I. C UART1X, EDITOR AID PR0PBIETC8 , ' PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AID FRIDAYS PEICE JI.CO THE YEAR VOLUME XII LEIOlRf I0RTB CAROLIKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, I9IO 13. 43 THE PARCEL POST. A NofUctoa Iadtutry. S thorn Land InvMtmanU. The restaurants of Charlotte are Soatbem Fields. NEWS ITEMS. CONVICTED BUND TIGER CAUSES A trvtirinM A Syitora WW; Small Packao. Cu - - - ,...u uvs . ... k- r,j - U. R.t, .-A buying chickens in New Jersey at Everv dav hrintrs mmo new Observer. X. C. one day last week, but not tliBif Deficit b tl U. S. TrMMiry 42 centa a pound ind paying the evidence of the value of the lands Wilmington, April 12. Marion until it had bitten three people & Wipod Out freight on them, in addition. At 0f the Southeastern states. The L. Winner a middle aged white and a number of other dogs. To Members of the Farmers' least one of the Charlotte hotels is best evidence is in the profit given convicted in the Superior A barrel branded coal oil was Union: baying its chickens from the West by the crops to which these lands court Saturday night of selling 8eizel by detectives at Hamlet One of the things I insiit that paying theme price, in addition tre adapted. Ultimately the pro- whiskey and sentenced to six rey and inside of the barrel members of the Fanners' Union to the freight. This condition is fit producing character of all lands monthson the roads: Judge Cooke was a smaller one containing whi.s and farmers generally, should do due to the simple fact that the must determine their value. That sustaining the judgement of the re- key it was an effort to evade the is get in behind Congress about farmers of Mecklenburg do not is the only true way for estimating corder's court, today made a sensa- state prohibition laws, the Parcel Post. raise a sufficient number of chick the value of farm lands, especially, tionol affidavite in which he made . i ' - i iiu.'itit-taii.snArrriihiiiiiiasMii For the man who lives on and fa" confession and declared that "l ' "c " cultivates his laud the soils of no there are more than one hundred boy who most cruelly mnered a othpr .Hon nf A mariMi-roBn , m. holders of eoverment Honor licens ld wirold gl,l Ueue ra'-,er sr l S in Wllminoon. that th. hHnd rir. Dear IXLaild, Florida, iiuiuitjr iivu iu piuub jjivuuciiig I a HELPFUL HINTS ON HAIR HEALTH. Scalp i Year after year, we have been " to supply tne Charlotte mar- striving to secure this legislation kt. inw chicken raising from Congress. False promises country and the farmers of Meek from politicians, the lobby main- lenburg should be not only supply- near ueiaua, norma, some months ago, has been convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged. daughters of the farmers could be issippi. Other lands maybe as fer8 of the association t5 a momth Koy Metcalf, a boy of Bessemer made as profitable a the growing as rich or even richer, but they to be used for political purposes City, was killed by a train near of cotton by the farmers, and lack to a very large extent the "d otherwise; that the members Belmont last Saturday night. The would involve far less expense aud favorable climatic conditions of na(l been given to understand that boy with others had len stealing labor. On almost anv farm the lnd nf th Hmithiatra if arrested and carried before the rides on a freight train and it is lanche of letters, telling him you sround Charlotte, the utilization American states. recorder the serverest punishment supposed he fell from the cars and want a Parcel Post and that you of otherwise idle occupation in I These lands are also preeminent- woa'd be a fine and cost; that in was crusnea to aeatn . II - W . . . . I a.1 a. . A. a I poultry raising, wouiu resuu in jy the most valuable in America as casepuuuc senumeni was sucn man A rabid doe bit a man named the equivalent of two, and some- investment possibilities. They it wuld be necessary to give a road Morgan and nis littie foar year time there bales of cotton a year, have ranged in price much below sentence, the members were to be 0i,i child at Concord on Wednes mi . a. ii! I . - . . I . i a am I mere are great opportunities ai- equally good lands in other sec warneaiuarapietime. ine aniant da on lllMt week The man 8ml A Parcel Post is a system which forded to the farmers in the prose- tious, and purchasers of them in then sets out that he was not warn- cnijd weut Raleigh to take will make the Government do for cutioo of this neglected industry, the past have had the satisfaction edi and that he has been made Pasteur treatment. The dog packages over four pounds what it Every farmer iu Mecklenburg 0f seeing them steadily advance in scapegoat of day bis former pre- killed. is now doing for letters; carry them should cultivate the kindly and value and in demand. That this tended friends. In conclusion the at a reasonable rate, with a profit profitable offices of the hen. advance is sure to keep up for a affiant says that the confession and alike to the manufacturer and the (What the Charlotte Chronicle long time to come is shown by in- exposureof those he says have be- merchant, the farmer and the con- MVS -wra in -a to Mecklen- creased interest in locations in the serUxl him is for theooul purpose of I atk K t. i i . i I airliner him in hia pffnrt. tn hav his I ..... burg County applies with viwiiawuutun nw uemuu V0Q? a man named Fishel 8trations as to the treat profits Winners' attorney will go before iTn wu... m r tainedbythe express companies, Mug the local market, but shipping possibilities as those of the states have a thoroug'i organization and, to an extent, our own apathy, fowls to the North. The raising which lie south of the Potomac and known as "Association No 6;"that have operated to keep us out of of chickeus by the wives and Ohio rivers and east of the Miss- h has paid regularly intoHhe cof- this huge benefit. The lime has come to cease dil-ly-dallyings. Go after your Rep resentative and Senator with a club, bury him under an ava lanche of letters, telling want a Parcel Post and Ire not going to let him or your self rest until you get it. What is a Parcel Post! The answer is extremely simple sumer at large. Let this fact sink into your mind. The express companies, which now have a monopoly of the small the was THE GOLDEN EGGS. The News od Observer. Talking about high priced eggs, ke at force to Caldwell. There should be at least a solid which are made by the growing of Judge Cooke tomorrow and ask for the whito w v'and .tte for t7B or 1 M. . I li TT J a. I J I a . . . . I I ' carrying iraue in vneuniveuDtaiea, i canoau. oi cnicKenu snippeu irom me supie and other crops waere a neanngoi me matter. 1 15 each. This is the highest Drice . . - . i i . . i i v are getung on an average or sixteen Leuoir every day and if our peo- Improved methods of agriculture It is understood that many rank ever paid for eees. Only 12 each cents a pound for transporting ,e wm tnlQ the,r attention to it have been introduced, the better prohibitionist will give Winner were paid for eggs of the famous packages. v, education of the people of the their moral support in view of his ilO .000 Kansas Citv hen some uucic u uik uiuucv iu tuc uuuunw. i ....... .1 I ' ' Last year one of them declared a dividend of three hundred per News.) cent! Is it any wonder, with a cinch of the transportation of small packagesT Now what will a Parcel Post do for the government. It will help wipe out that big postal deficit, about which Con gress and the newspaper editors are now raising such a howl. It will .trausier to the government a North regarding the climatic and affidavit other advantages of the South, the wonderful growth in all lines of in The brick building standing on dMtoy ndiSQmmet theunrivall- me corner oi .norm maia iuu corner Ashe Street aud known as the Hamilton building, which has been used for several years as a restaurant was sold last week to Mr. S. A. Foster of Statesville N. C, for $2100,00. Mr. Foster ex pects to make considerable im- RECKLESS AUTOING. ed opportunities ahead of the busi-1 Cary, April 11. On Sunday ness man and the farmer in that afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jack- about in the story book there was section, the improvement of roads son, of Cary, Route 1, were driving nniv on hn that, laid mMm w which is sending farm lands steadi- on the Raleigh and Hillsboro road, it seems that these hens number existenoe and n0 one shoald ly to higher values, and many when on Beaver Dam hill, near gve an(i if flve lay golden eggs ubuer tuiuga. luervia uu such mwuuwj uuuun, uucj wnc there is no reason why this same tad Hair TrouUcs Gancrally Canted by Caraenes. Dandrnff is a contagious disease cansed by a microbe which also produces oaianess. jNever use a comb or brush belonging to some one else. No matter how cleanly the owner may be, these articles may I infected with microbes, which will infwt your scalp. It is far easier to catch hair microbes than it is to get rid of them, and a single stroke of an infected comb or brush may well lead to baldness Never try on anybody else's hat. Many a hatband is a resting place for microbes. If you happen to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, fili ng hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we believe will com pletely relieve these troubles. We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the understanding that it will cost you nothing for the trial if it does not produce the re sults we claim. This remedy is called Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly believe it to be the most "cientitic remedy for scalp and h lir troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for ef fectiveness, because of the results it has produced in thousands of cases. Rexall "93" Hair Tonie is de vised to banish dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair naturally silky soft and glossy. It does this be cause it stimulates the hair follic les, destroys the germ matter, and brings about a tree, healthy circu lation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to We want every body who has any . trouble with hair or scaln to know we read . .. mac itexau nairToniols the best hair tonic and restorative in years ago. 1 he five Wyandotte hnna nvnw1 hv Ftahpl lniil iUM) mow from December last 1st to April tightu Md w new 4th. In the old times that at or doubt this statement until they have pot our claims, to a fair I A 11. - 1U1 A i large part of the patronage, and, pruvemenw on uie uuuu.ug ne88ed and this movement has auto passed, the horse a tide of immigiation to the South met by a couple of automobiles variety of hens, properly cared for, with the ander8tanding that dy if it does not give full and com plete satisfaction in every particu- east as has never before been wit- driving recklessly. As the first should not number thousands became al- There's biz money in hens and therefore profit now enjoyed by the win continue ine resiauram o- Uardlv vet started. Th neonle of most unmanageable. As the ao- Lnit.H thi. in.irv i. h. private express monopolies, which 5 Mr. Foster will moove to Le- tbe oontraUBUiteB and of the North! ond auto approached, Mr. Jackson eiuninz to the attention of lar' Tw 50 Centa nd ll,0- arejust about as hlgn-nanaea trusts west are looking to the Sooutheast Jamped out to hold bis horse by men of brains. Mix brains with aa standard oil or any other. It wmmmmmm today for cheaper lands, as the cheek of the bridle. Mrs will wipe out that postal deficit, him cheap access to his customers they have been looking to the West Jackson also sprang to the ground Lends result and, as the service develops with out in the country. aud the Pacific Coast, and they will with their two year old little girl use, it will prove a growing and Impress upon your Congressman goou make a great demand for in her arms, but tripped and fell, unfailing source of actual revenue that practically everybody in your good lands iu that sectiou The autos passed at rapid pace, to the treasury of the United district is a unit for Parcels Posfr. The land investor or the man blowing and tooting and as the States. Tell him that it wou't injure any- wno is lookinr for .tracts of lanre last one passed Mrs. Jackson and the poultry yard, and big divi Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies iu Lenoir only at our store, The Rexall Store. The Le noir Drug Co. Six IUImtwI to Hut DUd of Poisoned WiMk7. Westerly R. I., April 9. -Six What will a Parcel Post do for body, not even the cross roads size for fatuw division into small child were lying on the ground. Pf"18 wlr"n . , aay8 thn farmnit I mnrrhant. after the latter under-1 ..mo a.j ki k. .wnf n IThpv md nn sfnn I ' iMMiua f 111 uuu uiourav iitncuiivp i J - - r ' I rttenlt- nf mhiaVav ftrinlrinir arA tn It wiU save him about seventy- stands it. Make him see that Uortunitv in the Southeast. What When Mrs. Jackson recovered f0"1 01 J""8 a" nK,n so Hv np Miit. a vna.r nn thAnharomtl thra In no nnnnflition to the mean. v.. v, i. w I aha fannri that-. t,h fhiM'B thfo-h .-r - rf e 1 ri 1 1119 utom wuuiiiioucu iu iuc i . B uftiin.j. ..- snrldon iloath last he is now compelled to pay the ex- lure and that it is bound to come, Southeast is only a forerunner to was broken and herself badly 0 g 8 , . nMaaa MtmnaniM for e.VMvthinir I and von will owt It nninklv. I tL. .a u t I hrnianH Thov wnt tn.tha noarMtl 4Uureu ." v ": r " " : 7u v; :: ; ' " w j w v t - -:t charies r. Hood, it was discover 1111... i.ravHm in b m nn i niiw 11111 villi iimw iiim I '.-. . . . i w.k hiiiimm w i ummHifimMi nil i.rMMi.. " I " J I J - I A UB IU lailU WUIVU 1 .v. - packages that come to his home eggs you ship to townt A great Las taken place is proof enough that I1"111,, reaching their home about from the Wg mail-order houses In big, heavy charge, almost so pro- under the new conditions invest 10 o'clock at night. Blowing Rock Itoa. Correspondent of The Newt. Dr. and Mrs. Raby returned yes terday from a trip to Lenoir. They went to see their brother off to Idaho. We are having showers this Thursday of Henry Larrow and evening and feel thankful as every thing looks refreshed, and the fires ed that two women had died un- are quenched. der similar circumstances within a We have just had a three da) 9 - 01 s o-j uuuci iuc ucw wuuiuvui niveau - " -w j two and that tvla v two the South and North, will cost him hibitive that it doesn't pay you to ment8 in 'Southeastern lands, where The community is indignant at Q"y 7 " T 7 excitement in our village. The fire about ninety per cent less for compete with the cold -storage trust made with oruingry care, must the treatment accorded them by mre deaths asbed to the same rtging on the head of Johns river transportation, because la the long or keep a yard full of hens; the gjve an(j Mfe returns. run the farmer alwaya "pays the Parcels Post will give you a low freight." The Parcels Post also government rate on eggs, and oth has a county feature. Under the er small farm track, euabling you plan proposed, the small town to sell more goods in town and add merchaut will be able to send out to your annual profits. small packages over rural routes at There is not one single valid ar a cost so small compared to the gument against A NARROW ESCAPE. Concord Timo. While Pierce Robbins, the col ored man who works for Mr. D. B. the auto parties, while Mr. and se occurred. Vomiting symp- and under the Blowing Rock. The Mrs. Jackson have the sympathy w"uo ""'''TT . " residents of the town and surround db .uu unu ui au repwry in unity responded to the alarm ed. uu avuguv vuv uv vaDv:a avui before it could be rotten under 1 1 1 i ji. 1 " poun ia unuuwu, puyaituiua u- The bnUdinj5S were ex. of friends. Got RV to Catch tho Comot't TaiL The local weather bureau has re- dare ik was Probably wood alcohol, and f narrowlv Parkin Poqf . Coltrane, was unloading some trash instraoUon8 Am WmUd saved. The ones most exposed MMAr.mnMMh and ThM 4 .r nUA .nmt. fnP into the big lavine on the north ton to be on the lookout for stranee While we believe in being pre- Uere the hotels and summer dwell -bpggy or a wagon, as under pre- it. side of Church street last Saturday happenings on May 17, 18 and 19 pared to enforce our rights with ingg not occupied. Many who sent conditions, as to pot millions If the government wants to keep morning about 11 o'clock, apart when, axxrding to the reckoning, other nations, yet where is this worked and watched were day of dollar arlv Into the nockete tha farmr on the farm, and to at. oi me narn uroa, ..u i a mu- the m of HaUey8 comet will warsWp DUUtting DUSUesS going laborers dependitog upon their w.h tho A morion farmor and hM othora !ir to th land lt th ment ne8ro h or8e tnd wa&n were enveloD the earth. Local. Observer to endl Eighteen millions for one earnings for their dail v bread and the American country home. government eveu up advantages as PreciPated down the embankment uiey in common with every battleship is on the new naval pro- certainly deserve a substantial ex Don't let your country merchant between country and city, the Par- to the bottom, a distance of at least other observer in the United States gram can't Uncle Sam do with- pressiou of gratitude which would fool you into believing that Par- eels Post is one of them u J ' TTU,,u,: iUi. w will be on duty all night during ouu mis one ana wi us nave me be very much appreciated by ' eels Post will cut off his revenues But I want to remind you that "er ma" these three nights for the purpose money to macadamize half the them. bv diverting trade to the big mail- you won't get the Parcels Post or. . . . WB ofabtaining data on the comet's public roaas- ot our BtateT-mn order hoflses. Even if it did. we anvthlnir else, if vou don't keen in pruisea, Dui wasaoietnataicernoon doi bury Reporter. would still stand for it, because It behind that representative and to be about his regar work. The The weather bureau does not is better that millions of tarmers senator all ot the time and not wagon was pretty badly broken up. glvevery definite information as than that hnndrnda of hart nf tho Mm: ;'l .. i ; . ItO lust What the COmet'S tail Will small merchants , make money. ... Write him a letter today. mV - do to the eartn, ana lor tne very -V. ' 1 .?:ZZ Wotm TVan BulloU Bullets have often eaused less snf ferliiK to (oldiert than the eczema. Chamberlaln,s Stomach and Liver L. W. Barrlman, Burlington, M.,frot I to just What the comet's tail will I Tablets aaslet nature In driving all In the army, and uffered with it, lint, as matter or iac a.i-arcei write mm as reguiany as me Ulni, Co0gh Remedy, Pleasant to wwu. re"awu " "vwo 7 restoring the organs of the body u Post will fcdd to the proflU of the first of the month comes around." take, soothing and healing in effeet little more about what the tail is health and strength. Sold by J. E. fcmall eountrv merchant bv eivln 0 CniELfis 8. BiEEBTT. Bold bv J. E. Shell and Dr.. Kent, v than the average person knows. Shell and Br. Kent, V V Salve eared me when all else failed," . he writes. Greatest healer for Sores Uloera, Boils, Burnt, Cats, Wounds, Bruises' and Piles. 23c at J. E. Shell

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