r 7 -N Our Job Office is Cora, plete. Your next order respectfully solicited. The only Semi.Weekfy Published in Caldwell County. $1.00 per year. J H. C. MARTIN, EDITOR AND' PROPRIETOR PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS PRICE Sl.00 THE YEAR VOLUME XII LENOIR N. C DECEMBER 24, 1909 NO. 17 Atlanta City Prison Described as "Inhuman, Incredible and Vile." Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 17. Supt. 1). M. Vining and Guard P, Cor net were indicted today aud condi tions at the city prison known locally at the stockade, were pro nouoced "inhuman, incredibleand vile,"byt'ie grand jury, which has been investigating the jail. The jury recommends a clean sweep in the office force and the immediate. establishment of condi tions fit for human beings. The report states that the jurors who inspected the stockade found the stench so foal that the members were forced to wrap handkerchiefs arouud their faces to endure the trip and that some of them were made sick by the vile odors. The report xjoncloded by stating that the stables iu which the mules were kept were much more habi table than the prison. In the negroes' quarters were found nearly 200 prisoners, shack ed so that they could neither bathe nor change clothes, the room had not a single ventilation, the sick were unattended ana mere were no sanitary arrangement. One prisoner, ill wicn typhoid, was left on a filthy blanket. Another with a gunshot wound in the breast had for a covering next to the wound a shirt that was so dirty that the committee did not see how he could escape infection. The women's quarters, even those for white women convicted of trivial offenses, were no better, and the jurors said they had reason to be lieve that shackles had been taken off the women l)ecause the officials learned of the in tended visit of the inquisitors. The barbarous modes of punishment, including leaden reveted, leade.i straps: rings in the walls to which prisoners were sus pended for as long as 40 minutes in succession, and whippingchairs, were roundly denounced as in human. The report says that all this is the more inhuman because the piisoners are sent to the stock ade because they are unable to pay a money fine for misdemeanors. Boone Kelics Wanted. Lexingten Dispatch. The Daniel Boone Memorial As sociation, which is having a cabin erected on the site ot the pioneer's home, wants folks everywhere to donate relics of pioneer times and of Indians, no matter what, for the association purpose to fill the cabin with all such things. There is a crreat abundance of this sort of stuff scattered here and there throughout the State, and if a goodly collection could be made it would add much interest to the Boone memorial. Anybody hav ing anything of this nature might write Mr. L. B. McCrary, of Lex intrtoo. Who is "Daniel Boone fiend," and he will promptly at tend to all the necessary particulars and details. Death of Rev. J. A. Oertel, D. D The Rev. Johannes a. Oertel, died at the residence of his son Mr. J. F. Oertel, in Vienna Va on Dec. 9. He was buried leside his wife near Vienna. Mr. Oertel had many friends and admirers iu Lenoir, having been rector of St James church here at one time. He was an artist and wood carver of wide reputation. Stung For 15 Years by Indlgestiou's pangs trying ninny doctors and $200.00 worth of medicine in vain, B. F, Ayscue, of Ingleslde N. C, at last used Dr. Klng'sl New Life PilU, and write- they wholly cured hlro. They c ure Constipation Bllliousness, . Sick Headache, Stomach, Liver, Kidney nd Bowel troubles. 25c at J. E. Shell. Preachers' Salaries in the West ern North Carolina Conference. North Carolina ClirlBtlan Advocate. The salaries of preachers in our Conference are sadly too low. The rank and file get salaries so uncer tain and meagre that they cannot render the best service because of natural anxiety for the comfort of their wives and children and ina bility to pay the accounts they are forced to contract in order to keep soul and body together. Last year 120 of the 222 pastois in our Con ference received salaries not exceed iog 1600, aud the great majority of these did not get over $400, which is barely moie than a dollar a day. The preacher who can keep his horse and buggy in order, wear passably decent clothes, feed his wife and little ones and keep out of debt on 1400 a year, and go to Conference merry-hearted and thankful, is a true hero and a fin ancier of the highest type. The greatest opportunity for the laymen in this Conference is to arouse the brethren to a full sense of the ob ligation to pay the preacher a liv ing salary, and we make bold to say that there is not a charge in the Conference that could not in crease the salaries from 50 to 100 per cent, if stewards will first as ress themselves liberally and then start with determination and sys tem to raise the balance. A stingy and indifferent board of stewards will never lead the people to gen erous giving, hut when they set a liberal example the people will rally to them. But system must Ihj followed. Levy the assesssment by the week or month and let the collectors busy themselves to raise it that way and when the yeareuds the preacher will be paid and the people will pay more and with greater ease. Overman At Baltmore. Charlotte Chronicle. Senator Lee S. Overman, who, shortly after he went to Congress, was rated by some enterprising news-paper man as being worth a million, and who was tapped next day for all sorts of loans from the price of a drink up to ten thous and dollars, was one of the orators at the seventh annual banquet of the North Carolina Society in Bait imore; Tuesday night. He told of how the State has pulled to the tfront. At the present time, he said, "North Carolina is one of 'the richest of the Southern States. She has more cotton mills than any State in the Union. She has no cities, but towns, villages and country places filled with a people with money in the banks, debts paid, mortgages gone and every thing io fine condition. And be sides, she has Rent about 350,000 men to build op the great West." That and much more to the same effect, all, as a matter of course, very well gotten off. It is quite trne, as Senator Overman further said, that everywhere one may go, from North Carolina to California, he "will find a North Carolinian in (rout of the procession." The man who called North Carolina a Kip Van Winkle,, ought to manage to get a furlough somehow, and come back for a few days to take a look around. Rich Men s Gifts Are Poor, beside this: "I want to go on record as saying that I regard Electric Bit ters as one of the greatest gifts that God has made to woman, writes Mrs. O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y., "I can never forget what it haft done for me." This glorious medicine gives a woman buoyant spirits, vigor of body aud Jubilant health. It quickly cures Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Headache, Backache, Fainting and DIixt Spells; soon builds up the weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 50c. at J. E. Shell A Great Invention. A famous Roumanian surgeon, Doctor Thomas Jonnesco, is now in this country demonstrating a new method invented by him lor ad ministering anaesthetics, which, if it proves all that its inveutor claims for it, will bid fair to do more for practical surgery than anything that has been done since anaesthetics first came into use. The new injection is a combina tion of two drugs, stovaine and strychnine, administered hyperd emnically into the spinal cord just below the neck. The effect is that the patient to be operated on remains perfectly conscious, can see and hear every thing that is going on, but is en tirely insensible to pain, and watches the cutting of his owii flesh or bone just as he would watch an operation upon another. It is true that in England, where he demonstrated his invention be fore coming to this country, some of the more conservative surgeons doubted the safety of the new method and shook their heads at the idea, but for all that Doctor Jonnesco is going placidly on, show ing what he can do. If it is really what its inventor claims it to In; humanity will be his debtor, and one important fact that goes far to make us believe that there is much to it is the fact that the doctor has neither patent ed his invention nor kept secret the drugs he uses, but on the con trary has made the entire matter public and invited all to make use ot it, himself showing just how it is done. We claim no expert kuowledge on the subject of anaesthetics, but we do know, as everyone must know, that a drug or combination of drugs which have no effect upou the heart leaves the patientfully conscious aud relieves all pain is far and away ahead of anything we now have in the domain of surgery. Greensboro News. Puette S: Knox Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Seaboch Building, Spring Street Lenoir, North Carolina All kinds of Plumbing, Pipe Fitting, Sewerage and Water Connections promptly attended to. Big stock of Bath Tubs, Lavatories and Plumbers' Supplies on haud at all times. See us for estimates. Puette & Knox Macadam Roads are coming our way at last You will need the Strongest Wagon Madewhich is The J. I. NISSEN Medium Height Wheel Lumber Wagon -SOLD Henkel Horse r A Christmas Message. By Mary Sturck. An angel choir is Hinging, In a land across the sea, And its munie, upward winging. Is a wonderful harmony; O heautlful, wonderful music, (J matchless; melody. In the lingering strain of thy sweet refrain, Is there a message for me? The Christmas bells are ringing, Over every land and sea; In their melody, upward winging, Is the same sweet harmony; O beautiful, wonderful music, Floating o'er laud and sea. In the lingering strain of thy sweet refrain, Repeat thy message to me. Hark! While the bells are ringing That story of heavenly love. To every soul they are bringing A message from above; O beautiful, wonderful music, Re-echo again and again, Till the Spirit of Love, come to us from above, Rules all the sons of men. Selected. The Asheville Gazette News Washington correspondent, under date of Saturday, says: "Mayor Rhettand wife, of Charleston, slept at the White House as guests of the Tafts last night. They are the first Southerners to have lodgings in the Executive Mansion since Clevelands's administration.'' It is a fact that the atmosphere of the White House is now much more congenial to Southerners than it has been since Cleveland left it. People from all parts of the coun try are made to feel that they have a sort of proprietary interest in the home of the President. Charlotte Chronicle. Looking One's Best. It's a woman's delight to look her best but pimples, skiu eruptions, sores and boils rob life of joy. Listen! Bucklen's Arnica 8alve cures them; makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Cracked Lips, Chapped Hands. Try it. Infallible for Piles. 25c at J. E. Shell. X BY- & Mule Co. FURNIT For Christmas Gifts And thoy are bjtli useful and ornamental. It's mighty hard sometimes to know whnt to give you thinkand think and finally decide on something with which you do uot feel satisfied. Instead of trying so hard yourself, why dou't you visit the Bernhardt Seagle store, a Ithousand and one things, gift pieces suitable for everyone to w hom you would give, will suggest themselves and you'll readily and more than satisfac torily settle the gift giving question. We invite vou to come. 1 TSJ proof of that you can have by stopping in and viewing the harness itself. You could afford to pay more than ordinary prices for such superior quality, but you don't have to at this shop. How One Doctor Successfully Treats Pneumonia. "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, AJa. "the only remedy I use for the lungs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, While, of course, I would tieat other symptoms with diflereut medicines. I have used this remedy many times in my medical practice aud have yet failed to find a case where it has not controlled the trouble. I have used if myself, as has also my wife for coughs and colds repeatedly, and I most willingly and cheerfully recom mend it as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge." For sale by J. E. Shell Druggist, Dr. Kent Druggist. RE A Good Team needs good harness to do A proper work. And by good l we mean a great deal. We mean good in appearance, j good in material, good in workmanship, g( od in fit. I I THAT KIND OF HARNESS can lest lx had here. The An evangelist asked all the men present who were honest and paid their debts to stand up. All rose but one. He said he was the local editor and couldn't pay his debts because the men standing were his delinquent subscrilers. The best pill is DaWitt's Little Early Risers--the safe, easy, pleasant and ure little liver pills. DeWUt's Carbolized Witch Haiel Salve Is the original. Wood for cuts, barns or bruises, and especially for piles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. and Granite Falls Drug Co, Granite Falls.