ELANXETS GROW OM TREES Ecuador Indians Get Bed Coverings From Soft. Thick Bark of tho Demajagua. Blankets prov ca trees in Emt- uur, sua iuii( me Kiea or an aa wool, fresh from the forest, bed cov ering might give insomnia and a backache to the child of civilization who likes to snuggle comfortably un der several layers of down and wool, the natives find it all right, as in fact it is. Yh?n an Juua.lor Indian wants a blanket he hunrs up a deaujagtu tree and cuts from it a five or six foot section of the peculiarly soft, thick bark. This is dampened and beaten until the flexibility of the sheet is much increased. The roujh, pray exterior is next peeled o?T. atvl the sheet dried in the sun. The re sult U a blanket, soft, light and fair ly warm, of an attractive cream col or. It may be rolled into a compact bundle without hurt and with ordi nary usage will last for several wars. Harper's Weekly. SHE DID NOT KNOW MOTHER Tsacher Received an Unexpected Re ply From Parent pf Boy Sh Had Punished. Boys will be boys, except when they are little wretches, and Tommy was no exception. He had broken one of the school rules, and the teacher told him to tell his mother about it, and also about the punishment he had received. This was foxy of teacher. She thought mother might thrash him again. "Well, Tommy, did you tell your mother about your bad behavior yes terday, aud how I punished you ?" "Yes, miss," replied Tommy quickly. "Well, what did your mother say?" was teacher's next question. "Said she'd like to wring your neck," replied Tommy calmly. HIGH SEAS. The high seas embrace the open sea so far as it is not the exclusive property of any particular country. The rule of international law i8 that every country bordering on the sea has the exclusive sovereignty over such sea to the extent of three miles from its shores, but all beyond, not within three miles of some other country, is open or common to all countries. The part of the sea within three miles' distance is generally called the terri torial sea of the particular country, or "mare clausum." The distinction has little effect on the right of navigation, but as regards fishing it is otherwise. Thus, foreign fisher men have no right to fish, within three miles of the British coast with out a license from the crown, or un less some special treaty has laid down other arrangements. WOMAN AS CENSOR. The three commissioners govern ing Birmingham, Ala., under the Hew regime, found themselves entire ly too busy to heed the insistent ap peal of the various woman's clubs that the moving pictures exhibited in the city be carefully and continu ously supervised. So they appointed the private secretary of one of the commissioners to act .as censor. Her duty requires that she see every new play brought into the theaters, and exclude whatever, in her judgment, offends. .So far the plan hag worked well, and the new censor declares it is rather a rest to bar to visit one a day, going at the noon hour from her busy office. From the Delinea tor. DIFFERENT. rrVhat did your new home cost your "The plans called for ten thou sand." j.uai am i wnai i asKoa you r 8URPRISE. .' Gladys I would die for the man I love. , ; Sadie That wouldn't be so much ' of dark deed as a blonde surprise. PARADOX. We can't stay here," - Whj not, dear?" "How can we do light housekeep ing in Juch s dark flat?" NOT INTERESTED. A German scientist says bathing multiplies bacteria." "I never batho my bacteria," Doing st Davenport. Beginning'on next Friday and continuing, till Monday, the students Council meets at Davenport College. Notably among the prominent ladies who, will be present, and , take part in the meetings, is Miss Anna D. Casler, who is Execu tive Sect of the Atlantic Field of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Mary Porter, and Miss Mary Powell, Student Secretaries of N. and S. Carolina, and of Virginia, will also be t present, and Miss Jane Miller. Sect, of the Greens boro Y. W. C. A. Miss Casler is on the program several times, and Miss Powell will give a number of lectures from Ester and Kuth, and the last of her subjects will be the Hebrews Ideal of Woman. The meetings, except the platform lectures, are for students only. Rev. James R Craven will preach in the chapel on Sunday Morning at 11 o'clock. On February 12th. Mr. Birm ingham, assisted by members of the faculty, and students, will appear ina dramatic recital. The Sunday School of the Col legewant to establish a scholar ship fund and the proceeds of this recital will go to that move ment. The full program will apKiar in the next issue of the paxrs. The young Jadies chorus of the college, sang at the Baptist Church last Sunday Evening; Mrs. Walter Covington played the organ, while Miss Beatrice Bulla played the violin. Here is a message of hoie and good cheer troin Mrs. C J. Martin, Boone Mill. Va. , who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and consti pation by Chamberlain's Tablets after five years of suffering, and now recommends these tablets to the public. Sold by all dealers. A Simple Sermon. There's only one method of ineetin' life's test; Jes' keep on a-strivin' an' hope fur the best. Don't give up the game an' retire in dismay 'Cause hammers are thrown when you'd like a Tsoquet. This world would be tiresome, we'd " all get blues If all the folks in it held just the same view; So finish your work; show the best of your skill. Some folks won't like it, but other folks will. If you're leadin' an army, or buildin' a fence. Do the most that you kin with your own common sense. One small word of praise in this journey of tears Outweighs in the balance 'gainst cart loads of sneers. The plants that we're passin' as com monplace weeds Oft prove to be jes' what some sufferer needs. So keep on a-goin'; don't stay stand in' still. Some folks won't like you. but other folks will. Washington Star. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money refund ed if it fails to cure you. Do not hesi tatetake it at our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floydada, Texas, writes: Dr King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds." Buy it at J. E. Shell iV Co. If opportunity doesn't stop at your house, hide in the corner of the door and knock it on the head as it goes by.. Then; is not such a cry for higher education as there is for just common, ordinary sense. 1 here is no better medicine made for colds than Chamberlain's Congl) Remedy. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, opens the secre tions, aids expectoration; and restores the system to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. People are attaacted to their opposites. Very few iwople would he satisfied to mate up with others like theuiHolves. COXEEIfSED SCHEDCT.1 CA5.CUIJU CUKKFIILD k CHI3 IT. a.XD Carta ClaifM wi Okie EtSvai el SeeilCareaaa TUB NEW SHORT UNB BETWIXS Deata. St. Paal aa4 SeWa Fry ms cat,. T AtaeaM mmi Maraaa, rv "CU.NCHP1ELD ROUTE EFFECTIYE JaX. 19, 1912. 50CTM BOUND. . J. Pus. Daly L. Dante, Va. . 8 00 A.M. ' St. Paul, Ya 8 " " Johnson City, Twin 11 15 " Ar Altapasa, X. C 2 27 P.M. Lt. Marioo. X. C 3 31 " " Bostic X. C 4 30 " Ar. Spartanburg. S.C 5 40 " Na. 5. Miaea Daily. Lv. Dante, Va 1 10 P M. " St. Paul, Va 1 35 " " Johnson City, Tenn 5 55 " Ar. Altapass. X. C 10 40 " Na. i, Mliad Daily. ice Sanaa?. Lv. Altapas. X. C 6 15 A.M " Marion. N. C 7 49 " " Bostic, N. C 9 10 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. S 10 45 " NOKTM BOUND, No 4. Daily. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C 11 00 A.M. Ai. Bostic. N. C 12 07 P.M. " Marion, X. C 1 OS " " Altapass, X. C 2 27 " " Johnson Citv, Tenn . . . 5 28 " " St. Paul, Va 8 34 " " Dante, Va 9 00 " Na. a. Ys Dally. Lt. Altapass, X.C 6 05 A.M. Ar. Johnson Citv, Tenn.. . 9 01 " " St. Paul. Va 12 17 P.M. " Dante, Va 12 45 P.M. No. 6. Paa. Daily ticcpt 5unday. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C. . . . 4 25 P.M. Ar. Bostic, X. C 5 33 " " Marion, N. C 35 " " Altapass, X. C 8 05 " Patrous are requested to apply to nearest Aent for definite information or to CHAS. T. MANDEL. Assistant Geji. Pass. Agent. J. J. CAMPION, V-Pres. and Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. No Need to Stop work. When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle.is guaranteed to satisfiy. Only 50c. at J. E. Shell A Co. A Card While away this winterI 'have left my business in charge of B. F. Wil liams, Esq., who has an office next door to mine inJthejMatheson Building. Anyone wishing to see me in regard to any inatter.will please call on him and oblige. Very truly yours, 18 16t Lawrence Wakefield. Do you know that more real danger lurks in a common cold than in any other of the minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible. This remedy is for sale by all dealers. The Satisfied ustomer is the one who patroniis the Neie Printry -whea in need of any thing ia the Job Printing aio. Mother Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it to the little ones when ailing and suf fering with colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Niagra, Mo. writes; "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of health." Always helps Buy it at J. E. Shell & Co. Many a man is disgusted when he gives a poor widow a $10 bill on the sly and she fails to talk about it. This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the yitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. Perhaps some men run into debt because they can't make themselves remembered any other way. - For a sprain you will find Chamber lain's Liniment excellent. It allays the pain, remove the soreness, and soon restore the part to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealer. us:unii:m-wESTi7.i limy c:fm s:se::u fcertiWaai Dally faaataftr He. fcV Chester 1 .....Lv T 55 a m Yorkrille 8 42 Gaitocia 9 Xt Gastonia Lincointon ... 10 26 Newton 1105 Hickory 11 45 p m Lenoir ' 1 00 Mortimer 2 20 Edemoot Ar 2 30 Faaerartr He. i. Gastooia 5 40 p.n. Lincointon 6 31 Xewtoa 7 08 Hickory 7 40 Lenoir 8 40 Mlxca Na. 42. Leioir. 2 00 ptn Mortimer 4 10 Edgetnont 4 30 Mixes Na. M. Cheater Lll 45 pm Yorkville 1 05 Gaatonia 3 00 t MUH Na. St Hickory L 7 05 am Lenoir .'. ...Ar 8 40 Saataaaaaa N. . Edgetnont L 11 55 am Mortimer 12 03 Lenoir Ar 1 15 pro Lenoir L Hickory 2 30 Newton 3 05 Lincointon 3 3 Gastonia Ar 4 40 Gastonia Lt Yorkville 5 39 Chester Ar 625 Pasaraier No. 7. Lenoir 7 30 a, m. Hickory 8 27 Newton 8 50 Lincointon 9 27 Gastonia 10 25 Mixta No. W. Edgemont. Lv 7 30 am Mortimer 7 40 Lenoir Ar 10 15 Mixed No. 61. Gastonia Lt 7 (X) am Yorkville 8 35 Chester Ar 10 25 Mixed No. SI Lenoir Lv 2 45 pm Hickory Ar 4 20 Leave Arrive Chester Southern Ry.,S. A. L. and LAC. Yorkville Southern Railway. Gastonia Southern Railway. Lincointon S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Ry. E. F. REID, Oca. Patsea.er Aft. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of the "INight Express" Travel via Raleigh (Union Station) and Norfolk Southern Railroad, to and from all points in Eastern N. C. Buffet, Parlor and Sleepini Car Between Raklg n and Norfolk. Schedule in effect March 3rd. N. B The following schedule figur es are published as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE R ALBION. 9:15 p. m. Daily-V'Night Express," Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 6:00 a. m. Daily For Wilson, Wash ington and Norfolk Buffet Parlor Car Service between Raleigh and Norfolk. 6:00 a. m. Daily except Sunday for New Bern via Chocowinity. Parlor Car Service. 2:40 a. m. Daily except Sunday for Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH. 7:20 a. m. Daily 11:20 a. m. Daily ex cept Sunday, and 7:30 p. m. Daily. Buffet Parlor Car Service on 8.30 p. m. train from Norfolk. TRAINS LEAVE OOLDSBORO. 10:15 p. m. Daily "Night Express" Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk via New Bern. 7:10 a. m. Daily For Beaufort and and Norfolk- Parlor Car between Washington and Norfolk. 3:10 p. m. Daily for New Bern, Orien tal and Beaufort. Parlor Car Service. For further information and reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to D. V. Conn, General Agent, or R. L. Duffer, City Ticket Agent, Yarborough Hotel Building, Raleigh, N. C. W. B. HUDSON, W. W. CR0XT0N, den. Superintendent Oen. Pass. Agent. NORFOLK, VA. C. & N-W. Railway. 1:20pm 7:30a.m Lenoir 1 -00pm 8:40pm 4:40 " 10:25 " Gastonia 9:30am 5:40 Piedmont and Northern Lines. 5:00pm 10;50am Gastonia 9:15am5:35pm 5:45 " 11:40 " Charlotte 8:15 " 4:45, ' Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 191J. Lv. Gastonia Kt. Gastonia No. 2 7:00 am No. 1 7:53 am " 4 8:15 " " 3 9:15 " " 6 9:30 " " H 10:15 " " 8 10:50 " " 7 11:40 " " 10 11:45 " " 9 12:40pm " 12 12:50 pm " 11 2:00 " 16 2:30 " " 15 3:30 " " 18 3i30 " " 17 4:30 " " 20 5:00 " " 19 5:35 " " 22 6:30 " " 21 7:30 " " 24 8:45 " " 23 9:45 " " 26 10:55 " " 25 11:55 " N. B Schedule and connections published a information only and are not guaranted. C. V. fALMftK, G. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. The Ltaoir Nws $1. theear. 0PIEDMDNT TRACTION COMPANY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A Complete line of -COFFINS, CASKETS, BURIAL SUITS, DRESSES, SHOES. Etc can always be found at the ! ! GALDWELL MIME CO i Prices Reasonable. Prompt attention Riven all calls, day or night Pfcos Niat. 15 Day, 39. f Your Health Do you stop to think how im portant good bread is to good health? Poor bread poor health, good bread good health. Ask your physician. Mayflower and Ha py Valley makes the best of bread. Try it to-day. Lenoir Mills Any Shape, Size or Color. Cementry Work of alt Kinds. niller-Reins Co. Lenoir, N. C. Tinners J. A. Seaboch & Son Tinners and Sheet Iron Workers Rooting, Guttering and Cornice Work. Lenoir, N. C. JEWELER Dula Bldg. Lenoir, N.C. HOW ONE WOMAN WON Her Health and Strength Back Again by The Use of CarduL Tampa, Fla. In a letter from this city, Mrs. E. C. Coram writes: "I was all weakened and worn out with wo manly troubles. My husband brought me some Cardnl as a tonic, and, from the first day, it seemed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but, thanks to Cardul, I did not Soon, I felt and looked like a new woman. I think the remedy Is wonderful. I recommend it to my friends, for I hare received great benefit from it" Cardul acts specifically on the weak ened womanly organs, strengthening the muscles and nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to refresh-the worn-out ner tous system and relieves the effects oC overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years' successful use fully prove the merit of this purely vege table, tonic remedy for women. In every community, there live soma who have been benefited by Cardul. The beneficial effects of this time tested woman's remedy, soon show themselves in many different ways. Try lt N K. Wriif Im Ijrfl' Aavfanrv tteot.. Chatta apofa Madlcina Co., Chattanooga. Term., far Special 7 i -J. . I I. - jnffriKiHfnf, ana VTpav vw, ikjiiiw iw lor Woman," aant.la plain wrapper on raquaat. OVER 68 YEARS' EXPERIENCE D iA TRA0lMa.ua DCBItNl CoPVWIOHTtAC Anronaand1n( a ikateh ant dMortptlon nay qniomr aaoaruiin onr ufiiuiMn ii aa wnetnar aa tnveiu.inn it prooaDir pataniama, uommunlaa. Umia atrloLlT ronlldani Mai. HANUHUUn on Patanta ut rrsa. umest aaanoy (or aaourlng patanta. tenta. Noaira rotautt taten iDrouen mudo a vo. ronah Mima ft i ut bana. In tna sptciai nociM, wn nout eDania, Scientific Jlrncrican. A tmnAaomalr lllntratail wk!f, Taraart eir 0M latum of anf afllantlOO InurnaL Terma, IS a rernr ; innr roontua, pi. doio of all pawaaaaiera. MlINN JL V.n SeiBreadwn. iiiuiiii v ww, . 1 1 w Bran CO Oflloa, at F tU WublDgtoo. Wade A New Man Of H Im. I was suffering from vain In tnj stomach, bead and backV writes UL T. Alston, Raleigh, N.C, "and mj llvai anil IrMnava At A Tint wnrlr riffhi bat four botUet of Electric Ulttert 1 made me feel Ilk a new man." I PRICE SO CTl. AT AU DRUQ tTORES. I at Subscribe for The Nbws. Electric (Bitters la A. D UUUU.'lAiS flU Offers his Profesaiotial grrioea to tha Citizens f Lenoir and Vloiolty I 9 Office (her Lenoir Drur Co.'s Store. Cloer's Barber Shop (Joaea Building, Oppoaite T. O.) The leading and moat conven ient Barber Shop in Lenoir. "WE IX) TOUR WORK QUICK A2U) EASY. C. Banks McNairv M. D. BKSIOIaTCI AT Foot Hills Sanatorium Phovb in T I I Dr. C. L. Robbins f t DEINTIST x Dental rooms in Dula building T m uii(aiw i miuiuct. Phone 18 Dr. 0. L. Moore DEINTIST ffice Oyer Fikst National Bank f 1 'PHONE So S. A. Richardson Attorney-atLaw. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion giren to collection o all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of legal papera. Real Estate titlta in vestigated. Office in MILLER BUILDING. Seaboard Air Line. 8CHEDULE-, Trains Leave Charlotte Effec tive Jan. 5, 1913. NO. 40 fi:00 a. ni. Through train for Wilmington with parlor car attach ed. Connects at Hamlet with No. 8 for Portsmouth and Norfolk. No. 8C for Raleigh, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; dining car oervice and Vestibule coaches t Washington; Pullman sleeping tars to Jersey City. N6. 48-7:80 a. m. For Monro and all points south. NO. 18810:55 a. m. Local for Lin cointon, Shelby and Rutherford ton. NO. 444:50 p. m. Local for Wilming ton, connecting at Hamlet with fast vestibule trains for Jacksonville, Fla., and all points south. NO. 47 4:40 p. m. For Rutherford ton and west. NO. 1837.45 p. m. Handles loeal sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk connects at Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with througk sleeper to Birmingham; at Monroe with No. 82, fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jer sey City. Connects at Hamlet with No. 98 with through vestibule coaches to Washington Dining oar Richmond to New York. Pullman sleepers to New York. Trains Arrive at Charlotte. NO. 18810:55 a. in., from the east. NO. 4610:05 a. m., from the west. NO. 4512:10 p. m., from the east. NO. 182-7:10 p. m., froir the west. NO. 497:25 p. m., from the east. NO. 89-11:00 p. m. fiorn the east. C. B. Ryan, G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. James Ker, T. P. A Charlotte, N. C. H. 8. Leard, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. 0. A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nasty astein the mouth, which reminds ou that your stomach is in a bad xmdition.' It should also remind ou that there is nothing so good lor a disordered stomach aa Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The? build up the system, aaaiat rmtui lo restore natural conditions, and ara ao lntl) In thair action that on hardly rtaU a a madlcina waa taksn. Cbambarlaln'a Mats are sold everywhere. Price 23a, buoacribe for Lenoir News, tl.00