Our Job Office is Com.' plclc. Your next order respectfully solicited. The only Semi-Weekly Published in Caldwell County. $1.00 per year. . f ttlli ' ' mwm Lit vi it y - it ir ii ii H. C. MARTIN, EDITOR AND PROP. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PRICE SI. 00 THE YEAR. VOLUME XII. , LENOIR, 3ST.C., NOVEMBER 80, 1909. NO. 1. J- A New College for Methodists. The Methodists are to have a great college for girls at Maxton,as the plans for Carolina College shows, and there is already so great an interest in it that even as its buildings are going np there is in sight a great success for an institu tion that means so much for Meth odism. The board of trustees of the Car olina College met in Raleigh this week in the Normal class room of Edenton Street Methodist church Rev. J. E. Underwood, of Rocking ham, president of the board, pre sided. The meeting first hear the report of Rev. Euclid McWorter, the fin ancial secretary. This showed that the affairs of the institution are in good shape, and that the work is progressing steadily for its comple tion. By a unanimous vote the board re-elected Rev. Euclid Mc Worter as financial secretary. The board then discussed the best means for having the buildings complete at an early date. It was finally decided to issue bond in the amount of$50,000 and to use this in completing the plant, which is already in good shape, $41,000 in assets having already been contri buted. Carolina College at Maxton has about it a beautilul campus of twen ty acres in a grove of stately native oaks, having an ideal location for a college. It will be owned and controlled by the North Carolina Conference, which is supporting the movement. Thirty Deaths and 216 from Football. Injuries Football has claimed a toll of 30 lives and 21B injuries during the present season according to figures compiled by the Chicago Record Herald np to last Sunday. This is the largest number of deaths re oordedin nine years according to the Record-Herald figures w hich have been kept since 1901. The 30 deaths include eight col lege players, 20 high school boys and two members of athletic clubs The injuries were divided among 171 college men, 40 high school players and fire from athletic clubs. Tweuty-five suffered inter nal injuries; 19 dislocated ankles, 19 concussion of the brain and 19 fractured ribs. Fifteen legs and nine arms were broken, while twelve collar bones were cracked. There were 1R cases of torn liga ments and 13 fractured shoulders. A Bad Fall. Henrlntha Correspondant to Forest City Herald. Last Friday at the noon hour Raymond Baber, a boy about six teen years old, attempted to de scend from a third story window of the mill. He tied spooler bands to the calender in the cloth-room and and started down: When he had gone only a short distance the bands broke and he fell about thirty feet, striking the ground with such force that his arm was broken in two places, and his thigh was brok-near the hip. His face and head were badly bruised. Drs. Hicks and Wiseman set the brok en limbs and he is doing well. The doctors do not think there are any internal injoriev DeWltt's Little Early Risers the iafe, sure, gentle, easy little liver pills. Be sure to get DeWitt'e Car boliied Witch Hairl Salve, the orig inal. Always refuse substitutes and imitations. The original DeWltt's Carbolited Witch Hael Salve Is good for anything a salve is good for, but it Is especially good for piles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. amd Granite Falls Drug Co., Granite Falls. Four Towns in the Canaries Doomed. Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, Nov. 2t. Four towns, in the path of the streams of lava that are thrown out by half a dozen craters, are to day threatened with destruction. The situation is critical. Inhabi tants of the apparently doomed towns are fleeing, and those of the fifth, Arguayo have appealed tor aid. The four chiefly endangered by lava are Tanque, Tamaimo, Chashna and Santiago. The entire island in rocked almost continuously by theTiemor that accompany the violent ex plosions and eruptions. Ashes darken the sky all over the Canar ies, floating many miles. Ravines and gullies are filled with lava. The situation about Mount Bilina today was more ci itical than ever. Flames -ire shot from the peaks to great heights, sometimes reaching more than 1,000 feet. From all over the island refugees are fleeting to Santa Cruz. The government has started work on the opeuing of a way from Guia to SauJuna on the cost. The Red Cross has a large organization in the field. The Bloodhound and the Con vict. "Dave Harris was a convict and escaped from a farm, was shot at several times while making his escape, a bloodhound was put on the tract. He was chased to Tar river, where he plunged in the water, the bloodhound being close on his heels, clinging to his shirt, and was towed across the river and there killed by Harris, who made a complete getaway." Afteiward Har ris was captured by au officer. How he killed the noble blood hound is not stated, but it is sup posed that, after loosing the feroci ous least from his shirt tail, he choked it te death, or else took it by the tail and dashed its brains out. Talk alRHit- bloodhouuds, when one couldn't make good even after he had firm hold of the caudal appendage of his victim's shirt!"' Lady Refused to Dance with Guest- Two Dead. Mobile, Ala., Dispatch, 22. When the daughter of Hiinon Nelson refused to dance with Wes ley McKenzie at a social affair be ing given in her own home at Barnwell, a town in a remote sec tiou of Baldwin county, Saturday night, a bloody duel followed. Two men are dead, and four are injur ed, and four are under arrest on the charge of murder. Married in Statesville N. C. In the Nurses' Cottage adjoining Dr. Long's Sanatorium, on north Center street, at 8 o'clock Wednes day evening, Miss Nina Elizaleth Corpening, of Morganton, who Iihs Imh'ii a nurse in the sanatorium alout two years, and Mr. Fred erick William Ross, of Morganton, were married, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Harold Turner. Croup Cured and a Child's Life Saved "It affords me great pleasure to add iuy testimony to that of the thousands who have been benflted by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, My child, Andrew, when only three years old was taken with a severe attack of croup, and thanks to the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy his life was saved and today he Is a robust and healthy bov," says Ms. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio Texas. This remedy has been in use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep it at hand, and It has never beeu known to fail. For sale by J. E. Shetland Dr. Kent, drug gUts. The Commission From of Gov- eminent. Charlotte Chronicle. Last May the town of Higi Point adopted what is known as commission from of government. Asked to give some information as to ther operations of this system in High Point, The Fnterprise, in furnishing the desired matter, ex plains at the outset that the High Point plan is on a modified scale; there beii)g eight, instead- lof four commissioners. The affairs of the town are divided under eight heads each commissioner having a de partment of his own. The Enter prise says that the charter creating this form of government restricts the city from going into debt and the council can spend no money that is not in hand. The com miss ion from of government also re quires that monthly statements be published, which gives every citi zen in the community an oppor tunity of seeiug just exactly the condition the city finances are in all through the administration. Under the commission orm the mayor, if he chooses, has a vote in the couucil aud it also gives him veto power and he is, strictly speaking, supervisor of the entire affairs of the city. He not only has veto power, but has the right to suspend any officer for neglect or malfeasance in office, aud this decision can only be changed by a two-thirds vote of the council. "On account of so many drastic changes which are necessitated by the charter," says The Enterprise, "is has taken some time to get every department of the city systematiz ed and even after this is done it takes time io get accustomed to the changes, but taking it as a whole and judging so far of the few months work in which the city has operated under this plan, it is going to prove very satisfactory in every way. And more than anything else it is going to get the affairs of the city on a business basis, and we doubt aftej its trial of two years that anybody will want to return to the old w ay ol conducting the municipal affairs. If there is anycritcism at all to be mode on the form as used in High Point, it is that possibly the city could facilitate matters somewhat if there were four commissioners instead of eight. However, it seems to please the majority of our people that the representation ot the board be larger and perhaps it was best iu the beginning to divide the work as it was done here. We believe that in a tew mouths time the city of High Point will be able to show to the other towns iu North Carolina that there is no other way of conducting the affairs of the city except through the commission pla'i of government." That is a very good showing for the system as tried out iu High Point. It could be improved, no doubt, as The Enterprise suggests by reducing the number of com missioners byjialf, but as it Stands, it seems to work an improvement over the old order of things. A chauffeur ran over a man in California recently and killed him. The iudtre rave him ten vears in the penitentiary, but later sus j o r " pended judgment aud put the man on probation. He will stay out of iail iust as lonir as he pays the widow of his victim 125 a month toward the support of her childreu. t f o - If you have noticed symptoms of Kldoey trouble, do not delay in tak ing the most reliable and dependa ble remedy possible, such as De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills These wonderful pills are being used with great satisfaction by thousands of people. Try DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pills today. Sold by J. E Bhell, Lenoir Drag Co. and Granite Falls Drag Co. Granite Falls. TiitY INJURE CHILDREN Ordinary Cathartics and Pills and Harsh Physic Cause Distressing Complaints. You cannot be over-careful in the selection of medicine for chil dren. Only the very gentlest bowel medicine should ever be given, except iu emergency cases. Ordinary pills, cathartics and purgatives are apt to do more harm than good. They cause griping, nausea and other distressing after effects that are I requently health destroying and a life-lasting an noyance. We personally recommend aud guaiautee Rexall Orderlies as the safest and most dependable remedy for constipation and associate bowel disorders. We have such absolute faith in the virtues of this remedy that we sell it on our guarantee of money back in every instance where it fails to give entire satis taction, and we urge all in need of such medicine to try it at our risk. Rexall Orderlies contain an en tirely new ingredient which is odor ess, tasteless and colorless. As an active agent, it embraces the valuable qualities of the bestkuown intestinal regulator tonics. Rexoll Orderlies are eaten like candy. They are particulorly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness or other undesirable effects. They have a very natural action upon the glands and organs with which they come in contact, act as a posi tive and regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel and its dry mucous lining; remove irritation, overcome weakness, to e and strengthen the nerves and muscles, and restore the bowels and assoeiate organs to more vigor ous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies completely re ieve constipation, except when of a surgical character. They also tend to overcome the necessity of constantly taking laxatives to keep the ttowels in normal condition. There is really no medicine for this purpose so good as Rexall Or derlies, especially for children, aged and delicate persons. They are prepared iu tablet form, iu two sizes of packages: 12 tablets 10 cents, and 3ti tablets 25 cents. Re member you can obtain Rexall Re medies in Lenoir only at our store, The Rexall Store. The Lenoir Drug Co. Oklahoma Church Engages in Farminf;. Beaver, Okla., Nov. 25. Iu or der to raise enough money to pay off the indebtedness on the Chris tian church here, the congregation has taken up farming, and yester day sold a crop of broom corn grown on a 40 acre field near the church. All the work was done by the congregation, headed by the pastor. Women and children helped gather the harvest, which made over five tons of broom straw and sold for $880. Good Cough Medicine for Children and Grown Folks, Too. "We could hardly do without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says Mrs. Flora Pes pa In of Bloyd, Ky. "I found It to be so good for the croup and have used it for years. I can heartily recommend it for coughs colds and croup in children and grown folks, too." The above shows the implicit confidence tbat many mothers place in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a confidence based on many years' experience in the use ot it. No one need hesitate to use this remedy for it contains no chlor oform, opium or other narcotics and may be given to a child aa confident ly as to an adult. For sale by J. E Shell and Dr. Kent, druggists. The Tools of the Housekeeping Trade "START RIGHT." That's our advice to young couples just beginuiug housekeep ing. Don't put a dollar into anything that isn't of the highest quality that you can afford to buy. Better a little and good than much aud infeuior. To young men and women we send a SPECIAL invitation to examine our vari ous lines. We promise to show them how to shop to their own advantage. We have had some experience in fitting out those just starting with the tools of the housekeeping trade, and what we've learned might be worth somethiug to you. Harness Repairs ished and rough. In short, it looks like a repair job the moment you see it. We make a job look as near like new as possible. This can be done if you send your job to a good repair man. When you are having an argument with yourself about a job, drop us a line and let us say what we think. You can depend on ns. "WKEl It DOUBT. BUY OF PRICE.!" Little is Found Guilty. Bluefield, W. Va., Nov. 27. Howard Little was today found guilty of murdering family of six and was seutenced to death in the electric chair at Richmond, Janu ary 7. He will be taken to Rich mond to-night. The murder was traced through a bloody penny given to a news boy. Howard made no defence. The court house surrounded by armed guards during the trial to prevent an attack and the lynching of the prisoner. A Scalded Boy s 8hrieks horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Ma ria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when all thought he would die Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cats, Corns, Wounds, Bralsee. Cures Fever-Sores, Boils, Skin Fraptions, Chiblalns, Chapped Hands. Soon routes Piles' 85e at J. E. Shell's. 5niniMMm,'''u-ik''-'wff You know there are two sorts (if repairs good and bad. A badly repaired job is an eyesore to any one. Looks clumsy, looks utthin Treating Sweater Necks. Woman's Home Companion for l)e oeinber. If the neck of a sweater becomes Htretched too wide from wearing, do not sew-up or cut out any of it; simply dip neck part in clear warm water, wring out lightly, and hang up to dry. The neck will, when dry, have resumed its original shape and size. A Methodist Minister Iteoonnuends I unaruoeriain s L one. noiera and Diarrhoea Reiuedv. 1 have used Chanabe rlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years for diarrhoea. I con sider it the bent remedy I Iw.ve ever tried for that truoble. I bought a bottle of it a lew days apo from our druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks. I shall ever be giad to speak a word in its praise when I have the opportuni ty." Rev. J. D. Knapp, Pastor M. E. Chnich, Miles Grova, Pa. Sold by J. E. Shell and Dr. Kent, druggists.

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