TWICE-A-WEEK II. C. MARTIN, Editor and Pkopkietob Entered at the Postoftice at Lenoir, N. C, as second-class mail matter. Subscription price $1.00 a year, six nonths SO cents, three mouths 25 cents. This paper is sent only to subscribers yho pay in advance. Advertising- rates on application, Tki.khhonk No. 54. Ti'ksijav, Fkukuaky 18, 1913. As noU'd in this issue a very sensil)lo measure is to be" intro duced in the Legislature, put ting the matter of .Wide Tires en tirely in the hands of county com missioners, in Iredell. Cald well should have that privilege also for then in case the people want to adopt broad tires they may do so by petitioning the county commissioners, instead of having a special act passed. We have not heard a single per son say that broad tires "would not be of great benefit to the roads and if the commissioners had the right to order them put in use say six or twelve months hence, the change could be made with very little inconvenience and expense. Let us'liave broad tires, if a man wants to persist in cutting up the public roads, let him pay for the damage by a heavy tax on his narrow tires. The people of Caldwell must not let these pretty days get the'r minds off of the counties needs in the way of roads. We have a good bill drawn and it has been sent to our representa tives in the Legislature to be en acted into a law, permitting'the eople to vote on the question of a bond issue. We have not yet seen where the bill has been introduced, but suppose it will be and then when we have the opportunity to vote on the (pies tion we c;m decide if we want it. We note that an appropriation of S,(KX) for a public building site in Lenoir, bus been favora bly reK)rU'd by the committee oi public buildings, in Congress. This means that our post office building is coming along slowly. Njw if the measure goes through congress there will be experts sent here to look over the situa tion and negotiate for a site not to cost over 1 hat sum. Graded School Building Afire Salisbury. Feb 1:',. More than 1,00 school children made their safe escape thi afternoon from a tire which destroyed a laboratory of the Salisbury gra ded school. Nine children were injured, none seriously. The tire started from a defective Hue on the second floor of an old frame structure and great h ite was necessary in removing the Children from the burning hmld ing- Boys from a near by high ftohool organized a volunteer tire department and lefor' the regu lar aparatus arrived had two email streams of water playing od the fire. The boys also ma terially assisted in removing the Otner children from the point of dtngwr. Heroic work saved oth ?r scfiool buildings from being burned. The damage will not be heavy. Here's Hoping. (Gree iille Reflector.) With the number of judicial district in the State bein in crid from 1ft to 20, giving tint mora judges and four more B3,icit)ral there duhtto becon iderble chnga In congested Alexander's Road Bill. The following clipping from the Taylorsville Scout, shows that the people of Alexander are having trouble in getting their Good Uoads bill before the Leg islature. Caldwell is in the same boat appearantly, as the road bill prepared and adopted by the citizens meeting, here some time ago has not been in troduced in the Legislature. The Scout after telling of the mass meetings and the prepara tion of this bill goes as follows: "After the votes were taken a resolution was passed asking our members of the Legislature and Senate to introduce and have the bill passed. Last week Messrs. Payne and Connolly were both in town. We learn that Mr. Connolly said he would not introduce the bill in the Legislature, and Mr. Payne said that he might intro duce it in the Senate, by request. This means that it will die in the hands of the Senate commit tee, and the wishes of the people of Alexander, in Mass Meeting assembled, will be defeated by the men we sent to Raleigh to represent us. Now, we are not, at this time, advocating a Bond Issue or Di rect Tax; but we are talking for our people. The majority, at the meeting on February 1st, want Bonds, and it is the duty of Mr. Connolly, after asking for an expression of the people and getting it, to introduce this bill and see that it passes the House, and then, when, it goes to the Senate, it is Mr. Payne's business to see that it is also passed by that body. If they refuse to do this they are cer tainly not carrying out the prin ciple of true Democracy, for De mocracy means that the major ity shall rule. They should make this bill a law and send it back for the people of Alexan der to adopt or reject at the polls. If they are not in favor of a bond issue they have the right of free citizens to come home and vote as they please; but they have no right, after asking and receiving the votes of the people of Alexander, to use their power as our represen tatives to defeat what seems to be the wish of their constituents without giving them an opjortu nity to express themselves at the ballot box. Now, gentlemen, it is up to you, and we would suggest that you think well before you act. Will you heed the wishes of ma ny or will you answer the call of a few" (The Alexander county bill was introduced in the Senate Saturday "by request".- News. ) There i roi better medicine nude lor eelils than liainlierl.iin 's Cough Remedy. It acts mi nature's plan, relieves the luns, ojienn the secre tions, aids expectoration ; and restores the system to a healthy condition. I oi ,ale by all dealers. Kaleigh. Feb. Ki. A resolu tion was introduced in the Sen ate today hy Senator Long for lour per cent State bonds to meet ."HMM) ,,f the deficit caused by the expenditure of that amount in round figures for , permanent improvements at the State institutions and S7."),000 tor ei( lipping and beating the new State building and an amount necessary for rearrang ing the old Supreme Court build ing for other St it4. departments and to provide for covering into the State Treasury the ijcJlT.OOO standing to the credit of the Penitentiary. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be S leased I to luarn that there is at least one readid disease that science has been vw.c iii nn iim Biases, ana mai is vaiarrn positive, cure now known to the fraternity. Catn.rrh being a constitutional disease, reouirrs a ronntltutlnnal mem nnn catirrh Cure Is taken In ternally, artinst directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces cf the system there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, snd giving the patient strength by building up the constitution snd assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors hart so much faith la Its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for esse that It falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Addnes r.JXHMKV CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all Druggists TSe. Take kMU's Fsaiily FUls tor constipation. 5HSZSaSHSH5aSHSH5c!5H5? ft u mini nr nn inniin u jjj Notices under this head are. jjj n One Cent a word each insertion, r j No andvertisement less than ten jfi cents. :: :: :: :: ' :: if i They Bring Quick Results tj Car of Phosphate Acid and Fertilisers just received. W. H. Cloyd. '3() FOR KENT 5 room house and S or 6 acres good land near J. A. Duta's. 30 W. J. Dula, Lenoir, N. C. Egffs for setting-, thorough bred White Wyandotts, Barred Plymoutls Rock and Indian Runner Ducks. I 30 C. B. McNairv. FOR SALE A quantity of pea and meadow hay, also a quantity ofttod- der. E. F. Wakefield. ' 30 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from Thorough bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, Golden Wyandottes and Buff Cochin Bantams, at 51.00 per setting of 15 and 13. I also have fpsale I Golden Wyandotte Cock anc$ Cock erls at $1.00 each, 3 Buff Cochin Bantam Cockerls at $1.00 each to move them. Leave orders at Bran non & Brown's. R. I. Bush. 29-tf. EGGS for setting from my R. C. and R. I. Red Hens and and Pullets which took first prize at. Lenoir Poultry Show, 15 for $1.00. J. R. McNairy. FOR SALE The lot and building of the Home Milling Co., on West Main Street in Lenoir, N, y., is for sale. This is a very definable pro perty and will be sold ay a reason able price. The lot is 145 feet front on West Main street and 177 feet deep. See . M. N. Hatshaw, 21. tf Agent Home Milling Co. We want to paint your buggy or sur ry this Spring. Our prices are right and our painter is the best. Allen Wagon Company near depot. Kent a Safety Deposit Hoi at First National Bank and your valuable papers will be safe. Only 5f.H) per year. 2' You should certainly attend Schloss Bro.-.. Tailoring opening Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Fehy 1", 18, and l'th, and learn what is to be learned in clothes this Spring. 2 Courtney Clothing Co. WANTED clean cotton rag 2 cents per pound. NEWS OFFICE. Fine watch, clock anil jewelry repair ing my specialty. All work, guaran teed to give satisfaction. K. A. Link, Jeweler, watchmaker, Opto metrist. 2( One to four acre tracts, in Hartley Park for sale, on easy terms ofle and a quarter miles from court 'house. Shu ford & Abernethev. 29 A few more of those stylish coat suits and long coats left and selling now at near half of full value at 29 ' M. M. Courtnev. Watch for Bargains at The Racket when I return from the markets. A. A. Blackwclder. 2 We can accommodate a few more table boarders, at the Wadell House. 20 See our splendid line of Lace Curtains Net Curtains and Curtain Scrims and Swisses for Spring. 29 M. M. Courtney. FOR SALE or trade for goxl stock one good Jack, five years old, well broken and well proved. 29 W. P. Hodge. Granite Falls, N. C. New stock Rubber overshoes just re ceived at M. M. Courtney's. Big money saved at Bargain Sale of Shoes, short lengths Remnants of wool cotton and silk ilress goods and laces at M. M. Courtney's. For Fruits and Confections caH on HollihVld & Son. ' 29 Hotel Martin is the favorite place in Lenoir to stop for good mealsy and Spraying time is now here see Lenoir Hardware St Furniture Company for spray pumps and solutions. 29 Some nice residence lots for sale. Shearer and Whistnant. 29 Buy your Family Groceries at PhHcrs Fresh fish and Oysters, Fridays and Saturdays at Phifrrs. 29 Iton't forget to see us or phone your orders, when you want nice beef and pork. J. P. Phifer A Company- 2) Eggs for setting. S. C. Buff Orping tons $1,00 per setting of 13 Kev. J. K. Deal. 20 Se E. Jones Jr. for your Insorance and Real Estate Some niqe resi- dence lots for sale. 29 See R. H. Holsclaw for construction work and repairing. Oflce in Shell bnildinjf. 29 Eggs for setting. Mottled Anconas, Brown Leghorns, Rhode j Island Reds and Indian Kuner TJiicks. Thomas G. Hartley. 29 ' Fr anything to eat of nicest and best quality, call on Hoofman &fcon or I nhone 170. ' 29 Big lot of celebrated Battle Axt shoes I iust in at Wakefields. f 29 : ' Valentines all kinds and prices, at the Book Store. 29 For a good square meal at low price try Dellinger'a Cafe. ' 29 For a clean smooth abate, call at Shell's barber shop under National bank. 1 29 The Ltooir News $1. iby. FOR SALE-s-A splendid and almost new piano very cheap. , 30 C. M. Pickens. EGGS for hatching:, thorough bred Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, 60 cts. per setting. J. C. Coffey, 30 Risden, N. C. Surprise Your Friend For four weeks regularly use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They stimu late the liver, improve digestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and eruptipns, disappear from your face and body and you feel better. Begin at once. Buy at J, E. Shell & Co. Maybe so many men recently wore stovepipe hats to keep their heads warm. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The co-partnership hcretfore exist' ing between S. F. Puette and J. A. Knox, has been disolved by mutual consent. The accounts and notes due the firm will be found at the old stand where J. A. Knox will continue the business. All persons owing the firm are requested to make prompt settlement. Pukttk A Knox. Dr. King's Ntw Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, relieres tickling throat, tastes nice. Take no other; once used, always used. Buy it at J. E. Shell & Co. NOTICE. The accounts of the late Dr. W. P. Ivey have been placed in my hands for collection and those who owe him for medical attention must come forward and settle at once, or I shall have to enter suit for collection and also hand their names to the Medical Association as delinquents. S. A. Richardson. Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. , who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and ronsti pation by Chamberlain's Tablets after five years of suffering, and now recommends these tablets to the public. Sold by all dealers. t 1 i!. mfiinicii l oil New X X t Get your Children's goods make them up this bad weath er. We will start this list with 36 inch heavy Madras, worth 15c, at 10c yard; 40 inch extra heavy Sea Island Sheeting, two widths will make a sheet, 10c yard; 36 inch Half Bleach Domestic, this is the best goods you ever bought at 1 0c yard; 30 inch Cheviot Shirting, all kind of stripes and checks, get this for boys and girls clothes, it has a Silk finish. It was so good we bought 500 yards, 10c yard; Ginghams, 200 Patterns, remember if it fades come and get your money. We won't try to tell you about our Ginghams. Our customers talk for us. We sell the best Ginghams made at 10c yard; 36 inch Percals, all good pat terns, 10c; Linen Finish Suiting, 36 inches wide, worth more, but have all you want, 10c yard. Curtain Goods, we are noted for our 1 0c Curtains, Swiss Lace and all other kind at 10c yard. Dimity check for Babys clothes, the finest lot we ever bought, it is better than the best 1 5 cents goods, you can find all size checks' at 10c yard. Look Fine white Madras with Self stripes in small pieces, worth 20c, at 10c yard. The best thing to do is to come and see, you don't have to buy anything in this store to be welcome. The above goods are all new, just opened this week. We have no trash to show you at any price. If you find any in this store you are welcome to take it, we don't want it. Have You Seen The linen Lace at 5c Yard. iPULILMM We Have Just Received DISC HARROWS. SPIKB HARROWS, LAND ROLLERS and other earth working Implements that possess advantages no others can duplicate. Do not buy any Farm Implements until you, have had us demonstrate fully the many exclusive features ours possess. "AT YOUR SERVICE." Bernhardt-Seagle Company Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Furniture, II TPgOirti irrrrnflvc (Senile Sprang CASH SYSTEM STORE a Car of nn 9 M Goods, j

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