- ,.- y g. c mmt ciTca as pssrmoi . , , p csuseei mssm m feisayj '. ', ' puce si.ca tie mi KLEW . ,1 LE1S1H..RSHT1 CAS0U11. T1JESBAT. I3I3 . 19.43 fa? JUDGE A. C HASKELL DEAD. CharlotU Observer.; Maaical FaatiraL Charlotte,' N. C., April 15th ar- Colombia. 8. C, April IS. rangements hare Just completed Judge Alexander Cheves Has- for what promises to be the great kell, leader of what was known as est musical event that has ever the Haskell independent movement taken place' in North Carolina, against Tillman in 1890 when he This will be the Charlotte May was defeated for Governor by Till- Music Festival, May 6-7th. man, died early this, morniug in Madame Jomelli, the greatest his 71ir year following aa operation soprano lo America, a quartette last night for obstruction , of the that is unsurpassed on the contin intestines. . The. funeral wilt be eut; The famous Pittsburg Fasti- held tomorrow i afternoon from vai Orchestra of 40 pieces and the Trinity Episcopal church, en Whose Charlotte Festival Chorus ot 160 yestry he had served and who was voices under the direction of Prof at one time its Sunday school sup- h. J. Zehm, will fare ishtbe music erintendent. j v , for the event for which a most Judge Haskell was prominent in elaborate programe has been ar- the business, social, ana political & m . . rt a t I " Weoimeowie, uenaa ueen a Madame Jomelli will be the star district and Supreme Court judge, . ial for the was president of the old Charlotte, gnd win appeJir at f the thre Columbia S6 Augusta Kauroaa now ncatta the night of May 6th and part of the Southern, was a Con- mAtinee gnd night federate colonel, was preside it ot jjay7th. the Loan & Exchange bank, which The qnartetUs of the fol. later became the National Loan & ,owing distiogui8hed 8ingerfl: Exchange bank, of which he was mo, Madame Alice Merritt- vice-presidentatthe time of his Chochren of Brooklyn; contralto, death; was appointed by Cleveland MiM Lmi SDelllng oue of the 16 one 01 me govern men u.rrcui ut AmerIcail raeinber8 0f tne Met the Union Pacific Kail road ana was made chairman of the re organ ization committee of that road. He was chairman of the 8tate Dem ocratic executive committee in the memorable Hamptou campaign of GOVERNOR FATTERSON HAS PAR DONED tM MEN. Nashville, Tenn., Aprft 15. Robin J; Cooper filed a new bond today in the criminal court to ap pear when wanted to for murder ing ex-Senator Carmack FIRE INSURANCE. TV MirKoot Joarwd Grro W11 AAricn aad IafanaatUa. Bodios ItKmftd AJtrVUnj MottW Cherry, 111., DbpaUh, lltli. ''All alive 2 p. m November Fire Insurance is a necessity to the merchant. If "necessity is the Many mother of invention," the idea of believe that this is the last formal- throwing off the bnrden of high ity in the famous case and because nXes imposed by the Southeastern of the difficulty iu gettla a jury, T" Association a monopoly young Cooper will never be called thtt fixea nU " lts own Plesare to the bar. has been very, very slow in The pardon of Cooper, senior, d-" "I the minds of South continnes to be the one absorbing rn Merchants. The Ret dl Mer topio in Tennessee. The Carmack chante Mutual Fire Iosuranee Co. of Wisconsin, organized by the " " . . . . . of pardons issued by Oovenor Pat- It. Z. LINNEY DROPS DEAD. 5peiaJ to The Obserrer. Taylorsville, April 15. Hon. R. 14 " This, the latest message from Z. Linney died suddenly at bis the fatal St. Paul coal mine fire, office here at 3 o'clock to dav. He was bronght to light today with bad driven into town from his the recovery of 31 miners' bodies farm '2 miles awav and. seeminelv which had been entombed since in his usual health and Due spirits the disaster of last November. hailed and had a pleasant word The bodies were taken from the I for his frieuds as be passed them lowest level, 500 feet below gronnd. on the street. He was accompanied The men had retreated to a space bv Lawyer R. B. Burke to Lis office 20 feet square and had constructed in his store block near the depot a rude fan of board to keep the and when he arrived at the door air circulating. On the fan in big he made an effort to torn the lock, letters were chalked the words bat unable to do so, asked Lawyer ropolUan Opera Company, tenor, Dr. Franklin Lawson, recently with the famous Dresden Philhar monic Orchestra; bass, Dr. Frank Croxton. late of the New York Grand Opera Co., in which he ap 1876 when Hampton redeemed the here tbree vean, ag0. Carl cute rrom raojea ruie, u Bernthaled is again conductor for sentea me Diace in n asnwgwa m the successful effort to have Hamp ton recognized as Governor over Chamberlain. He was the first president of The State Publishing Company. Judge Haskell's surviving child ren are: Mrs. Christie Benet, Co lumbia; A. C. Haskell, Jr., Laurens; A. Porter Haskell, Co lombia; Adam L. Haskell, Chi- tersou during his term These num ber 956 exclusive of commuta tions. Of these pardons 152 were given to men couvicted of murder. Colonel Cooper apparently is greatly releaved by his release. Miorohunta has nuwl BJtfl 0M) in ...i.th. m.mh-r.'nf th J quoted above, iudicaUng that the Burke to open the door fcr him . 4. men naa uvea at least until me aim wane ne was uoing mis ne association. , .... k.j r . . . aay alter tne nre surteti. tviaent- neru i mney ian neavuy to Mercantue nsKS are classed as , L.u i i tl J; , .u u . x. w crank of the fan, for one of the id was snmmoned at once but be- rha ftiif that- mawihantfl opa the nn I ' I I rwwiiaa ha1 TTlun vKa .wll.wc I litre thai Miwfnr arrival) ha Hrotithorfl it- iy class mat naven i snown enougn AAV I I .a f nnnvh n u had HiaH wki a of .niv ,, , , . , i i ic ii iu iiiitiuuuii u air current iPmrurmii Malrii"' lira allitwonIB 0 mat tne miners were in the is seen on the streets frequently Usually he is accompanied by a "Preferred "sks" are friend and his course down the the big coucerns because the atreet is marked bv cordial vrvat, feare their power. The inland oonffratnlations from his made ou the "preferred" a o friends. trust losses are as sessed against the mercantile es- tablisnments. This continuous performance has met with the his bodies had fallen over the haudles his last, dying in less than five minutes after he fell Apoplexy was the cause of habit of keeping their savings on death their persons was shown bv the Urtro amnnnr nf mnn.v fmmH nn ToBwId Faraitur Factory , -- -j - the bodies. One miner bad in his Special to The Observer belt 11.400. In the belt of another Ashville, April 14. It is under- mnr wu f...m.i ioo .,w,ihu. stood Here tlus afternoon tbat a had $172. deal has practically been cousum It was declared tonight T)v the matd whereby the large holdings cago; Charles T. Haskell, Wash ingtoo State; Mrs. Reginald A. Dalyr Cambridge; Mrs. W. G. Welling, Chicago; Mr. Gaston C. Raoul, Chattanooga; Mrs. Fraud Gilmer, Charlottesville; Miss Suz fibne Haskell, New York. the orchestra and Mr. Kohler is pianist. The aggregation of artists who will appear here will also furnish the foreign talent for 15 of the 19 music festivals in the principal cities of the South this year and undoubtedly is the largest and best Company of musicians that will appear in the South this sea son. To Vindicate Dr. Cook. New York, April 10. Harry Whitney and Paul Rainey have united their fortunes and are going to the north pole for big game and to carry on a search for the natives Dr. Cook claimed accompanied him Judg. A.C.H.k.lL frtth nole. Cantain R. S. Bart - The people of Caldwell county lett will be in command of the ha 17a rMann tn hnM in McrhiTOMMt schooner Jeanie, which the two and grateful remembrance this """onare sportemens have bought. ... . I .i r. . . While Mr- Whitney and Mr. distinguished South Carolinian a aeclami they arc go- gentleman of the old school whose ,ng hunt game Jn the northj ft death is announced in today's has been an open secret between News. friends of the two men that they It was with him as President of have not lost all faith in Dr. Cook and are willing to spend their Local Exporimant Faima. The North Carolina State De- seeming applause of the merchaut partment of Agriculture has imade regarded in his own community arrangemebts to establish local ex as the leading business mau. perimental farms of one or more Two years ago, the North Caro- acres beside the leading roads run- lina Association began to open its niug into each county seat. Crops eyes. It agitated a saving in in otmost local importance will be surance. n appoint committees, I Sears, Roebuck & Co. of Chicago grown on these farms by the own- made investigations and had I m 1,4 y for work and that large developments will er of the land on which they are planned to lorm a company, wny follow shortly iu this section of located, under the directions of prolong the agony! The outcome PattMO- u Bmmi fa Uf. furniture factories, etc. the Department. These farms are was tnat tnrongn me agencies 01 It is understood that the negotia- . ... ... . a a t m & n wyarinti'ii rmw. 1 locited in counties only at the re- tne ooutneastern xmnn Associa- - tions have reached such a stage quest of the county commissioners uon the Idea died aborning, me jvnoxvuie, ienn., April 10. a. that tne represctives of Sears, and cost the county nothing. Six committee, alter investigation, special 10 ine oenunei iron Qoebnck & Cq. who. Rtter spendioe . . . . I A . o a 1 a a.! m t. a. 1 farms are already located In Da- round mat tne pronts were won- a.whjub, ibqu., says wvernur rai- geyeral days here, investigating vidson County, four in Rutherford, derful and the savings to merchants terson was burned in effigy at that propery , returned to C$" go two in Mitchell, and one in phenomenal. So impressed were place last night. There was an ex- vesterdav after airnW- ' ' V Yancey. A good idea to take up they with the profits that a portion pression of disapproval of the par- ment aud will make a fav; II with, it seems to us. or the committee bougnt oui an aonoi voi. uuncan u. cooper im- porton the property. Tht, tiruce- "As it does not cost the County old line company joined the mediately after the Supreme Court mont Lnmber Company owns sev- anything, we do not see how oouineasiern unn Assomauon, oau imirmeu nw seiiieuce 01 w eral thousand acres of timber land they could do any harm but nd from all reports "have lived years in prison for the murder ot near Wgynesville, and this land is mlirht and hnliAVA wrtniri drt happUv ever afterward." senator ii. w.uarmacic ana mere 1 much good." Truly, in this instance, the mer- is much feeling in Athens over the 1 . 1 chant resembled the old barn yard pardon. light mine company's officers that all the of th 8PrQCm0Dt Lumber Com- nearlySOo minera killed by the P11? in Hyood county are to I f a a. t 1 m A t disasters had been accounted for. P88 mw ine nna9 01 represenuves A few bodies are still in the mine Pfthe dPrtnt house of 10 will be clearvd and ready for work. GoTomor Pattortoa u Bfd ia Effigy. B Associated Press. Knoxville, Tenn., April 15. A was 1 a t 1 . a a. a. I a. I have heard Dr. Steel's lecture ow,-tne more "8n inBl on "Home Life in Dixie During thrown on the subject the blinder the War." It is equal toanything he 80t on the American platform as an enertainment. Col. Lexington, Ey- Geo. W. Bain, the Charlotte, Columbia & Augnsta Railroad that the stockholders of the Chester & Lenoir Railroad ne gotiated in 1882 for the completion nd lease of our unfinished road, then in operation only a short dis tance above Lincolnton. - The contract on the part of the lessees was faithfully money to help vindicate him The two men are planning to leave for the north early in May. I torn From Watauga Domocrat. Miss Mary L. Hardin left Mon dav morning for a visit of two weeks to friends and relatives in performed Lenoir, Hickory and Charlotte. and the completion of the road to 'Miss Wilhetta, daughter of the tenoir was celebrated June 5 1884. late JudgeGreene, and Miss Grace, " Tha writer thn a Director in the daughter of Jas. , W? McGhee, are -luJ Off for fitstesville where they have v. u. iv. .t . uv.-u u ; actions ia n. Long's Sana negotiations securing this contract torJum for tbe purp08e4)f studying and he bears willing testimony to arsing. The best wishes of all th inf'ailbg courty; the fair follow them. and honorable v dealings ; which MMj w. C Coffey, who has been characterized the management of I in rather delicate health, for some ILessees In every detail of the busi- tilmc, was tabn to Greensboro this Iness. Our experience' with the hwk bef T' 8helt?n Penu' . . , . iL , . where she will remain for treat - formed at the outset, that he was ftiendsin Wntauga that she may . a taleuted, candid, high-toned fcoon return entirely restored to Christian gentleman-rincapable of health the sharp practice or more proper ly speaking, the knavery and ror ThCnf TaaBIood. fM MiialMAaflAn Arirli wrtlita In ntm. uery, wnicu u -v 11,, .now complexion, a jaun prevalent In railroad deals North dioj j00li moth patches and blotch and Bouth. ''! 1 ' f 00 tha aklu,--all signs of liter G. W. F. H, I trouble. ' But Dr. King's New Life Pills make rloh red blood; give clear The man who always wins doesn't skin, rosy checks, fine, complexion, ramble.' health. Try them. 85o at J. B. Shell. The state associations tbat are operating companies are giving their members safe and sound in surance at a saving from 20 to 60 Items from TjrlorT ilU Scout. Mr. J. Claud Moore, of Lenoir, spent Sunday here with friends. Miss tiertba Ingram who is nursing at Foot Hill Sanitarium in Lenoir, spent Sunday here with per cent., and have forced "trast" companies to reduce their Ingram. rates. The merchant through Eugene Fox, a lad of this county, went over into Ashe county last week and took unto himself a horse. He was followed here how ever and the horse was returned to said to have enough stumpage on it to last several years for furniture factories and other lumbering in dustries, while all along the Mur phy division are boundaries which make an available supply for years. It is understood that Sears, Roe buck & Co. intend to build a large furniture factory in this section, either at Waynesvilleorsome point along the Murphy division or at Ashville' to manufacture the lum ber into furniture. k her Barents. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tl. CI . r ' r E . a - I uy. w,uw. . - - I - inr irm vrmta or snwnrnw. Mount Olive Dispatch, 12th, to Wlluiiusrton Star. The first crate of strawberries organization cau secure the remedy niwwt An frh noviroi- t.AM m. u.. for this evil. They will not be ajs.w vaa v-s v; uini nvv uvi v vaaa9 oJm 1 v I a -m a.a - ... son was brought to town by Mr. D1 w ao so as long as t-ney iiswn Willis Tnrnr of Hnniin ronnt.v to the agents of the Boutneastern . 1 " I . . , . . . . . it,. ..... ktin tk;f n lr and was bought by Mr. DuBratz Ann Asswiauon or l wno re ' " P'.nirlanf. tt t-.hin nifu f hr 1 Mr I financially COUneCted Wlltt OOm- MUg I" U1 jU. , . , . - ... . .. . .1 OAMntAS AlltArl trlTI TtllSl BMUUiiariAr. England shipped the berries to fu - i - appointed by Governor Kitehin uruu., uaiumore, m, jli:uiu8 vuv 4U,.v . ., Judge or the eleventh iu.licial dis- Tk.nMflAn. h nA-... tw Tnsnrani. Sirtarv Barnes ofthe weeK- rs. wnney ana cnuaren - " . ai vmv wvuu uvav v w )fv 1 VVJ f - bv the middle of next week straw- North Dakota Retailers Associa berry will be in large quanities as I tion, said: they are beginning to ripen very "There are eight companies or- nicely now. I ganized at the present time doing business in the following States: Goorg P. Poll is Appointed. Chronicle Bureau. Raleigh, 'April 15. Geoege P. Solicitor Frank A. Linney and W1 of Winston-Salem, is to be Discussing the question of Fire family of 081118 over Mis. W. B. Matheson, and Mr Liuney went to Bakersville Satur day to attend court. re signed. The followiug official statement was issued from the ex- cntive office this afternoon. "The Governor has announced that after careful consideration of the situa tion in the Aleventh indiclal dis. Jones and all the star attractions, svlvania, Ohio. Washington, Wis- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M t . . dMidd to annont ' I " Im 11 a i a a i 1 1 a, I 7 but that is the best thing that has I cousin and the National. These yweii aiea as meir nome ""'iHon. George P. Pell judge to fill been heard here. Manager Opera companies, while not organized 1 aonway, aiwsr an umiss 01 vmj the uneipirei term of Judge E. B. House, Muscogee, Okla. under the North Dakota State ws uu.w ..xv4- Jo nes resigned. The Governor is laws, will accept policies Irom our est nm cemetery jnoay anernoou. aware of fact Mr pj j. .T Rflnnh. nasfor nf East members in good standing, ine We have had Bob Taylor, Sam Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Penn- Lei Eobey the 19 months old not a candidate and will not be a Rev. Womble conducted the ser- tr v 4.1... 1. f.u .. . .. muu Bjmp.uujf 1W candidate before the oonyenUon . Air. ana Mrs. uiayweu mtneioss of their little one. News Herald. Baptist church, has as his guests saving to yoa in carrying such In dia nnnla anrl nnnf I Mr anil Mrs SUrailCe Varlesirom 33 1-3 tO 50 u vj mubv otma wo i w J. L. Beach and cousin Mrs. Rosa Pr cent. In the different compa- Laxton, all of Caldwell county, who pies, namely, the Minnesota, Wis arrived yesterday afternoon for a consin and Iowa, that will write I company was the first to organize, stay of several days. Mr; J. L. the combined amount of In insur-1 many of our members took advan Beach is the father of Profs. W . L. oce of $11,000. tage of it at the start, and in con and C. M. Beach, principals of the These companies are refunding sequence this company has written school at Dell, aud is a prominent to their policyholders 50 per cent, more insurance In North Dakota citizen of his county, having been I of the established old line rates. I than the others To those of connty commissioner for a number I The total amount that the other you who are not carrying such in of years and having held other live companies wlllwriteis $19,000, surance I would recommend your public officers. Gastonia Gazette. I and these companies will average I giving the subject careful thought, 40 per centv refund. From as re as I know of but few goods sold by Prompt relief In all oases of throat luhle Information aa I am able to I the merchants In this State that . . a I r ' I take, toothing and healing in affect. BHiUl viu8 iukum v yvui uiuu tuaur Sold bvJ. E. Shell and Dr. Kant. , this insurance. AS the Minnesota ance. Robbors KUk A Big HauL Spring Qty, Tenn., April 14. Robbers blew the vault of the First National Bank of this place this morning at 1-25 o'clock and escap ed with over $10,000. Nitro gly cerine was used. Bloodhounds were placed on trail, but this tar the rubbers have escaped, , Last night there were $10,000 in the vuults this morning only $30 was imnd. One of the robbers shot at . S. Paul, as he was enroute to the in stutition following the explosion!