Ijc Smote m0 TWICK-A-WEKK II. C. MARTIN, Editor and Pkopriktoh Entered at the Post-office at Lenoir, N. C, as second-class mail matter. Subscription price $1.00 a year, six months 50 cents, three months 25 cents. This paper is sent only to subscribers who pay in advance. Advertising rates on application. Tki.kphonk No. 54. Friday, Si:r i kmih k 20, l')12. GROWING CORN. As all our readers know, corn is one of the most important, if not the most important crop, grown in this immediate part of the country. The Boys Corn Clubs and many of the men of the county have engaged in the cultivation of corn on a scientific basis and in accordance with modern methods of culture as prescribed by the state and National Hoards of Agriculture. The results of this work can be seen and judged at this particular season of the year, better than at ar.v other time. The past ea.on has not been veiy favorable lor growing corn, yet w here I hi-, w ork w as done e ien 1 1 tie a i ! y ,md in ao-ord ance with (ii reet ion-- ol t he )e pail ment of A grieiilt v. re. it has produced good result--. We ha e talked with only a lew lanners on the subject, hut the lew we have seen are enthused over the experiments they have made with the Demonstrotion acres. Mr. .John V. Link who lives in town and owns a farm a few miles west of town tells us he is confident he will trather li'O bushels from the acre lie culti vated as a demonstration acre and Mr. Ward Powell says he will do nearly as well with his. Then there are others over the county who have done equally as well. These demonstrations should lo enough to convince the most skeptical that it pays to plant and cultivate the corn crop as well as all others, scien tiffically. When a man can culti vate one acre of land and gather 75 to rjf bushels of corn from it he is foolish to .waste his strength and energy trying to cultivate -JO or fid acres in the old way and not get as umeh grain. In this connection we are told that one man in t he count who calls hmiseil a I. inner, w il ! o.v. and opened a little boil not gather .,n husheU o ,-orn oII'Um, , , . . I lie brass pin poisoned her and of his whole acreage o nearl v J. ,l,..,i v;, ,, , ;.,i., ..i w fifty acres not maki II these people lads will think and n tanning. amend their ways m especially raising corn, we do1 i not. Know w hat will It wouid he , time well snent I,,, th,. I.,, , ! - of the county to visit all t he i, nionst ration aires thi'oughout the county and thus see for themselves, just wh it being i, done by their progressive neigh bors and get in line for bettei work before time to plant an th r corn crop. THF, COUNTY FAIRS The various county Fairs held throughout the state are a great Sjurce of help to the ieople and especially the fanner. They are educative always giving impetus to the efforts of the tillers of soil and always encourage com peting exhibits of farm pro ducts, agricultural, live-stock horticulture, etc. These fairs present from all sections the most approved processes, meth od and ideas. Aside from these benefits the fair usually! pays as a financial' investment. Counties all around us are holding these fairs and thousands of people will he brought together and benefited by them. We regret that Caldwell will not be among the counties holding these bene ficial gatherings this fall. Uut let us all work together and try to inject enough enthusiasm into the good people of our county to have our "opening fair" next fall. Running up and down stairs, sweeping- and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beauti ful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Cham berlain's Tablets to improve her di gestion and regulate her bowels. For sale bv all dealers. NEW ITEMS. Fire destroyed four residences in Salisbury last Wednesday en tailing a loss of StKXX) to $KXX). It is said that the Southern Railway has aprpopriated !(), -(XX) to build a new passenger station at Asheville. The Independent Democrats of Tennessee have endorsed Governor. Hooper who is a Re publican, for re elect ion. The Gould interests are re ported to he organi.ir.g a s.ld. (KK).(HK) corporation to consoli date all Washington ; id! ic mil It HN crow, park. pro ale more room lor at the Wash ington ia 1 1 the federal go eminent has ordered condemn. iti' and ...... razing of buildings covering liall a square Mr. Geo. N Watts, ol Dur ham, has been elected president of the board of directors of the Aglet horpe I'ni versify, the pro posed Presbyterian institution to be erected in Atlanta. Charging failure to file re ports. Federal officials in Brook lyn have brought suit against 47 coriorations. Last year there were l."8 similar cases, with lHnalties amounting to $."0.(XX). Since the death of young Rand caused by the hazing at the University last week, .infor mation has come to light of the injure to a young man named Ferrell at Wake Forrest recently by hazing. His tormentors called at his boarding house and took him out and put him through stunts that caused him to he laid up in the infirmary for several days. Miss .Josie Shittle is dead as a result of ticking a tiny bump on her lace with a brass pin About i week ago she stood before her ! mirrior at her home at Double i Shoals, six miles north of Shel o i i o k I'dood piison got through her system and she si fefed fearfully. Ino. M. Harrell. lor se eral of the .Ino. M . Harrell. special agent S,'N " 'l' large msur "H'e,ompanies at High Coint, j lias i.hsa peared, he has not been seen since the morning of Sept. j -'th Without a word to his wife, I o ttice employes, business or so - uil Iriemls. he just dropped out ol sight, h, is thought that bis business was in good shape and no reason can he found for his peculiar disappearance Girl Hat Slept For Three Weelcn. Urookline. Mass., Sept. t,. Apparently sleeping naturally. Miss Agnes Ilea, a student in the Medford High school, has been unconscious for three weeks, A tit of hysteria brought on her mysterious malady. She went to sleep while visiting at a Maim- summer resort and was brought unconscious to her home in Medford. A week ago she was taken to a Brookline hospital where she is still sleeping. Her pulse is normal and she appears to be healthy. SENATORIAL CONVENTION. By direction of the Republi can Executive Committee of the Thirty Fourth Senatorial Dis trict, Composed of the Counties of Alexander, Durke, Caldwell and McDowell, I hereby call a Convention of said District to be held in Lenoir, N. C. on Satur day, September 21st, 1912, at 2 1 M., to nominate two candi dates for the State Senate, and to transact such other business as may be proper. W. S. MlLLElt, Chm. Rep. Ex. Com. 84th Sena torial District. HMt Few, if any, medicines, have met with the uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cures of colic and diarhoea which it has effected in almost every neighborhood haren it a wide reputa tion. For sale by all dealers. Notice to Stock Mn. 1 wish to inform the public that I am now located at Lenoir. I make a specialty of operating on Ridgling horses. I perform the operation without stopping them from work. Reference: Henkel Live Stock Co.. of Le noir. Hickory and Statosville. Yours respectfully, 7-tl R Ru;;s. 1). V S. Uncle Ezra Say 'Itil.'n': t.tk.- inere'ii a -ill u ellurt'"! '. yi: lolks int a perl, ol trouble" .uul a iit;it' uL;iii- ot constipation, I ill iousii, iiul nnsl inn or other liver i ,7 , , .Ii r.uuenn-n: ill do the .ime. II ail- Ill-, take III. Klll-'s N'ett Lite 1'llN imi-U i . -ii i t . K;is , nl - cent-, at .1. K fe. nii re. Shell an. I !' DKKDS. hereby announce myself a . .., I i.l ., i . . r.... i . iii. ii. i.l i. (m lie o i on 1 1 1 1 nation for i the office of Register of Deeds OM aldwell ( Olint.V, subject to the Republican primary and County Convention. ' tf. Geo. T. Aistin. An article that has real merit should in time heroine (Xipular. That such the case with Chamberlain's Coutfh Kemedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them, H. W Hendrickson. Ohio Falls, Ind., writes "Chamberlain's CotiRh Kemeilv is the best for coughs, colds and croup, and is my best seller." For sale hv all dealers. The one man who can brake his ribs without hurtinK himself, in the least is the butcher. Subscribe for the News. 8 Fall Clottnfaffl I am making a specialty of Men's and Boys clothing for Fall. I will Save you Money on Clothing School Shoes for Children: Winter Shoes for Men and Women. Satisfaction Guaranteed on every sale. Thg RPafU-oir CUT OUT THIS AD. MOLES AND IRIS. Removal with MolpnofT, without pain or danger, no matter how larr, or how far raised alxjve the surface of the skin. Am thev will never return, and no trare or scare will te left, where 'he mole or wart was seated. MolesofT is applied directly to the Mole or Wart, which entirely (lisapears in about six days, lolling thereon, leaving the skin smooth and natural. Letters from ijersonatres we all know, together with much val i .itile information, are contained in the attractive tiooklet, which til he mailed you free upon request. MolesofT is put up only in one dollar bottles. Orders are rilled immediately tiixin receipt of price and mailed in a plain case, ! ompanied by full directions, and contains enough remedy to remove sixto ten ordinary Moles or Warts. We nell MolesofT un der xsitire guarantee, if it fails to remove your Mole or Wart, will promptly refund you your dollar. Florida Distributing Company PENSACOLA, FLA. tW Please mention this paper when answering. New reading matter appear In this space each week. f -o.lr mm. We Put Forth j j llKam J j our best efforts, to the f I 1ftft0T0ftrC 3 lO Xs 9 f end that every worthy 4 j Jll IUIv.ll IV I 1 1 JJ I i patron may be proper- ft' Urfh wJ!! nl ,v.irpd(01. j mdJte iMm I FIRST MIL BANK S lerLHO LENOIR, N. C. j (J ? CA Nc.tMry Public at Bank . L KDiiciwrcc i n p a i c M s feA Mil. INK .1.1 IH .. KZZZZS ; j- rti Notic .. fj 1 "'' em .1 wi If. v . rij -No .CHUertlse Mie I'eut a word eaeh insertion, it meat le til.ci '. : f1-' J, "i c .-.t-. : y . r 1 u They Bring Quick Results jp FoKSALH t less than oust 1 II. w , , 11,1...- 1 t ..v.... ....v. ..... .....v.. . d Spreader, also Farmer aunite ' -,;,. Henkel-Crai Lbe Stock Co. lLuST n Turnpike, a ladies dark I irai. ... l i .... Drown snort-coat or tackct. Kcturn to New s otliet" and e;et reward. ''l-2t FOK SALK One fresli milk i nrxxl quality J. W. Stanford. Patterson. X. C. isiN - ot - pd FOR KKXT The office recently oc cupied by the Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. P. M. Keever. Rh-tf FOK SALK (iood second-hand Kern- ington Typewriter, cheap. 7h-tf P. M. Keever. If you get your Ice Cream from Phil lip Hostic you will know what it is to have genuine satifaction. FOK KKXT The office recently va cated bv the Singer Machine Co. ('-tf " P. M. Keever. WAXTKD Table Hoarders. Good fare. Convenient location near public square. HMf Waddell House. i s - Ml... . tHiiyw . Jft S J! ' if ,U 1 V Oi , iTJ r U 1. n1 - w uT. L" lifimiiiii ,S Wvv vv V r T Yv Wl I iti Superior Drills have more features of real value to the farmer than any other Grain Drill on earth, and we are prepared to prove it, if you will give us the opportunity. Superior Drills are backed by the strongest guarantee ever placed on a grain drill, and the warranty is GOOD. Ask any farmer who ever used a Superior Drill, and he will tell you; it is the Drill to buy. Its on Exhibition. Call and See it. BERNHARDT-SEAGLE COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Furniture. Ul 2SHSHSH5 ESZ5TeS S aSHSHSHS Did you Ever Try Advertising in the News? Wc Arc All Ready for you with som' pxci'llcnl values in t.Min ,iikI siiik (. ia. ncsscs. The It'Mthcr used is tirst (iinlity, the workmanship is strictly 'first grmh1. and the stvlcs up to dat in evorv n'HJM'Ct. Every Harness is cut full size and fits and looUs well on tin- horse. We want you to become one of our satisfied customers, and you surely will if you buy from t inns si. - f a SfH 2S 5 dSttSBS E5T25B 5HS af 4 i Li I