit and asked who would pay cents for it. A mnu in the crowd said he wanted the fodder blade and so he paid his quarter and got it; so did seven others, the folder blade netting the faker $2. Now the kind gentleman who had purchased the fodder on faith were handed back their money and also each purchaser given a handfu 1 of jewelry, teaspoons, etc., Iiesides. And now didn't some one else in the crowd want a good razor for Only a doHar. They did. Alxut 75 of them suddenly remembered that they needed a good razor. After the last transaction the faker had business else where - -doubtless In. greener and fresher localities. Bolt Kills Fl)in Ducks. ' Chillicothe, Mo. A freak of lightning at the home of Jacob RrniH'r. h farmer residing south oil town, killed a (lock of wild ducks that was (lying past. Fvery duck was killed. Mr. Bruner picked up forty six birds. When you have a cold the first .thing to do Is hHve the bowe move. ;to not take anything that may ... constipate and roont old fashioned ooogh cures do constipate. Try Ken nedy's LAxatlre Cough Syrup. It drives theo!d from the system by a free yet gentle action of the bowels; It stops the congh, It is pleasrnt to take. Children like it. Sold by J. . E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. and Gran v lu Falli Drag Co., Granite Falls. Partee Matheson Dead. Mr. It.- Partee Matheson, for years a well known and prominent citizen of Alexander county, died at his home in Taylorsville Monday morning at o'clock, after an iilness of three months. For some time his condition had been critical aud death was not unexpected. Mr. Matheson was 7S years old, was a native of Alexander and for many years was prominently con nected with the affairs of his town aud county. His wife and four children sur vive, vi: Dr. K. C. Matheson, of Madison; Mr. Chas. P. Matheson, clerk of the Superior Court of Alexander county: Mr. Walter Matheson and Mrs. H. P. Felmster of Taylorsville. Pour brothers and three sisters alsj survive, as follows: Messrs. J. P., W. B., Mc. and A. Hall Matheson, Mrs. J. T. Sharpe, Misses Mando and Polly Matheson, all of Taylorsville. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He wns buried with masonie honors. Mr. Matheson was well known in Lenoir and in Caldwell County. - -4 Make Butter People Want. (iood butter should be composed of the following points; Flavor, foity live points, grain, twenty live points; color, fifteen points; salt, ten p lints; package, live points. You will notice that llavor gets forty-live points, being nearly half the 100 points. Ye want our but ter to have a sweet llavor; that makes us want to eat butter and bread instead of bread and butter. Perfect grain gets twenty-live points. It should have a waxy softness, yet solid in body and have no excess of casein or water. The color should be uniform and bright, not too pale, yet not too highly colored, while the salt should be evenlv distributed and and thoroughly dissolved. The package should be neat and clean, using a good grade of paper for wrapping. A new game is being played on the farmeis, which, according to The vYaxhaw Kutcrprisc, puts the lightning rod shark in the rear. It is i he barb wire fence promoter. The Enterprise says that this schemer proposes to the larmer "to put up an eight wire fence at eight cents a fool. This seems so cheap the farmer usually signs the con tract, and when the bill comes in, which it is sure to do, the deluded farmer finds he h as agreed to pay eight cents a foot for each wire. When the scheme works he has to surrender his farm in part pay ment and give his note for the bal ance. It seems that there is no end to the snares that are laid for the tanner. A law ought to be passed giving him an open season for the use of his shotgun. Char lotte ( 'hronicl A drove of 900 Thanksgiving turkeys arrived in North Wilkes boro Sunday. They were bought by Mr. K. K. Filer, a local pro duce man. who shipped them Mon day to various Northern points. It is an interesting sight, but not an unusual one at this time of year, to see immense droves Of turkeys driven to market here. Patriot DeWitt's Little Early Kisera-th safe, sure, gentle, easy little liver pills. Be sure to get DeWitt's Car bollied Witch Haisl Salve, the orig inal. Always refuse substitutes and imitations. The original DeWitt's Carboliied Witch Basel Sal ye Is good for anything a salve Is good for, but it is especially good for piles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. and Granite Falls Drug Co., Granite Falls. A Woman's Appeal to a Burglar. By a simple, earnest appeal to a burglar as she sat up in bed in the semi-gloom created by a night lamp Mrs. Beulah Coleman, of Ferguson reached his better nature and caus ed him, with lowered head and slinking steps, to return the money and jewelry he hand taken. 'You are a burglar aren't youf she ask ed of the ligure dimly revealed in the kitchen adjoining. His silence convicted him. 'I'm not going to take you to task for that,' she con tinued" in a low voice calculated not to wake her husband, asleep in the froont room, and the children at her side. 'My husband is an inva lid and I am trying to support this little family. I know you need the money, or you wouldn't be here but I probably need it worse than you. You see these children who are dependent upon me, a woman. Y'ou are a mau. It is for you to decide who needs the money most.' The thief did not answer, but toss ed her husband's pocketbook on the foot of the bed, slid the jewelry out of his pockets on the dresser and left. Adako The lumber business is active again around Adako, as there were several car loads shipped last week . Our merchants are looking pleasant. And if Saturday's in dication meant anything they must be doing good business, for there was quit? a crowd in town. Adako's real estate business is looking up. Several transfers last week, and if the writer is correctly informed there will be several more in the near future. Adako real estate is a good thing, as there is a good demand for houses to rent. Adako's Woodworking machine ry has arrived and work is Indng pushed to get things in working order. Quite a shooting affair occurred recently, near here in the edge of Burke. From what the writer can learn, the shooting occurred over an 'opossum dog. vorv little thing to till the hides of two men full of shot over. XYZ Grand Juror Indicted f or Block ading. I. u in tier ton Kobes on inn. A. II. Prevatt, of Halt Swamp, who was a memle: of the grand jury at this term of court, was arrested Thursday charged with illicit distilling and was placed under 1200 bond for his appear ance at the next term of court. A true bill was returned against him by the grand jury ol which he was a member, an incideut that pro Itably will not uappen again in a a hundud years. Prison For Former Banker. New Orleans, La. Wyatt H. Ingram, defaulting trust officer of the IliU'inia Bank and Trust Company, was sentenced to serve twelve years in the penitentiary. Ingram's shortage amounted to about f 100,0' 10. A Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years for diarrhoea. I con sider it the best remedy I hve ever tried for that truoble. I bought a bottle of it a few days ago from our druggist, Mr. R. K. Brooks. I shall ever be glad to speak a word in its praise when I have the opportuni ty." Rev. J. D. Knapp, Pastor M. E. Chmch, Miles Grova, Pa. Sold by J. E. Shell and Dr. Kent, drug-giita. 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS The B. M. Hyde Co. Offer a Remedy for Catarrh. The Med icine Costs Nothing it it Fails. When a medicine effects a sue cessful treatment in a very large majority of cases, and when we offer that medicine on our own pT sonal guarantee that it will cost the user nothing if it does not cum pletely relieve catarrh, it is only reasonable that people should be lieve us, or at least put our claim to a practical test when we take all the risk. I hese are facts which we want the people to substantiate. We want them to try KexallMucu Tone, a medicine prepared from a j prescription of a physician with whom catarrh was a specialty, and i who has a record vf thirty years of i en viable success to his record. We receive more good reports about Hexall Much Tune than we do of all other catarrh remedies sold in our store, and if more peo ple only knew what a thoroughly dependable reined v Hexall Mucu j'fone is, it would be the only jcatairh remedy we would have any demand lor. Hexall Mucu Tom- is quickly al sorbed and by its therapeutic clfect tends to disinfect and cleanse the entire mucous membraneous tract, to destroy and remove the parasites which injure the membraneous tissues, to soothe the irritation and heal the soreness, stop the mucous discharge, build up strong, healthy tissue and relieve the blood and system of diseased matter. Its in fluence is toward stimulating the muco cells, aiding digestion and improving nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a comparatively short time it brings about a noticeable gain in weight, strength, good color and feeling of buoyancy. We urge you to try Hexall Mucu Tone, iM'ginning a treatment to day. At any time you are not satisfied, simply come and tell us, and we will quickly return our money without question or quibble. We have Hexall Mucu Tone in two sizes, f0 cents ami 1 .00. He memler you can obtain H "xall Hj medics in Lenoir only at our store, The Hexall Store, The Lenoir Drug ( o. Killed By Mis Son-in-Law. (ioldsboro. Nov. L'.'t. A 'plume message from JSnow Hill this after noon states that Owen (iinn, a white farmer living near that town, was shot and instantly killed la.st night by his son-in-law, Mr. Sam Joyner. The particulars over the 'phone are as follows; (iinn had Ih'cii drinking heavily for some weeks and made a desper ate assault upon his family Mon day morning, and while attempt ing to do serious damage to his wife was interrupted by his son Lnby, whom he shot and wounded but the latter still defended his mother and struck his father over the head with a stick, driving him back. The sheriff of the county, later in the day was sent for an (linn, the father, was arrested and carried to Snow Hill, where he was given a preliminary hearing and late last night wasadmitted to ball, $500, which he furnished and de parted for home. On arriving home he armed himself with his gun and at 11 o'clock last night he went to the home of his son-in law Mr. Sam Joyner, and breaking the door down he entered and opened fire on Mr. Joyner, who was in bed. The latter escaped the first shot and before Qinn had time to level his gun for second shot, which he was in the act of doing Joyner got in a shot and killed him where he stood. !KVVPFnYMiJti'u time jiWTffl .Tta...-r -'i A I For there are on sale at the Bernhardt Seagle (Vs. store some splendid ai tides for furnishing your dining room In fact, we are having a little special selling of dining room, furniture. We know that our regular pi ices for good merit are much lower than the prices at other stores the special discounts and you ed in Lenoir. We invite ou HigmKUfflaaifli j. touzjz: A customer came in the other day to buy a new saddle and tecame interested in our repair shop. Saw some old saddles retinished and newly uphol stered and mistook them for new ariivals. 1 eci(Nsl to try our repair shop on his old saddle. Was so pleaded with the result that ho decided not to buy a new one. We lost a sale, but gained an enthusiastic cuslomei . Our repair shop is equipped for all kinds of work. No large factory has better facilities or more skilled wi.ik men . See us alKMit your harness or saddle before oui rush season opens up. "WHEN IN D0U3T. BUY OF PRICE!" Death By Mice Bites. Barnwell, S. ('.. Nov. Blood poisoning, caused by the bits ol pet white mice, today resulted in the death of the six weeks' old child of K. W. Hoi man. Last Fri day afternoon the child was left a loneoualted. The mice, which were pets of the infant's elder sis tcrs, climed on the U-d and gnawed the infant's hands. Her cries brought assistance, but the lacerat ions caused blood poisoning, which todav resulted fatally. , . , "Now, Tommy, " said the Sun - - day school teacher, what does it; nu.iu in the prayer where it says, i 'Iad us not into temptation!" ... .. .. T , , 'I gness it means the Lord neodi 6 not bother about us, because wej can get in ourselv os without being ' led!" answered Tommy. If you have noticed symptoms of Kidney trouble, do not delay in tak ing the most reliable and dependa ble remedy poeeible, such as De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. These wonderful pills are being used with great satisfaction by thousands of people. Try DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills today. Sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. and Granite Falls Drag Co. Granite Falls. igraffiTiginngL' ft: .:i. Mn t f . "Ml- of real ieduct have values never bef.;v equal to share them, won't oii. oust tj G CURES REMOVE D01BT ABOUT ECZEMA CIRC. Read What Vour Orudis! Says About Oil of Wintergreen Compound. Shell Milnillts 1 1 ' re.(!er- of Th in t" tl ,encur New : For several year we h.ive an nounced with ur recommendation, that we luit I toil ml a i t i ve en re tor eeein:. a simple skin wasli. oil ot m i iiterirr.'.-ii eoinpomnl with other healing intrreilieiits et we know there are oeooie right in 'bit. town who have eeeiii!. and st ill have never tried this rem ,.,. We have, therefore, nrrand with thel). I). 1). IvU (oratories of Chicago for a 'ial o(Ter of a trial ,ot,lp Rt 2- cents instead of the 1.U0 bottle as , , regularl v sold. We ofTer this trial bottle with our reeounuendHtion aiui Assurance that just as soon as the patient washes his itching skin, this mild liquid will take the itch away instantly. J. E. Shell, Lenoir, N. C. The Morganton News-Herald says, "the Woodmen of the world have placed a hnndred dollar mon ument at the grave of W. P. Raby, in Forest Hill cemetery, and the widow has been paid $500 insur ance by the order. i )