A Night In the Jangles of Centrml Africa. To hear the thunderous roars of the man-eating kings of the forest, to feel their hot breath wafted through the barred win dows of a tiny cabin in the jung les is certainly thrilling. Fritz Brunner, the famous an imal trainer with the John H. Sparks Shows, which are to ex hibit here, Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, was raised in a cabin in the wilds of equatorial Africa. His father was an agent of the Royal Zoological Society of Germany, and siKMit many years securing specimen for that institution. Hence from ehildhood Mr. Brun ner was accutomod to hear nightly the roars of monster lions, the hideous tiger's growls ' and the snarling leopards and hyenas, which would engage in combats around the cabin, often hurling their huge weights .against its frail walls and scam lering over its roof. As he grew up in these surroundings he became a fearless hunter, meeting thr wild denizens of the forest face to face and engaging in tierce struggles with the infuri ated beasts. He afterwards le came a trainer, and his absolute mastery over the brute creation is not equalled by any living man. A large steel enclosure will be erected in the-center of the ex hibition tent, into which the ferocious annuals will be turned loose. Mr. Mrunnor will then enter the enclosure unarined, and put them through a remarkable series of performances that will vividly illustrate their tremend ous strength and agility. It is a thrilling, hair raising sight and one that you will never forget. The p r o g r a in of John H. Sparks Shows is entirely com posed of marvelous, exinmsive and carefully selected features, which make it so vastly super ior to all siiniliar exhibitions. Adv. The Value of Bird To The Farmer. i Home and Karm.l "The time has every sportsman come when should put five years at away his gun for least." said Col. G. O. Shields during a lecture upon "Hirtls and Animals of America" at the University of Chicago two weeks ago. Col. Shields argued that dras tic measures must be put into effect if quail, grouse, phesants and prairie chickens are to be .saved from extinction. The an nihilation of these birds, he said would mean untold poverty re suiting from the scarcity of crops which would be oaten by insects. "Ninety x i' cent of the nor mill bird life of this country al ready has been destroyed and the other 10 per cent will go in the next five years unless strong measures are employed to stop the slaughter," lie said. "Care ful scientists tell us that if all the insect-eating birds were de stroyed the whole continent would, within three years, be come uninhabitable by reason of the myriads of insects that would spring up and devour every living thing. Running up anil down stairs, sweep ing and bending o er making beds will not make a woman healthy or beauti ful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Cliam berlain's Tablets to improve her in gestion and regulate her bowels. For wale bv all dealers. If everybody would do as they agree, be reasonably honest, fair and square in their dealings with thpir fellowmen, there wouldn't be much to fuss about in this little round world and folks would all be a lot happier. Just because a few won't play the game right, don't let that influence you to follow a bad ex ample. It never pays a man to do anything that will make it difficult for him to go to bed and sleep with his conscience. Ex. 4l-TBubscrike for The News $1. A Call for Mar Potato. (Home & Farm.) Mr. Eugene H. Grubb has a 2,000 acre farm at Carbondale, Col., on which his principal crop is potatoes. He was sent abroad by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson to study foreign methods and has improved on them. "The situation we are facing is of tremendous seriousness," he said in a recent interview, "for unless the American farm ers can be iersuaded to adopt scientific intensive farming in place of the present haphazard methods the day is not far dis tant when the masses will imp ly have to go without potatoes. Not only will the available sup ply of theproduct diminish, but prices will soar far beyond the normal market. And we have no other great food supply to draw upon. "We should easily double or treble our potato production without any increase in acreage. In Germany the average pro duction is about iHK) bushels to the acre; in the United States only N. With intensive scienti fic methods of culture on my Carbondale farm 1 never pro duce less than X bushels per acre, and without the use of commercial lertm.ers. i in goes to show what American soil will do when given a chance "At first 1 found it haiid to be lieve that American farm prac tice was fifty years behind that of Kurope, but the more 1 saw the more this disagreeable truth was forced home to me. Luther Hurbank says that half of all human effort is wasted by not knowing how. and this remark applies with crushing truth to A mencan farming. ' The Men Who Succeed as heads ut large enterprises are men of great energy. Sureess, to-day de mands health To ail is to fail. It's utter follv for a man to endure a week rnn-down, halt alife condition when Klectrie Hitters will put him right on his feet in short order. Four Injttles did me more real good than any other medicine I ever took, writes C'has. II. Allen, Sylvania, Ga. "After years of suffering with rheumatism, liver trou ble, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to Elec tric Hitters, sound and well." Try them. Only 51) cents at J F. Shell and Co. Hitchock to Try New Free Delivery Service. Washington, Sept 17. Post master General Hitchcock is preparing to establish a limited free delivery service at postof rices of the second and third class. The experiments will el f'ectdeliveries to nearly :(), XX). -(XX) people now ol)lio;c( to call at the local nrstotnees for their mail. An appropriation ol SI ,ik;o,(hX) was made by Congress for ex perimental free delivery in small communities, the amount to be expended at any one ofilce not to exceed- SI ,s(X) a year. Deli very by carrier is confined now to cities having a population ol ten thousand or more, or annual postal receipts of at least 10, (XX). Horrible Murder Done 'fay Ambuthera. illy Associated Dress.) Minorul l5!utT, (la.. Sept. Hi While liis wife, with ;i babe in lieranns, sought to drag him out of tlx1 range of aiuliusliers' bullets. Walt Hughes, a moun taineer in Rock Greek district, was shot to death as he lay out side the door of his home, the latter part of last week accord ing to advices j u s t n ceiveed here from that solated section. It is said that the as sai hints crushed in the head of the child with the butts of their guns and it is not expected to live. Mrs. Hughes was threaten ed with death if she rejwrted the affair. She is prostrated. The ambushers made their es cape. The woman say she re cognized them, but is afraid to reveal their names. The Lenoir News $1. the year. HER FRIEND'S GOOD ADVICE The Results Hade This Newbarg Lady Gad She Followed Suggestion. Newbnrg, Ali. "For more .than a year," writes Myrtle Cothrum, of this place, "I suffered with terrible pains In mj back and head. I had a sallow complexion, and my face was covered with pimples. Our family doctor only gave me temporary relief. A friend of mine advised me to try Cardul, so I began taking it, at once, and with the best results, for I was cured after taking two bottles. My mother and my aunt have also used Cardui and were greatly benefited. I shall always praise Cardui to tick and suffering women." Cardui is a purely vegetable, per-j ji; fectly harmless, tonic remedy for wo- f men, uu win Deneui juuug tuu uiu. Its Ingredients are mild herbs, hav ing a gentle, tonic effect, on the wo manly constitution. Cardui has helped a million women back to health and strength. Have yon tried It? If not. please do. It may be Just what yon need. j m i a .1 .1J N. B Writt to: Ladies' Advisor D.. -aooca Medione Co., Chattanooga. Tenn.. tor Special lu'ruefiuiil. and 64-page book. " Horn Treat tateat lor Waoaao." tent In plain wrapper, ga rejaaau NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of the "Night Express" Trau-l ia K.ilcigh I'nimi Station' I .unl Norfolk Southern K.ulio.ul. to .mil i from all ioinN m K.isti-rn X. t. . Bullet. Parlor and Sleeping Cars between Kaleign and Norfolk. Si'lu-dulf in ctli'i! M.tivli -ul. X. 11. Tin- tullow mv -rlH'iluli- !imir- a re mill i shed a - in Ion nation 1 X I . Y ! aiul are not i; na ranteeil . TRAINS I I: AVI: KAl.tKiH ",l-i in. O.iih "Xiht Kures." I ' ii 11 11 1 .11 1 Sleeping Car tor Xoilolk. in Itailx I'or Wilson. V;ish uiirtuii and Norfolk lluflet Parlor t'.ir Service between K'aleih and Noi folk. i. on. i. m. Il.iilv except Sundav tor New Hern i a l ' liocou m ity . I'arlor l',ir Seri ice. 2 In .1 in. Dailv ecept Sunday tor Washington. TK AIMS AKKIVt: KAl.tiliJM 7 2n a. in. Daily 11 .o a . in. 1 )ai 1 ex cept Sundav. and 7:.V) p. in. Daily. Buffet Parlor Car Scr ice on -t.,50 p. in. train trom Norfolk. TRAINS tt AVt: tiOl.DSHOKO pi 1 1 p. m. Daily ' 'Xi y lit Hxpress" Piilluian Sleeping t'ar for Xorfolk i.i New Bern. Tina in Dailv For Beaufort and and Norfolk Parlor Car between Washington and Norfolk. 3:111 p. in. Daily for New Bern, Orien tal and Beaufort. Parlor Car Sen ice. For further information and reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car spare, apply to I). V. Conn, (ieneral Aent. or K. L. Duller, City Ticket Aent, YartKrourh Ho'el BiiildiiiK'. Kalei'h, N C. W. B. HUDSON. W. W. CR0XT0N. Qea. Superintendent Gen. Past. Agent. NORFOLK, VA. If von knew of the real value of Chamherlain's Liniment for lame hack, soreness ol the muscles, sprains anil rheumatic pains, you would never wish to he without it. For sale by .ill dealers. A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nast) L astein the mouth, which remind! rou that your stomach U in a bad :ondition. It should also remind rou that there is nothing so good for a disordered stomach a Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver fablets. They build up the ajratem, auaiat nature to restore natural condition, ana are so lentle in their action that one hardly resi ze a medicine was taken. Chamberlain a rbleta V sold everywhere. Price 25c UILLTHECOUGH, ANOCURBmuinCS .1E17D.SC0V3W FOR ruucHS yasot&ti.oo V TRIAL BOTTlffRtt AND All THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY Off MONEY ? FUNDED. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I 7 iHivM for CHKHRS-TKR'B A LIAMOMD BRAND PILLS is Rrd nAj Gold metallic boiei, aealc4 with Blue0) Rlbboa Taes ko OTafM. nwfUrrX nnU hi fcr CHIHia-TtKB V DIAMOND lalXV FILLA, for tweof4 ear retarded aa Beat.Bafaat. Alway Rellablav SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMR UUBD rilfDVUIUCDC WORTH LlCnilintnb TB8TBD It in always possible to win a girl's hand; but It Is quite anoth er matter to vrln her heart. mtti 1 W FREE' Is -the onlv t Insured Sewing Macnine Just Think of It? Th Ftsi Sewing Machine ii in jured for five yeara a gaunt accident breakage, wear, tire, tornado, light ning and water. Thia ahowt our faith in tFREE i Sewing Machine TMn& what tbl rnatl Ji mein.thai It you break tU wbutt machine in? part (needle, bll. or attachment, ttc.) will be replaced to rou wirhouc chart. Send for our booklet "In the Day's Wark" Free Sewing Machine Co.. Chicago III. . i Many Driven From Home. i Kifiv year, in many part-, of the country. thou-amN arc drirn 1 roni their homes 1 couh- and lung dis- ease - Kr ds .1 luisincs-, are left behind for other climates, hut this is costly and not always sure. A hotter way the way of multitudes is to use I Dr. Kind's New Discovery and cure 1 yourself at home. Stay riht" there, i with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and luni; troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its help in coughs, colds, rrip, croup, whoopiujf-coiii and sore lung's make it a positive blessing. si)c and -jUMI. Trial lx)ttle free. ( i u a rantced by J. K. Shell aad Co. CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY SCHEDULE Northbound Dally Passenger No. 10. Chester Lv 7 .s.s a m Yorkville . . . Hi: Gastonia 11 .' Gastonia Lincolnton 10 2i Newton 11 lis Hickory 12 Is p m Lenoir IV) Mortimer 2 53 Kdemont A r A 05 Saturday Only No 8. Gastonia 5 M) p.m. Lincolnton . 5 4e Newton . . . I 40 Hickory 7 55 Lenoir H 0,5 Mined No. 60. Chester Lll (Hi p m Yorkville 1 05 Gastonia A (Hi Mixed No. 62. Gastonia 5 "a.in. Lincolnton i. 4(1 Newton s 45 Hickory In 45 Lei oir 2 4n pm Mortimer 5 2n Eilemont 5 4n Mixed No. 50 Hickory I a 11 45 pin Lenoir r 1 15 am Soithbound No. 9. Edemont Lv 12 05 am Mortimer 12 15 Lenoir Ar 1 2H pm Lenoir Lv Hickory 2 5(1 Newton 5 05 Lincolnton 5 45 Gastonia Ar 4 4t Gastonia Lv Yorkville 5 5'l Chester Ar 6 25 Monday Only-No. 7. Hickory ' 30 Newton 4 55 Lincolnton 5 55 Gastonia 27 Mixed No. 61. Gastonia Lv 7 IK) am Yorkville 8 15 Chester Ar 10 2.5 Miied No. 63. Edtfemont Lv 8 30 am Mortimer K 40 Lenoir Ar 10 40 I Hickory 1 20 pm Newton 3 2." Lincolnton 4 20 Gastonia Ar 7 40 Mixed No. 51 Lenoir Lv 5 30 am Hickory Ar ( 5.5 am Leave Arrive Chester Southern Kw.S.A. L. and LAC. Yorkville Southern Railway. Gastonia Southern Kailway. Lincolnton- S. A. L. Newton and Hickory-Southern Ky. E. P. REID, Oca. Paiicnier Aft. What W Never Forget. according to science, are the things .associated with our early home life, such aa Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, that mother or grandmother used to cure our burns, bolls, scalds, sores, skin eruptions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prote its merit. Unrivaled for piles, sores or cold Mr OnlT 25 cents at J. E. Bhell ami Cm. j BUSINESS DIRECTORY. EXPERIMENTS ARE SAFE WITH May Plour and Happy Valley Flour. ' You can use any receipt without fear of failure, Why? Because the quality never varies. Order a sack today, Lenoir Mills Any Shape, Size or Color. Cementry Work of all Kinds. niller Reins Co. Lenoir, N. C. J. Henry Bush Paper Hanger & Painter. Special attention niven to PaptM- Hantfinu. lavo onlers at Shell's Drutf Store. Tinners J. A. Seaboch &l Son Tinners and Sheet Iron Workers Rooting, (lutterinjr and Cornice Work. Lk.xoik, N. ( Pucttc & Knox Practical Plumbers All Work (Jiven Prompt Attention Call on l's for Kstimates Lkxoik, N. C. JEWELER; Dula Bldg. I Lenoir, N.C.i The implicit confidence that many ! people have in I'hamhei Iain's Colic. 1 Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is' founded on their experience in the use ol that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has ef fected. For sale liv all Dealers. YEARS' jtaf tXPCR CXPCRICNCE A Tradi Mu 'htm naiandlm i AnroMianrllnf a tkateh and deaorlntlon may quloklr ajrrtnln our opinion fr whathar u tnvantlnn la probably palatitabta. Coromanloa. tlminmrlctlTCoiillileiitlal. HANDBOOK on Patanta ant rrea. oineai HatenU taken ant fraa. OMeat aaancr foraaourlna oatanta HatenU taken tdroash Muun A Co. rtoalr rp'rial no(lc, wit noat onarya, in Scientific American, A hartdtomelj' IUatrtl wkly . Ijmrwit etr culi lion of an? olantldc Journal. Tnrm, $3 a aar ; (our month, $L Sold by all nwtdealra. MUNN & Co."'8- New York rancb Offlca. 936 F Bt. Wuhlovtuo. D. C Subscribe for Lenoir News, $1.00 niNin si i) sen i in i i CAROLINA, CLIN CH FIELD & OHIO RY, AM) Carolina C lnchfleld and Ohio RalUay of South Carolina THU INI3VV SHORT LIXIi 111' I WI I N Dante St. Paul and Speer'a Perry Va.. Join ton City, Tenn., A tap si and Marlon, N C, and 5partanbur(, S. C. "CLIINCHKIBLD KOUTIJ" i:i i i c i ivi May 12, r'12. SOUTH BOUND. No. j, Pan Dally Lv. Dante, Va H (X) A.M. " Johnson City, Tenn.. . .ll IS " Ar Altapass, N. C 2 23 P.M. Lv. Marion, N. C 3 31 " Bostic, N. C 4 30 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. C 5 l " No. g, Mixed Dally. Lv. Dante, Va 1 10 P.M. '.' Johnson City, Tenn.... 5 34 " Ar. Altapass, N. C 10 OS " No. I, Mixed Dally, eicept Sunday . Lv. Altapass, N: C 0 15 A.M " Marion, N. C 7 4') " " Bostic, N. C 11 " Ar. Spartanburg. S. S 10 4.S " NORTH BOUND, No. 4, Paw. Dally. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C. . . 12 10 A.M. Ai. Bostic, N. C 1 20 P.M. " Marion, N. C 2 15 " " Altapjuts, N. C 3 34 " " Johnson City, Tenn... h 3.5 " " Dante, Va 10 15 " No. 3, Pais. Dally Lv. Altapass. N.C (S 05 A.M. Ar. Johnson City, Tenn. . . "Mil " " Dante, Va 12 45 P.M. No. 6, Pa. Dally except Sunday. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C. . . . 4 25 P.M. Ar. Bostic, N. C 5 33 " " Marion, N. C 45 " " Altapass, N. C 8 05 " Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite Information or to CHA8. T. MANDEL, T. P. A., In charge P. Dept. J. J. CAMPION, V-Pres. and Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. flvjfcaieribff for The Nkwr. J ! VMM A. B. GOODMAN, M. D. Offer his Profession aJ Services to the Citisent of Lenoir And Vicinity f I Office Over Lenoir Drug Co.'s Store. Cloep's Barber Shop (Jones Building, Opposite P. O.) The leadinjr and nioet eouTeo ient Barber Shop Id Lenoir. WE IX) YOUR WORK QUICK AND EASY. 1 C. Banks AkNairy t M. D. ! RKSIDK.SCkt AT Foot Hills Sanatorium Phonk 110 Dr. C. L. Robbins DENTIST 1 Dentnl roouiB hi Dula huildiiiK X Opponit POHtoHlee. Phoue - 108 Dr. 0. L. Moore DEINTIST OH ICK ()VKK FlKST National Hank f I ' PHONE 85 J. R. Ervin Civil & Hydraulic Engineer. Lknoiu, N. V. Surveys and Kstimates made and construction superintended, for Koadsv Railroads and Water Power Developments. f ! S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion K'vcn to collection of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of leal papers. Keal Kstatc titles in vestigated. Office in MILLKK HUILDING. ! Seaboard Air Line. NCH KIHI LK Tuaink Lkavk Ch aii urn k Kkkka 11 vk April , 11)12. NO. 40 .Y00 a. iu. Through train for Wilmington with parlor cur attach ed. Connects at Hamlet with No. 3fl for Portsmouth and Norfolk. No. fl for Raleigh, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; (lining ear service and vestibule coaches to Washington; Pullman sleeping cars to Jersey City. NO. 48-7:80 a. in. For Mouroe and all points south. NO. 18810:25 a. m. Local for Lin colnton, Shelby and Rutherfordton. NO. 44-5:00 p. in. Local for Wilming' ton, connecting at Hamlet with fast vestibule trains lor Jacksonville, Fla., and all points south. NO. 47 4:40 p. in. For Rutherford ton and west. NO. 1827.45 iil m. Handles loeal sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk connects at. Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with througk sleeper to Birmingham; at Monro with No. 82, fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jer sey City. Connects at Hamlet with No. 118 with through vestibule coaches to Washington Dining car Richmond to New York. Pullma sleepers to New York. Trains Akrivk at Charlotte. NO. 18310:25 a. in., from the east. NO. 4610:05 a. in., from the west. NO. 4512:10 p. in., from the east. NO. 182-7:25 p. in., fror the west. NO. 407:25 p. m., from the east. NO. 8 11:00 p. in. fioiu the east. C. B. Rt AN, G. P. A., Portsmouth, Ta. J auks Kbr, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. f . H. 8. Leard, D. P. A., Raleigh. IV. . The Satisfied customer is thm one who patronises the News Printery when in need of anj tWi in tke Jfc Priatinff line. 4

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