(Urn Wilsoa Wi Witkout Nw York. (Baltimore American.) Wilson without New York is the concrete proposition that the Democratic party has to meet. The deep-seated resent mentof Tammany against the Democratic nominee because Bryan insisted that he should a knife because Sorrell assisted receivethe nomination without in the elopement of his daughter, the vote of the New York ilele J ude Ferguson sentenced Har gation has only een deepened ron lo t0 days in jail and to by the inanifetj puqKOf of the pay a tine of o , the jail sen New Jersey governor to :Luv tetuv to lngin Saturday. l?ond the state leaders uon the black ir. the sum of $1JM was allow-liit- It is ag.nnst nature lor the ed men not to tt-l to the keenest Or. the night of August 25. the obloquy cist iiHMi them Mr. Harrison met Mr. Sorrell when thev are shunned and m the public highw ay. whippet! ostracised by the one whom they out hi- knife and slashed the have to look to as their party's young man twice across the leader. ( n discussing the dim throat and face, cut a severe culties of the IK'inocratic candi gasli in his arm and stabbed him date there is no need to pass m the back before the victim Uou the merits of the Kryan knew what was being done to Wilson H)sition of antagonizing turn. Mr. Sorrell. who was in the state machine. I't these a buggy, drove off rapidly and national leaders thresh out in was pursued by Mr Harrison, any way they can the situation; i The trouble was on account of the fact is that the New York the preacher's assisting Miss vote is the critical feature of K ie Harrison in eloping with Democratic case Mr Murphy Kennett Wall is bent uiH)n placing (Ioernor Dix again in nomination, and the efforts made at the Syracuse fair grounds to hae Mr Wilson identify himself. e en by impli cation, with the state leader was the last moe in the game to gain een so much as the ap IX'arance ol Wilson tolerance Til is absolutely failed and the failure has cut the gordian knot for the organization Democrats. Without them Mr Wilson can not hope to gam the Kmpire State. Wilson without New York is not to be thought of. therefore the outlook for his election is far from justifying the confidence that he expresses. Here i- .1 woman who -;'. ik- Irmn personal know K-lge anil long e peri ence, i.. Mrs. I'. H. Rrogau. of Wilson. I'a.. who say-.. "I know irom experience that Chamberlain'-. Cough Remedy i far superior to am other. For croup there i not him; that exi-eK it. ' ' For sale hv all deab-r. Fortune Spent in a Night. i New York Press. A young man Unown to fame as "Broadway's biggest spend er," according to the headlines, does not deserve that distmc tion. Many citizens have strug gled manfuly lor it but the championship was never award ed. The youth who has just died undoubtdely got away with a large sum in four years that he went "the pare that kills.'' but he got his name by noisy scat teringol funds. There are stores of real spenders who got rid of their wealth in a quiet way. whom one hears about in the gossip ol the lobster palaces. ikf i i . .i ... ",rtl I K... . 1.1 . n i i voug moohiw, millionaire iook , rn,'ill)- A ""-'",l'"r ol h"UM' "' i vitimi'i iiiii w as ouiciaiiy said lo have blown :!.,0.iKH) against! Cantield's roulette wheel m a single night. A manufacturer of en rv 1 mi I s I'liinnii. I, ,r 1,1 l.;,rl Ills !)lg dinners to nistoiiH nil i chorus girls, often pays a cln-ck for So. 0(10 for one of these leasts A multimillionaire monarch in Wall street made the acquaint j niw.ii itf ,i t. .i , n, . . . I.. ..I 1 .. I K i-iii o sending her a bunch of Ameri j ran Heauties clasped together j With a S10.000 brooch. Scores' upon scores of our gilded youth 1 and gilded middle age. loo j would dispute the title of the S Brooklyn man to being I road way's record making spend thrift, if they cared lor such notoriety. Notice to Stock Men 1 wish to inform the public that I am now located at Lenoir. I make a specialty of operating on Ridgling horses. I perform the oixiration without stopping them from work. Ueferenre; Henkel Live Stock Co., of he noir, Hickory and Ktutesville. Yours respectfully, 7-tf R. Rigos, D. V S. D. B. rUrriMw. f WAa, Must Sr Sixty Day ud Pay a Fin f $500. Raleigh, Sept. 25. D. Bryant Harrison, a prominent farmer, pleaded guilty in Wake Superior court this afternoon to slashing C. R. Sorrell, a young minister ial student at Wake Forest, with Saves Leg Of Boy. 1: 1 1 1 -v i th.it mv 14-ear old ioulil h .i t- to lose his lei;, ou account o! an iu 1 nli ei . i.iuseil hv .1 hail li mi ite 1 1 I-' Him aril. Aipiont . N C. "All reinedie-, ami doctor-, treatment tailed till uetrieil Iuuklrn Ainua Salie. ami cured him n it ti one 1hx." Cute-, huriis. IhjiK. -km eruptions, piles. 2 V at J. K. S!:ell anil Co. Textile Directory. The land and industrial de partment of the Southern rail way has just issued the I'M- edition of the Southern Railway Textile Directory, giving a list of all the cotton, woolen. Unit ting and other textile mills along the Southern railway. Mobile and Ohio railroad. Georgia Southern and Florida railway, the Virginia and Southwestern railway and the Southern rail way in Mississippi. The direct ory shows a total of 7S'! mills in operation at the beginning of this year. Ills, 04i' looms amis,. 74'.', 7 spindles. Their were ibll cotton mil s. 1 l,i knittintr mills and is woolen mills. Of this number North Carolina has -Ml) mills, 1 U.s;,: looms and '2, ''' I. Two spindles. When urn haw- a hail cold you want the he-t meilieine ohtainahle so as to rure it with as little delay as possible Here i- a il ruggist ' opinion : "I have ulil Chamberlain's Cough Remedy lor hlteen y i ai s." avs Knos Lollar ol Saratoga. In,!., "anil eonshler it the hest on the market." For -ale hv all dealer-. How Johnnie Figured. "Johnnie, if I give you two pence and vour father gave v.. u ' ,),,,,,.,, ,.,. hmv much would vou haver ' "Seven." promptly replied 1 .1 ol "You can't have understood me. Johnnie. Now listen, and I will repeat the question. If 1 give you twopence and your father gave vim threepence. iow much would you have?" "Seven.' said Johnnie again. "I am surprised at you. Jolm ne," said the teacher. "How ...,..,1, ,,.,,.,1,1 .. ve se v "I got 1 W( said Johnnie in my pocket. II ion 1i,im i unit; children von have perh. ip- noticed thai disorders of the - ton i iie 1 1 aie theii most common ail ment To correct tin- you will hud Chamberlain'-. Stomach and Liwr Tahlets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to lake, and mild anil gentle in ellect. -'oi sale hy all dealer-. Women sometimes only be come acquainted with their bus bands the L first time she asks him lor money alVr they are married. Sick headache is canned hy a disor dered stomach. Take Chamherlain's Tahlets ami correct that ami the head aches will disappear. For Bale hv all dealers. MRS. McGILL -BROKE DOWN Giro the Ceil Facts to Regard to Eer Case and TeCs How She SofTcrtd. ' Jonesboro, Ark. "I aoffered a eom plete break down la heavKn, iom time ao," Tritei Mrm. JL McGtll, from thl place. "I iu Terr weak and could not do any work. I tried different remedies, but they did me no good. One day, I sot a bottle of Cardut. It did me so much good. I was surprised, and took some more. Before I took Cardut. I had headache and backache, and sometimes I would err for hours. Now I am oTer all that, and can do all kinds of housework. I think It Is the greatest medicine on earth." In the past fifty years, thousands of ladies hare written, like Mrs. McGUl. to tell of the benefit recelred from Cardul. Such testimony, from earnest women, surely Indicates the great ralue of this tonic remedy, for diseases peculiar to women. Are you a sufferer? Yes Cardul Is the medicine you need. We urge you to try it. N B - Write to : I AJvHnry rw.. Oana Oil MjK"tn Co.. Chjtlnoigi. Tenn . tor Sptcutl Jnttritctwu. nj M pi book. ' Hoax TrwUMM for Women, ' acm In pUio wrapper, oa request. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of the "INitfht Express" i'r.nrl hi Kah'ii,'h t'nion Station' and Norfolk Southern K'.ulroad. to and troin all point- m K.i-tern N. V'. Hulffl. Pirlor aad Slccplnt Cars btcco Raleigh and Norfolk. Schedule iu e fleet March .rd. N 11. The tollmi tne; schedule lifur- are puhhheil a-intonnat ion I ' N I. V ami are not i; 11.1 ranteetl . TWAINS l.t AM; KAUKiM 'i h i in. l)ail "N'ie;ht Kpre." I'ullinan Sleepim; ('.it tor N'.irtolk. oil" a. in Uailv Kor Wilson. Wash ininii and Norfolk Bullet Parlor Car Sen ice hetween h'.iieicji and Norfolk. ii ii a. in lhnlv except Sundav for New Hern wa Choeowinity. Parlor Ca r Sen ice. 2:4ii.i.ruj Daily except Sunday for 'ahinc;ton. TWAINS AKKIVK UAIaiKiH 7:2" a in. Daily ll:2ua. in. Daily ex cept Sunday, and 7 :." p. in. Daily. Mullet Parlor Car Senice on S ..ill p. m. train I mm Norfolk. TRAINS l.KAVK (IOI.USBOKO. In 1; p. m. Daily "Ninht K. xpres" Pullman Sleeping Car for Nortolk ia New Hern. 7:ln;i. in. Daily For Heaufort and and Norfolk Parlor Car hetween Washington and Norfolk. ,1:11) p. in. Daily tor Neu Hern. Orien tal and Heaufort. Parlor Car Service. For further information and reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, applv to I). V. Conn, (ieneral Arent, or K. L. Duller, City Ticket Aent, YarlMjrounh Hotel HuiUlinr, Kaleih, N. C. W. B. HIDSON, W. W. CROXTON, Gen. Superintendent Oen. Pass. Agent. NORFOLK, VA. Fortunes In Facet. There's often nnieh truth in the say ing "her face is her fortune," but its never said where pimples, skin eruptions, blotehes, or other blemishes disfigure it. Impure blood is hack of them all. and shows the net-d of Dr. Kind's New I. ilr 1'ills. Tlifv pro mote health and beauty. Try them. 25 cents at .1. K. Shell and Co. A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nasty astein the mouth, which reminds ou that your stomach is in a bad :ondition. It should also remind fou that there is nothing so good for a disordered stomach as Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They build up the ayitem, aaaiat nature lo restore natural conditions, and are so entle in their action that one hardly real izes a medicine was taksn. Chamberlain's tablet are aold everywhere. Price 25c. iKILLTHCCOuSin ANDCURETMCLUtlCS rnDfOUGHS(a so a $i.oo TRtAl BOTTlE FREE AND AIL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY ClilGIIESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIHS I Aak ihi UnnM for CHI-CH Rfl-TBR'8 A DIAMOND HKAND PILLS In Kito ai Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BlueVCl Ribbon. Taib mo oraaa. Hoy Tnor y DnwirlH aa aak fcr OHI-CHUa-TCB V DIAMOND IIHANn FILLS, for twrntr-flfa ycara rvgarded at Best Safest, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 2& EVERYWHERE ?V& M1 jlllilidll. .m ,a Is the onlv Insured WttWIUC Just Thlnh of it? Thi Fail Sowing Machine is in sured fof fir years against accident breakae. wear, fire, tornado, light- rung and water, faith in This snows our Sewing Machine 1 TMPl wb.t tbls roeanal t peia.Uii If r btnk tfte wfaolt nacbtns c( tar pft (nevdlt. bll. or tnackntat. tic.) If will bt rapJktd to f uu wltfcovl cbsrf. Scn'l for our booklet "In the Dav's Wjrk" Free Siwinc Machine Co.. Chicago 111. Saved By Hi. Wife. ' She'-) a woman who knows ju-.t what to do when her hu-.lanii 's life is in danger, hut Mrs. K. J. Flint ( Hraiutree. 't., is of that kind. "She insisted on mv usin Dr. Kind's New Discovery." writes Mr V. "lor a dreadful eouh. when I was so weak t my friends all thought 1 had only a ! short time to liif, and it completely I cured me." A iuick cure for coughs I and coalds, it is the most safe and I reliable medicine for many throat and ' lun troubles Kr'l'- bronchitis, croup, whooping cou'h, (jiiuisy, tonsilitis, I hemorrhiiK'es. A trial w ill coinmce you. Ni cts. and 51 .11. (iuaranteetl by J. K. Shell and Co. CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY SCHEDULE Morthbouad Dally Passrorer No. 19. Chester I,v 7 s.s a m Yorkville . , 4: Gastonia ' .(n (iastonia Lincolntou II) 7u Newton 1 1 Hickory 12 1 p m Lenoir 1 .( Mortimer ? 5.1 Kdemont A r .1 05 Passenger No. 8. (iastonia ... .s 40 p.m. Lincolntou ... It M Newton . 7 OH Hickory 7 41) Lenoir H Mixed No. 62. Lei oir .1 li) pm Mortimer S 20 Kdemoiit S 40 Mixed No. 60. Chester Lvl 1 4 p m York wile 1 05 (iastonia HO t Mixed No. SO Hickory Lv 7 on am Lenoi i A r h 25 Southbound No. 9. Kdjeinont Lv 12 05 am Mortimer 12 1.1 Lenoir Ar 1 2S pm Lenoi r . . L Hickory 2 M Newton .'1)5 Lincolntou .1 45 Gaston i a Ar 4 40 Gastonia Lv Yorkville ... ... .5 .V Chester A r 2- Passenger No. 7. Lenoi r H .11 1 a. m. Hickory i 25 Newton 'I 45 Lincolntou ... 10 20 (iastonia 1 1 20 Mixed No. 63. Kdtfetnont Lv H 00 am Mortimer m lo Lenoir Ai In In Mixed No. 61. Gastonia , 7 00 am Yorkville s .15 Chester Ar lo 25 Mixed No. 51 Lenoir Lv .1 (Hi pm Hickory Ar 4 25 Leave (Arrive Chester- Southern Kv.,S. A. L. and L & C. Yorkville Southern Railway, (iastonia Southern Railway. Lincolntou S. A. L. Newton and Hickory- Southern K'y. E. F. RI'll), (irn. Patsenger Agt A Log On The Track ot the fast express means serious trouhle'ahead if not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack of vitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness. If appe)ite fades, take Klectric Hitters tpiickly to overcome the cause by toning up the stomach and curitiK the indigestion. Michael Ilesshcimer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over three years, but six bottled of Klectric Hitters put him right on hia feet again. They have helped thouaand. They give pure blood, strong nervea, good digestion. (Inly 50 cents At J. K. fthell and Co. 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, j Better Baking If you use May Flower or Happy Valley Flour better results will be yours. These brands have the finest texture, run the eveoest, make the best braid, cakes and pies and more of it than other flours. Lenoir Mills Any Shape, Size or Color. Cementry Work of all Kindi. j i niller - Reins Co.1 Lenoir, N. C ! J. Henry Bush Paper Hanger & Painter. SiHt iiii atti'iii ion nivn to Pa'H'r Hhiikhi. Ieavc orders! at Sht'll's Driiic Stort. I Tinners J. A. -Seaboch &, Son Tinners and Slicct Iron Workers KcHirin, (iiitterinir and Cornice Work. Lknoik. X C Puette & Knox Practical Plumbers All Work' (liven Prompt Attention Call on l's for lv-tnnates IjKNoiu. N. C. A JEWELER! Dula Bldg. Lfl Lenoir, N.C. J. W . Copelaiul. ot Davtou, Ohio, purchased a hottle ol Chamherlain's Conrh Kerned y lor his hoy u ho had a cold, and hefore thelyttle u as all used the hoy's void was one. Is that not better than to pay a tie doll.u d odor's' bill? For sale bv all ilealeis. Tradi Mus CoprnioHT As. anroUStndlnc a sketch and dmcrlDtlnD n qulcttlf saoertnln onr oplnloo frse whether &n Invention Is probably pntentAble, Communica tion trlctlrconHdentiaJ. HANDBOOK on Patents ent Ire, oldest alienor for ecnrlns patent. Patents taken throunh Munn A Co. reoalye vretoi notice, without obre. In the Scientific American, A handsomely IHnstrated weekly. Itmat ctr rulatlon of any srlentlUo Journal. Ternia. tit a year; four months. L Bold by all newidealera. SSI Broadway, Branch Office. Ob T BU Washington. D. Subscribe for Lenoir NVws, $1.00, COM). NSI I) srill PC! I CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD & OHIO RY. AMI Carolina Clinchfleld and Ohio kailway of South Carolina thi; i;v short i.ini: HI IWIIN Oante St. Paul and Sprcr's f:rr Vs., John son City, Tenn. . Atnpasa amlV1nrlon, N C. and Spartanhuru:, S C. "CLCHI'IULD KOIIT!-." al4 OVER 6S YEARS' aEXPERIENCE i'i:. Dally s iki A.M 11 IS " : i'.m . M " 4 So " s 40 " 1 10 .M 5 S4 10 OS .SOLITH KOI NI). No. ,. Pas Dally Lv. Dante, Va. . . ' ' Johnson City, Tenn Ar Altapass, X C Lv. Marion, N. C " Hostic. X. C Ar. Spartanburg. S. C No. !, Mixed Daily L. Dante, V'a " Johnson City. Tenn... Ar. Altapass. N. C No. i, Mixed Dally, except Sunday. Lv. Altapass, N. C t, l.s A.M " Marion. X. C 7 4' " " Hostic, X. C. 'i 11 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. S.. .10 4S " NORTH BOUND, No 4. Illy. Lv. Spartanburg, S. V' Ai. Hostic, X. C " Marion. N. C " Altapass, N. C " Johnson City, Tenn " Dante, Va . 12 10 1 20 2 IS S M h ,Vs 10 IS A.M. IM. No. J, Paul. Dally Lv. Altapass, N.C ( OS Ar. Johnson City, Tenn. . ' 01 " Dante, Va. .' 12 4S No. 6, Pass. Dally except Sunday. Ly. Spartanburg, S. C . . . . 4 25 Ar. Ikfstic, N. C, S 3.1 " Marion, N. C . . 4S " Altapass, N. C H OS A.M. I'.M. I'.M. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for delinite information or to CHAS. T. MA TVDKL, T. V. A., In charge Pas. Dept. J. J. CAMPION, V-Pres. aid Traflic Manager, Johnson City, Tknn. Subscribe for The NKvrg. M. DA Li J A. B. GOODMAN, Offer hi ProftMioa&l s,w iviuvviiiavu a f of LDolr and Vicinity f ! Office Over Lenoir Druf Co.'s Store. i Cloer's Barber Shop i Joue liaildinjr. Opposite P. O.) The leadiuir and uiot conven ient Barber Shop in Leuoir. WE IX) YOUR WORK QUICK AND EASY. -SV-S-h-l--rSH-V-S z C. Banks AkNairv I I M. D. " I T RKSIDKXCIC AT J r,-uiii", .a. l rooi nins anaionum Fhonk - - 110 I Dr. C. L. Robbins DENTIST l'eiitnl rooms in Dula huildin Opposite I'ostolllee. Phoue - 108 Dr. 0. L. Moore utgrs i 1st On U K Ovkk First National Hank 1'HUNK -:: 85 ( J. R. Ervin Civil & Hydraulic Engineer. Lknoik, N. ('. Surveys and Kstim.ites made and construction sii)erintiMided, for Koads, Railroads and Water I'owtT Developments. S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion iren to collect ion of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the ilrawini; of all kinds of letfal papers. Real Kstate titles in vestigated. Oltice in MILLKK HI'ILDING. Seaboard Air Line. SCHKDILK TltAINS I.KA VK ("H Altl.OTTK KKKK0 TIVK A PHIL II. 11M2. No. 411 a on h. 111. Through train lor Wilmington with parlor ear attach ed. Connect ut Hamlet with No. 8H for Portsmouth and Norfolk. No. rift tor Raleigh, Washington, Haltimore, Philadelphia itnil New York; dining ear service and vestibule eonelie to Washington: Pullman sleeping ears I .jriprj i 111 . ! NO. 48 T ;i(i n. m. For Monroe and all point south. NO. l;f:i-l(l:2S a. m. I,e,il tor Lin colntou, Shelby and Rut herfordton. j NO. 44-.r:00 p. in. Local for Wilming 1 ton. eonneetlliL' at Hamlet with fast vestibule trains tor Jacksonville, Fla., anil all points south. NO. 47- 4:4(1 p. m. For Rutherford ton and west. NO. i:t'2 7.45 p. in. Handles local sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk connects at Monroe with 'o 41 fn- ! Atlanta and 8011th west with through sieeper in ninmngiiaiiK at Monroe with No. 112, fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jer sey City. Connects at Hamlet with No. US with through vestibule coaches to Washington Dining car Richmond to New York. Pullman sleepers to New York. TltAINH Akiiivk at Oh armittic. NO. 1110:25 a. in., from the east. NO. 4(110:05 a. iu., from the west., NO. 45-12:10 p. m., from the east NO. i:i2-7:2.r p. in., fron- the west. NO. 411-7:25 p. m., from the east. NO. 8-11:00 p. 111. fiom the east. C. B. Rr an, H. P. A., Portsmouth, Va. Jamrh Kkr, T. P. A., ('harlot t, N. C. H. 8. Lit a iu, 1). P. A., Kalelgh. N. 0. The Satisfied customer is the one who patronizes the' News Printery when in need of any thtnp: in tbe .Tb Printing line.

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