TWICE-A-WEEK H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Propriktor Entered at the Postoflfice at Lenoir, K. C, as second-class mail matter. Subscription price fl.00 a year, six aaonths 50 cents, three months 25 cents. This paper is sent only to subscribers who pay in advance. Advertising rates on application. Tki.kphosk No. 54. Ti l -I)AY. FrBHITAHY 11. 1113. The question of keeping up the publie roads, is one that is re ally more serious than the tirst construction of them. As long as the people who use the roads, persist in hauling heavy loads on narrow tired wagons, no kind of roads will remain good in wet weather. The wagon is about the only farm implement that has not been inueli improved in the last half a century. Plows reapers, binders, grain drills, mowers and rakes and nearly every kind of 1 arm implement except the wagon, has been mod- usual course, to some extent, nates, who were desirous of look erni.ed to meet the growing in-. Articles of Southern make are ing into Edison's new storage telligenee of the people, but the same old narrow tnv our fore father. ui'd are still li.M-il m this part ol the country. Tliee sun ply cut the roads to such an ex uion and with our representa 1 en a demonstration of the talk U nt that they are almost impas tives m Congress. It is propos ; ing pictures. Brady hurried sable much ol the tune and are uot fit to do business over one third ol tne vear at least. Now t.res Irom three inches wide and up will pack instead of cut and ll they wciv adopted and used '. by all teamsters within a lew months the roads would be made goou .ma coum ue kcPi so. Just think this matter over quietly anil reasonably and sey if you can think of anything i .... i .... i i i. . . i . ... ... . else in which tne people own and u-e the roads at lse in which the people who who as foolish and careless about as they are in just this one thing i Many persons say the broad . tires will not work, when they , , , nave not tri'-tl them. ( )ne man can i not do ,t by Imnself, but a neigh borhood or county can adopt them and they will work and i keep the roads up at the same ! tune, with iust. a little e,:ul : nr 1 ' .... j . '.-r. and di-agu;ng done on the roads We have not yet seen m any of the proceedings of the Legis lature, a bill, resolution, or rn Msiire i f an loud, introduced t i in a ny way en) e ii'iise. i n any department of the state gov eminent ben a man in pri vate business lind his expenses running ahead of his income, if he is a careful business man, he looks for leaks and places to cur tail ex penses, so as to at least do bus iiess within his ineo Not so with our able legislators, 11. ..I !. r vii -y iook inr some way to in C 'ease revenues and let. expenses go oil and increase. 1 1 t hut, honorable body will appoint a committee to investigate ex e lses in ail departments of the state, and report- where retrench ments can be made, and,, place Hon. E. 15. Jones at the head of that committee, we venture there will be some money saved to the Mate, tint .v 1 1 1 help reduce tliPh.V the people, but we fear they deucit. If the pians of the United SUtes Government, to appropri ate money for improving the Rural Mail routes of the coun try, are enacted into'taws, only those counties that are doing good roads work and will appro priftte the same amounts the Fed eral Government appropriates can get ii on the deal. In oth er words the Government intends to help the: counties that make an effort to help themselves, therefore all who wish to partic ipate in this distribution and get the benefits the United States Government will extend, must be doing something in the, way of building roads. A plan has been suggested to sell the state's interest in the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road and lend the money derived from the sale to the various counties, at 5 per cent interest, for the purpose of constructing good roads. Should this idea materialize, only those counties that are making good roads by bond issues or otherwise, would be elligible to participate in the division, hence if Caldwell wants to share in a measure like that,t..10 lm,.,,,, i,!,,,,,,. at (Wm she better get busy. Tariff Revision. Tariff revision under Demo cratic rule seems to be taking its : put down, and those of Northern ' battery with the idea ol utilizing make are more or less upheld, it on electric railways. We make no complaint in this: While there Brady, who was matter againt our Northern accompanied by one of the Cle ve lriends, lor the fault rather rests land multi-millionaires, wasgiv- ed to make a very decided cut of the tariff on cotton goods, while the late news is that the tariff, on woolen goods remains almost ' tlt. same. Southern represen I tatives in Congress have moved ' 111 S(J"1' degree away from the old fetish of free trade which be- j longed to the institution af slav I , erv. but we are not vet whollvi jrwd from u Without any ' quarrel whatever with the w(k1 j en trade, we know, it could bet ( u'r slatul !l '"t than the South representatives in ( ongress have been so long advocating free lraj(li tKlt lt ls 1!inl for tnom j refuse to acquiesce in a cut on ' Southern products towards a free trade basis, but meanwhile: Northern Congressmen get the 1 . , , , , highest tariff ossible and hold k) WhlM,H Southern Con- j pressmen are pursuing a theory, ! and let the practical results go ' deference to the theory, the! Northern representatives are! HI I SU I I 1 I'llll III .11 II M1U getting them. Charlotte Obser . ' ver. (It is admitted that there will ! necessarily be some protection! in t he tariff, no matter how much I it is remodeled and lowered. 1 Then in that case the southern congressmen owe it to then-con . stitients to see that this part of i the country is not discriminated against in the revision. Let, the theory go to the winds and see to it. that cotton goods et a fair show with woolen goods. It is business against theorv and as we see it business should hive the preference. News) Legislature. II, o I le , Tne Legislature has been m session one month, and so far has not done anyt lung of impor tance to the state. Numerous I bills of state wide interest have been introduced, but none has become a law. Croat things were expected of this legislature will be somewhat disappointed in the end. The members ap pear to be above the average; in fact, there are quite a number of able men in both the senate and house, but they don't seem to understand the spirit of the times. Some few members are absolutely opposed to doing any thing, and there are some few others who want to change the whole system of state govern ment in a day or less time. The first is called a reactionary and the second is called an extreme radical progressive. Probably the great bulk of the legislators are just plain democrats, who would like to do something for the good of the state, but many of them are disgusted with 'the two extremes; therefore, the out look for sensible legislation for the actual betterment of the state looks gloomy. Laughed At Offer Of A Million. Cleveland, Feb. 4. Through negotiations ended by Thomas A. Edison's refusal of a check for $1,000,000 to clinch an offer of millions for rights to his new talking picture inventions it was learned today that the inventor has made two improvements which will result in making the phonograph a perfect instru ment. News of the inventions was gained from Attorney P. J. Bra dy, who has just returned from N. J., and who offered the inven tor the million dollar check. Brady went to Edison on behalf ol Cleveland and Chicago eapi- talists, presumably trolley mag- back home and the next day re turned to Orange with the check, "Edison jut laughed when we offered linn the check as part payment on our offer of several millions for the rights to the talking pictures said Brady. We also offered him in addition large royalties on the machines. He turned us down. The trouble with most of the good roads that have been built j nas neen tnai we seem to tmiiK I. .11 1. t .... .'.I ... Miiev siiouiu last lorever wiuioul repair. Durham Herald. OUR SHOE SALE is moving along nicely. Many pleased custom ers have gotten bargains. Have you gotten yours? Come in and let us. show you. THOMPSQH-LYERLY CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND Aik Tr "rvKcfat for Cm CTIHs-TKR'S A viiiA.nainii.i 'ILLS In Ri d n talrd with llluf0) HRB. Vmj ml yomr rUI-fllKH-Tf U V Ui)iur:u II KAMI TILLS In KI D BIKl, Gold metallic b"ir. million. Taib ho othrb. Dntri an 4 mjk k tar DIAMOND RliANI PI I.I. K, for tw-ntT-fi earn regarded ai Brst.&nfeM, Alway Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 2233, EVERYWHERE For Sale A thirteen room Board ing House, well ar ranged, large lot, fine, water, nice location, in village of Mowing Rock. Will exchange for good farm property or sell on easy terms. H. C. MARTIN, LENOIR, N. C. PSIHESS LDGftLS. J, . " Notices under thi head are One Cent a word each insertion. No andverti semen t less than ten cents; :: :: :: :: :: They Bring Quick Results sasasasasasasasasasasa LOST, Strayed or Stolen, a white ami black female setter iog. Lib eral reward if returned to V 28-lt J. T. Walton. FIRH ROEboth canned stnd in bulk ned str - rriy R at Brannon it Brown s EGGS for setting- from rriy R, C, anil R. I. Red Hens and and Pullets which took first prize ajb Lenoir Poultry Show, 15 for fl.0(K J. R. McNairy. FRESH shipment of Leggetts Pre mier, canned vegetables, fruiu, shell fish, olives and pickles at L Brannon A Brown's FOR SALE The lot and building of the Home Milling Co., on Wrest Main Street in Lenoir, N, C, is for sale. This is a very desrable pro perty and will be soldif a reason able price. The lot is J45 feet front on West Main street and 177 feet deep. See M. N. Harshaw, 21. tf Agent Home Milling Co. FOR SALE -let) a.-res ):uul 4 miles of Lenoir on Tavlorsville Road known as the Hick B.nhanlt land. J no. K. Patterson, Agent, Z.'vdt Concord, N. C. WANTED Sonic carpenters, gmid wages, steadv work. Apply to 24 W. K. Seten. Kion. S. C. l'dSlTION WANT Kl Wanted by an e perienced stenog ra pher, a per manent Msition an.l one that pays well. At pres'-nt employed. Ad dress, 'Energetic", in care The News. ' 27-2t-pd EXPOSURE breeds colds, pains in the lungn, then pneumonia. Gowan's Prep aration gives quick reliel by de stroying inflammation and con gestion. Acts like magic for croup and coughs. External and penetrating. Buv today and feel secure. All druggists. $1.00, 50c, 25c. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The co-partnership hcretfore exist ing between S. F. 1'uette and J. A. Knox, has been disphed by mutual consent. The accounts and notes due the firm will be found at the old stand where J. A. Knox will continue the business. All persons owing tie firm are requested to make prompt settlement. I'l'h I I 1 A KniiX. The Ijnoir News $1. the year. Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, lUjone Mill. V'a., who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and consti pat ion bv Chamberlain's Tablets after five vears of suffering, and now recommends these tablets to the public. Sold bv all dealers. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. K. Ervin deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment to me, and all per sons hating claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, dul y varitied, to the und'-rsigned administrator on or before the loth day of February 11 4 . or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery t hi-reon. This Mb day of February 1'M.V V. C. En in. Admr. of J. K. Ervin. deceased. 1'. I . of Administrator, Morgantoti, N. ( . We Have Just Received DISC HARROWS, SPIKE HARROWS, LAND ROLLERS and other earth working Implements that possess advantages no others can duplicate. Do not buy any Farm Implements until you have had us demonstrate fully the many exclusive features ours possess. "AT YOUR SERVICE." Bernhardt-Seagle Company Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Furniture, Feed Your Cotton What It Needs And food it proporly. That's the only way to get big yields and large profits. Apply Virginia-Carolina High-Grade Fertilizers liberally before planting. Also make, during cultivation, second and third applications of V.-C. Fertilizers, and you can be sure of results if your farming methods have been proper. Our 1913 FARMERS' YEAR BOOK or almanac tells you how to get more than a bale to the acre. It's free. (Virginia-Carolina) MICT HIU l BETTER SWEET PQTATDE PLANTS (0 Varieties,) also Tomatoe, Celery, Pepper, Ej44, Beet and Cabbage Plants. Price list free. WAKEPIBLD FARMS, ciiARi.oni;, n. c. MS TII1E HOT K SOKE tEMOI FOI TU OTITE1SAL POFUUIITT OF TIE OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS I kiCT. TIER! ilE HART T Till Ollm'i CkllM Htttl kit m ntl for lt wnrtit ti pwftet mwla fwIItlM. Tk Itwf in ikiH tk IImi tt hut mlrUM i4 tkt kltck b aletlr taUni wwltlf la tkt LIGHTEST DRAFT PLOWS EVER HADE IttM lU rtyl la tmt nrMy 4 trwy lU tl vwk If neeMtfdlr kaflti, Itailr fU At inrthr u4 in mllf ktilMik it wi cut mi n ui mi cumwn arum mtt iou lnoir Ildwe. & Furniture Co., Lenoir. N. C. a Car of Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Box 1117 RICHMOND - VIRGINIA IB

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