Friday, Octoiek 4, 1912. MATTERS LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Brief Itm of Interact to Town and County Reader. Mr. Lark in Kendral of Elk was taken to the Foot Hills Sanatorium yesterday. Miss Jessie Courtney went to Winston last week where she takes a position as teacher. Don't forget the AixdIIos at the Graded School tomorrow night they will entertain you. Mrs. M. M. Gwyn and her Daughter Mrs. C. M. Hickerson of Murphy are spending some time in Lenoir. Mr. John W. Haigler is build ing a neat dwelling in the east ern part of town near the home of ex-Slieriff Smith. We are glad to note that Mr. Gwyn H. Harper is able to be out again. He left the Sana torium last Saturday. The Aih)I1o Company at the Graded School tomorrow night is entirely different from all previous Lyceum attractions. Mrs 1). M Kurclies and her sisU'r Miss Altie Corpening are expected here next Tuesday on a visit to Mis 11 (' Martin Mrs. Rose Cloyd and her Daughter Miss Mary left yester day for Charlotte where they will make t lieu- home for t lie winter. Mr. ( . l- St rot her who for 1 1 it- past two or three years has been with Mr. M. 1 Cloer as barber, has accepted a position with Mr. Oscar Shell. Cjuite a number of the Lenoir Hull Moosers went to Hickory last Tuesday to hear Col I loose -velt make a short address in that city while on his way through this state. The first frost of the seascm was seen here bust Wednesday morning. It was light and did lit tle or no damage and since then the weather has been quite fal lish and cool. Mrs E. C. Ruftin and her little (laughter arrived last week from Whittakers. Mr. and Mrs Ruf tin are now housekeeping in Mrs Earnhardt's house which they occupied last year. Bishop Theodore S. Hender son, who is holding the Confer ence for the colored M. E. Church this week, will preach at the Methodist church in Ijenoir next Sunday night, at 7::!0 oclock. Mrs. .1. A. Lindsay, mother of Mrs. .1. Harper Hell, died at her home in Chester. S. C, last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lind say was known to a number of Lenoir people and a most esti mable and pleasant lady. Mr. .1. C. Seagle is placing materials for a nice dwelling on Hibriten Avenue near the resi dence of Mrs. G. L. Bernhardt. Mr. .). S. Zimmerman is making the plans and it will be a mod ern and commodious home. Sparks' show which showed here Wednesday attracted large crowds to Lenoir, and the tents were tilled to capacity for both performances. Most of those attending expressed themselves as being well pleased with the show. There will be the regular Communion Service at St. James Episcopal church at 11 o'clock next Sunday morning. In the evening, at the 7:iK) ser vice, the Rev. Malcolm S. Tay lor, in charge of the Patterson School, Legerwood. N. C, will deliver an address and discuss the work there, in its history and aims and orations. Mr. Taylor comes by invitation of the rector, the llev. Mr. Joyner. The people of Uub community ouht to feel a deep interest in this undertaking and this is a good opportunity to learn much of its details. A hearty welcome Mrs. Crump of Gamewell en tered the Sanatorium last Mon day, for treatment. Mr. Chas Sherrilljof Newton has accepted a position as bar ber with Mr. M. I. Cloer. Mr. S. A. Richardson after a stay of 7 weeks in the Hospi tal is out again minus :54 Kunds of flesh. Mr C. M. Weathers and wife of Wilmington, visited relatives here for several days this week leaving for home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ogden FL Ed wards spent Wednesday night with Mr. C. B. Harrison on their way from their Summer home at Blowing Rock. Communion service at the Re formed church next Sunday morning. Prejwiratory service immediately preceding the com munion. Everybody welcome. The school at Oak Hill Aca demy, with Prof. W. G. Hartzog, of Watauga, principal, and Miss Annie Lindsay, of Lenoir, arid Miss Moretz, of Boone, assis tants, will begin next Monday. ;The prospects are good for a ' large attendance during the i town The Caldwell County, minis ters' I'mon will meet with Rev A. S. feeler, at t he residence of M r. W. S I 'm in-lon. next ' Monday morning at 1 -;;u. A full attendance of the members is requested, as some matters ol importance will come up at this 1 meeting. I The Democratic Senatorial I Convention which met in Mor i ganton last Tuesday nominated I Mr. Lawrence Wakefield of I'noir and Mr. A. C. Payne of Taylorsville, for the State Senate from this the illth Dis trict. The convention was har monious and enthusiastic, and the nominations were unanimous. BETTER TIMES. From all sources come assurances and e idences of better times. It seems to be not only "in the air" but to have permeated the factories and shops, the stores and offices, and the promise is for bumper crops the country over. If your business is more profitable, if your income is larger, don't let your ideas run to extravagance. Learn the lesson the recent past should teach. SAVE a large share of your earnings and accu mulate it with this strong Bank and then see if you don't congratulate yourself when the next period of "hard times" comes along. Accounts invited and information cheerfully furnished. Respectfully, Bank of Lenoir i. w. F. Htrpcr, President J. H. Belli. Cathier A. (1. Fird. Au t. Caibler Resources and Responsibility Over $400,000 Lenoir to Have AeofflneF Shtiw. I am now showing the following goods at well, just read: Big lot 12k Dress Gingham at 10c yd. Another lot Kc Dress Gingham '.V2 in.) he yd. 10c Long Cloth he yd. iOc Brillianine, 3b in. wide, for :15c yd. 5Ue Brilliantine, 50 in. wide, for 35c yd. $1.00 Silk Messaline in leading shades 90c yd. There are many other bargains in Chambry, Flanneletts, Pongee, Grecian Silks, All-Wool Serges, Danish Cloth, Poplins, Diagonal Suit ing, etc. Also specials in Shoes, Clothing, Odd Coats and Pants, Overalls, then some. Sat isfaction guaranteed. THE RACKET, Removal Notice. To my patrons alter ( ct '.l. 1 w,ll the Martin Block ( )n and I be in Ilet New reading matter ap)ears ill till-, space each week. Burt -S tine. (The Meridonal Abbeville. La. I One of the prettiest and most orderly ceremonies ever witnes sed at Henry, was that which took place here in the Metho dist church last Wednesday evening, the 11th, at H:80 o'clock when Miss Nellie Burt, daugh ter of CM. Burt, a prominent farmer of this place, was given in marriage to Mr. Laurence V. Stine, of Lenoir, N. C. The groom entered the church with his best man, Mr. 0. D. Heffnor, of Lenoir, while the bride was accompanied by her brother, Mr. H. C. Burt, of Houston, Texas. The grooms man were Messrs. Virgil Moss and Milton Henry and the brides maids, Misses Josephine and Lorena Burt. After the cere mony the bridal part returned to the home of the bride's par ents where refreshments were served, then Mr. and Mrs. Stine with Mr. HetTner left by auto. for New Iberia and thence to New Orleans. After spending a week or niore visiting eastern points they will be at home to their friends at Lenoir, N. C. We wish them all the happi ness attainable and hope that life's path may be a carpet of roses. A joint demand upon China for immediate payment ol ar rears on the Boxer indemnity, about $50,(XX),(XX), has been pro posed by Russia to the other live interested powers. It is not denied that this movement is in tended as a sharp and forceful rebuke to the Chinese Govern ment for contracting loans with independent bankers in disre gard of the warnings of the powers, and after rejecting the proposed international loan. "Burglars broke into our home last uight." "That bo? Did they get any thing?" "Nothing, except my hus band's nerve. Detroit Free to the Southern Kxpivs. office, where 1 will lie bet ter prepared to sen r my customer than here tofore. 1 will have a full line of Klgm. Waltham and Hamilton Watches. Fine Cut Glass ami Sil verware, and Jewelry. 1 will be better prepared for examining eyes and fitting glasses, etc. 1 hop' to merit a continu ance of your patronage. Yours very truly, K. A. Link Marked Features Accuracy and prompt ness, safety and liberality are the marked features of our business We invite to try von us T LENOIR, N. C " I A i CUT OUT THIS AD. MOLES WARTS. Here is a woman who speaks from personal know ledge and long exinri ence, vi... Mrs. 1'. H. IJrogan, of Wilson, l'a., who says, "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it." For sale by all dealers. Its of folks think they are standing up for their religion when they are only boosting their own church. When you have a bad cold you want ( the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as little delay as possible Here is a druggist's opinion: "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen years." savs Knos Lollar of Saratoga, Ind., "and consider it the best on the market.'' For sale by all dealers. NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the Caldwell Land and Lumber Company vvill be held at the Company's Oflice. in Lenoir. N. C on Wednesday. October to. I'M 2, at ten o'clock A. M., for the transaction of all business that may properly come before it, including the election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. KO. W. LKX. H,s-4t Secretary. If vou have voung children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ail ment To correct this vou will find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in etlect. For sale by all dealers. HACKLINE SEASON OVER. On October 1st the regular schedule of the Blowing Kock Hackline vvill be discontinued. We have, however, a good supply of vehicles and horses and are prepared to take care of all our customers with promptness and com fort. We have for sale on favorable terms 3 automobiles, ( or 8 horses and a number of Surries and Buggies. We will sell any or all these at low prices and on very favorable terms. Very respectfully, ' 94-4t LENOIR LIVERY CO. T. J. Lurz, President J. H. Atkinson, V-I'resident (). I Lb iz. Cashier E. F. Ai l. FN, Ass't Cashier Notary Rutallu at Hank In ft BUSINESS LOCALS. Notices under this head are One Cent a word each insertion. No andvertisement less than ten cents. :: :: :: :: ' : S They Bring Quick Results rj WANTED to rent, seven or eight room house, with electric lights and water, within ten minutes walk of square. Address P. O. Box is;. LOST OR STAYED One chunky- built black horse, weight about "OO pounds, with :ige, and wind oft. Reasonable reward for information, or return to Henkel Live Stock Co., Hickory or Lenoir. "tt-tl WANTED A good sash and door man. two good bench men, and two good machine men. Aalea Woodworking Co.. .s-.M Azalea. N. C. Removed with MolrsotT. without p.i i i ) r danger, no matter how lai'e. or how tar raised atxw the surface ot the .skin. And the will never return, and no trace or s are will be left, where the mole or wart was seated. Molevitt is applied dirf'tly to the Mole or W.irt. which entirely disappears in about si days, killing t!'e germ, leaving the skin smooth and natural. Letters tnnii personages we all know, together with much val uable information, are contained in the attractive booklet, which will be mailed you free upon request. Molesotl is put up only m one dollar bottles. Orders are tilled immediately upon receipt of price and mailed in a plain, accompanied by full directions, and contains enough remedy to remove si t to ten ordinary Moles or Warts. We sell Molesoff un der positive guarantee, if it fails to remote your Mole or Wart, we will promptly refund you your dollar. Florida Distributing Company PENSAC0LA, FLA. t1T Please mention this paper whenjanswerinjf. News Want Ads. Are The Best. Southern Railway Operating Over 7,000 liies of Railway. Quick route to all points North, South, East and ,'WeJt. Through trains between principal cities and resorts, afford ing first class accomodations. Elegant Pullman sleeping cars on all through trains. Dining, club and reservation crt. For speed, comfort and courteous employes, travel tm "the Southern Railway. Rates, schedules aod other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon, D. P A J. H. Wood, 0. P. A. Charlotte. N. C. Ashvilte, K. . S. H. Hardwick. P. T. IW. H. F. Cary, G. P. A. W&tthiiiKton, D. C. 0$ $$$$ Frames made to tit your pictures at the Hook Store. LOSTA Sterling Silver card case, containing a few stamps some change and a card of Miss Irene Martin. Ketuni to News Otlice and get reward. Miss EleanorClarke, Graduate Nurse, residence at S. M. Clarke's. 04-tf Your pictures will he framed promptly at the Book Store. FOR SALE OK RENT Kev. Mc Nairy house, near Reformed church. M-tf J. R. McNairy. You can get your pictures framed bet ter at the Hook Store. . FOR SALE At less than cost 1 Two Horse Steel Hay Haler, 1 Manure Spreader, also Farmers Favorite Prills at reduced prices. 'f.Vtf Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. I'r sin i -:'3!ri 11 T r .ftVf FOR KENT -The office, recently oc cupied bv the Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. P. M. Keever. 8b-tf FOR SALE (iood second-hand Rem ington Typewriter, cheap. 76-tf P. M. Keever. FOR RENT The office recently va cated by theSinfrer Machine Co. fo-tf P. M. Keevr. Car load of New Double Disc Ejmpire Jr. Grain Drills just arrived. Come in and inspect the best grain drill on the market. Prices and terms right. Lenoir Hdw. and Fur. Co t f t 1 w to all who can attend. Press. Subscribe for tho News. The Lenoir News $1. the year.