Tuesday, Febhcart 11. 1913. MATTERS LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Brief Itmt of Interest to Tow'a and County Reader. Miss Cora Perkins of Adako, is visiting Mrs A. A. Kent for a few days. Mr. E. P. Wakefield went to Asheville yesterday to visit his brother Capt. T. A. Wakefield of the Southern Railway. "Aunt" Myra Patterson a re spectable and aged colored wo man of the Yadkin Valley, died last week at the advanced of 99 years. We want you to try our ad vertising columns at our ex pense. See the Free Advertis ing notice in this issue and give i a fair test. The work on the Lenoir Drug Company block is going along well for winter weather, the second story windows being placed last week. Miss Naomi Moore, who lias been in this state for several months visiting relatives is spending a few weeks with her unci.' Mr. K. M. Hartley and family She will go from here to her home in ( maha. Mr. and Mrs. John Umphrey, of New London Connecticut, are in Lenoir for some time. Mr. Umphrey is a retired druggist and they have come south to escape the disagreeable weather of a winter in Connecticut. Mr. Noah Winkler of Watauga passed through Lenoir Monday on his way to Florida for a stay of several months. Mr. Winkler has been suffering from rheuma tism for some time and hopes to get relief by a few months stay in the warmer climaU' of Florida (Jrovcr Loven came into Le noir last Saturday afternoon in an automobile and said he made the trip from Winston in the machine. He was on his way to Mountezuma and from the appearance of the machine had encountered much mud and very bad roads. The final one of the series of cake sales held by the Ladies of the Presbyterian church in Bernh ardt Seagle window, will take place on Friday next at -p. m. This being the last, the ladies will endeavor to make it an especially attractive window and it is hoped their friends and patrons will come in early. The Caldwell Furniture Com pany has bought a piece of land adjoining the present factory and we understand will erect buildings and double the present capacity of the plant. This concern has enjoyed a tine busi ness ever since it was establish ed and it is forced to enlarge the facilities to keep up with the growing business. Mr. M. M. Courtney is finish ing up the room in the rear of his dry goods department, into a neat stole room. It was formerly used as a wareroom room or pro Miee room but us Mr. Courtney has not been handling the tnouuta in in produce for a year or so he will turn this room into a store room. It will front on Church street and will be a neat and convenement place for business. - Mrs Smith H. Powell who died last Wednesday evening as noted in the last issue of the News, was buried in Fairfield Cemetery Friday afternoon. The funeral was conducted from the residence nf her husband at 2 o'clock by Kev. .1. (). Fulbright, assisted by Rev. I. W. Thomas. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives, thus man ifesting the esteem in which the deceased lady was held. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. H. Cloyd, J. M. Crisp, J. E. Mar tin, J. M. Isbell, J. D. May and W. M. Moore. ' Mr. Collett Powell is in the Foot Hills Sanatorium, being treated for blood poison. - Mr. J. S. Zimmerman, of Salisbury spent Friday night with relatives .in Lenoir. Mr. Sam Hall came up from Charlotte last Saturday on a visit to his parents, returning Monday. Mrs. J. T. Henry returned last week from a visit to her husband, who is located at Live Oak, Florida. The past few days have been very fine for using the road drags, but we have not heard of any being used in this part of the county. A news item in the Avery Vim, says the Lenoir House, at Linville was destroyed by lire on January 18th the origin of the fire was unknown. Mr. Greer Mauney who has been attending school at Arden for sometime has stopped school and taken a position to travel for a Virginia Tobacco house. If you are not a subscriber to this paper and receive a copy, it is sent you as a polite request for you to become a subscriber. Send us Cents in stamps and try it for three months. One of our good old Veteran readers of the News in the Kings Creek neighborhood says, we better petition for less rain in this part of the country and then we would have better roads. We note from a correspondent to the Avery County Vim, that a force of hands has begun work on the Crest of the Blue Ridge Highway, on the east side of the Blue Ridge, working towards Linville. We are printing an interesting article from Talmadge Smith one of the Caldwell boys who attended the Corn Show at Columbia, giving some impres sions of the trip and show as he saw it. Mrs. .1. M. Moore of Lebanon Pennsylvania, who with her husband has been spending some time with Mr. W. B. Watson and family, was called to Philadelphia last Saturday by the illness of her sister. Rev. F. Dean Crisp. Cald well's representative in the Legislature was at home a few days last week returning to Raleigh Monday. He was on a committee of the legislature to examine the State Hospital at Morganton and being that near home came by to visit his family Mrs. II. W. Setser died last Thursday evening at her home nf the western part of town after an illness of about, a week, of pneumonia. The body was buried Friday afternoon at Pisgah church. The deceased is survived by a husband and one daughter, Mrs. Walter 1 Watson. Last Friday a cottage belong ing to Mr. C. I). Bishop and oc cupied by Mr. Thomas Nelson, in the north western part of town came near being destroyed by tire. Mrs Nelson was out of the house at work leaving her t wo children in the building, one an infant asleep in the era die when the tire started. She managed to get the children out and by the help of neighbors the tire was extinguished. They lost much bedding and some oth er effects however before the tire was put out. It is not known exactly how the tire started but either from the stove pile becoming unjointed or from the child playing in the tire. The damage to the building was slight. New Advertisement The First National Bank, Bernhardt Seagle Company. Charleston Bagging Company. Smooth Fake. We are informed that last week a woman claiming to be deaf and dumb community for "worked" this subscriptions, saying she wished to buy or build her a home. She had no credentials with her but said she had them in her gripat the place where she stopped. She gave as reference a minister in Hillsboro and an interested citizen wrote the alleged minis ter, also a businesshouse of Hillsboro and while he receiveed no reply from the alleged minis ter, the business house writes that there is no such party there. It seems she is a fake pure and simple and has been quite suc cessful in raising funds judging from the list of subscriptions she displayed. Advertising Free. We want every business man in Lenoir, in fact everybody who reads The News, to test the value of its advertising space. In order for them to do this we will insert a four line reader, two times in the paper for any person or firm in Caldwell coun ty, absolutely free. Tin; copy must be plainly written dated and signed with proper address of the party advertising. You may advertise anything you have for sale from a bound pup to a house and farm, but the ad vertisement must be for some genuine article and no fake fool ishness. We reserve the right to reject any advertising that we do not consider worthy or appropriate. Now this offer is open to everybody in the county and we hope our readers will take advantage of it and see the value of the paper as an adver tising medium. This offer will only be held open a short time. Doing at Davenport Recital. The Recital to be given by Mr. Birmingham and members of the Faculty, and some from the student body, promises to be a very brilliant affair. The pro gramme is made up of the very best things both musically and dramatically, and a rare treat is in store for all those who attend. The idea of establishing a scholarship for some poor and worthy girl, who could not otherwise attend any school, is both noble and lofty, and OUIlt to meet with a hearty response from the public. In order to jjive those attend in Prayer Meeting time to reach the College for the entire programme, the recital will not begin till H: 1 r. The Students Council which lias been in sesion at the Col lege since last Friday, closing on Monday, was a very decided success. About thirty young ladies attended, and all the meet ing and lectures were full of noble purpose, giving one re newed inspiration and a deter mination to do all the good pos sible in every way. The lecture on Sunday Kvening by Miss Casler, was especially tine, while the talk's given by tile MisM'S Powell. Porter and Miller were very line, and much good re suited from t hem. A fashion p,qer says that skirts will lie worn tighter than ever. Horrors' Maybe they will be painteil on. Fx. Women don't make historians. Their memory ol date reaching hack more t reacherou uin lir years is too $100 Reward. $100 Th readers of this paper will bs pleawd to learn that there la at leaat one dreaded tllsease that h" able to cure In all Its atairea. and that Is Catarrh. Ilnll's Catarrh Cure la the onljr positive cure now known to th medical fraternity. Catarrh belli a eonatltutlonal dlsettse. requires a """'.'""."b.Tfn mrnt. Hnll a Catarrh Cur Is taken In- ternallv, nctlnir directly upon the blood end mucous surfaces of the system, there- by destmylnir the foundation of the dls- ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and ssslstlnit nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so murh fnlth tn Its curative pow- ers thst thf offer One Hundred Dollars for sny case thst it fills to curs. Send for list of testimonials, . . Adrar. j.chkmey co., Toledo, Ohio, Pold bT all Prngvtata, T5e. Take Hsil's ramily PUls for conatlpsllon. New reading matter appears in this space each week. Never Risk Money a In the mails when you can get a bank draf. This is the safer and better way of forwarding money. Allow us to sell you the draft. FIRST NATIONAL BANK LMNOIK, N. 0. T. J. Lite, President J. I. ATKHfSOH, Y-Presidet O. P. Lnrz, Cashier E. F. Allkn, Ass't Cashier .Notary Public at Bank For Dyspepsia If you suffer Stomach Trouble, nd you try our remedy, it won't coat you a cent if it fails. To prove to you that indigantior and dyi ,sia fan he 'horoughly re lieved hihI that Kexall Dyspepsia Tabl'tH will do it. we will furnish tlit im-di' absolutely free if it fail to give you HaUafuclioo. The remarkable $ii'tp of Retail Pv,e;,syt Tuhlet i due to tho iiiiih cWr-e of ftcicntilir pk ill used in de vising th,'ir formula as well as to la care 1'it'h'ised iu tlieir manufacture. wh"rl,v the well-ktiowi properties of liisiiiuth-Subnitrate anl IY;isia Lave l,i properly eoiuiinM with Carminatives and other at;i'iita. Hisinuth-Subnitrate and IVpin are ronrantly employed tcid rt-r,,u-nized by the entire inedir.il pmfes loii m invaluable in the treatment of indigestion and dypep-Ma. Their proper combination niakt t a remedy ibvaluaUo for alomarh relief. We are bo certain 'hat there is nothing so good for stomach ills as Keiail Dvspepsia Tablet t h:it we urge you to try them at our risk Three ires, 2j cents. 60 cents, and $1 .00. You can buv Remit I)'pep?ia Tablets Id thu ouuimumty only at our (tore: LENOIR DRUG CO. Inolr TH Jfrtntl Start N"rth Carolina There ia a Reisll Rtore in nearby every town and cilv in Hie t'niled Stales, Canada and tira Britain There ia a diffarent Keiail liumedv for nearly every ordinary human ill aoh especially designed for 9 particular ill for which it is reoomjueoded. Tit RauU Slam ui America' Cr 1m Drue SIoim When a man is made the roat there is a bad smell somewhere. Dr. King' Nsw Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stois chronic- and hacking eough. ; relieves tieUline; throat, tastes nice Take no other; once vised, always used. Buy it at J. K. Shell ,V Co. A prize tighter in the pink of condition should never have the bines. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. Kmc,s New Discovery, r lie lle-4 CoiikIi. Cold, Throat and I.uni; nvilirine made. Money refund ed li it fails to cine mmi. Do not liei late take it at our risk. 1'iist dose helps. ,1. K. Wells, Kloydada. Teas, writes: f Knit's New Discovery cured niv tcrnMe eolith and cold. I gained 1 hmiih1-.." I!uy it at J. K. Shell A- Co. A small vice in a man often has the same effect as the hole in a nickel. Surpriae Your Friend I'm four weeks regular!. n-e Di . Kiiii:' New Life Pills. Thev stnnu late the Iner. inijnove d IK e-tion, re in, nr Ii1ih iinini itie. pimple and eruption- il pie.i i trotn oiir l.uej and !.1 and von feel better. H i;iiil at once. Iln at .1. K. Shell . Co. While speaking of criminals who escape punishment, it might be well to remember that the i man who committed the crime of'7;i hasn't been apprehened yet. i I here is no better meilicino made for colds than Chamberlain's Cough Ketnedv. It acts on nature's j)lan. " relieves the limns, ojh-hs the secre- tions. aids exoeetorat 1011 : and restores 1 the system to a healthv condition. . sale by all dealers, , , . - - I Now they are trying to grow a seedless prunes, but what IS . i j 1 most desired is a pruneless I boarding llOUSe WAN t White Boys and Girls from 14 to 25 years old to learn to spin and weave in Bagging Mill; will start pay at from $OS So $5.40 Per week while learning. After learning can earn from $6.00 to $10.00 per week. Mill runs 57 hours per week, 1-2 day holiday Satur day. Families having 3 or more boysor girls to work can get new houses, with bath, electric lights, and water, and all modern con veniences at very reasonable rent within 5 minutes walk of mill. If interested fill in coupon below and mail to us. t 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 i t 4 Name Address 4 t How manv in family wanting 4 MAIL ? 4 lire Dxrniur iLLdiun unooino New Quarters-Better Service Everything to Eat Fresh Meats, Fancy Groceries. Canned Goods, Candies, Cakes, Crackers. Fruits. Vegetables and every thing in the Fancy Grocery Line Fresh Fish and Oysters Fridays and Saturdays lH"Fat Cattle, Sheep and Hogs wanted at All Times. Hoffman & Son Telephone No. 170 in WHY I 3 j is the News Printer y lo in more than half the printing done in Lenoir? Look at our samples and you will see. We are sell ing our jioods on their Quality. The News Printery Phone 54 and e bring you samples. Southern Railway Operating: Over 7 000 fliles ol Railway. Quick route to all points North, South, Kast and West. Through train U'tween principal citi s and resorts, afford ing first class accomodations. Elegant Pullman sleeping cars on all through trains. Dining, club and teservation cars. For spts-d, comfort and courteous employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Hates, schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. H. DeButts, 0. P A J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte. N. U. AshevilW). N. C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. H. F. Gary, G. P. A. Washington. D. C. 9 i IE i work TO mwnriPTiiDiwr piiiidiwv miiiui rtui uiiiiio uuivirmi . t CHARLESTON, S. C. 4 n) FWWWVVWVW WW Ww WW W WVF

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