TWICE-A-WEEK H. C. MARTIN. Editok and Pkofbiktob Entered at the Post-orfice at Lenoir, N. C, as stvond-clais mail matter. Subscription price ?l.i a year, six months .V cent, three mouths i? cents. This paper is sent only to subscribers who pay in adance. Advertising rates on application. Tm.KPHUNI- No. 54. KklDAV. OClOBhK 4, 112. I nii'i':! h.i- .:! i:i tin' iim.iT on ol DO NOT Jl'IV.K HASTILY Dr. Yenable. President of the University, made an address to the students at the institution last Tuesday m which he stated the position of the faculty m re gard to hazing in the college. He said the faculty had acted on all cases they hail been aware of and plead for the assistance of the students m the efforts of the faculty to suppre-. the practice. He spoke feelingly of the injury till' college had vinVred from the recent tr.ip'dv there. h remark, on the p,i rt ;ct, iar mci ilent being .timo p.itln t Nn doubt tli. fered mile the people ot tli.- State from recent lie elopn ent .1 n. i ! will he a lone; t ime Wetoi e ,t re. o el's entirely from ;t. In the mean time let us not !.e too h.iMy in condemning President X'enahlej and the faeult v. There i a ' code of honor among the stu dents, prohibiting all tonus of hazing and when men are put on their honor it is not expected that the faculty need be quite S) vigilant as if no such code of laws existed. We think t le hazers who were the cause of young Rand's death, deserve severe punishment and others who abetted them by their pres ence or otherwise also deserve to be punished, but the Presi dent and faculty should he given a "square deal" and not con demned to hastily. The Republicans knowing well the value of The News columns for reaching the voters, have, as has been their custom for sever al campaigns passed, engaged some space in this paper, for which they pay regular adver tising rates. The matter ap pearing in the space thus con traded to them will be furnished by the Campaign Committee and they will be responsible for all that is said therein. The editor while he has his own con victions and opinions, does not as .suine to fie in any way respon sible for the utterances ol the Campaign Committee, any more than he does for the statements of any other advertising patrons. The value of this kind of cam paign publicity is being more and more appreciated and while The News was one of the first pajiers in the State to adopt it and many others are now fol lowing the same rule. The statements of the printed page are much more easily preserved and considered than the verbal statements of a speaker, hence, nure reliable and worthy of be lief or susceptible of contradic tion. This makes the newspa per campaign the more affective. Slav V. FrM UW. . (Cim-lotte Observer.) The modern movement toward relief and indemnity of working people seems to be towards the conditions which existed on the Southern plantation before the war. The plantation was es sentially a community organized as a little monarchy. If any body ou the place became sick or disabled, from the head master down to the most hum ble slave, the plantation, or the "business, " took care of the in dividual. Whether in sickness or in old age, infirmity was made more or less comfortable. All this was a sort of natural de velopment. The well people were willing to work for the benefit of those who were sick and infirm. The sick were never cut off from their usual social in tercourse because of sickness. Therefore, the movement of modern industrial conditions in matters of indemnity and relief in case of sickness or old age is but a returning to the old plantation conditions. Slavery has been condemned, and it ought to have been, but it had some conditions surrounding it w hich were better than the con ditioiisof modern progres Kaieigh. ct l Mr. Robert T Crav. tor many years a prominent member of the Raleigh bar. .lied at his resi dence on North Hlount street 1 today, following a stroke of! paralysis early this morning. I lie u as m his ii.'.t h ear. No 1 citizen of Raleigh has held a warmer place in the affections of the people Wood row Wilson says that the conservation of the minerals, waters, forests, eU, is obvious ly the superficial part of the Krhletn of conservation. The real thing that we have to conserve in America is the American jeople, their energy their elasticity their originative power their capacity to hope and to achieve. Harrison & Co. SEED RYE and CRIMSON CLOVER Fori THE UNIVERSAL CAR Better? Yes the Vanadium-built Model T is a better car than it was when it sold for almost twice its present price. Our gigantic production has beaten the cost down to where almost everyone can now afford to motor. Runabout Touring Car -Town Car $525 600 800 These new prices, f o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. An early order will mean an early delivery. (let particulars from. C. T. Morrison, Hickory, - - N. C. n I John D. Rockerfeller has been Riving away paper vests to his friends, to be used as a protec tion ugainst cold. First thing ma know John D. will be accus ed of trying to wreck tu Standard Oil Company for hurting the oil stove business. PROGRESSIVE MAORI. Thp MnH nf Nw Zealand is a rine fellow and well liked bv Euro peans. That he is progressive is shown liy the up-to-date methods which he adopts in farming and when lie indulges in the hmirv of motor cars he always wants the best makes. Those Maoris wlm are liv ing in the northern portion of New Zealand have had a large number of their villages connected by tele phone; the lines, erected by them nelvep, Iihtp ben put up in a solid nnd see up. manner. During eve ning time when conversation is she-It on the telephone, the gramophone if m 1 1 resell HE WOULDN'T COME BACK. The 1 mi. In. tor of a tram wiu- hav ing trouble with a (iennan who would not pay the whole fare. I ri .le.-pair. he at length stopped the 'ram jiikI told the man to get otT. 'h - the Herman gladlv did, and running ahead of the engine he be :r;:n to walk the lies. The engineer whittled for hi in to get olT the (rack. The (lertmni turned around and -I cik his fist at the train : " You need n't vistb-!" he said "f von't come hack." HOPEFUL FINANCIER. As soon as Willie Cohen gets his -alary he rushes out and has it. ' hanged mlo $1 bills. He then has the hills changed into quarters, the .planers into nickels, the nickels into pennies, and hack to bills again bv the same route. Oeorge Consi dine asked Cohen the reason for this strange custom. "It's this wav," re plied the wily actor. "Some day somebody is going to make a mis take and it ain't going to be me." New York Telegraph. VERNAL INSPIRATION. "Don't you feel like writing po etry when spring draws ntr?" anked the enthusiastic person. "Certainly not. I'm a physician, I'm. too busy writing prescription for the grip " X Girls School Dresses t Wagoes TMSaffisfy. Since 1834 the old reliable GEO. E. NISSEN WAGON has been giving entire satisfaction, and has been building a reputation for being the lightest draft and longest wearing Wagon made. Today you will find more satisfied users of GEO. E. NISSEN WAGONS than any wagon you can mention. No expense has been spared to make it the best wagon made two generations of wagon builders have put their lives into it one improvement has followed another until there is nothing left to improve on. A wagon materially better can not be built. It stands as a monument to their ef- i'orts and to their success. The reputation that it has taken so long to build up is right behin 1 every wagon we seil. They are guaranteed to you both by the man ufacturers and ourselves They must make good. Now what earthly chance do you take when you buy one? COMPANY Wholesale and Retail at PULLIA M I FairMess i T t Store I f All New Fall Styles, ages from 2 to 15yrs, made of Galatia, Cheviots and Ginghams. No better wash dresses can be made than this Special Brand. These Dresses are ab solutely fast colors. If you find they are not the BEST thing you ever found for the girls come an.d get your money back at the Diamond Brand Store PULLIAM'S Cash System Store 1 t I T The Atlantic fleet which is to mobilize for review in New York hiirhor October IL' to 1T will comprise a grim gray line ex tending from ';ird street almost to Yonkers, and including the unassigned vessels which will lie at anchor beginning opposite LMth street, the entire column will be more than lf miles long There will be five miles of first class battleships alone, drawn up in formidable double column array. Notice to Stock Men. 1 wish to inform the public that I am now located at Lenoir. 1 make a specialty of operating on Ridgling horses. I perform the operation without stopping them from work. Reference; Uenkel Live Stock Co., of Le noir, Hickory and Stafcesville. Vours respectfully, 87 tf R. Riooh, D. V. S. Hotter hitch your umbrella, it might walk off. pIrMlam Said to Be Dsmonlsm. A most lnteri-stim little lr.otnu bas recently eorae off the presH sotiinji forth wltb BIMe proofs that the enn muuicatloas received by mil UirouiJi BplrltlHt Mediums Is of Demon origin The writer traces his nubjeot tbiou;;li the Scriptures from the time whei. certain of the holy anela became dl; obedient. He proves from the Hcrl tun-s thnt these fallen spirit pel son ate the human dead, with whos. past history, spirit, though lnvlwlbio are thoroughly acquainted. He nbow that they also frequently peirtDii te the Creator and the Redeemer, commanding he1r deceived one t" pray, do penance, etc. Thla, however U merely to lead them on and to brine them more thoroughly under demon! teal control. Bometlmes by breaking down the nsrurnl barrier, toe humai will, they pofwesH their victim, and rule hlra more or leua to his ruin frequent ly sending ttich to the mad-hnime Numerous Illustrations. Rcripttiral and otherwise, are given. The price of th1 little book is but ten centa; It should be In the bands of all Interestad In pltitlam er who have friend inter wted therein. Enclose five two-cent Umps to the Bible and Tract Soototj, 17 EUcka street, Brooklya, M. X. Sick headache ia caused by a disor dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the head aches will disappear. For sale by ail dealers. Hardware and Furniture. 11? A Stitch in Time The wisest thing to do when harness begins to go wrong is to take it straight to someone who knows his business and have him remedy the defect. It will prove ECONOMY in the long run. Let us go over your harness now and then and put them in shape. You will get more service, longer service, and bettor service out of it than if tried to "save" by fixing it up yourself. vou IF VOU ARE Q01N0 NORTH TRAVEL VIA. THE CHESAPEAKE LINE DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY The new Steamers just placed in service the "City of Norfolk" and "City of Ualtimore" are the most elegant and up-to-date Steamers between Norfolk and Baltimore. EyiJIPPEI) WITH WIREMCSS-TKLKPONE IN EACH ROOM. DELICIOUS MEALS SERVED ON BOARD EVERYTHING FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. Steamers leave Norfolk 6:15 P. M. daily arriving Baltimore 7:00 A. M, following morning. Connecting at Baltimore for all points NORTH, NORTJH-EAST and WEST. Very low round trip rates to Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Atlantic City, etc. Reservations made and any Information cheerfully furnished by W. H. PARNEUL, NORPOUK, VA. T. P. A. T t I