Ttesday, Octobk 1. 1912. IUTTE&S LOCAL AM) PUSONAL. " " Brief ltams mt Internet I Tewn and Cowatj Randan. Mr. bat id McGhee, of Mc Adentille, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. L. B. Huntlev. Mr. J. S. Zimmerman, of Sal isbury, spent Sunday and Mon day in Lenoir with his mother, Mrs.iJ. N. McRary. Mr. S. EL Dula attended the Wilkes Fair last week and again won first premium for his famous Dula Beauty apples. Mrs. Ben Seagle, of Hickory, who has been visiting relatives here for some time returned to rer home yesterday. Mr. A. J. Dula, of Old Fort, and his daughter, Mrs. Walker and two children, of Chicago, 111., are visiting in Lenoir. Little Miss Courtney Jones, who has been visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Courtney, left Sunday for her home in Hixon, Tenn Mrs. A. H. Kowe, who has been spending the summer with her daughter in law, Mrs. H. V. Courtney, left Sunday for her home iiKKnnis, Texas. Mr. .Julius Blair, who has been in Watauga at his old home for a few weeks recuperating has returned and is on Ins job at Lenoir Manufacturing Co. Mr. W. H. Sherrill came in on the early train Monday from (Jreenville, Tenn., where he has been for several months and will be at home now for some time. Mr. I. G. Green, of Globe, was in Lenoir Monday. Mr. Green is preparing to build at Gragg and expects to move there as soon as he gets his house ready to move into. Mr. E. F. Nesbit, who has been in the meat market busi ness at the depot with Mr. Cas tor, has sold his interest in the business to Mr. Castor and re turned to Statesville, his for rner home. Hon. R. L. Doughton, and his Republican opionent, Mr. (J. D. B. Reynolds, nominees for Con gress from this District held a joint discussion before a medium sized audience in the court house here yesterday. Mrs. T. W. Triplett and her son, Mr. Ronda Horton, left yesterday for a few days visit to relatives in Liberty, S. C, after which Mrs. Triplett leaves for Bend. Oregon, and Mr. Horton goes back to Nashville. A lecture and business meet ing in the Court House Thursday evening at :() p. m. prepara tory to the building of a house of worship for the Advent Chris tian people in the town of Le noir. AJ1 are cordially invited. Messrs. .1. W. Sudderth and I tonne Mundav ha ve been awarded the contract for build ing the graded school building at Hudson and expect to begin the. work in the course of two or three weeks. The building when complete will cost from $:,(XX) to $1,IXX). Mr. Cornelius Blair, of Boone, was in Lenoir Saturday on his way to Morganton with a load nf his Watauira produce for the State Hospital at Morganton. Mr. Blair has a regular contract at the hospital to furnish a cer tain amount of produce each year for which he gets fair prices. Mr. .J. R. Willetts, one of the surveyors on the Yadkin River Railway spent Sunday in Le noir. The location of the line has been completed from VVilkcs boro to the new town of Gran atin, the last stake being driven last week. The engineering corpse will now begin work of locating the line up Elk Creek .towards Cooks Gap and Boone. Ret. G. W. Fink will begin a series of Gospel meetings at Marfin Camp Ground, near Gamevell, on the first Sunday morning in October at 1100 o'clock. AU are most cordially inTited. Died on last Webnesday, with typhoid fever, the 5 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Prestwood. and on Thursday the little body was taken to the bu rying ground at Kings Creek church and there buried. Rev. J. G. Benneld conducted the ser vices. Tke Nw Trmia Stoic. The new train jjer vice inaugur ated by the Carolina A .North Western Railway, is meeting with the most hearty approval by all our people and every one is loud in praises of the manage ment of the road for the pro gressive step taken. Monday morning the Charlotte and Greensboro Dailies were receiv ed here at :'2 a. m., a thing that has never been the good fortune of Lenomtes to enjoy before. The first new tram went out yesterday morning on time with a goodly number of passengers and we predict it will he well patronized. Xew reading matter appear In tfci space each week. Marked Features Accuracy and prompt ness, safety and liberality are the marked features of business. We 'invite to trv us our you f I New Baptist Church. The new Lenoir First Baptist Church was formally opened for services last Sunday, when the pastor. Rev. .1. ). Fulbriglit. preacneu 10 a iaige eongie.i casion. tion. at 11 o'clock. The church is a beauty in design and con struction an edifice of which the whole town as well as the large Baptist congregation my feel justly proud. The interior ar rangement is modern an con venient, with especially fine ac coustical properties. The low est tones can be distinctly heard and the music is esiecially pleasing and distinct. It is seated throughout with comfort able oak pews which with the modern raised floor makes it an ideal house of worship. 0U3 PRESIDENTS. ' Only Om Impeachment and kt Tm FUeJirtna mt Censure. Anilr-fT Johnson ii the only president of the United States ever impeached, and on the trial before the senate he in acquitted, the vote in favor of conviction barely falling abort of the necessary tro thirdi. Two resolution of censure on the president have been passed, once by the senate and once by the house, on occasions rhen the hos tile majority was not large enough either to pass measures over the president's teto or to impeach him. The first was passed by the sen ate on March 28, 1834. censuring President Andrew Jackson for al leged violation of the constitution and laws by his removal of the gov ernment deposits from the United States bank. The majority of the senate was opposed to Jackson in his war upon that bank, and this tote of censure was the only thing they could do about it. Jackson protested against this resolution as a charge to answer which no oppor tunity could be afforded him. The senate refused to receive the pro test. Finally, on Jan. 16. 1837, the resolution of censure was expunged from the journal of the senate. The second resolution of censure was in a report adopted by the house from the hou:?e committee to which President John Tvler's mes sage vetoing the tariff bill of 1842 jy hiul hopri referred This report cen- ; sured the president for alleged im- w proper use of the veto power. Ty- ; ft ler protested against this, as Jack- ift eon had done before him, but he ' f- lT had, as a member of the senate, vot- i ru i . i i . if en againsi receiving .mcksoiis pro- n test, and in answer tp his protest They Bring Quick Results rd the house sent him a eopv of the Jy senate resolution on the former oc- ! first pp. uk LENOIR, N. V. T.J. Lrrz, President J. B. Atkinson, V-Prcsident C). P. Lurz, Cashier K. F. Allkn, Ass't Cashier Notary Public at Hank Lenoir to Have Anofflier Show, I am now showing the following goods at well, just read: Big lot 121c Dress Gingham at 10c yd Another lot 10c Dress Gingham ('i'2 in.) c yd. KV Long Cloth be yd jOc Brilliantine, 3t) in. wide, for 35c yd oGc Brilliantine, jO in. wide, for 35c yd. 31.U0 Silk Messahne in leading shades 90c yd. There are many other bargains in Chambry, Flanneletts, Pongee, Grecian Sulks, All-Wool Serges, Danish Cloth, Poplins, Diagonal Suit ing, etc. Also specials in Shoes, Clothing, Odd Coats and Pants, Overalls, then some. Sat isfaction guaranteed. THE RACKET. I BUSINESS LOCALS,! ft Notiet'i under this head are Out' Cent a word eai'h insertion. N.i .iihl.orlivmfiil -, than ten cent",. CUT OUT THIS AD. MOLES 1 Caldwell Association. The annual session of the Caldwell County Baptist Asso ciation held last week at Col lettsville was well attended, notwithstanding the unfavorable weather and the meeting was one of great helpfulness and in terest. Rev I. V. Thomas was chosen Moderator and Mr. J. R Swanson Clerk. The reports of the various committees showed much progress being made by this great denomination in this T'ount.y. The sessions were marked by harmony and en thusiasm and the visiting dele nates and ot tiers are loud m their praises of t lie nice enter tainment extended them by the good people of Collettsville and vicinity. The people of Lenoir will be pleased to learn that the next meeting of the Association will be held in Lenoir, Septem ber iui:;. Many a man who has never hurled himself into the deadly breach is still bold enough to take home unexpected company to dinner. No man can be successful without Hearing a lot of refer ences to the luck of fools. The careful man begins at the bottom of the ladder and climbs up, .the fool begins at the top and slides down. There are some men who take such a broad view of every pub lic question that they stand on both sides of it. Teddy is coming to New Or leans. It's hot enough already without any more "hot air." The Longest Word. "What is the longest word in the English language ?" asked Uncle Tom. " 'Valetudinarianism,' I suppose," replied James, who had taken a prize in spelling. "No," spoke up Susie; "it's 'smiles,' because there is a whole mile between the first and last let ters." " know one," said Jack, "that has over three miles tietween its first and last letters " "What word is that'" asked Un cle Tom. " 'Beleaguered,' " cried Jack tri umphantly. "1 know one." said Thilip, "that is longer than that. 'Transconti nental' has a whole continent be tween its beginning and ending." " Interoceanic' beats them all,'' exclaimed Elsie, "for it contains an ocean, and an ocean is larger than any continent" Lippincott's. W'ANTKD A ohI .ih and dour J in. in. two ffood bench men. ,md two i kriKl machine men. Aale.l Woodworking (.'.. ! 'i.-.'it Azalea. N. I". (trapes in Baskets at Delimiter's ix. British Military Bulls. Some queer, quaint efforts at composition have been made bv British oflicers. A certain major or dained this: "Reveille will be at 3:30 a. in. The brigade will parade at 4 a. m. The brigade will move al 4:15 a. m. The sun will rise at 5 a m." It was during the guerrilla war of 1901-2, after the building of the blockhouses, that it became necessary to check the habit of the men of sleeping outside the block houses for the sake of coolness and comfort. A certain staff officer thereupon issued the following quaint order: "No one is permitted to sleep outside the blockhouses ex cept the sentrieB." Though the in tention of this order is clear, its phraseology is not. "Men on out post duty are forbidden to strike matches on the sky line." London Standard. Frames made to tit your pictures at ttie Book Store. Coine to Delliners and tfirt all kinds of fresh Fruits at reasonable prices. LOST A Sterling Silver card case. containing a few stamps some change and a card of Miss Irene Martin. Keturn to News Office and get reward. Miss BleanorClarke, Graduate Nurse, residence at S. M. Clarke's. M-tf Your pictures will be framed promptly at the Book Store. FOR SALE OK KKNT Kev. Mc Nairy house, near Reformed church. 93-tf J. R. McNairy. Oranges, Apples, Pears and Peaches at Del lingers s Cafe. 4 Ke:ned with MolesotT. without pain or danger, no matt r how ;.ir;r. or it... Mr raised atxive the surface of the stein. And will ueu-r return, and no trace or s 'are will be left, where the mole .ir war: w .is M-.ited. Molevitf is applied directly to the M"ie or W.irt. which entirely d isapix-ars m atMuit six days, killing the germ, leaving the .skin smooth and natural. Letters I ruin jKTsonages we all kiv.. together with much val-i;.iM'- intormatioii. are contained in the attr.ictiie booklet, which will be mailed you tree upon request. MoU'sof! is put up only in one dollar bottles. Orders are tilled immediately upon receipt of price and mailed in a plain case, accompanied by full directions, and contains enough remedy to remove sixto ten ordinary Moles or Warts. We sell MolesofT un der Kisitive guarantee, if it fails to remove your Mole or Wart, we w ill promptly refund you your dollar. Florida Distributing Company PENSACOLA, FLA. tW Please mention this paper whenanswering. You can get your pictures framed bet ter at the Book Store. FOR SALE At less than cost 1 Two Horse Steel Hay Baler, 1 Manure Spreader, also Fanners Favorite Drills at reduced prices. 93-tf Heukel-Craig Live Stock Co. i Southern Railway f Operating Over 7,000 fliles of Railway. Quick route to all points North, South, East and West. Through trains between principal cities and resorts, afford ing first class accomodations. Elegant Pullman sleeping cars on all through trains. Dining, clnb and leservation cars. For sneed. comfort and courteous employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, schedules and other information I turnisbea by addressing me unaersignea: K. L Vernon, 0. r A J. n. wood, u. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville. N. C. S. 11. Hardwick, P. T. Sri. H. F. Cary, G. P. A. Washington, D. ,C FOR RENT-The office recently oc cupied by the Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. P. M. Keever. 86-tf FOR SALK Good second-hand Rem ington Typewriter, cheap. 7(-tf P. M. Keever. If you get your Ice Cream from Phil lip Ikistic you will know what it is to have genuine satifaction. Flattering. "My name iJ Bilkey," said the stranger to the moving picture thea ter proprietor. "T'm Bilkey the composer. 1 understand you are us ing mv illustrated song, 'When the Sun Slips Down Behind the Dusky Uills " "Wliv. yep," the proprietor re plied. "We found it wa just the song we wanted." "Thnnka, thanks!" eried the do lighted author. "Yes," the proprietor continued, "we needed something to get the audience out between our half hour shows, and your pong emptied the house quicker than anything else we ever tried. "-Cleveland Plain Dealer. They say that every man has his price, but we know some men who tfi'e themselves away. FOR KKNT The office recently va cated by the Singer Machine Co. ('l-tf P. M. Keever. Misenheimer's Slayer Gets Two Year Sentence. CluulotU', Sept. Claude Hlackwt'll, yrtls this afternoon found Kuilty of manslaughter and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for the killing of Dr. Fred Misenheiiner in a room at the Muford hotel. May -j:. Kvidence in the case was to the effect that Hlackwell and Misenheiiner and several other men had been drinking, playing cards and otherwise carousing and a tight followed. Misen heiiner. so it was claimed by the defense, attacked Hlackwell with a plumber's plunge stick, aud Hlackwell stabbed Misen heiiner, death resulting ten days later. Hoth persons are prominent in their respective cities and the trial has attracted a great deal of interest. Eminent counsel upiH'ared on both sides, and the case was hard fought through out. Notice of apeal to the Supreme court was given and under Sh Was Not Consulted. A girl forced bv her parents into a disagreeable match with an old man. whom she detested, when the clergyman came to that part of the Borviee where the bride is asked if he consents to tak the bridegroom Hlackwell was released for her husband, add. mth treat . 4,wx) bond simplicity: 0h, dear, no, lr, bat yon are the m . i i i lwuwuUu,BiU,vVU.- anew lea) mQm toget ion auuui uu Hiavwri iaiuuuu Tit-Bit. A Word To The Wise Our tip is buy "Shield Brand" clothe you'll win l hands down. The new "Shield Brand " models are 'vinners, full of snap and style, they're "the clothes you want to buy at the price you want to pay". Be wise b ring your clothes wants here we'll satisfy you. I . T. Hickman Hudson, N. C Some men, after turning over new leaf, seem to get s bad ad rice on the new page. 1 Tbejr interlock and orrlap each otner in audi a way that tk Wdeat driving rain or snow cannot sift and! (baas. Won't pulsate or rattle in wind-atona TVay'ra aJU (n-pcoot wl last as lostf as tba building, and navar Mead rapain. For Sale by Lenoir Hardware & Fur Co. t ! f ! T i