1 1. 1 HUTII, EIITtl til FilFSintl . ; '. . fEJUSIU TEESIATS UJ FHtHS ' PUCE $1.09 TIE tUI vmii in main, iiiti imuu, mar, turn 4. ran iisi 252S2SZ525SS2SZ5252S2S25252S252S2SZS2SZSZ5ZS : THE STAUHTOH TD1 BOVEHNUEHT PLAN t A Business Town Managed In a Busi . nes-Like Way. SZSZ5SS3SZ535eSSS3SPSZSZ5ZSZ5SSZSSSSSSSSS35Sl tn March, .1908, the City of SUnnton, Virginia, with a popu lation of 12,000 or more, threw off th yoke of municipal government by Council Committees and adopt ed the unique and business method of government by a General Man ager, whose prototype is found iu every large private corporation. As every person is, no doubt, more or less familiar with the cumber some and expensive operation of municipal government through Council Committees, it Is hardly necessary to dwell on the disadvan tage of a system so antiquated, which should have been abolished 5. The General Manager before entering upon the duties of his office shall execute a bond before the Clerk of the Council in the penalty of 13.000 with good and sufficient surety, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office." This ordinance, as will be readi ly seen, is brief and simple, yet broad in its general terms, and can Eimcatioa CW Newt and Observer. Washington, D. C, Feb. 26. TV Humt fr CUia HAT Bono' Tr jut. Still Com O. Co -respondent of The Newt. auo, innougn young in yeara, xne conference for education in also has had her freebooter and the 8outh will hold its thirteenth buried treasure, end the search for annual session at Little Rock, Ark., the hidden treasure has been long April 9, 7 and 8. The following and thorough. fa 00Jy a partial outline of the pro Christmas week, 1803, Adako's gram uipt. Kidd came sailing along in Wednesday Etkxiko, Apbix 6 a mountain schooner, instead of making his victims walk the plank, as in days of yore, Adako's Capt. maa nxcd his victims so that tbey Bobert C. Ogden, of New York, couia not wallc any plank. In his and an address on "Education and strong box instead of gold and sil Public Health" by Dr. Lewis, of ver, was good old Apple Johnson Raleigh, X. C. of the mountain variety. His Thlrsdiv Morin;. Aphii. 7th crew consisted or two delapidated The Conference will be conduct- old mules and a no account hobo. by the8tate Superintendents of easily be expanded should our As soon as our modern Cant. Kidd Public Instruction. ToDics: () JJ ...J Ik T.. JJ ! 1L . . m . . . . I nwusuemwiu u. iu uiscuasiug me nad cast anchor, and the uews "Educational Progress in the merits of this system I will compare spread that good mountain Apple Southern States for the last Ten it with that of a private industrial Jack could be had right at home Years;" (2) "Report of Educatiou corporation in Address of welcome by Gover nor George W. Donaghey, follow ed by the address of the president NEWS ITEMS. Root. Shueman, a lineman in the employ of the Bell Telephone company in Charlotte fell from a forty foot pole in that city Tuesday and received injuries from which he died a few hours later. The strike of the street car men in Philadelphia, which has been on for ten days or more, is still un settled, but better order prevails and the indications now are, that the railway companies will win in the struggle. Walter II. Seal Jr., son of Ex Judge Walter H. Neal of Laurin burg, was accidentally killed while huuting a few days ago. Tbe young mau was alone when the accident happened and when found he was dead with a large wound in his left breast. GERMS IK HER SYSTEM Erry Woau StonU Rd TUU AJviot fld tlx Cmmii Offer tkat Cm Witk 1L all of their time and attention, and it is not reasonable to presume that they, receiving neither pay nor thanks for anything they may do for the interest of the city, can afford to neglect their, private in terests to look after the business of the dty. Hence, under the old system, the affairs of theciy were run by the heads of departments with the assistance of a few Coun oilmen, who, in a great many cases, were contractors bidding for city contracts. Not infrequently, also, the heads of departments were men totally unfit for the positions they occupied, who had received their appointments aud held their jobs through political or other favored influence. Under the pre sent "Staunton Plan" this is all a thing of tbe past, and the business of the city is conducted on the 'same general business principles all large industrial private corpo rations are conducted on. An Ordinance Cheating the Office of a General Manages fob the City of Staunton, Vir ginia. "Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Staunton, Virginia. 1. That there be appointed by the two branches of the Council in joint session as soon as possible after the adoption of this resolu tion and thereafter annually at the regular election of city officers, in July of each year, an officer to be known and designated as "General Manager." 2. The General Manager shall hold office for the term of one year and until his successor is duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed by the council at its pleasure. ... 8. The General Manager shall be paid an annual salary of- dollars, and ' he shall have the right to employ one clerk at " salary of -dollars per annum, to be paid by the city, the amount to be hereafter fixed by the Council. " 4. The General . Manager shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office, and shall have entire charge and control of all the execu tive work of the city iu its various departments, and have entire . charge and control of the head of departments and employees of the ' city. He shall make all contracts for labor and supplies, and in gen eral perform all Of the administra tive executive work uow perform ed Jy the several standlug' com mittees of the Council, except the Finance, Ordinance and Auditing Committees. The General Mana ger' shall discharge such other duties as may from time to time be required of him by the Council. ' 1 Heavy rains aud much damage order that the for two dollars per gcllon, the Lj Tour Through Iowa, Minnesota is sported !n Ohio. In Zanesville "8taunton Plan" or "One Man thirsty began to avail themselves and Wisconsin." about 1,000 people have been driv Government," as some of our sister of the opportunity. That night Thursday Evening April 7 Jen Irom their homes by floods and Kidd and his "Education for Efficiency in are being cared for by the city, who 1 fully understood and appreciated, first mate, to celebrate their good Rural Communities." Andrew M housed in public buildings. Parts The "Staunton Plan" is not a business imbibed too freely, and Soule Department of Agriculture of Xew York 8tate and Geor8 "One Man" system of municipal in consequence their slumbers were University of Georgia, Atlanta. ia nave 8ufferetl much damage years ago. Councilmen as a rule are (or ! cities have termed it, may be more our modern Capt should be) business men, have their private affairs to look after, which naturally consumes government, but is a democratic government "for the people and by the people." Neither the peo ple nor the Council have sur rendered any of their deep. JNow enter the villlan, along in the early morning. Une of our dusky citizens from Sugartown the "Toaohincr flirla Hn fa Malro Homes." Dr. L. D. Harvey, Men omiuee, Wis. Friday Morning, April 8th. I from high water. Last Sunday night bnrglars entered a drug store in Mooresville and stole about 1300. worth of The number of diseases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a fact that most of these dis eases are of a catarrhal nature. A woman cannot be well if there is a trace of catarrh in her system. Some women think there is no help for them. We positively de clare this to be a mistaken idea. We are so snre of this that weoTer to supply medicine absolutely free of all cost in every instance where it fails to give satisfaction, or does not substantiate our claims. With this understanding, no woman should hesitate to believe our hon esty of purpose, or hesitate to put our claims to a test. There is only one way to over come catarrh. That way is through the blood. You may use all the snuffs, douches or like remedies for years without getting more than temporary relief at best. Catarrh in general is a diseased condition of the system that shows locally niont frequently in discharges from mucous membranes. Local treat ment nhnnld he asuistpd hv internal wma iuw me .mp, weiug. mi Vvui De devoted to the worn of fountain pens and jewelery. The trpatment for th wnprnl disMurod ttfhta. fkAir hova llmnlir raatMt I AAHfinn f t . ViAA A I . . . . I . . I ,,6u, ,uv, .FV Uv. wuumuu w vn. muu uu ,m tne ocnooi improvement leagues oracers arrested a young man condition if a complete cure is to an omce known as that orauener- of his crew, our duskv friend anri tAmmmnnitv mnrnTOirtAnt I noma ira wfitrrf anH fnnn1 in hia I 1 a. .a. ai Manager, a paid employee, who quietly helps himself to a two gaV through the influence of home possession a lot of merchandise the ment should be scientifically devis- UeVUWH UU WUUI ume SUU UU- ion 1U. Uta ohnn Amnntrtho AnMUm vnnnff m.n had talron from hia I --.a r.utn 1 m w ix.-wu-wuw awu-vu f-"w" vw. 1 uawa M-a i'vu. I Ml MIH1 1H.11III1111V BUI III I II l?Lr IWI . a ra. -.a.;i a. tr .1 1 . . . ... I . . . I J Aiwjr awnue apt. jviuu auu uenry Turner .Bailey and Mrs. W . father's store at Davidson by RexallMucu-Toneissdentificallv H - 1 L W I . . I .........I u uret nji we, iuej bcivu i uoiio wen. means or a taise Key, but the drug prepared from the prescription of fer the jug, jug nit. They accuse Arrangements are in progress for store robbers have not been caught. LD eminent nhvsician who for Severe snow slides during the thirty years made catarrh a spe- last few days have done much cialty. 1 his remedy is admirably tion to the business of the city and who is responsible to the Council and the people, iustead of intrust- lug the affairs of the city to the each other of theft, result was special Pullmans from the various committees of the Council. For Capt. Kidd and first mate fall out, central points throughout the en each touncnman trunks that the first mate rushes to the nearest tire South, and Southwest. Rates other members of the committee Magistrate. CaDt. Kidd and the and rnntra will fa annnnnml with have more time 'than he has for balance of bis crew weigh anchor in a short time looking after the business or the and away. The following members of the city, and each committeeman is of The impression gets out that conference have kindly consented the same opinion always willing there are two gallons of good old to act as State leaders for the vari- to let the other fellow do it and Apple Johnson hid in the woods. nn nartiwi- . - . as a result mat wnicn is everyone's and in the meantime the search North Carolina Prof. F. C. business is no one's business, and has rone on. and a few rood trades Rpnnko THnitfr rWllfMMa Ttnrham I . , ' L ' ' J do tram c is tied np vuc iiwi uiu v;ikj kcu aiuuK iuc 1 uiisau UI1 KVCUUOb ui nie mau best she can to the detriment of hunt for Adako's buried treasure the taxpayer in particular and the people in general. The stockholdeis iu a private A. 1 t corporation are me people wno The annual meeting was to have owns the city, ana is, therefore, convened Saturday before the fifth ........ ... I " one or its stockholders to the ex- Sunday in May 1910, but as E. L tent oftheamoun tot taxes he pays. Middleton, our state Sunday Saturday v p.YKc school Secretary and H. C. Moore, Messrs. W. M. and J. L. Morris damage and killed a number of adapted to the treatment of the persons in the mining districts of northern Idaho, and Montana. A whole train in which fifty passen gers are imprisoned was buried in a snow slide iu the Cascade moun tains in northwest Washington Further south in Utah and Colors by floods. Caldwell County Baptist Sunday School Convention. ill- Hudton. Correspondent of The News. We are sorry to learn of the ness of Miss Lula Sigmon. Mr. Joe Moore of Jjenoir was a welcome caller in our town last corporation elect their president Litor Biblical' Recorder, contem- attended a meeting of the Masouic ana ooara 01 uirecwra; me wx- piate holding a Sunday School In- Lodge at Lenoir Tuesday night. payers eiect meir mayor ana vun- stitute TOmewhere iH our wxrntv di . 1 ne board 01 directors oi the firet Sunday and Saturday before, privai corporation eiec meir gen- in April uext our Associational era! manager, and tbe president executive committee thinks it best and general manager are the paid to change the time of holding the employees, and they are the men .nnnai moAfn w Rnna. nA to whom the stockholders look to gaturda y before in April 1910 and turday niht for beneflt of morning, and the ladies who Notice. The Bazaar to be given by the faculty and students of Davenport College, is not to be a Bazaar of Notions, as printed last week, but a Bazaar of Nations. There will be a Japanese booth, an American booth, etc. This Bazaar will be opened Monday, March 7, in the Cloyd catarrhal ailments of women. It purifies and enriches the blood, tends to stop mucous discharges, aids in removing impurities from the system, soothes, h?als and strengthens the mucous tissues, and brings about a feeling of health snow and ttud strength. We want you to try Rexall Mu- cn-Tone on our guarantee. If you are not benefited, or for any reason not satisfied, simply tell us and we will hand back your money. Rexall Mucu-Tone comes in two sizes, 50 cents and 11.00. Remem ber, you can obtain Rexall Reme dies in Lenoir only at our store, the Rexall 8tore. The Lenoir Drug Co. Vane County FkM Th First Gun. Johnson store building on the We learn that M,r. J. P. Herman square. nas sola ms nouse ana 101 w nev. we wish to ask the ladies in i Vance county on Saturday fired wr. urown. Mr. uerman expects town who are going to help m the first gun against State Prohibi- ro uuiiu again mis spring. wim me mncnes, w nave meir tion and c--. to ctawba conntv The box supper which was held things ready by early Monday to get the speaker in the person of are Mr T A SUlf nf mrlrArtr A at i a f i u. . F.Wuo "'" have so ordered. Hence tbe ah j a I aeOOB. nnal mnn and TnoHfnfA will I M M.WV aWMUK VWMA M HUM MS Would any private corporation both convene in Lower Creek Mra- Melissa Bush died consider for a moment conducting eh arch 10 a. m. Saturday before nome of ber 8on Mr. J. H Its business through committees first Sunday in April. The pro- Tuesday, Mar. 1, after a prolonged composed ot stockholders who re- gram will appear later. Let every n. oeived no pay for such service, and I church and Suuday School be who had other business affairs to I represented by delegates the three churches of Hudson was going to contribute fancy work, to - . It... A. m. I J 1 J m MTIZ J a success, f 18.70 was realized . nave meir araoies reaay oy x nuay tne afternoon or Saturday morning. boK Committee. correspondent from Henderson wrote that the meu behind the movement were not "soaks, sots tr drunkards." We accept this state ment as true but we know that if Two nnlnrttl men in Havtl a suburb of Durham, were killed "e movemeui succeeds, mas u Mr. F. D. Powell of Lenoir spent Saturday while operating a small meaus bar-rooms in some sections Each Weduesday night with his sister. Lw00? This m.ac!iin! ran 0f this state and bar-rooms make. look after, and who would devote church and Sunday school is en- Mrs. O. H. Throneburg, and they HttruwJT T vl 8018 and dronkards." lk " I I UKl U RIUI'.B. Ul UII1B.II1 W w HI I. ...... . . .a only spare moments (so to speak) titled to one delegate. The pastors left Thursday morning for Pine- cnt. The belt threw the saw and 18 credlt 10 tue men a wey to the business of the corporation! an 1 Sunday school superintendents bluflf, C.to visit Miss Jessie shafting out of place. Both negroes re nofsoaks, sot and drun taws ' A corporation run on this plan are members ex offlcio. All Sunday Powell. were struck by saw or shafting, and it will be more credit to them, would hardly produce dividends, school workers, reeardleless of de- Mr. T. W. Thmnhii, Tt gnd 3 L7.0D was instant. to help enforce temperance laws iu w i " - - -w- Brvw 'n a r n n wa w nnmnn vira ft . - neither would its stock be sold at nomination, will h wlmml. tt.. yia t- v f "vT"u,rM . this state and save other men from i 7 1 v uuuovu uw lutiuo uvuiv. 1 11 ran oni v n ibw mmniM. A Nmiui I . ... . .... apremium. Now, we have simply I.W.Thomas, He is workin? with Mr. A. S. Hart I negro bov who was standlne near ,soaks 8018 a nkards . i 1. . - . . . i rv rv.. v.a for Ex. com., February 28, mo. w fan nn t.h hiv Wrv by had a narrow escape rrom death wunvj xa. done as do the private corpora tions. We have elected a General Manager, a paid employee, to at tend to the business of the city aud produce dividends for the tax Iftashlntf FVaaun Watskawl Awif. Is it worth 25 cents to vou to stop ordered nd we hoP may that awful, aaonlilnir itch? Surely be installed at an early date. The Protklant Hlp Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been you will spend 25 oents on your drug building is going up rapidly and a helped by the Provident of the Indus CurM Blood, Skia DUwmm, Ecurni, OrMtaat Bktoa.Pnrlnu' PrM. If your blood is impure, thin dlts- a a i . t i m . u i k- a Lt. ...... . . " . .' . . ... i c&Beu, Duf or mu i n a more, h jo yojfn, wjr eciug wi3 uu gws reoommenaanon, ro eooi ana week or two of sunshine will make trlw a wpnan s iiome at Macon, have blood poison, cAncer, carbuncle to the miuimum rate and giving I heal and soothe that terrible itching rrvn nA nn k eruption? , VM -i I ti . ....... in. .u- T r, t Laboratories ot Chicago, we are able Do you know that croup on be to make a special offer of a 25 cent it look like business. March 3, 1910. Qa., who writes lectrle Bitters in nine years oellent medicine for Stomach, "We have used E- eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itohln; this Institute for risings and humps, swellings or sup- It has proved a most ex lTKl tiiver I tisin, or any blood or skin disease and Kidney troubles. We regard it I take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Took AU HI. Mono?. prevented? Give Chamberlain's bottle of their oil of wlntergreen com Of ten all a man earns goes to coc as one of the best family medicines Soon all sores heal, aches aud pains Coneh Kerned v as soon as tha child nnnnil. knnn . n. n r Pmurin tnra nr for mArllnlna. tn itnM a tum n " Tf invnr.fM .ii .1 stop ana me Diooa is maue pure ana becomes hoarse or even aTter the I tion. Call, or write or telephone . to aoh. Liver or Kldnev trouble that onrans. Durlnes tha blood, aids diarist I uLi H.mnil Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Qa. B. B. B. Is especially advised lor chronli . deep seated cats of blood or skin dU ease, as It eurea after all else falls. Bold in Lenoir, N. C. by A. A. Kent's Drug Store. Call or write. oronpy cough appears and it will pre J. E. Shell, Lenoir, N. C. I Dr. King's New Life Pills would Ion and creates an appetite. To vent the attack. It is also a certain " We absolutely know that the Itch qulokly our at slight cost. Best for strengthen and build np pale, thin, ours for croup ana has never been Is stopped AT ONCE by D. D. D. Pre Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, weak children or rundown people it known to fall. Sold by J.: E. Shell Isorlptlon. and the cures all seem to Constipation. Jaundice. Malaria and has no aonal. Best for female eom Drug Store, Dr. Kent Drug Store. I be permanent. I Debility. 83o. at J. E. Shell's..' plaints. Only fiOo. at J. E. Shell's. r -----