Fuday, Septembk Z7, 1912. UATTUU LOCAL AND PERSONAL. - BrUf ItMU of IatarMt U Twm lad County R4n. Mr. W. Frank Wakefield ex pects to leave in a few days for Richmond, Va., where he takes a position with a wholesale gro cery house. Mr. Joe Long has purchased the W. S. Robinson brick mak ing machinery and will in a short time move it to Salisbury where he expects to locate. Mr. Horace Mann, son of Rev L. T. Mann, returned Tuesday from Statesville where he has been taking treatment in the Sanatorium for several weeks. A revival will begin in the First Baptist Church of Lenoir on next Sunday night the ser vices will be conducted by Rev. Fred N. Day of Winston Salem Miss Martha Cloyd expects to leave next Monday for Charlotte where the will re ojx'n her hoarding house. Her mother and sister will remain here a week- or so longer. Mr. Stuart Steele, who has been for the past three years a civil engineer on the Florida Fast Coast Railway, is -pending a few weeks visiting ivlaties in I .enoir and Yadkin Yallev. Miss Getrude Hall returned jesterday from a few days visit in Charlotte. Miss Annie Miller, who was called to Asherille last Friday by the serious illness of her sis ter, Miss Mary, returned yester day and reports her sister's con dition much improved yesterday morning. The Grandin Lumber Com pany received a car load of of fice fixtures and furniture from Tidioute, Pa., last Wednesday to be used in the offices here. We understand that after this date the main offices will be here, in stead of at Tidioute. The new Princess Theatre opened last Tuesday evening for the first time and showed to a large audience. The arrange ment of the room and the char acter of the pictures are the best the two has ever had in the way of motion picture shows. Mr. A. .1. Fletcher, brother of Mr. .1. C. Fletcher, of Uoone, died last Saturday in San Fran t-tl 2ii 2' FA I I if U 1 m fl BETTER TIMES. From all sources come assurance's and evidences of better times. It seems to be not only "in the air" but to have permeated the factories and shops, the stores and offices, and the promise is for bumper crops the country over. If your business is more profitable, if your income is larger, don't let your ideas run to extravagance. Learn the lesson the recent past should teach. SAVE a large share of your earnings and accu mulate jt with this strong Bank and then see if you don't congratulate yourself when the next period of "hard times" comes along. Accounts invited and information cheerfully furnished. Respectfully, Bank of Lenoir 0. . F. Hirptr. President J. M. Bll. Ciihler 4. Q. Ford. Ait'l. Cbkr Resources and Responsibility Over $400,000 VA 41 4 i 13 CUT OUT THIS AD. IES WARTS t Af Removed with Molesoff, without pain or danger, no matter how larf, or how far raised above the surface of the skin. Arxl the. will never return, and no trace or scare will be left, where the mole or wart was seated. Molesoff is applied directly to the Mole or Wart, which entirely disappears in about six days, killing the germ, leaving the skin smooth and natural. Letters from personages we all know, together with much val uable information, are contained in the attractive booklet, which will be mailed you free upon request. Molesoff is put up only in one dollar bottles. Orders are rilled immediately upon receipt of price and mailed in a plain case, accompanied by full directions, and contains enough remedy to remove sixto ten ordinary Moles or Warts. We sell Molesoff un der positive guarantee, if it fails to remove your Mole or Wart, we will promptly refund you your dollar. Florida Distributing Company PENSACOLA. FLA. tST Please mention this paper whenansering. r New reading nuitter appears 1 :hi- -pace each week. V , j j Marked Features V I Kev. (i. VV. Kink will begin a series of dispel meetings at Marvin Camp (Irotind, near (iamewell. on the tirst Sunday morning in October at 11 (H) o'clock. All are most cordially invited. Mr. John K. Moore, who lias been with the Mowing Rock Hotel this summer, came down the first of this week and left yesterday to resume his duties as traveling salesman in Arkansas. Mr. Herndon V. dtforth has resigned his iosition as super vising teacher in the Philippine' Islands and is now on his w ay home. He plans to spend a month in Europe and expects to reach Lenoir in December. There will be a joint discus sion, between Hon. R. L. Dough ton, the Democratic nominee for Congress, and his Republican opponent, Hon. G. D. M. Rey nolds, in the court house in Ia noir on next Monday, :!0th. at 1 2 o'clock. We understand that Mr. Kus sell Powell has bought the Boul ware residence on Prospects and is moving into it, while Mr. Harry VV. Courtney, who has been occupying it, is moving in to Mr. E. F. Wakefield's house on Harper Avenue. Now let everybody iiit growl ing and stand by the Carolina A North -Wertern Railway, which we believe has always done all it could for our part of the country and will always give the very I test service possible, all conditions considered. Rev. J. H. Tillinghast, of EasUtvcr, S. C, spent a few days last week with his cousins, the Misses Norwood, on Hibri ten Avenue. Mr. Tillinghast is a native of Eayett ville, N. C, but lias been living in South Carolina for nearly forty years. The Watauga wagons are be ginning to bring in their moun tain produce. On last Wednes day there were several wagon loads of fine apples sold here, the prices ranging from TiOe to Arte per bushel. Cabbage and Irish potatoes are also being put on the market. There will he an early cele bration of the Holy Communion in St. James church next Sun day 2i)th, at 7:30 a. mi At 11 a. m. the rector, Rev. E. N. Joy ner, will preach and administer Holy Communion at Peace Chap el. Sunday evening at 7:30 the regular evening sorvlces will be held in St. James church. u Ai cu rai-y -. saletv . arc t he mai k't our business vou to trv am nit prompt liberality features of We invite ' Notice to Stock Men. I wib to inform tin- puhln I that I am now located at Lenoir. I make a specialty of oterating j on Kidgling iiore 1 perform the operation without stopping i I -1 ..... . I ,-,.,,, I..f...... x jlLH til I l v ' i i I nwirx, ii i' i ini Henkel Live Stock Co.. of Li noir. Hickory and Statesv ille Yoiir respectfully. 7-tl R. Kh;;n. 1). V. S making lus home for some Ume. ! WJJMmKkWSiSSS His body has been shipped to N. C. and will likely arrive here today or tomorrow and will ! taken from here to Uoon his old home, lor bun.il The Caldwell county Baptist Association assembled at Kocky ri)nn'rs church t ollcttsv vestenlav at L -.i p m an. IH) lloillll Weil alleiiile.l. ( n. liospitalile ieople of Colletts ville and vicinity ha e made c tensive preparations to enter tain the AssiHuation and the ses sion will doubtless be one of in Wrest and pleasure. The Edwin R. Weeks Concert Company showed here Wednes day night. This was the first of the Lyceum attractions for this year and was enjoyed by a crowded house, There have been more season tickets sold this year than ever before and the list of attractions promises to be unusually good. The next one will be the Appollo Concert Company which will appear Sat urday night October Ttth. Southern Railway Operating Over 7.000 lilies of Railway. Quick rouW to all points North, South, East and West. Through trains between principal cities and resorts, atlord ing first class accomodations. Elegant Pullman sleeping cars on all through trains. Dining, club and leservatiou cars. For speed, comfort and courteous employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Kates, schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon, D. P A J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte. N". C. Afheville. N. ('. I S. H. Hardwick. P. T. M. H. F. Cary. G. P. A. J WiohlLlL'tOLI, It. f. IIS. I NATIONAL LENOIIi, N. ( v t T. J . Lc 1 z, President J. H. Atkinson, V-Prcsident ). P. Ln 1.. Cashier K. V. Ai.i.kn, Ass't Cashier Notary I'uhllt at Hank News Want Ads. Are The Best. Circus Day in Lenoir WEDNESDAY, OCT. Positively the Largest Organization North Carolina This Year. 2 mat Visiting Colored Conference. The annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (colored) of North Carolina will meet next Wednesday, October 2nd in Smith's Chapel Lenoir. Bishop Theodore S. Henderson of Tennessee, will preside and there will be a large number of able clergymen and laymen of the church in attendance. The colored people of Lenoir have made extensive arrange ments to entertain this body and will no doubt do so with credit to themselves and the town Krw , II .inv. nu'dic'iiu'-,. Ii.nr inrt with the uniform success that has.it ti'iuled tin usr of Chainlicrlaiu'.s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cure of colic and diarhoea which it has etlected in almost every neighborhood haven it a wide reputa tion. l'"or sale bv all dealers. Dr. York Loose Over $2,000. (WilUes Patriot. I Some weeks ago some one en tered the home of Dr. York, at Trnphill, took from a trunk 4 N. C. State bonds of "i(X) each, ag gregating $'J,IXX). On each bond were three coupons for interest already due. The theif was gen emus, however. for he left twelve other bonds of $0,(KX) worth untouched. Dr. York of fers $."(X) reward for the thief and bonds, or "J.'tO for either. This reward, Dr. York says, will be good for the next fifty years either by himself or his administrator and ho has placed the money in the I tan It for that purpose. He did not make known his loss immediately upon dis covering it, but notified many banks to be on the lookout for the coupons, should anyone attempt to cash thorn. Dr. York does not proixse to take any chanches in future, for he has had hits remaining bonds and valuable papers put in bank vaults for safe keeping. D HQ I MT C C IONIC ( UUdlllLdd LUUrtLd. Notices under this head are One Cent a word each insertion. No andvertisemeiit less than ten III cents. :: :: :: if. They Bring Quick Results jv iniK's in HasUets at I tell inker's 25c. Frames made to fit your picture tile I look Store. Come to Itelliiifrers and yet all kinds nl fresh Fruits at rea-onable prices. LOST A Sterling Silver card case. containiiiL; a f ew stamp- some change and a card of Miss Irene Martin. Return to New- ( Mlice and reward. STRAY KI or stolen, one red and white spotted, de-horued cow. Re ward if returned, or information iv en to Jones Morton. Pel Hit Cafe. Mis- KleanorClarke, (iraduate Nurse, residence at S. M. Clarke's. "4-tf Your pictures will be framed promptly at the Book Store. FOR SALK OR KKNT Kev. Mc Nairy house, near Reformed church. 3-t 1 J. R. McNairv. Oranges. Apples, Pears and Peachi at llellitiers's Cafe. You eui (,r't your pictures framei tor at the Book Store. bet- FOR SALIC At less than cost 1 Two Morse Steel May Baler. 1 Manure Spreader, also Farmers Favorite Drills at reduced prices. 't.Vtl Menkel-Craitf Live Stock Co. FOR RKN'T The oflice recently oc cupied by the Sine.er Sewing Ma chine Co.' P. M. Keever. Ho-tf FOR SALK-(iiKid second-hand Rem ington TvK?writer. cheap. 7-t f " P. M. Ki'ever. If you net your Ice Cream from Phil tip Bostic you will know what it i to have genuine satifactiou. FOR KKNT--The oflice recently va cated bv the Singer Machine Co. (4-tf P. M. Keever. WANTKD Table IVarders. (Jood fare. Convenient location n e a r public square. RS-tf Waddetl House. "Subscribe for The News $1. t t t t , i J,; ' 1

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