Parcel Pott a Law. Parcel post is ' now a law! It goes into effect throughout the United States on New Year's day, 1813. We believe Farm and Home started the demand for this reform nearly 30 years ago. It has been ably championed by many others. Congress has finally granted the public's demand. The far reach, changes that will be stimulated by this new law are editorially set i'or;h in the September 15 number of the national semi monthly, Farm and Home, as follows: 1. Farmers will sell produce direct to consumers, mailing it fresh from the farm daily, or as often as necessary. This is going to benefit both producers and con sumers, affording the farmer a bet ter market and better profits, while giving consumers better food at lower prices than they now pay their retail store. 2. The transportation of small packages within the territory of each local post office, in country or city, will be done mainly by parcel post. This will prove a great con venience to the public, and will promote the business of local merchants and retailers. 3. The country store will under go great changes. Their old slip shod, careless ways of doing busi ness must give way to the new, progressive, up-to-date methods es sential to make the country store the center of a more perfect distri bution for what the people require. 4. Post roads are to be greatly improved. Good roads will gradually become the rule instead of the exception. This will vastly benefit all rural property, stimulate better farming, increase produc tion, reduce expense of transporta tion, and thus tend to keep down the increasing cost of living. r. The motor post coach is hound to come throughout the dated' States. It is already common in some parts of Europe. Here it will collect and carry parcels, passengers and mail. It will supply torural towns rapid transit com. parable to the accommodation supplied to citieH by electric street railways. ii. Business by post is to witness a well nigh immeasurable ex pansion. In due time the law will provide for collection on delivery of parcels, insurance and other conveniences. 7. A. universal system must le provided for postal currency, also post checks which can le drawn for any amount and collected with out expense, thus profoundly in creasing the convenience tor ex change of values and products. 8. Eventually the postoflice de partment will take over the ex press companies The railroads will continue to I owned as at present, but under a more perfect super vi mod, which will make their bus, i less safer and prolitable, and more greatly convenience the whole public. 9. These and other changes will so improve rural life as to attract people from city to country, thus profoundly improving social condi tions, while promoting economic prosperity. 10. Along with all these good things, let us have a method of cooperative finance that shall furnish farmers and ordinary work ere with banking conveniences. credits and ca h. relatively equal to those employed in modem com raerce The Men Who Succeed a-. heads of larjjf -i it r t i - .in im-n of great cm-iyt. Sucre-.-.. t,i-d.iv de mands health To ,ul i-.tot.iil. t , utter f 1 1 tor a in. in f ctwlni ., ,-cel. run-down. aliw o. milium wh. n Klectric Hitter, will put Iniu ri;;lit on his feet in -.hurt miln. l-'our tmttle, did me more good than am other medicine I ever took, writes Clias It. Allen, Sykania. (ia. "After vear- nf suffering with rheumatism, liver trou ble, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to Klec tric Bitters, sound and well." Try them. Only 50 cents at J. K. Shell and Co. Hi Truth. Parson I can't lie on either aid. .DoctorOf coarse not, parson FIVE LOAVES AND TWO "FISH ES. Mark vi, 30-44 Sept. 2Z "Jttut so ui unto them, I am tht Bread 01 Lite." John it, J5. HEN the twelve Apostles re turned to Jesus they ? pluiued the instance of the::- tour and what they hud taught: nnd He called tliein away to a desert plnee to rest awhile, uCCmum- of the crowd and because they hail no even time to take nourishment. So they went privately by ship. Hut (ho news went also and the crowd went on foot from visrious cities. , Jesus would have no time to Hint self. His entire life was devoted and being rendered op a living saciitiee to the Divine service, in feedim,- the sheep of Jehovah's flock, and His own sheep also, because all that were the Fa ther's were His. As He looked upon the multitude. He felt a yearning com passion for them: "They were like sheep without a shepherd:" aud He continued to teach them But did they not have synagogues, and regular reading of the Scriptures V Did they not nave Scribes. Pharisees. Friests and I.e vites? How could they be without shepherding? Ah. they had a soul huuger. which t In forms, ceremonies and burdens bound iloii them could not satisfy They really wanted the "Bread of I. 'p. ' which .lesus had -which .lesus h(M. Ancestors o! tht tic lutwnmt for fie H'rsoiiiric the Truth. Why theu did they not re ceive It? They were bound by super stition. prejudice, the fear of man tradition's of the ancients, and the op position of the great and learned oi their time Did they not frequently Inquire 'Have any of the Scribes nnd I'hiir. sees lielieved on Him?" The common people always refer to the learned The learned therefore have the greaiei responsibility Jesus declared of them "Ye have taken away the key of know l edge;" you will neither enter Into the favor of God yourselves, nor will you permit others to enter In - I.uke it. "'' And Is uot this true today? Tin learned of the colleges and prtnclpa pulpits are telling the people that th Bible Is not the Divine Message wine; Jesus and the Apostles declared it i tie. that Moses and the Prophets did not write the books accredited to them and thus Indirectly telling that .lesu and the Apostles were deceived when Jesus said. "Moses wrote of Me." and the Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah sai'l thus and so The Sympathy of Jaaua. The multitudes In their enthusiasm went a long Journey from home with out making proper provisions for food The disciples urged that the people t sent home. Jesus suggested, "like e them to eat." But they declared thev had nothing wherewith to feed so many, and that If even they should go to purchase It would cost much. Finally they found live loaves ami two fishes By Jesus direction they seated the multitudes in companies on the grass, and the loaves and fishes under heavenly ulessnu:. were divided again and again, and all ate to their satisfaction. and the fragment amounted to twelve baskets, while those who h:'d partaken were .".ooo This wonderful miracle not ti l. at tests our Lord's sympathy, but also spoUc volumes to the people of the Divine power that wa In the Groat I Teacher, but there is still another les miii winch it teaches us. Like all ot j Jesus miracles It was merely another foreglea ming or Illustration, of His fu t lire glory and of the coming blessings This miracle sjienks to us of tin power that our Lord will then have for , providing for the necessities of tbf whole world True we do not eipeot that during the reign of Christ the world will be miraculously fed but rather In accordance with the Scriptural promise. "The earth shall yield her increase:" "tint tnnvn and two n tld again. "1 Will nh4 " ca for (De vrbent. and will Increase It." etc.. etc. But specially the feeding of the multitude i remind us of the fact testified in our teit that Jesus Is "The Bread of Life" the Dkine Provision for the necesl ties of the w hole world "I Am the Bread of Ufa As the Church now partake of the merit of Christ's sacrifice, aud become members of Ills Body, the one Loaf, and thus partake of eternal Life IhroiiL'h Him. so In God's due time the Bread from Heaven Is to feed the mul titudes of earth During the thousand-! years of Ilk reign, the Bread of Life will be freely distributed amongst all mankind That Bread of Life Is the Truth-partlcularly the Truth connect ed with the great redeeming work of Jesus He is to be the Bread of Life to the world, because He bought the world with the sacrifice of Hit Ufa. The Church, however. In this present time, baa toother privilege which tha world In the future will not ehare, en that i repreawoted fa tie Lord' "tony? Bll Wp lre-etrttf Mir rrfrW tew S erti wfrh m ia beet f JUtol f. Oh raf0cm i ' ii .r d'v.'wTiif WHAT SAVED JIER LIFE Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. . RIvesville, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, In a letter from Rivesville, writes: Tor three years, I suffered with wo manly troubles, and had pains in my back and side. I was nervous and could not sleep at night The doctor could not help me. He said I would have to be operated on be fore I could get better. I thought I would try using Cardui. Now, I am entirely well. I am sure Cardui saved "toy life. I will never be without Cardui in my home. I recommend it to my friends." For fifty years, Cardui has been re lieving pain and distres caused by wo manly trouble. It will urely help yon. It goes to the spot reaches the trouble relieves the symptoms, and drives away the cause. If you suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardui. Your druggist sells and recommends it Get a bottle from him today. N. B Writs to: Lidles" Advisory Dept.. Chatta boom Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Term., for Svecial lmtructiant, and 64-pigt book. "Home Traataaaf I 1 far Women." tent in plua wrapper, oa requeat. . q NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of the "INiight Express" Tr.nel Raleigh il'nion Station) .mil Norfolk Southern K.iilroad. to and from all points in Eastern N. V. Buffet. Parlor and Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Norfolk. Schedule in effect March .Mil. N. H. The following schedule tiur es are pnhl ilieil as information ONLY and-are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVH KAl.lilliM p. in. Daily "Xiifht Kxpress." Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk . a. in. Daily -For Wilson. Wash ington and Norfolk Buffet Parlor Car Service between Naleijrh and Norfolk. icooa. m. Daily except Sundav for New Bern via I'hocow inity . Parlor Ca r Sen ice. 2-fo.i. in. Daily except Sundav lor Washington . TWAINS ARRIVE RALEKiH 7:2n a tn. Daily 11:2 a. m. Dail ex cept Sunday, aud 7:.vii p. in. Daily. Buffet Parlor Car Service on m..m p. m. train from Norfolk. TRAINS LEAVE OOLDSBORO in -15 p. m. Daily "Niht Kxpress" Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk via New Bern. 7 in a. in Daily For Beaufort and and Norfolk Parlor Car between Washington and Norfolk. .vlilp. in. Daily for New Bern. Orien tal and Beaufort. Parlor Car Sen ice. For further information and reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to D. V. Conn. General Agent, or K. L. Duffer. City Ticket Agent. Yarliorough Hotel Building, Kaleigh, N. C. W. B. HUDSON, W. W. CR0XT0N, (Icn. Superintendent (leu. Pat. Agent. NORFOLK, V A. It you UiH-w of till' real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame h.icU. soreness ol the muscles, sprains ami rheumatic pains, you would never wish to without it. For sale liv all dealer- . KOK SIII.KIKK I 1 1 ft )- announce myself a candidati' for nomination for tin- office of Sheriff of Caldwell county, .subject to the kepubll can primary and county conten tion K. K TlLLKY A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, naatj astern the mouth, which remindi rou that your atotnach U in a bad :onditioo. It should also remind rou' that there is nothing so good for' a' disordered stomach as Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver rableU. Tkey build up th ijitetn, aaaiat natura lo Mtttfr naturml cottditioiu, mod ars o reotlfl in tkir action that on hardlj real xm madiewawM taJcwa. ChambarUia'a rablata aw aold vrarywlMr. Pric Z5o nittTMscoudHi aax E7DS0VE(W VULD3 If TWIAtlOTTUrPtl AMD All THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OP honey ffenNoeo. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Caldwell County, subject to the. acfrm of the ,Jte ublican rinoanes" and .Xiaty ConTention. 61, - . ,JfrLLl.BQJUCK. .,. 1BA i is -the only Insured Sewing Macnine Just Think of It? Thi Fsbi Stwing; Machine ii in aured for five yeart against accident breakage, weir, tire, tornado, light ning and water. This shows our faith in tFREE Sewing Machine Thlnh wh tbU fPtfcn1 t mem. that if you brvak tbe whole mac hint or anr part (needle, belt, or attachment, etc.) it will be replaced 10 you without chare. Send for our booklet "In the Day's Work" r... su,.N M.ruiv. r ruir. in. i Many Driven From Home. Kery year, in many parts of the country, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lmi' dis eases. Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly ami not always sure. A better way the way of multitudes is to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stay rilit there, with your Iriends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and 1 ii troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its help in coughs, colds, rrip, croup, w hoopiiiK'-i'ouh anil sore lune;s make it a positive blessing. sk- and S1.IKI. Trial Ixrttle free, (iuarauteed by J. K. Shell a ad Co. CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY SCHEDULE Northbound Dally Passenger No. 10. Chester Lv 7 55 a in Yorkville H 42 Ciastonia .Vl (iastonia Lincoluton 10 2l Newton 1 1 05 Hickory . 12 15 p m Lenoir. . 1 30 Mortimer 2 53 Kdemont A i 3 OS Saturday Only- No. R. (iastonia ... 5 40 p.m. Lincoluton 40 Newton . ... i 40 Hickory 7 35 Lenoir S 05 Mixed No. 60. Chester Lv 11 00 p in Yorkville 1 OS (iastonia 1 (XI Mixed No 62. (iastonia 5 00a.m. Lincoluton n 40 Newton S 45 Hickory . 1(1 45 Lei oir . 2 40 pin Mortimer 5 20 Kdemonl 5 40 Mixed No. 50 Hickory . Lv 1 1 45 pm Lenoir A i 115 am Southbound No. 9. Ldeinont Lv 1 2 u5 am Mortimer 12 13 Lenoir Ar 1 2m pm Lenoir Lv Hickory 2 3 Newton 5 05 Lincoluton 3 43 (iastonia Ar 4 40 (iastonia . Lv Yorkville 5 3' Chester Ar 25 Monday Only No. 7. Hickory 3o Newton 4 55 Lincoluton 5 33 Gastvonia 27 Miied No. 61. Gastonia Lv 7 0) am Yorkville 8 35 Chester Ar 10 25 Mixed No. 6J. Edtfemont Lv H 30 am Mortimer H 40 Lenoir Ar 10 4o Hickory . 1 20 pm New ton 3 25 Lincoluton 4 20 Gastonia A r 7 40 Mixed No. SI Lenoir Lv 5 30 am Hickory A r n 55 am Leave Arrive Chester Southern Ky.,S.A. L. and Lc. Yorkville - Southern Railway, (iastonia Southern Kailway. Lincolnton M. A. L. Newton and Hickory- Southern Ky. E. F. REID, Oea. Paaacoier Aft. What W Nerer Forget. according to science, are the things associated with our early home life, uch aa Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, that mother or grandmother uaed to cure our burns, boils,' scalds, sores, akin eruptions, cuta, apraina or bruises. Forty jar of cures prov ita merit, tftrlttted for ptfetV ore or (old am Only 25 orata at J. E. kbetl aVO .... .j ' 4& BUSINESS piKECTOilY. EXPERIMENTS ARE SAFE WITH May Flour and Happy Valley Flour. You can use any receipt without fear of failure, Why? Because the quality never varies. Order a sack today. Lenoir Mills T Any Shape, Size or Color. Cementry Work of all Kinds. niller - Reins Co. Lenoir, N. C J. Henry Bush Paper Hanger & Painter. Special attention given to Paper Hanging. Leave orders at Shell's Drug Store. Tinners J. A. Seaboch & Son m. , .,, . ,,, . T mners and Sheet Iron Worker; Rooting. Guttering ;md Cornice Work. Lknoik, X. ('. Puette & Knox Practical Plumbers All Work Given Prompt Attention Call on Us for Kstiumtes Lknoik, X. C. JEWELER Dula Bldg. Lenoir, N.C. The implicit ronfida ice that many people have in Chamberlain's Colii Cholera and Iliarrhoea Remedy is lounded on their experience in the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has ef fected. For sale by all Dealers. OVER 68 YEARS' S EXPERIENCE 'III IV , Co-irr 4U. A nrM aanatha a (latch and tfMoHnttna mj qntokl aaoaruin -our opinion fraa whether ma liiTontlnn M lblf paiantaal. Comma Din. UnnntrlotlTCinadnttal. HANDBOOK on PaMnta Mit frea. Olrtoirt mfncj for (onrtiiapatanu. 1'iianu takan tnnmih Muun A Co. raoalra nrciai nolr, without ehajwa, Is tba Scientific American, A htmlaomalr Itlnitralad wMklf. I.&rvtt ntr oulallon nf any aAlantiao urnal. Tarnia, 93 a rear; four month. IL Sold brail newidnalera. MUNN & Co e,B'd-' New York BrajMSB Offlne. 836 F Bt, Wuhlnaton. D. C. Subscrilw for Lenoir New? il.i) ClINIll NSI ll sl'll I IM CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELO & OHIO RY. AM) Carolina Clinthllfld and Ohio Vailaav of Sooth Carolina THIJ NIJW SHORT HI- I WI I N Dante St. Paul and Bpeer'a Harr) Va..John on City, Tenn.. Atapa.a and Marlon. N C, and Spartanburg, S C. "tJUIINCHI'lliUO KOUTI!" 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 v i- M i:. I'm:. .SOUTH BOI NI). No j. Pa.. Daily Dante, Va H IX) A.M. Johnson City. Tenn... . 11 l.S " Altapass. N. C 2 2 P.M. Marion, N'. C .M " " Bostic. N. C 4 ,l " Ar. Spartanburg, S. C .S 40 " No a, Mined Dally. Lv. Dante. Va 1 10 P.M. " Johnson City, Tenn.... S .U " Ar. Altapass. N. C K) (Is " No. i. Mixed Dally, except Sunday Lv. Altapass, X. C ( Is A.M " Marion. N. C 7 4'i " " Ikistic. N. C 11 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. S. in 4s " NORTH HOI NO, No 4. Pan. Dally Lv. Spartanburg. S. C 12 10 A.M. At. Bostic. N. C 1 20 P.M. " Marion. N. C 2 Is " Altapass, N.C M " " Johnson City, Tenn ( .$ ' " Dante, Va ". 10 Is " No. a, Paaj. Dally. Lv. Altapass. N.C 05 A.M. Ar. Johnson City. Tenn.. vol " " Dante. Va 12 45 P.M. No. 6, Past. Dally except Sunday. Lv. Spartanburg. S. C . . . 4 25 P.M. Ar. BoHtic. N. C 5 33 " " Marion, N. C 6 45 " " Altapass. N. C' . . . . . . H 05 " Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Ageot for definite information or to CHAf). T. MANDRL, T. P. A., In chanre Pais. Dept. J. J. CAM HI ON, V-Prea. andiTrapfaniicer, ' Joano CtrV, TKiiif. 9 J A. B.. GOODMAN, M. D. Offers bis Professional Servioea totheCitiiens of Lenoir And Vicinity f i Office Over Lenoir Drug Co.'s Store. Cloer's Barber Shop (Jones Building, Opposite P. O.) The leading and most conven ient Barber Shop in Lenoir. WE DO YOUR WORK QUICK AND EASY. C. Banks McNairv i M. D. KKSIDHNCK AT t a rooi nnis anaionum a I Phokk - - - 110 T Foot Hills Sanatorium Dr. C. L. Robbins DEINTIST Dental rooms in Dula Imildiug Opposite Postomee. Phoue 108 Dr. 0. L. Moore DEINTIST OH'ICK. C)VKK FlKST National Bank PHONE 85 J. R. Ervin Civil & Hydraulic Engineer. Lknoik, X. C. Surveys and Kstimates made and construction superintended, for Koari.s, Railroads ami Water I'ower Developments. S. A. Richardson Attomey-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion Kiven to collection of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of leal papers. Keal Kstate titles in vestigated. Office in MILI.KK Ht'ILDIXG. Seaboard Air Line. vSCH KDL'LK Tkai Lka vk Ch a h I. (I I i k Kkkkc- TIVK Ai'KIl. II, 11112. NO. 4l 5:00 h. 111. TlirniiKli train for Wilmington with pnrlor ear attach ed. CoimeetH at Hamlet with No. 8H for PortKUiotith and Norfolk. No. 66 for Raleigh, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; diuinjc I ear HPrvice anil veoTiiitiie coaches to Washington; Pullman sleeping cars I to Jersey City. ( NO. 4-7:S0 a. in. For Monroe and I all points south. NO. 133 10:25 a. in. Local for Lin coluton, Shelby and Rutherfordton. NO. 445:00 p. m. Local for Wilining ton, connecting at Hamlet with fast vestibule trains for Jacksonville, Fla., aud all points south. NO. 47 4:40 p. ui. For Rutherford ton and west. NO. 1337.46 p. in. Handles local sleepers for Portsmouth. Norfolk connects at Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with throuirh isleeper to Birmingham; at Monroe with XNo. Wi, fast tram with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jer sey City. Connects at. Hamlet witk No. rt with th rough v e s t I b u I coaches to Washington Dining car Richmond to New York. Pullman sleeers to New York. Traihh Arkivk at Charloit. NO. 13310:25 a. ru., from the east. NO. 4810:05 a. in., from the west. NO. 4512:10 p. m.. from the east. NO. 132 7:25 p. in., frop- the west NO. 4 7:2ft p. m., from the east. NO. 3H-1L00 p. in. fiom the eaat. O. B. Rtan, (i. P. A., Portsmouth, Ta. Jahrs Kkr, T. P. A., CharlotU, N. t. H. S. Lbard, 1). p. a., The Satisfied customer is tb on who patronizes the, News PriAteri Wheh in 'need of 1ftn fa tH Jib PtltHi tia4. y -S'lMvii ".I t.