T Ije choir ijaro Tchsday, Skptkmbkh 24, 1912. MATTERS LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Brief Items of Interest to Town and County Readers. Mrs. C. V. Hailey returned yesterday from a visit to rela tives at Connelly's Springs. Mrs. H. C. Martin is spending a week with her sister Mrs R. H. Blackwell, in Waynes ville. Homer Isbell, who is with Mr. T. S. Keever. of Hickory, spent Sunday in Lenoir with home folks. Mrs A. V. Miller went to Ashe ville yesterday to be with her daughter Miss Mary who is ill there. The Rev. James Joyner, and wife, of Glen Alpine, are on a visit to his brother, the Rev. E. N. Joyner. Mrs. I j. J. Wilson, of (Jaston ia, is in Lenoir, her old home, for a few days looking after business matters. Mrs. KsVie (iiddings and son. Cordon, of Lenoir, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. .1. Wilson Walts. Tavlorsville Scout . With three tickets in tl it looks like ( 'aldwelf mi a set of ofhcials tliatwoii nearly everybody. Mr. W. W. Scott, of W ton. D. I'., who lias heel iuir in Lenoir for a wet tield. Ill e;et I suit .1 1 1 M ir ! fs visit - J . ii-t t i yesterday for Washington Mr. Ralph Tnplett spent a few days last week with Ins relatives in Lenoir, leaving Sun day for his home in Marshal. Mr. J. W. Avery ami family of Chester moved to Lenoir last week and are occupying the Boyd cottage on Ridge street. A general rain set in here Sunday, supposed to be the equinoxiul storm and has render ed the roads and streets a little muddy. Mrs. R. H. Harstin. after spending a few weeks visiting relatives in Lenoir, left last Sat urday for her home in Washing ton, 1). C. The residence of J. A. ltaby Esi a mile east of town on the Taylorsville road is going up and will be a large roomy dwell ing when finished. Married Sunday Sept h"th at the residence of the llrides mother. Mrs. .1. A. Watson, Miss Angie B Graggof Globe to Mr. Avery Barrier of Jonas Ridge. How about that sand on the streets'.-' The little taste of ram for the past day or so is evi deuce of what we may expect this winter if nothm is done to our st reels. What has become of the old Red Spanish sweet potatoes? They always went well with brown beef gravy and we would p some distance to have anoth er mess ol them. The two big, powerful new lo comotives put into service on the (,'. N. W. railway, has added much to the equipment of the road and enables the manage ment to handle freight with much greater dispatch and ease. Lavvson I'rice lb year old son of Mr. Walter I'rice oT Little River, died last Saturday even ing. DypMieria was the cause of Hit' young mans death. The funeral services were conducted from the Lower Creek church Rev J. yesterday at 1 I o'clock ( Bentield conducting the ser vices. The Lenoir Manufacturing Company is busy on a big order of building materials for the new court house and jail of Avery county, which is a tine order. They are also making some ex tra nice -mantles and doors and inside finishings for Mr. Mer chants handsome cottage at Blowing Rock. Miss Agnes Puette left yester day for Richmond Va., where she will take'a special course in music this winter. ' Miss Annie Miller was called to Asheville Friday by the serious illness of her sister Miss Mary who has been in a sana torium there for some time. The News would be glad to have a few loads of good wood on subscription. Bring us a load now while the roads are good and assure yourself of the regular visits of the news. New Passenger Train. We understand that beginning next Monday, a new passenger train, No. 7 and No. H will be put in operation on the Carolina & North Western Railway. The train will run between Lenoir and Gaston ia and while the official sc hedule has not yet been announced, we learn that the train will be a passenger train and will leave Lenoir about so'cloeka. in. and return ing arrive in Lenoir about or "villi p. m. This will be a great a great ' V ople ofjW as we convenience to the i Lenoir and others and understand it. I ntirelv in ad d 't loll to 1 1 ie Oi l 'sent m'I V li Convocation at Blowing Rock. The regular scitn annua! con oc.it ion of tills iort a HI ot the Kpiscopa I ( 'I i in ch, i u 1 he mis sionary district of Abbeville, w as held at Blow ing Rock, be ginning Tuesday eenmg. the 17th, and dosing Th u rstlay morn ing. the I'.Mli. Ten of clergy were present. The evening ser Vices were held, by the courtesy of the congregation, in the new Presbyterian church, which is a structure of unusual proportions and comeliness. All the other exercises and discussions took place at the mission house, and were instructive and helpful. The attendance at the night ser vices, as well as those in the daytime, were large enough to add encouragement and interest to the occasion. The hospitality of the people of Blowing Rock was warm and generous, the minister in charge, the Rev. W. R. Savage, was at his best as host during these meetings. From all sides, one hears noth ing but what is Christian of this great-hearted servant of his Master. The time and place for the next meeting of conveoca tion are left to the discretion of the dean, the Rev. F. I). Lob dell, of Rutlierfordton. Republican County Convention. The Caldwell County Repub lican Convention meet in the court house last Saturday to nominate County candidates. Mr. M. N. Harshaw was made chair man and .1. B. Isbell and I) M. ('line acted as secretaries. M. N. Harshaw w as nominated by acclimation as a candidate for the Legislature. F. R Til ley, of Granite Falls, w as nomi nated by acclimation for sheriff. S. S. Jennings, of Lenoir, was nominated for Register of Deeds. M. C. Kstes, of Johns River, nominated for Treasurer. Na than Cozart. Yadkin Valley, for Surveyor. Dr. A. B. Goodman for Coroner. J., kt. Sinilh. Le noir, C. M. Rader, Collettsv ille. W. I). Wilkie. Little River, for Commissioners. K. F. Wake tield was recommended for Sen a tor in this district. The convention was large and harmonious and all seemed to be in good humor and in tine spirits. Mr. Harshaw accepted the nomi nation in a brief speech urging the Republicans of the County to rally to the support of the ticket nominated. He spoke in couragingly and predicted the election of the Republican ticket. The ticket is generally regarded as a very strong one. One of the greatest conven iences of modern living is to have somebody to blame, things on. COURTNEY'S Mil B Thursday V SEPTEMBER 2GTH AND 27TH On these days we will have for your insiection and on sale a splendid collection of one hundred and fifty beautiful, stylish Pattern Hats. Dress Hats. Tailored Hats and Street Hats. New Ready-to-Wear Garments for Opening Days. New Fall and Winter Coat Suits in latest styles and materials at $12.50 and up. Long Coats for Ladies, Misses and children in great variety of patterns, A choice line of new Kinomos in Fleece, Crepe Cloths and Silks from $1.00 up to $6.50. New Silk Petticoats. Blase rs and Rain Coats at bargain prices and all other garments for women and girls. New Silks and Dress Goods. New Charineuse Silks, Crepe Meteor Silks, Silk Poplins, Silk Serges and Bengalines. Messaline and Taffetta Silks in all solid colors, stripes and checks. Serges. Whicords. Corduroys and all the new dress materials and Novelty Dress Trimmings and Fancy Notions will be well displayed for your inspection on these opening days. We cordially invited all to be present. COURTNEY'S Department Stores. New reading matter in this space each week. appears Marked Features 1 Accuracy and prompt ness, safety and liberality are the marked features of our business. We invite VOU to try us. I.KNOIR, N. ('. T. J I-r iv., President J. H. Aikinson, V-l'resident (). IV Lviz. Cashier K. F. A i. i.i- n , Ass't Cashier INotMry luhllc t Hunk BUSINESS LOCALS. Notices under this head art- m One SI x; One Cent a word each insertion. indvertisement less than ten ids. :: Cj They Bring Quick Results sSHSH5E5H5H5HSR5rI5cl525clJ''l FOR SALK OK K KNT Rev. Mc N.iii v house, near Reformed church. 'I.Vtf J- R- McNairy. FOR SALK At less than cost 1 Two Horse Steel lla Halt-i . 1 Manure Spreader, also Farmers Favorite Drills at reduced prices. 'l.Vtf Hcnkcl-Craig Live Stock Co. LOST On Turnpike, a ladies tlark linnvii short-coat or jacket. Return to News ollice ami ire! reward. "l-2t FOR SALK One good quality. H7-.M-pd fresh milk cow, J. V. Stanford. Patterson, N. C. FORK KNT The ollice recently oc cupied !y the Singer Sewing Ma chine l'o. P. M. Keever. Ho-tf FOR SALIC - (iot)tl second-hand Rem ington Typewriter, cheap. 7(-tf P. M. Keever. If you get your Ice t'ream from Phil lip llostic you will know what it is to have genuine sat i fact ion. FOR RKNT The ollice recently va cated by the Singer Machine Co. ('-tf " P. M. Keever. WANTKI) Table Hoarders. Good fare. Convenient location near public square. 85-tf Waddell House. Subscribe for the News. l P 10 and Friday Ol t I: V 1 0 Circus Day in Lenoir WEDNESDAY, OCT. Positively the Largest Organization North Carolina This Year. ICRiTTl JTnau II I CUT OUT X x l MOLES WARTS Removed with Molesoff, without pain or danger, no matter how large or how far raised above the surface of the skin. And the will never return, and no trace or scare will be left, where the mole or wart was seated. Molesoff is applied directly to the Mole or Wart, which entirely disappears in aliout six days, killing the germ, leaving the skin smooth and natural. Letters from personages we all know, together with much val uable information, are contained in the attractive booklet, which .will be mailed you free upon request. Molesoff is put up only in one dollar bottles. Orders are rilled immediately upon receipt of price and mailed in a plain case, accompanied by full directions, and contains enough remedy to remove sixto ten ordinary Moles or Warts. We sell Molesoff un der positive guarantee, if it fails to remove your Mole or Wart, we will promptly refund you your dollar. Florida Distributing Company PENSACOLA, FLA. l Please mention this paper when answering. tWj? ARE FIDFPDOnP W'- I aaaaaaaaaanaaiasavaaaaa ai m m m iaaaa "P"- MHMIAMMkJ Storm-proof, too, became they interlock and overlap in tuch a way that the fine driving mow or rain cannot lift under them. Best roof for country buildings, because they're tale from all the elrmenrs. 7 They II last u long as the building, and never need repairs. For Sale bv Lenoir Hardware & Fur Co. N 4: U:H 1 TH'Il 1 ItV 1 1 -m. I m 'I I'lttr It iL I 1 llH.f IT r"s II IHY CLO' THIS AD. i 2edlo Visiting ftp rr-.- - j nMiHim l - .T-I-l ;i -n pi I ATI j I