-WE WORE THE CRAY." (By CoL W. R. Daniel, Dill is, Tex-) "(To the Confederate living and dead.) How grand and noble wu the sight Wheo men who wore the fray Stood side by iiJ with bayonets bright And eager fcw the fray! We left our homes in sixty-one. Our young hearts light and gay; Twas in that year the war begun: Twas then we donned the gray. We donned it at our country's call, Our Southland to defend: We donned it. though brave men must fall. Till cruel war should end. We wore it on the batV.e held. We wore it in the camp; We wore it till compelled to leld And homeward hail to tramp. We wore it in th Miinmer da. In winter's chilling blast: We wore it in the burning rav. We wore it to the last We wore it in the snow and sleet. We wore it in the rain: We wore it too w ith bleeding teet. Our country s cause to gaiu. We wore it then, we wear it still: We wore it though we fell; We loved it then and always w ill. The gray we love so well; We wear it still and always will As long as lite shall last; We'll wear it on and on until Our weary days have passed. The vears are gone and time has passed . Our country now at peace. We hear no more the bugle blast. Nor wish for war to cease. When lite is o'er and we at rest. Our forms are laid away. It will be said: " They did their best: Thev wore the Dixie gray." We stand beside the lonely grave And drop a silent tear; With heads bow ed down foi men so brave We breathe a fervent prayer. No more they hear the bugle call. "To arms," at reveille; So now we let the curtain fall On those who wore the gray. And now, dear comrades, one and all. Life's journey soon must end. We soon will answer to the call. Our souls to heaven ascend. Kind friends will lay us gently down 'Neath mother earth and clay. Above our forms a little stone Will tell: "We wore the grav." Running up anil down stairs, sw eep ing and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beauti ful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Cham berlain's Tablets to improve her di gestion and regulate her bowels. For sale bv all dealers. The Danger in The Wave. (Charlotte Observer. Tliciv is no doubt about the fact that the country is upon the eve of a great era of prosperity. There is danger in it. however. The danger lies in the prosper ous times may invite too much recklessness in business, too much fast living, too much in vestment in automobiles and bring on a panic. Lack of con servatism in the face of too much prosperity involved the country in a panic in the fall of 19()7, and unless greater finan cial caution is now observed, the return of prosperity may be eventually followed by a return of stringency and hard times. The country is in good shape to welcome the prosperity wave, but the business world should have a caution and not "lose its head." The Men Who Succeed. as heads of large enterprises are men of great energy. Success, to-day de mands health To ail is to fail. It's litter folly for a man to endure a week run-down, half alive condition when Electric Bitters will put him right on his feet in short order. Four bottles did me more real good than any other medicine I ever took, writes (.'has. B. Allen, Syl vania, Gi, "After years of suffering w ith rheumatism, liver trou ble, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to Klec tric Bitters, sound and well." Try them. Only SO cuts at J. K. Shell and Co. A meiin man says that Venus probably lost her arms trying to button her dresses in the back. An article that lias real merit should in time become popular. That such is the case with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them, H. W. Hendrickson. Ohio Falls, Ind., writes "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the : Wat for coughs, colds and croup, and la my beat seller." For sale by all dealers. ' Tfce Leooir Newt COO a year TEACHING BY PARABLES ONLY. Mat haw x.ii, $4. SS Sspt. 29. rW vwuj ladl t tfivX s yo U'J aw ra-tl sa4 ty an , " JAa at. $3 6 IBLE students aud Bible st tcK ars have generally eiresssi surprise tbat the cirait Teaeb j er spoke always to the -.nl- tn b.vmholie language, "dark sa v iug-." I the weaning of w hich they rsreh ui I derstood Auother Scripture l'it'"-iD- us that the rvnsou was that the t:u invitation w.is not intended for the multitudes, but merely for th conse crated Those who acceptI the IavhI as the Savior, and took iim tli insel.es Ui, required vow of faithfulness In vrnlk lug in His foot steps unto death, were granted spe cial enlightenment: "To you It Is given to know the mys tery of the King doiu of Heaven but to outsiders these tblugs are spoken In para bles. that they intent not see ami understand." The entire matter is clarified when we recognize the difference between the salvntiou of the world to the tin man nature, during Messiah's reitu or a thousand years, and the salv:iti"ii provided for the F.lect during this Aire The Apostles Jssua' Mouthpiacos. It has leeu claimed that the do trines of Christianity can be letter gleaned from the writings of the A ties than from the sayings of Jesus There Is considerable truth In this claim, and the rensou Is manifest Jesus' words were addressed mainly to the multitudes, and when He ml dressed the disciples lie could not dis cuss eveu with thetn deep, spiritual truths, because they had not been be gotten of the Holy Spirit, and there fore could not understand spiritual things Jesus declared. "I have many things to tell you. but ye cannot bear them now " "After Ye Were Illuminated." St. Paul gives the key In one of his Epistles, saying. "After ye were i I In mlnated. ye endured a great fight o afflictions" (Hebrews s. 42. 1 The II lumination received was the begetting of the Holy Spirit. -I Cor ii. 12. This has been true of all the meni bers of the Body of Christ throughout this Age. Each one presenting his body a living sacrifice has been uc cepted by the great Advocate, aDd pre sented as a part of His own Offering; then the offerer has been begotten of the Holy Spirit to be a New Creature In Christ It Is to these New Creatures that the statement to made, "All things are yours, for ye are Christ's, and Christ Is God's." To these the Bible has promised, "He will show you things to come." These are to be guided Into all Truth as It becomes due. For these the Word of God Is a Storehouse, from which "things both new and old'' are produced under the Splrifs gul dance, as they become "meat in due season." Even these must make progress In their appreciation of spiritual things. The Apostle urges such: "As new bom babes desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye might grow thereby." Now our text: "The words that I speak unto you. they are spirit and they are life." Here our Lord endeav ored to Impress His dear disciples with the thought that they should not take His words too literally, but look for the deeper meaning And. they were to remember that they could not get that deep meaning until after the Mas ler's ascension: as He said. "It is ex pedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away the Holy Spirit will not come unto you; but If I go away I will send Him unto you " The Master's words were "words of life" In that they conveyed the great Message of the terms upon which we may have everlasting life and become His Joint-heirs Although the Apos- I ties explain the philosophy of the Di vine Plan in great detail, more than did Jesus, yet In His sayings we find the very essence of the Gospel. No where are the terms of disciple ship more careful ly laid down than In Jesus' words, be cause the disciples could understand the meaning of self denial, cross-bear "Thi4 u a hard toy xng " ing. and walking In His steps, eveu If they could not understand the philos ophy of Justification, snnctiflentlon. election and Divine foreknowledge. From Jesus' words more clearly thim from any others we get the thought of the "water of life." and how It Is now In His followers a "spring" of truth, grace and everlasting life. Nowhere else do we more clearly get the state ment that the Father hath life in Him self, and hath granted unto the ilon life In Himself, and that He might share this life with His disciples. Thus, as St Paul says, the words of this salva tion began to be spoken by our Lord tu won gut lift and immortality to BgM. both the general reward ef erar- muu Sre to be gtrw to the world, aai tte peria! irwart ssvstta) TKt ironjj r.i 1 apoilr art pwt una lift." FELT BAD . ALL JHE miE ShcChorn Udy ScfTtrtd a Crtal Ehellhorn. Ala. In a letter from this place. Mrs. Carrie May says: "A short time ago, I commenced to have weak pells and headaches. I felt bad all the time, and soon grew so bad I couldn't stay up. I thought I would die. At last my husband got me a bottle of Cardul. and It helped me; so he got some more. After I had taken the second bottle. I was entirely well. I wish every lady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try CarduL It is the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I erer ttsed." Cardul Is a woman's tonic a strengthening medicine for women, made from ingredients that act spe cifically on the womanly organs, and thus help to build np the womanly con stitution to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's ills. It has a successful record of over SO years. Tour dngist sells it Please try It N. B Write to: UJ.es' Advisory Dhk.. Oatti- MsdicliM Co., Chaivaaoota. nn.. for Hlxnai Inltruetumi. and M-wn No. Horn Treati far Women." mi In puia vrapoar. aa ragusst. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of the "ISijrht Express" Tv;iul i.l K'.ilci'll it'tlnm Statiom ami Nortolk Southern K.ul i n.u! . t ,iml t mm jHiiuts in K.istern X. I.'. Bullet. Parlor and Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Norfolk. Schedule in ettect M;ucli ."-i.l X. B. The follow in' .schedule ti u i -es a re published a- information i X I. V and a; e not guaranteed. TRAINS I.KAVt; KM.F.Mitl ' 1 ; p. mi I .i 1 1 v "Xight Kvpress. " Pullman Sleeping V ar tor Xoitolk. i. ihi j m Daily I'm Wilson. Wash ington anil XortolU Fturtet Parlor Car Service betu ecu Kaleigh and Xorfolk. Daily except Sunday lor Xew IWrn ia Chocou in it . Parlor Car Ser ice. Daily except Sundav tor 4o a . m. Washington. TRAINS ARRIM: R AI.KKiM in. Daily ll:2ia. in. Daily ex :2i a. cept Sunday, and :M p. :n. Daily. Bullet Parlor Car Service on s',i p. m. train from XortolU. TRAIN LEAVE OOI.DSBURO li):ls p. m. Daily "Xight Kxpress" Pullman Sleeping Car lor Norfolk via New Bern. 7:10a. in. Daily For Beaufort and aud Norlolk Parlor Car between Washington and Norfolk. 3:11) p. in. Daily for Xew Bern. Orien tal and Beaufort. Parlor Car Service. For further information and reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to I). V. Conn, General Agent, or K. L. Duffer, City Ticket Agent, Yarhorough Hotel Building, Kaleigh. N. C. W. B. HUDSON, W. W. CROXTON, Oen. Superintendent Gen. Pas. Agent. NORFOLK, VA. If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame e and rheumatic pains, you would never i wish to be without it. For sale bv all ' dealers. ! A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nast) astein the mouth, which reininda fou that your stomach is in a bad :ondition. It should also remind rou that there is nothing so good 'or a disordered stomach as Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. Thej build up the ayatem, aaaiat nature to reatore natural conditiona, and are ao gentle in their action that one hardly resi zes a medicine waa takan. Chamberlain's Tablets are sold erery where. Price 25o tf I LLTHE CQ UCjMI anoCURBiksUIUCS wrrDR.CII3GS tU7DlS0VEriY CoicDH! g bo a i.oo TRIAL BOTTlffRtl All THROAT AND UINCTROUBIES GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY b t CHICHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND LADIH8 I Ask rwr Draaa tor CHT-CHICS-TKI'8 A UiasiUKD Oolo metallic Ribbon. aIAMiia BAM PILL, for twcotT-A faara regarded aa , feat, Alwawa KellabVtv SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIM 8 raiBD EVERYWHERE VS Borne fellows woud rather borrow an umbrella than laj one by for a rainy day. kND riLLS la 1 anaA boaca, acalwa with Bluc0) Tita no oraaa. htstrwy .I k tkm iSHIlBl'a.Tf Ka v , s If 0s FREE" is the only I Insured Sewing Macnine Just ThtnK of it? Tm Fan Sewing Machine is in jured for tiy yean again accident breakage, wear, tire, tornado, light ning and water. Thi ahowt our faith to tab FREE Sewing Machine l mf uv. An if ro break rh w nachina cr inr part (aed!. bll, or aiiachmaat. tic.) tl will b icolactO to you witttoul cbafga. Sen i for our booklet "In the Day' Work" fn Siwing Machim Co.. Climgo 111. Many Driven From Home. F.very veil . in many parts of the eountrv. thousands are driven Ironi their homes li coughs and liiti dis eases. Friends and husiuess are left, behind for other climates, hut this is costly aud not always sure. A hetter way the way ot multitudes is to use Dr. Kind's Xew Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stay rii;ht there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and lun troubles find ijuick relief and health returns. Its help in couch-, colds, crip, croup, w hoopinc-coui;li ami -ore luiujs make it a positive blessing, sue ami ilJH). Trial bottle tree, (iiiaraute, 1 by J. K. Shell a.ul Co. CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY SCHEDULE Northbound Daily Passenger No. 10. Chester Lv 7 55 a m Vorkville S 4: Gastonia 5o ; (iastimia Lincolntou 10 2i Newton 1 1 05 Hickory 12 15 p in Lenoi r 1 'm i Mortimer 2 53 Kdemoiit A r ,i 05 Satarday Only -No. X. 1 (iastonia 5 40 p.m. j Ijincolnton 5 40 i Newton. . . U 40 Hickory 7 .15 Lenoir S 05 Mixed No. 60. Chester. . Yorkville Gastonia l, 11 00 p m 1 O.s J m lNia.ni. 11 4u H 4 s I In 4s 2 40 pm 1 s 20 S 4(1 j 11 4.S pm Ar IIS am 9. . L 12 (is am 12 H Ar 1 2H pm Lv 2 Mt .1 (l.s 4. Ar 4 411 I.v 5 .V .Ar (. 25 Mixed No. 62. ;...,,:., iim-olnton Newton Hickory. lei oi r Mortimer Kdremont Mixed No. 50 Lenoi i Southbound No. Kdeinont Mortimer Hickory . New ton Lincolnton Gastonia . . Gastonia . . Yorkville. . Monday Only No. 7. Hickory Ml Newton , 4 5o Lincolnton ,i .11 Gastonia ( 27 Mixed No. 61. Gastonia Lv 7 00 am Yorkville H 35 Chester Ar 10 2.S Mixed ISo. 63. Edgemont Lv 8 ,K) am Mortimer H 40 Lenoir Ar 10 40 Hickory 1 20 pm Newton ,1 2.i Lincolnton 4 20 Gastonia Ar 7 40 Mixed So. 51 Lenoir Lv .s .V) am Hickory Ar ( s.s am "Leave Arrive Chester Southern Kv.,S.A. L. and V C. Yorkville Southern Railway, (iastonia Southern Railway. Lincolnton S. A. L. Newton and Hickory - Southern Ry. E. F. REID, Oca. Pattenfer Aft. What Wa Navar Forgal. acconling to science, are the things associate with our early home life, such as Bucklen's Arnica Balve, that mother or grandmother ted to cure our burns, boils, scald sores, skin eruptions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove its merit. UnrivaJed (or piles, sores or cold sores. Only 25 t at J. E. Bhell 4 C BUSINESS DIRECTORY, j rvormiirirTP inr nrr irmi LMLniJr.Lniu ftiiL jail minji May Flour and Happy Valley Flour. You can use any receipt without fear of failure, Why? Because the quality never varies Order a sack today. Lenoir Mills Any Shape, Size or Color. Cmentry Work of all KlndA. Hiller-Reins Co. Lenoir, N. C- J. Henry Bush Paper Hanger & Painter. Special attontion jrivon to PaiHM- Manning. Leave orders at Shell's Di uk Store. Tinners J. A. Seaboch & Son Tinners and Sheet Iron Workers Kootiny;, (Jutterm and Cornier Work. Lk.mmk. X. ('. Puette & Knox Practical Plumbers All Work" (liven Prompt Attention Chi 11 on Cs for Kstiniates Lknoik, N. 1 j JEWELER Dula Bldg. Lenoir, N.C. The implicit confide ice that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Ketneilv is touniled on their experience in the use of that remedy and their know ledge of the many remarkatde cures ot colic, diarrhoea and dy sentery that it lias ef fected. For sale bv all Dealers. Tradi Miui DttltN COPYWIOMT ft. AnyontiandtiiK a sketch and daaorlntlon nay quloklf agortnin our optnioD fraa whether an mrenllon la pr"DDif palenlnDle. t'ommunlca i ions utrlotly confldeiitlal. HANDBOOK on Pateuta lent free. OMlest avencT for securing patents. Patents taken throoKh Munn A Co. recelrs tptcial notict, without onan a, In the Scientific American. A hunclmmelj lllndtrnted week If. I.ameit dr culailon of Any sclentldo lournml. Terms. 13 a rear: four months, L Sold bj all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.86'8-' New York Branch Office, J6 F Bt, Washing-ton. D. C. Subscribe for Lenoir News fl.(K) i'omu nsi ii si'iii nn i CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD & OHIO RY. ASM Carolina Cllnchfleld and Ohio k'ailway of South Carolina THI- !Nt5V SHORT l.l.NIJ It I- I W I- I N Dante St. Paul and Speer's I'erry Vi., John son City, Tenn., Atapast and Merlon, N C, and Spartanburg-, S. C. "CLIINCHPIELD ROUTK" i:i I kctivk May 12. l'M2. r- SOUTH BOUND. No. j, Pass. Dally Lt. Dante, Va H 00 A.M. " Johnson City, Tenn. ...11 15 " Ar Altapass, N. C 2 23 P.M. Lv. Marion, N. C 3 31 " " Bostic, N. C 4 30 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. C 5 40 " No s, Mixed Dally. Lv. Dante, Va 1 10 P.M. " Johnson City, Tenn.... 5 34 " Ar. Altapass, N. C 10 0.S " No. i, Mixed Dally, except Sunday Lv. Altapass, N. C d 15 A.M " Marion, N. C 7 4') " " Ilostic, N. C 'ill " Ar. Spartanburg, S. S 10 4,s " NORTH BOUND, No 4, Pass. Dally. Lv. Ai. Spartanburg, S. C 12 10 A.M. Host it-. N. C 1 20 P.M. " Marion. N. C 2 15 " " Altapass, N. C 3 34 " " Johnson City, Tenn . ft 35 " " Dante, Va 10 15 " No. 1, Pass. Dally. Lt. Altapass, N.C f 05 A.M. Ar. Johnson City, Tenn... 'Mil " " Dante, Va 12 45 P.M. No. 6, Pass. Dally except 3nnday. Lt. Spartanburg, S. C . . . 4 25 P.M. Ar. Ilostic, N. C 5 33 " " Marion, N. C 45 " " Altapass, N. C H 05 " Patrons arc ren nested to apply to nearest Agent for definite information or to CHA8. T. MANDKL, T. P. A., In charge Paw. Dept. J. J. CAMPION, V-Pres. and Traffic Manager, Johnson City, triih. StriMtrita for Two Nmwr. MM4VER 08 YEARS' VCXPERItNCE A. B. GOODMAN, M. D. Offers his Professional Services to the Cltiiens of Lenoir and Vicinity f i Office Over Leooir Co.'s Store. Drux Cloer's Barber Shop (Jones Building, Opposite P. O.) The leading and tuot couven . itut Ba,rbr Shop in Lfnoir. WE DO YOUR WORK QUICK AND EAST. C. Banks McNairy ! M. D. I RKSIDKMCkt AT i root nnis Mnatonum l Phonk 110 T Foot Hills Sanatorium Dr. C. L. Robbins I DEINTIST t Dental ! ( Phoue 0 rooms in DiiIh buildini; pposite PoHtofllce. - - - 108 Dr. 0. L. Moore DEINTIST Okkick Ovkk Fikkt Nation a i, Bank 'PHONE 85 J. R. Ervin Civil & Hydraulic Engineer. Lknoik, N. C. Surveys and Kstimate.s made and construction superintended, for Roads, Railroads and Watar Power Derelopments. S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion kriven to collection of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of legal papers. Keal KM ate titles in vestigated. Office in MILLKR BUILDING. I Seaboard Air Line. SCHKDULK TltAINS I.KAVK OHAKLOTTK EKFKO TIVK APHII, I), 1SI12. NO. 40 r:( h. iu. Through train lor Wilmington with parlor car attach ed. Connect at Hamlet with No. 38 for PortHinouth and Norfolk. No. 61 for Kaleigh, Wanliington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; dining car service and vestibule coaches to Washington; Pullman sleeping a&rs to Jersey City. NO. 487:30 a. m. For Monroe and all points south. NO. 133-10:25 a. m. Local for Li colnton, Shelby and Rutherfordton. NO. 445:00 p. m. Local for Wilming ton, connecting at Hamlet with fast vestibule trains for Jacksonville, Fla., and all points south. NO. 47 4:40 p. m. For Rutherford ton and west . NO. 132-7.45 i. m. Handles local sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk connects at Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with through sleeper to Birmingham; at Monroe with No. 32, fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jer sey City. Connects at Hamlet with No. 9H with through vestibule coaches to Washington Dining tar Richmond to New York. Pullmaa sleepers to New York. Trains Arkivk at Charlotte. NO. 13810:25 a. in., from the east. NO. 4810:05 a. in., from the west. NO. 4512:10 p. in., from the east. NO. 188 7:2ft p. m., frop- the west. NO. 407:25 p. m., from the east. NO. 89-11:00 p. m. fioin the east. C. B. Rtam, (j. P. A Portsmouth, Ta. .Iambs Kir, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. f. H, B. Lrard, D. P. A., sUlelgh. N. f . The Satisfied customer Is th one who patronises the Nwt Prinisry wbea in need of any tkft In tlw Jet Prtnttef lrsm