4,000 Yara Old. (Washington Correpondence in New York Tribune.) FUU information ivgading,tlie Hequoia and General Grant Na tional parks, which contain the oldest and largest trees in the world, is obtained in a circular just issued by the Department of the Interior. Within these parks are K! groves of sequoia trees, then' being more than l'J, (XX) trees exceeding 10 feet in diameter. In the giant forest in the Sequoia National park the prin -oipal trees are the General Sher man. "JM) feet, high and :!l feet in diameter: the Abraham Lin coln, J7Weet high and ;il feet in diameter, and the William McKinley, I'.U feet high and 2H feet in diameter. In the General Grant park the principal trees are the General Grant, L'til feet high and ;i5 feet in diameter, and tae George Washington. 257) feet high ami "J1. 1 feet in diameter. These big trees are the oldest living things in the world. l.POt) annual wood rings having been counted on one of the fallen giants in the Sequoia park. The great pines of the Pacific ('oast are old in their fourth or tifth century, and when the big trees growing beside them are still in "the "'bloom of youth. " as the do not attain !' -at size before their fifteen hundredth year or become old m less than :,.ikki VOars m Kiiimin tip .mil ilou n t . i i : . -.Mrp- injr and r)iMulitV!foer m.ik in l; IhhIs will not make a woman healthy or tx-auti- lul. She must et out of doors, w alk a mile or two evei v da and take lli.im- , Ixrlain's Tablets Ik improve ifestion ami regulate he: how. sale bv drain-.-. I' Revolution in the Millinery Kingdom. Along with the banishment of the tube and hobble skirt comes the announcement that tall and winter hats for the fair sex will be very much smaller. In ap jwarance they hark back to the joyous days when men had the courage to saunter fourth in the little pancake lids now emulated in old tin tyMs and on the vaudeville etage. The Kwers that be in I'arK who sav what shall be worn. have disapproved of the e treinelv wide hats recent '.v at fected in this country .'L M 1 1 1 iners lri lr flu. ,,tl,..r aay the styles .n: itnte a revolution. The idea (d th drM'rnel is to make the head ai ii ea I .1 - ma 1 1 : not .IS M)Ssibl a wisp of ray; carpel , and tl me: faUe hair, hay , cotton wa-ti allal or aiiy other auxiliary iv The woman blessed ant hair will ha e down t i'rhl 1 it si 'ie wnrn Willi .ilinnd 111 lllllsll it 1 I I be With III spoiilii (I anri th .style The 1 u i balls ai i : n- m st 1 1 terest in Tliey an- rat her sh on matei-ial. but. what they i:u 1 in that re-jiei t the;, inake up m "style."- Designed to tit dow n o n the ears, the head is compressed, as it Were, into the smallest possi ble space The hair, as a i-otise (uence. is dressed very Hat in the back and on top. and is pull ed out at the sides and low in front stimulating a fringe nn the fondiead Uncle Ezra Sayi 'It di il i t i ,i U i uii ii r'n .t k! . to K it In ks i nli i a pn U t n .Hid a little nilrrt of ii.n-'i; hiliousiie-s, iinln'islnni .n ntn drraiiL'eiiK nt will do tin nn. in. takr Di Kind's i ,i l.ii. for ipiick results. Ka-v. ..id. and onlv 2- nil- ,e t y , s,i . Co. Which One He Utt. Tommy had been ynen two new pennies one for candy and the other for Sunday School. By and by he came in from play and said: "Mamma. 1 lost one of my pennies." "Which one dear?" she asked ,"The Sunday School one." he ( replied. f CT8ubtcribe for The News $1, THIS UDY'S G00D APPETITE Mrs. Hansen, In a Letter From Mobile, Tells How She Gained It Mobile, Ala. "I suffered for seven rears, with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. Sigurd Hansen In a letter from this city. "I felt weak and always had a headache and was always going to the doctor. At last I was operated on, and tell better, but soon I had tha same trouble. My husband asked me to try Cardul. I felt hotter after the first bottle, and now, I have a good appetite and sleep well. I feel fine, and the doctor tells me I am looking better than he ever saw me." If you are sick and miserable, and suffer from any of the pains due to womanly trouble try CarduL Cardul Is successful because It it composed of Ingredients that hare been found to act curatively on the woman ly constitution. For more than fifty years, It has been used by women of all ages, with great success. Try it Your druggist sells It N. B Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept.. pvatta ooa MedlclnaCo.. Chattanoof. Tnn.. for Special ln.il rur twin, and 64-pw book. " Horn Trcatoaaf ar Women." sant in plain wrapper, an raqiMat- When a man offers a girl his j hand and fortune she likes to j take time to consider if one is too larire and the other too; small. CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY SCHEDULE Northbound Dailv Passenger No. 10 .-u-strr Lv YorUvillr ,t.aston.a i (iiistOlli.l . i LincolnUui i Xeuton I Hickory Lenoir Mortimer 7 " a m I s 4: I j in 2i. i ii ii.- ! z t i m i Kdemont Ar No i Saturda ()nl j (i a-tin: i. i Lincolnum j Xevvtun Hirkmv Lenoir .- 4u p. in - 4o i. 4o Mixed No. 60. Che-tei Y ( i r k i i 1 r (ia-lonia . ti a-ti in ia LiiH'olnton Newton . Hickory Lei ii r Mortimer KdeiiHin! Hi.k,,rv Lenoir I.vll mi p m 1 Os ; no " - I H la. m. i, 4u S -M 4 2 4o im ; 2'i - 41 i Mixed No 62. Mixed No. SO I 11 4 1 1 pill . am A: Southbound No. 9. Kdcmont Moi time r j Lenoir :!;'".""' ! New ton Lmrolnton Ar 1 1 2S a 4.; 4 4o At lia-li una Yorkwllr t'he-tel A i No. 7. Mond Onl- Hl.'k..! S New Ii ill I.i nr. ilnt a I (.a-!.."ia Mixed No. 61 (,a- Y... I he I.'. Ar lo Mixed No 6.) I. Mil ten 111. km i NeW !i ill I. 1 II' I i ( i a -t. mi I .el Ii ii I Hick...-. "Lea Chesi L ,v C. York Mled No. SI ! Aire, Souther n K v . I. A i a ;n am A 1. Hith. i n Kai I w .i v lastuni.i Soii'l'.ein Kailwav l,ni. iiiiitnii s A. L. Np-v dm and Hickorv Southrrn k E. F. REID. (let. PanMOfer Aft Annual Excurion to Wilmington, N C. Seathore, and Wrightaville Beach via C. C AO. Ry and S A. L Ry. Wednesday, Sept 18th. Spe. j.il -., i of ti i -i c ; a and 1 1 u i i in .i 1 1 - -: in T ra in. ron -i -t iu I ' e 1 i ,;n rii.irlie-. vv i i 1 he run i rai n or u ' i inr e ol i xi u r sion - -h i ii( d ir 1 !i- i hi '' 1 1 1st-. I'M.llli; M.wi'ili. . ( .. Septeiu le t 1-th. pii:. ., J i; M i4 -ii for I he round 1 1 i p T vv ii w hi ,i il a v - i Wriu'litsv i!ii 1'.. .e h I ,i i H I op k il 1 i n 1 1 1 v d 'he h i .in under sir h Y 1 1 in i n r I - in iu hill. Will he '.ike .1 ttljl til lie. i s.itit i i r i urn - slam es, it v; n.illy rednceil f.irr.mda' a tune of the y ar when it will he the most en ov a hh . Make mm I'ullman I i'.i 1 ,ll i in at 'illi i .i- tle ai, I I initeil . l-'or furthei detailed information call on or aildrrs- your nrarest C. ('. b ( I. Ky. avjrnt or Thin. Dellon. Jr.. D 1'. A.. C. C. . K. of South ( arolma. Spartanhuri:, S ( . ; ( ha. T. Mandrl. I I' A., in charge I'ass. Dfpt.. ,1'ihnson ( itv. Tenn. Few. if any. metlicines, have met with the uniform nucCeMthat has at terKled the ue of Chamberlain's Jjolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kertedy. The reroarkahle cures of colic and diarbota hlch if bai effetJtetfin lflrfibC Oe neighborhood haven it a wide reputa tion. Pr1Mlebr ail dValer. Saaboard't Third Annual Excursion to Jacksonville and Tampa, Florida, Tuaiday, September 17th. The Seaboard Air Line will operate Its third annual excursion to Jackson ville and Tampa, Fla., on Sept. 17th, the ticket good to return until Sept. 24th inclusive. Pullman sleepers and hitfh back day coaches, special train from Hamlet, from Kints west of Ham let use train 44 leaving Charlotte 5:00 P. M. into Hamlet, from points east of Hamlet use train 50 leaving Wil mington 3.25 P. M. into Hamlet, tak ing special train at Hamlet, this is a splendid opportunity to visit "The Land of Flowers," and see the wond ers of the Sunny South, a visit to Florida is well worth the trip, tickets will he sold from all K)ints on Sea hoard, below find rates from a lew points, all rates correspondingly low: Charlotte to Jacksonville $7.50. Tampa S''.5. These tickets are good returning on any regular train up to and reaching destination Sept. 24th. lie sure ami take advantage of this very low rate the only one that will be offered this season. For further information and reservations see your nearest agent or address the undersigned, H. S. Lkakd. Jas. Ki k. Jk. I). P. A. T. P. A. Kaleigh, X. C. Charlotte, N. C. What We Never Forget. according to science, are the things associated with our early home life, such as Hucklen's Arnica Sahe. thai mother or grandmother used to cure inn burns, boils, scalds, sores, skin eruptions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Fortv years ol cures prove its merit. I'nrivalcd lor piles, sores or cold- soies. tinlv 2s cents at J. K. and Co. Shell i j and I Tampa, Fla., via Southern Ry. Tues day. September 17th, 1912. Seoial train ronsi-tini,'' ol lirst eUi.-s day eoarhr- and Standard Pullman -lerpini; ca i - u ill leave Charlotte at lU oil. p. m.. Tuesday. Septeinher 1th and arrive at Jacksonville. 1'la.. ':4-, a. in., following moniinr. I Following low round trip rate- will i , . apply Ironi stations named: ' From Charlotte to Jacksonville -T..-!! ' to Tampa '.. -o. , From Sali-hnrv. to Jacksonville I 7.ni to Tampa I -'oin (i reeiishoro. to Jacksonville -7 . si i ti i Tampa si i. I'romJSIielliv . to Jacksonville s7..sO to Tampa ''..-e. Ticket- will lie -old on Tuesday, ' Si pn mlier 17th. I'll-. r,ixd on regular I tram to Charlotte and on Special train I rom (. ha riotte arrivini' in Jackson- tor r.iinna. rit'kets will be Lrool 1 f"r seven vlays, returning on any I regular train leavini; Jacksonville un 2 n- am I'd September 24th. 11 2. 12 l.i I This is a rare oiitHirtnnitv to visit Florida at small cost. Surf bathing and Fishing at their best in the "Land ol lowers iIiiiiih' tile month ol Sep tember. I'm Pullman reservations in any thrt iiilorination in connection with j tin- 'rip. applv to am artit Sinilhrrn j K' a 1 1 w a v . oi i K. H. Di HC I I S. 1 T. P. A. ; l harloltr. . V'. NORFOLK SOUTHERN WAIl.ROAD koute of the "INi:ht Express" 1 i.i.el via Raleigh il'nion Slationi and Norfolk Sout hern Ka 1 1 road . to and Ironi .ill Kiiul- in Ia-tern N. C. H u f let. Parlor and Sleeping Can helmeen Kalelxh and Norfolk. S. hedule in elleet March vnl, N 11. The follow inu schedule liu'iir-e- ,i re puhl ishei I as i n for in at ion I I N L Y and ate not iua ranterd . TWAINS I.KAVR RAI.r.KIH '' 1 - p m. Dailv "Niht Kxpres."' I'lillman Sleeping t ar for Nonolk. ii no a in D.uh For Wilson. Wash ington and Norfolk Buffet Parlor Car Service hetwern Kalrii;h and Norfolk. Ii'i'a in. Daily except Sutid.iv for New Hern via ( hocovv inily . Parlor Car Serv ice. 2 4o a in. Daily except Sunday for Washington. TWAINs auuivk: uaifkim 7 2" a in Dailv 11 2n a in Dailv ex-J rejit Sunday, and 7 ill p.' in. Dailv. Hiittet Parlor ( ar Ser v h e on s o ;,. m.' tram Ironi Norfolk. IkAINS I I AVH OOI DSROHO 1" 1 ; p. m. Dailv "Niirht Lxpre,-" Pullman Sleeping Cai for Norfolk v ia New llern. 7 lo. i in Dailv l-'or lleaufort and and Norfolk Parlor Car lut wren Waihinirton and Norfolk. i lo p. m. Daily for New Hern. ( iricn tal and FJeaufort. Parlor Car Service. 1 or fin ther information and reser vation of Pullman Slorpinj; Carapace, applv to 1). V. Conn. General Agent, or K! L. Duffer, City Ticket Agent, Yarliorough Hotel Huil(lin, Kaleigh, N. C. ' W. B. rll'DSON, W. W.'CWXTON. 0n. SirtrliteMeit ' Oea. PliAi'it. NORFOLK, VA. - - i- When soro women die and" go to heaven they'll put aside a HarTr for a rlrooni ahd. a 1 dtttric if Is the only j 1 Insured! I Sewing J' IgpMactolne Just Think of it? Tm Fp.es Sewing .Machine ja in sured for five years against accident breakage, wear, fire, tornado, light ning and water. Thi shows our faith in tab FREE Sewing Machine Thlnh what tbU means I t mtas. thai If you break tb whole machine or anjr part (needle, bell, or anachmeot, etc.) it will be replaced to you without charge. 4 Send for our booklet "In the Day's Work" Freb Sewing Mach.nb Co.. Chicago III. , I Many Driven From Home. Kvery year, in many part- I the I . from j countrv. thousands are driven their homes by coughs ami lime; dis- eases. Friends anil business are lell behind for other climates, hut this is costly and not always sure. A better way the way of multitudes is to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stay rir;ht there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and luni; troubles lind quick relief and health returns. Its help in couchs. colds, rip. croup, vv hoopini;-coue;h and sore luns make it a positive blessini;. site audl.lKl. Trial bottle free. (Guaranteed by J. F. Shell aad t.'o. FOli KECISTKK (K DKKDS. 1 liereh.v announce myself a candidate for the office of Iejris ter of Deeds of Caldwell County, subject to the action of the Re publican primaries and County Convention lil -pd Hli.i. j. Upi.ick The Men Who Succeed as heads of lare enterprises are men of ejieat energy. Success, to-day de mands health To ail is to fail. It's litter folly for a man to endure a week run-down, half alive condition when Klectric Hitters will put him rilit on his feet in short order. Fori Imttle did me more real good than anv other medicine I ever took, vv rites V lias I!. Allen. Sylvania. (ia. "Aftei yi.irsol siillenni; with rheumatism, liver Irou lile, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys. I am again, thank . to Klec tric liittei s, sound and well " Try them. I Milv o c.-nts at .1 . r. -Slu l! and Co. A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nast) attein the mouth, which reminBi rou that your stomach i in a bad -ondition. It should also remind rou that there is nothing so good or a disordered stomach ai Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver rableU. They build up tha ayitem, aaaiat natur to reator natural conditiona, and are ao ientl in their action that one hardly raaj tea a medicine was taksn. Chamberlain'a "ableta a old rywhere. Price 25c ttlLLTHCCQUdH MnCURBTMtlUtlca HEVDISCOMV mnfOUCHS wal-nLnl Irioui tnnif rort AMO AIL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATtSFACTORY OR MONEY RErUMOED. FOR SMKKIFF. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Sheriff of Caldwell county, subject to the Republi can primary and county conven tion. V. Fi. Tiu.f.y. If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for tame boe; 'sofeVteM of the tniecle, tpfSina sod ibeumstle fkM, you would er wist' to' be wiH W.T& U&hr all I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rvnrnmriiTP inr niir mmi LArLnflVlLII I a ML 3lrt Mill I May Flour and Happy Valley Flour. You can use any receipt without foar of failure, Why? IVcnuse the quality never varies. Order a sack today. Lenoir Mills Any Shape, Size or Color. Cementry Work of all Kinds. niller Reins Co. Lenoir, N. C. J. Henry Bush Paper Hanger & Painter. SiH'cial attention jfiven to PajKM" Hanging. Leave orders at Shell's Drill? Store. Tinners J. A. Seaboch & Son m- i lm a i u- 1 Tinners and Slieet, Iron Worker Rooting. (iutterinLr and ( 'ornirc Li.noik. YVoi! X ( Puette & Knox Practical Plumbers All Work (oven Prompt Attention fall on l's for Kstnnate-. Lknoik. N. ('. JEWELERj Dula Bldg. Lenoir, N.C. The implicit confide ice that many j people havi in I'liamhei lam's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy is founded on their experience in the use, of that remedy and their knowledge ol the many renratkahle cures oi colic, diarrhoea and dysentery tliat il has el fected. For sale hv all Dealers. OVER 6S YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradi Marcs DttHN Anroatamdtnf a akatrk and damiptam mil qulfklf aamrinlii our opinion fraa whether aa niTentiiva ie prooaoif paianiania. (:omoiunl Uonietrlctlrciinfldaiitlal. HANDBOOK on Patent nut rro. (iMwt axenrr fur aaonrlng patanu. I'alenU taken through Munn A Co. raoelr trcial notici, without chart. In the Scientific American. A han1inmlr illnRtrntdd weekly. I,vve4t dr cjlntlon of anf iclentlllo lourna). Terms, $J a, Tear; four montbi. $L Bold by all newvdealem. MUNN & Co B r. New York ranch office, at T Bt Wuhlnmun. u. (J. Suliscrilie for Lenoir ,( M.iki l'l ) N ' i i, N S i I) st' 1 1 I I II I I ! CAROLINA. CLINCHFIELD & OHIO RY. v II Carolina Clinchltrld anil Ohio Uaila of South Carolina i hi: m:v .short um: III I VV I IN Oante St I'aul and Speer'H Kerry Va.. John eon Clt . Tenn. . Atapa4e and Marlon. N C. and .spartenburg. S C. "CIJCm'll!U) ROL'TU" i i i ic i ivi Mw i:. I'd:. Mil tH HOI NO. No . I'm Dally Lv. I;mte. . H iki AM " Johnson (. it v . Trim . . . . 1 1 Is Ar Alt.ip.iss. X. I : 2. P.M. Lv. Marion. X. ' M " " Hostic, N. (.' 4 " Ar. Spartantnir);. S. t . . i 4o " No s. MUed Dally. I,v. Dantr. Va 1 10 P.M. " Johnson Citv. Tenn .U Ar. Alfapass. X. (.' 10 Os No. I. Mlifd Dailv. ncpt Sunday Kv. Alt.ipass, X. (' . . . i. Is A.M " Ma rion. N. (' . . 7 40 " " Ikistic. X. (.' ' 11 " Ar. Spartanburg. S S 10 4s NOKTH BOUND. No 4, Paw Dally Lv. Spartanhuri;. S. (' 12 10 A.M. Ai . Ilostir. X. (' 1 : P.M. " Marion. X. (' 2 Is " " Altapass, X. C. v M " Johnson Citv. Ti nn ( A? " " Dantr. Va 10 15 " No. , Paa Dally Lv. Alfapass. X.C ' 0s A.M. Ar. Johnson City, Trim. 9 01 " ' Dante. Va 12 S P.M. No. 6, Paaa. Dally ricept Sunday. Lv. Spartanburg. S. C 4 25 P.M. Ar. Ilostir. X. C 5 3.1 " " Marion. N. C 6 45 " " AltapasH. X. C X 05 " Patrmvs are requested io apply to nearest Agent for definite information or to 'CHA8. T. MANDEL, T. P. A., In charge Pa- Depl- J. J. CAMPION, V-Pres. and Traffia Manager, JoHitsow City, Trhw girtwcrlbefb The NEWS, 'l T I ft iV ' i 11 III ""1 vl i 2iMm ' A. B. GOODMAN, M. D.' Offer his Professional Services totheCitlzeus of Lenoir and Vicinity Office Over Lenoir Drug Co.'s Store. f i Cloer's Barber Shop (Jones IliiiUlin, Opposite P. U.) The leading and uiost conven ient Barber Shop in Lenoir. WE DO YOUR WORK QUICK AND EASY . C. Banks McNairy 1 M. D. KKSIDKNCK AT a oot mils sanatorium i PHOMC 110 T Foot Hills Sanatorium I Dr. C. L. Rohhins X I DEINT1ST -Y 1 hii tji 1 rooniK ill Diiln biiil.tin, Opposite l'ostottiee. i 0 1'lioue 108 Dr. 0. L. Moore J DENTIST Okfiu: Ovkk First National Hank I 'PHONE 85 J. R. Ervin Civil & Hydraulic Engineer. Lknoik. X. C. f I Surveys and Kstimates made and construction siiperintendeI, for Koads. Railroads and Water Power Developments. S. A. Richardson J Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS J Careful and painstaking atten tion i,riven to collect ion of all ac counts, settlement ol estates, anil tin- d i a vv nit; of all kinds of leiral f papeis. K'eal l-'.st.i i vesh.ited. state titles in- Ulice in MII.I.KK hcii.dixc;. Seaboard Air Line. SCHKDl'LK- T U A I N s I , K A K. ' H A It 1 .1 IT T K KKKKC TIVK A PHIL II. 11112. : .No 4iu ihi h 111. Through t mi 11 for W iliniiik'tnii witii piirlor cur Htturh (I. CoiiinvtH at Hnmlet with No. 3! ' for Portcinoiith hihI Norfolk. Xo. 1 lor UhImkIi. WioihiiiKtoii, BHltiuiori", ; l'hilftdelphiii Hiid New York; dininjc ear cervire and vrHtihule rnnrhpn to j WnHliiiiKton; l'nlliniiii xleiipiiiK oaik j (o Jtrwey City. : NO. 48 7 HO ,. iu. F'or Monroe and ! all points Mouth. , NO. i:i:i 10 25 a. 111. Ixieal forLin 1 coliiton. Hhelliv and Kutherfordtou. i NO. 44 r 00 p. 111 Loral for Wiliulnir 1 ton. ooiiuectlun at Hamlet with 1 ffldt vi'Htibule traiiiH for Jacksonville, I Fla., and all xmtg south. I NO. 47 4 40 p. 111. For Rutherford ton ami went. NO. 1827.4!i p 111 Handles loeal sleejiers for Portsmouth. Norfolk connects at Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with through I sleeper to Hirminnliam; at Monroe i with No. !(2, fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth ami Norfolk and Jer I sey City. Connects at Hamlet with ! No. Hi) with through v e s t I h u I t cnachef to Washington Dining car Richmond to New York. Pullman sleepers to New Y'ork. Tkaink Arkivk at Charittte. NO. (Hit Hr-'Zt) a. m., from the east. NO. 4ft 10:05 a. iu., from the west. NO. 4512:10 p. in., from the Bant. NO. H2 7:2T p. m.. frotr the west. NO. 4 7:25 p. m., from the east. NO. to 11:00 p. ra. fioin the east. O. B. Rian. H. P. A., Portsmouth, Va. Jamks Krr, T. P. A., Charlott, N. t. H. 8. Bajtn, D. P. A., ; Raleigh. N.t. . The fiatieffed cusbomer, i - th oneilwbo,.ppitroniie8 the. Nwg PrlnierJ h0n in nefed of any-

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