4 TWICE-A-WEEK H. C. MARTIN, Edituk and Pkopkiktor Entered ;it the Post-office at Lenoir, N. C. ;i i-oinl-cl.is mail matter. Sntcriition price a year, six ninth so cents, three mouths 25 cents. Thi jiaper is sent only to subscribers who pay in advance. Advertising rates on application. Ti l l I'HONK No. 54. TVKSUAY, Si I'll mhi k 24. 11 2. POWEK VS POVERTY. "Sheriffs OFFIl'F, MECK LENBURG O .. Charlotte Township Tax book 1911. Page-'JO lint- Xo. 8---the AS SESSOR'S l'.i acre farm includ ing one of the best houses in the COUNTY outside City. Assess ed by himself at $40.(X) per acre. THE OTHER SIDE-the N EURO'S tax Same book as above Page UW line Xo. 1 1. I'oor faithful old negro with an "ENTITY" in a FIVE ACRE place near the above "mansion" not on a R( "AD with a small pig pen a Mrs WIOUS dwell ing ASSESSED at s.".o.(Ki per ACRE." The ;bo e is il i l a 11 1 i.l I i V .1 l opy ot an ai 1 . - It ,-M-n.en! m the ( ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . pi Ml it - OIil 1M M. eUb-; I. ii K li .,tter ,il 1 'e ef. .Old It ' "in i ' : t . : i 'Ii ei,;s " i 'l: '. hi in . s ii iw I ' !!. 'Il.lt ."II :l tile - ; i i t.ie. No tiolllit s i ; i : 1 1 ; conditions e.tn be found 111 lleari.V e e y eounty 111 the state. While we deplore the ' i idea of seeming to array one elass of citizens against another, yet there is no plenum hut the rich or well to do fail to bear their proportionate part of the burdens of taxation, when one compares the tax returns. There are instances that can be found on the tax books of any county in the state, where men actually perjure themselves by swearing falsely to their tax lists, and the matter is passed over or w inked at by the official-., whose sworn duty it is to correct these tax lists. A man's Hsition in church, society, intelligence or wealth, should not be a cause for Mis crimination in his favor in hst ing his property for taxations, yet if such a man sees tit to swear falsely he i permitted to do so and his list is not correct ed while his less fortunate neighbor is made to toe the mark' The Price She Paid. ' From Tin' A -In . i ! i i,-. u It is a gra pine sIoia o rare human interest w hn-h the New York World publishes nmvmg tlit life details of .lack- John soil's white wife w ho ihil a iner itorious act w hen she took- Imt sel I out of the w i i 1 1 i . It ,s a ! story of pathos and 1 r.ige.lv. ! telling of a Iii-oIm-d hear'.'d (.oh ! er who was liter, illy crushed t,, death by his daughter's shame. 1 It told, too, of a sister honorably ! engaged to man y m iesie, -table j circles who sa u her hl.-'s dream i shattered. Another pieiuie. m all its pathetic draping, presents itself in the tbghi of a brother unable t.O bear the disgrace heaped u . n his naiii" and faun l,y by his sister's lolly. Four lives Were Wrecked wh" this Winni of r.'sp.et able parentage guve herself in in it l imony to ;l negro, and she wrote the last Chapter of a tale of ruin and misery when she fired the fatal bullets into her brain. "I am tired of being a social outcast; even the negroes do not respect Die," she said. And ho she died. JJvos of birdmen nil remind us We should aviate with eare, And departing leave behind us Footprints in the upper air. Socialist County Ticket, The Socialists of ' Caldwell County held a very enthusiastic meeting in Lenoir last Saturday. At this meeting it was decided to nominate a Socialist County ticket and also to start a cam paign in the County to encour age and explain tlie Socialist doctrine. The following ticket was nominated: Legislature, R. 1. Bush: Sheriff, E. D. Rutledge, Register of Deeds, C. J. Hart; Treasurer, S. J. Mitchell, Coro ner, Noah Austin: County Com missioners, J. M. Hart, F. S. Livingston, D. H. Francuni. Senatorial Convention. The Senatorial Convention of this the 34th Senatorial District, consisting of the counties of Mc Dowell, Burke, Alexander and Caldwell met in the court house in Lenoir Saturday, Sept. 'Jlst, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for said district. W. S. Miller, Chairman, called the Convention to order and was made chairman. T. S. Rohhins secretary. The names of E. F. j Wakefield, of Caldwell, and C. j A. Spencer, of Burke, were placed before the I 'on vent ion and were nominated by acclimation. W. S. Miller, ot Caldwell, was re elected cha i rinan of t he dis tnct lor the next two years. There being no further business the me, 't i iilT ad.; i; rued The Hookworm Campaign. Report ol the seven Week's campaign m Caldwell County for t he eradic, it ion of t he hook work disease. a, (Mib examinations were made, 1 of this l,7s() or per cent werej found infected with hookworms, I s?!' other parasites were found. f . , - - , Ot the school children b to j Is years examined ,'ia per cent were infected with hookworms. The following is the infection found at each of thedisxn.saries: Granite Falls, 7 days -:!) had hookworm, mS. had dwarf tape worms, 1 had pin worms, 1 had hair worms, IJ had eel worms. Patterson, b days t'i'.ls ex amined, J7ti had hookworms, I' 17 had eelworins, Ii had pinworms and a had hair worms. Collettsville, li days 7."l ex amined. ':!:'. had hookworms, iMa had eelworins, li had dwarf tape worms. had pinworms. Kings ( 'reek, ii days 7'.i ex amined, lis had lunik worms. 7 had eelworins, ;! had pinworms, I had dwarf topewonns Lenoi, 7 days ltV.I.'i examined, ."."'.! had bookworms, halmd ee worms, 7 had hairworms, I had pinworms, JJ had dwarf tac worms, J bad whipworms. Whitnel. 1 day ''7 examined, 1 1 had hook worms. I had eel worms and I had dwarf tape worms. t I 1HS in. amined. pi.; had eel worm ilays e. id hoolv worms, li i nan nwarl tape worms, had pinworms. I whipworms. Mortimer. J days J a in i lied . .; 1 hail hook- worm pinwornis. i nail eelworins. I had dwarf tapi '.vi triii"- Uncle Ezra Sy li .I...,'; to t;it loll,, .iml a lii'l. 1 'l 1 l' MMII - . 1' i .in;;i-nr u' m::. t.ilo I Ii lot ,,,. k ,,. a ml on 2 -l o. i;ill ii'. i llott - o tnnible" ' "O -' 1 1 1. if too . "I ot 1 it I liver s.l 111. . It til V I. if.' Pills i'l:.o Mio,, .' ill llo th. Kill-; " . ill-. I-..I. lit .1 ' .1 t It'. Ml re. I I. "-h. il -iml Notice to Stock M en I ,. I. i r .i i isi i ,.i i ii 1 1 imu I I le III 1 1 II that I am now located ;)t I.eno,,-. I make a specialty of operalmo; on Niilirliim horses. perform t he operation without stopping them from work. lo'lerence; I lenkel I ,ive Stock ( 'o.. of noir, Hickory and Statesville Yours respectfully. -tl U. Mums. I). V S. tow, if any. medicines, have met with the uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhooa Ketnedy. The remarkable cures of colic and diarhwa which it has effected in almost every neighborhood haen it a wide reputa tion. For sale hy all dealers. Roof Insurance With Every Roll II ROOFING IN every roll of Congo two-ply or three-ply Rooting is packed an Insurance Bond iisuej by the National Surety Company, guaran teeing Congo Roofing to last for ten yean. It is a real Insurance Policy- against leaks and dissatisfaction. We pay the premiums. When youbuyCango, you buy ten year of pro tection. It settle! thequei tion of just what you are getting without being an expert on felt and satura tion and tensile strength. The Guarantee Bond is legal. It costs you noth ing to have the advantage of this Insurance. It is our way of knocking all the bunco out of the roofing business and getting down to hard facts. Booklet, nm pie rtd cup of (bit (iuarintrr Bond f rrt on rojurM UNITED ROOFING & MFG. CO. Philadlpki Chicago KaoMi City Sui Francisco 'or salr BERN H AROT-S EAG LE COMPANY Wholesale ami Retail Hardware and Furniture. The man si l( H I t I ill 111" imvI hum". who continually mouth rari'lv hits i Aii .iitv li- tti.it h.i" u il merit lmultl in tiinr Imvuiih' j k j m i 1 a r . Tint such is the i-.ise with I'h.iiiilH-rl.iiii's v'ouh Keiiii-dv h.is hiM ii .Otcstcd bv m.mv ih-.ik-ts. Ilerr is oiH' ol them. 11. V. HiMidrickseil. Ohio Falls, Iml., writes "v h imhcrLiin's Ooiih Kcincilv is the best tor coughs, rohls ami croup, and is in v best ,,-.iiers. llrr. For il- lv all t Millinery CONGO - t 26itltn aei 27th X X x On Thursday and Friday, we will have on display the most attractive line of Fashionable Millinery ever shown in Len oir. Mattie Mae Ballevv 44 f f i . A A u imsmn Mil Car load of New Double Disc Empire Jr. Grain Drills just arrived. Come in and inspect the best grain drill on the market. Prices and terms right. Lenoir Hdw. ft - feajl . - ' f IFF . - ? , a pprifl. f it if? m p if.uptoYou i I j j i nasa: ! .Jraptemajlv ia fort. Service and Value. C 7flfeMyL" Hi rlllC " In other word you want C FTQjQs IVffnSf "Shield Brand" Clothe. W UH I JSSSS9Sr $ -theD fill the ul p worn e&sy M I viV1 j "Shield Brand" Clothe. jj fcSr ff0 Mi VHl I are " the clothe, you want n . . 1 1 K MltyistlA B to buy at the price you want n rf-Y si - ft I ucll31 Irl B to Pay" Comein-look f J QJICC rTCll Mt'liMvL Mi t them ova, k'l up to you. f J' C If yii-r 1 If 4, Am I ,i L,mmm .a The Lenoir News $1.0(1 a year t X Opening 44 1 & and Fur. Co A I A iff in 3 a a a o a u a a a n u a a a ji u S Superior Drills have more features of real value to the farmer than any other Grain Drill on earth, and we are prepared to prove it, if you will give us the opportunity. . Superior Drills are backed by the strongest guarantee ever placed on a grain drill, and the warranty is GOOD. Ask any farmer who ever used a Superior Drill, and he will tell you; it is the Drill to buy. Its on Exhibition. Call and See it. BEHNHARDT-SEABLE COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Furniture. 25H5HSH5 ?SH5c!5 5 dSP 5HSH5 Did you Ever Try Advertising in the News? Wc Arc All Ready lor you with some excellent ni'sses. The lentlier used is is strictly first yrrade, and the respect. Every Harness is cut full size and tits and looks well on the horse. We want you to become one of our satisfied customers, and you surely will if you huy from 1 'Itunfe i j THE LB) -t-SHdSES dSBS&5T?S HSHSf? BBS Hi? rvniao 1 values in team and single liar ' liar A unship t every first quality, the workmansl styles up to date in 4 HO