H. C. MARTIN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND JRIOAYS PRICE 51,00 THE YEAR VOLUME XII LENOIR N. C, DECEKEER 21, ISC9 NO. 13 Elijah H. Crump Dead. This "veteran who wore the Gray" died at his home near Oamewell, Caldwell comity, on Tuesday night, Dec. 28th, 1909. He seemed during the day to lie in his usual health and the call came to him almost without warn The Contradictory Pictures. Charlotte Chronicle. Listen at this unbelief Says the Greensboro Record: With Dr. Cook in exile, or at least gone, noi one knows were, and Copenhagen intimating that he is a fake, we have about arrived at the conelus- Shooting- at long Ranje, Never Missing the Mark, Every Shot Fatal. ing. He was in the 73rd year of j01, expressed by the old lady who Liaville Items. Well. ( 'hi istinas is abnu i ami l'i! tltetnpt give the i as thev are. ovc i'en his age. He leaves his affectionate help meet a widow, and a son, Dr. II. P Crump, a prominent citizen of Mississippi, also Hoy Crump and brother, graudsons, living near Gamewell to mourn his loss. In his death our county loses a good citizen and the Confederate Veterans a brave and faithful comrade. Sergeant Crump volun teered for the war in 18fJ2 and joined Co. H. 58th N. C. Keg't. The Company was raised in Cald well county. His first service was in Tenn. and Kj. In August 18(53 the Regiment, with other troops of (Jen. Ibickner's corps, then occupy ing East Ten n., reinforced Bragg's army near Chattanooga. On the 19th, and 20th of Sept. following whs fought the great JIattle of Chicamauga in which over thirty thousand men were killed, wound ed or captured. Sergeant Crump's name was reported on the ofticial list of the casualties as mortally ' wounded. He was struck down by three balls, near the enemy's fortified .line, in a charge made ly his bri gade on their stronghold. The Brigade lieing temporarily re pulsed he lay lor some time be ' tween the contending lines ex posetl to the lire from both sides. He had for weeks a hard struggle for life but eventually was restored to health and strength, though was more or less a cripple for life from his wounds. lie was an enthusias tic Confederate Veteran to the day of his death. These veteran or ganizations receive no rcciuits and the ranks are rapidly thinning out. Soo they will be known in his toi y and then it may lie said ot them "On fame's Internal camping ground Their silent tents are spread, And (iloiy guards with solemn round The Bivouac of the dead . ' ' Sergeant ('run p's death comes very near to the w ritcv, his Cap tain in ISli.'i. and he feels deeply his personal loss of a brave and trusted comrade and good friend in all these years of war and peace. (i. Y . F. II autkr. Murder and Suicide. London, Ky., Dec. 22. A trip pie murder and suicide occurred at Pittsburg Ky., a mining village, today when William Murray, a miner, shot and killed his wife and her mother, and Flbcrt Cole and himself. .Murray's objections to the alleged attentions of Cole to Mrs. Murray are given as the cause of the crimes. Murray enteied the store and without a word, shot Cole. Then he went to his home nearby and shot his mother-in law as she was leaving the house. lie then shot his wife, who was returning from a visit to a neighbor. He dragged his wife within the yard, laid her dying beside the body of her mother and fired a bullet through Mrs. Murray's heart. He then shot him self and fell lietween the women's bodies. Stung For l. Years by Indigestion's pangs trying many doctors nnd $300.00. worth of medicine in vain, H. F, Aysoue, of Inglesi.le, N. C, at last, used Dr. King's, New Life Pills, and write they whclly cured libn. They cure Constipation, I Hilliousness, . Sick Headache, Stomach, Mver, 'Kidney nod Howel troubles. 25c at J. E. Shell. was 93 veal's of age. One of her children rushed into her room one day and told her that Dr. Cook had discovered the North Pole. Wait ing just a moment she looked up and said: 'He's a liar.' A few days thereafter the son again went in and told her that Peary had (lis covered the Pole. 'He's a liar, too,' remarked the old ladv and she would hear no more of it. We have almost arrived at the conclus ion that the whole bunch are liars. Fact is, science or no science, we don't believe a man can tell when he is at the North Pole; he might pass all around it and not know it." One feature of t his North Pole business that we have not seen com niented upon is the "discrepancy., between the alleged photographs of the Pole. Cook's picture sho vs a flat field of ice, adorned with an ar chitecturally perfect liiimo hut. Peary's picture shows a lofty pole of ice, cathedral shaped, just asone might imagine the Pole to lie. Our opinion, reluctantly formed, is that Cook could not hae built the hut under a week's time and that Peary could not by any possi ble means, have scaled the icy pin nacle and planted the tlag that is shown there in his photograph. From which it is to be inferred that almost unconsciously The Chronicle has fallen into thelineof thought oiced by The Record, that Iwjth are liars. Let It Be Preached. The Observer has some sympa thy with the position taken by Dr. J. A. Burroughs of Asheville with regard to the "Sanitary Sunday" proposed by (lovenor Li itehin.con templating a discussion of tidier culos's by pastors from their pul pits, but disagrees, nevertheless. Dr. Bui roughs, we believe, does not discriminate between the pro priety oi a discourse from the pul pit upon outside matters winch are controversial in their very nalurei like prohibition, for example, ami such outside matters as the tuber miosis problem. Suiely every one will grant that I his greatest scourge of the human race can never be wiped out or materially lessened until the people have Iwen educat ed regarding prevention for its prevcnlability s now a well recog nized fact and cure. The tuber culosis problem has been declared by the most eminent specialists to be almost altogether a matter of popular education, ami mcasuics by public health authorities in ac cordance with the sentiment creat ed thereby. Fverv one can do much for himself if he knows how, and what he cannot do the community can. Jesus was teacher and heal er as well as preacher; why, then, should not His ministers wageedu cational war against disease! They are tn a position to help greatly. Charlotte Obsei ver. In this advancedage of great and witty inventions, with itsextraord inary improvements; we are led to the conclusion that, the civilized world has not outstripped passed ! genera' ions quite so ftr in any line as in that of improved lire :.!ms as now used, upon both sea and land. It is indeed astonishing to see a soldier carry ing a i i Ho by which he I can throw a ball through a pi ce ut Steele equal to two K. K. rails or at least it would lie almo-t incon eeivcable to our good fathers, of 150 years ago, as they carried the flint and steel litle in search of gam.1, but alas! it is yet too true that "The children of this woild. led by a great mastc spirit i the devil i are wiser in their day ami generation than the children of light." For he, the great arch fiend, by human agency, has built and placed on every held of van tage a great and awful gun which shoots at long rage. neer nnssc-, and every shot is fatal . W hen in on i own good state he was wed entr n chedm unions and sundry plans yea. in almost every town and hamlet his batteries stood in bold defiance to all the best interests of our fair land, cripling our church life, dw arfing our citien ship foul ing our daughters, ami ursing our little ones in the tender years of their iunocency , yes w hen all this and inor , was true, there arose over this dark ami dreadful lield of carnage and death, a glitering star of hope, yea louder than the cries of orphans by the thousand and deeper than the stile of crushed and broken hearted mothers, or as the cry of our good people for de liverancc, until on that beautiful 20th, of .May 1908, thank God for given us that day our good fatheis and brothers the bravest of the brave and the ti nest of the true marched in solid Phaanx U tin ballot box and gav e to us a prohi bition law in the state, thus driv ing from our own holders the mighty battel ies of sntan. Yet we lind his guns are hunt for long range, never miss and every shot is fatal. W e lind that he shoots his fatal bombs, i ,1 ugs and I Kit ties i f, oin one state to aim' net , and at uc'ii distance he hits , v cry lime i..d e ei shot is at ai . M an of us Now Christinas ! with il a c"ld bias' :':. and p'c!'. y of sn ,. . T'.i col ! s we.it 'see e ha ..light An' my n anvil in '!') til ill's " . ii) trie tin t lh. ;he in the name of our grown sons and fair daughters and for the sake of .our innocent little ones who prat tle about our feet. Let us do all that we can to enforce the prohibi tion laws of our state, and to sup press or check the satanic Imtn1 being showered upon us from with out the stale, nn. let the oltic is I and parents get as neatly as p..s s li ': i between the guns ol th em inv and their children aid in as many cases as possible ward o'f his fatal shots for it does not re Uu? exeicise presents for the clit'.d quire the imaginative powers of a rci. and every bo I v weie t.ik' u poet to see in our own ami other i,(,m a lo ided tree an I deliver-d to lkuowth.tr towns, .luring the next ten days lhl.m Then an intelligent address Billy, He's fnci h. Torn t ;t let 'er, n r, a .... i - West. .1 irr - ,i. I 'mv.i-i. v i aire- 'li I e at I 1 1. Mi -chin Had nic- h;;l' III ale the bi I t a ! I eiti-v COM I' llv I lie ,eu 1-e ti 24:!.. ,.!,. Allel !l- i in ; tint that--' ::. r.u I I;- .1 valla' -e!s, ;U,d Il 1 1 e f 1 1 1 , to go. ;anv scarred and blurred face- was given by Prof. Sheperd M. ana moiiiers ne res ci ushen ty l lie ; Duggar, after which the audience fatal shol of the long range gun. 1 w Us dismissed and ail went home "Men and brethren" we are in ; happy and wi ll pie ised with their e crisis in this awfu! matter, now 1 ,, .... 1 Mr. and Mrs. I',. J. Y'oung of Foscoe hav e moved to the Nursery, a place near here. W e are pleased to h ve good people move in. Mi. 1 one Lovcu went to his store this morning and found the to this ut h 1 ng has i, eii I i is ..I W ,.s II.Ci 1 . .g t 1 .1 .. 1 . lie W se V el I i I t .i.e lU'llSe. 1 "Hi" opened the door. Mr. and Mrs. IMS. Loven and laiuiiy took dinner at Mr. Me iU e's unlay . i hey u-poiiagood lh is the time lor all good men who love our chinch, our state and our (iod to stand tine, 1st by hiding hiuiselt from the fatal gun. 2nd. by so lar as possible prut ct ing his own household old. bv keeping w atch over his neighbors. H!i, by talking ami praying to the door st Hiding open. I p law makers of our countiv foi time n help. Ciewi Mas the sjiii it of ( ind guide n in this aw in! matter. I II i " 1 . I V ... ' . I . I, I . I 1 t -Hi j. t. it ion for a v ouiisters :n r he vvV-r. Km 1 l.-lieve,l our Kiily hid the COIiriirel tO Test. An' when 1 e re't I nnn-il h mo" the ever w tit i u -mri'i TiiHt lie l.ke iinlih'u sa'pints in iif" patliw v, every wheres. 1 Hir " II, lit? ;r i iis,., fa.it 'if nl to lie k -erf ul. an' . Ilowvd He'd (mild a re;i nation that'll maku us tuightv proud. Hut it seems as how my eoimsel sort o fadeil from his mind. An' now the bo 's m troudle of the very wusfest kni'i' w i : side I '.ai.s :ut i -.1.1, s h el -. I ii s Stil'.l Ills I.-tt-o s. ."I. Th.it i; 'ii j i so s,. iloru t hat I r- kin. ,.! a trim e on ;i . y i . ..hi; l'i igllied he would ! in sti.-tllie. 'vieil.i w.ili er his ol' . ire, I name. The Game of Pi?. Any one who has not played tl'ctmu game ol rig has yet to learn v lust a really thrilling game is. It can le played either for prizes or with forfeits and is cither wav delight ful. The cards u.scd are those of the euchre deck which are dealt as for Old Maid. Players sit around a general table and cards are dealt face down. Kvery one matches the cards dealt to him as quickly and quietly as he can, the object laying to get out of cards as soon as possi- Mr. ami Mis.. John Henly are hack liom Krwin, Tenn. No one w ho stays at Lmvillea w hile can afford to leave to stay. ble. As soon as any player finds himself out of cards ( which is done by drawing and matching as in Old Maid i he says nothing about it, There has Ihhmi a lot ol boo.e here during Xmas, but every body seemed to know how to take the boo.e. Mr. J as. Cibbs and little son, Roy, have gone to Yancie county to visit friends and home folks. Was pleased to see the Kelsy Items in hist issue. Hope they will come often and give us a long I lo W . . i'. i All III I 1 1 e d 1 1 -1 il.tddv s lion He writes from out in Denver, an' the stors s niic'ny liort. I just can't ted ins mother; it'd crush her po r o!' heart ! An' so I reckon!, parson, you inili hrenk the news to tier Hill' in the Legislator'. di .e-n'f sa v what fur. tint lie The Attorney General on the Near-Beer ase. I n aiguing the case of State vs. I inneburg, in the Supreme Court last week, in support of the Char olte ordinance, and the right of North Carolina cities to control the near Ihs i problem with license tax is within their discretion. Attorn ey (ieiiera! lli 'kett said: "What is near beei? The testimony in this i case shows t hat it is a beverage This is a signal for all players to, Mi. W alter ( . ragg of N.g.naw UuU w as ; susti do the same thing that is, to lay has gone to liui iisviile, ancle aside their cards and observe si county. Wonder why he went so lence. but most players arc too m far away to take Christmas? tent upon the game to notice the silence reigning in other parts of but folds his hands under the table j1 the tai.le. vine ny onetlicy i.ccome , s;l s , h(1 MRnv is ,inl.(i M, i..i v aware of this fact ami .piietly !' tlal xv!)i,.kl can't pass. now ii in. ir earns. i ne last in no so is the Pig. who must either for tuteforre.il beer. Our bibulous citizens cry foi it as children cry for Custoria. It is made by the Mr. Monroe Colby, of Piuola, j people who make beer, and drunk came up to Linville to day and lie I by the people who drink Iwer. It aiesoiry that we ,a t go lo on , ' 1 his chance lor t he pi i.e or pay a fnrtcit accord l ng to the arrange incuts made in advance of the garni Kieh Men's Hilts Are Poor, beside this: "I want to no on record nssavinir that I retrard Kleetrie bit ters as one of the greatest Kitts t hat 10i' lo not f latter you i-sel ves. sistei states and dine b I in liom Ills hold t hei e, t hat is not in our power, but are we entirely help less can wedo nothingat ail! Let us reason a bit, when the I led men carried t he lw and arrow in our country we could not prevent their shooting but, we did have enough sense to use rocks and trees and other hiding places to prevent our lives I icing taken, so in the davs of the late rebellion we could not keep the yankees from shooting but, we could by means of embank ments trenches ctc.,ottcn save our selves from the bullets. Yes you say thaf sj'ight but now when the devil gets over into K. Y. and other places, vvheie he's well re spected, and sets up his guns a great many of our men, young and old, often times good people, so called, stop out and from their hard earned money, pay the devil an enormous price to get him to shoot at them, especially all during Cm istinas and other holidays. Now if M iss I i'fia Cotl'ey will go to l-'os cue to begin a three or four montiis school the lirst of the year. Now good readers come on with A number of rounds are always your items and let's make the played in order that a number of ' News li cly . i . . . . . i .. t - . Luck to the Ivlitor. pigs shall be made. -Woman' Home Companion lor December. K Dec. 2i, W). (bid lias nirtile to woman, writes Mrs I you thus defy him he'll hit you (i. Hhinev.mlt, of Vestal Center, ! and knock yon, as helms many i. l., 1 enn never forifet what it has done for me." This Klorious medicine gives a woman buoyant spirits, vigor of body and jubilant health. It quickly cures Nervous ness, Hlepplecsuess, Melancholy, Hetuhiehe, Hackache, Fainting and I)i;.7.y' Spells; soon builds up the weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 50c. at J. E. Shell others onto the chain-gang or to the peuitentift,y and also, too likely he will knock you into hell. Now as a brother I bog to plead with our offcers our parents and citizens, that in the name of our churches, in name of the father and motherhood of our good land, The Air gun. Perhaps one of the saddest death in the history of our town occurred this morningat SL;0 when Winston, the 12 yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Morton, breathed his last while being opefated upon by Drs. Shuford and Muiizies, for a gunshot would in the left eye. Monday afternoon the (leceased boy in co mpany with another boy was driv ing the street in a wagon when Flom Aberneth v, the young son of Dr. Henry Abernethy discharged an air gun. the ball taking effect in little Winston's eye inllicting a painful wound from which he stiff ercd intensely until this morning when it was decided an operation necessary. Drs. Shuford and Menzies undertook the operation but the little patient had suffered so intensely that he died before the operation was completed. Yes there is danger in the air gun. The woman who tries to conceal her age is generally old enough to know better. looks like Inc. smells like beer and tastes like ivei i. Il ;s set veil by the stii. e whreapioueil, many chinned l'i mml who was wont to comfoi t ii - in i .1 ; ei da s. It is shoved aciiiss tlie old oaken count er, and inirroied hack bar, with the picture of Aprodite springing from the foam, making the illusion com plete. Ami sometimes in th gloani ing the a che... of i di I'le". pro jected 1 1 i mi a ;..'!;eeni,i!.'s expau- . I siv e i.ack . even as t he thi'siy one The Washington News says that bits the c n ' ':C 'n-s. i- ar- Uer in December, lStOM, the number u becomes 1 i,, ..,'. .l,i;.. cases before the mayor was 7!' and1 "Ami vei th i this y ear the number will not ex wed 20. The holidays from De cemlier 21st to December 2Sth last year, produced 12 cases; this year only ". While much liquor was shipped in during the holidays, there was much less drunkenness during the Christmas season than when bars and dispensaries ran v, ide open. AUHNK IN SAW MILL NIUHT AT M1D- unniinilful of dampness, drafts, storms or cold, W. J. Atkins worked ns Night Watchman, at Manner Springs, Tenn. Such exposure gave him u severe cold that settled on his lungs. At last ho had to give up work. He tried many lemedies but all failed till he used Dr. King's New Discovery. "After using one bottle' he writes, "I went back to work as well as ever,'' Severe Colt's, stub born Coughs, irtbunod throats and sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Croup and Whooping Cough get quick relief and prompt cure from this glorious medi cine, 50o aud $1.00. Trial bottle free, guaranteed by J. E. Shell. . Mil I is itsk( d tJ leleg-ite this lustiy beverage, this socio of centiii ies of vats to the in sipid level i f soda water. Perish the thought. It proclaims itself in North Carolina as the sole heir anil suecessur tot e candy fluid. It boasts of its bubble and sparkleand snap. It says to the disconsolate legions in an arid land, "I may not lie entirely wicked but try me." It capitalizes its kinship with Hud weiser and Schlitz. It scorns soda water as Koosevelt scorns a molly coddle, and Icrds over grape-juice like a mint julep over milkshake." The synipeoins i f kidney trouble are urinary disorders, weak back and backache, rheumatism ami rheuma tic pains and twingos, pains in the groin, etc. There is nothing as good forkidnev and bladder trouble ft3 DeWitt's Kidney anil Bladder Pills. You may depend mbn them to give entire satisfaction. They are an tiseptic, act promptly and soothe paiu. Sold by J. K' Shell, Drug Co., and Hranlts Falls Drug Co., Granite Falls.