. TWICE-A-WEEK , - H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Proprietor . Entered at the Postofhce at Lenoir, X. C, as aecond-clasa mail matter. - Subscription price $1.00 a year, six Raonths 50 cents, three months 25 cents. This paper is sent only to subscribers who pay in advance. Advertising- rates on application. Telephone No. 54. Friday, February 21. 1913. The Legislature has done a lot of work during the present session but it has not been of a general or state wide interest Most of the 1400 or more bills introduced have been in regard to, incorixrating towns, permit ting the voting of bonds for school, streets,etc and are main ly local in their nature. They are of course important to the communities to which they ap ply, but the state wide, bills those for six months school terms, the appropriation of funds to maintain the state in utitutions and the bill to raise revenue, have not yet been fin ished by the committee. They will probably be introuueed in the next few days and the ieo pie of the -tate wait with inter est the discussion of these meas ures. With the tate increasing in wealth rapidly and the con sequent increase in the revenues derived from taxation, it is hoed some plan maybe orkeilMrs Chiis t'orpening was unan- out by which the actual operat ing e.enses ran le met with out the necessity of lorrowiug money by the issuing of londs. A bill howeer has been intro duced to sell $."X),000 of state bonds to help take care of the present condition of the state treasury The Catawba County News says that with proper manage meat, the state's revenues would be ample for six months schools for all the children of the state, wit lout a further increase of taxes. We do not know how this is, but are inclined to agree with our Catawba neighbor. We are convinced that much money now going to other and le important matters should be turned to the school funds. The department of Labor & Printing for instance, we believe could be done away with entire ly and the w rk handled by oth er departments with a great sav ing. The reports of that de partment are of little real value and interest to the average tax payer and it could at lwast be done away with, until the chil dren of the state get a fair .show for an education. The matter of amending the charter of tne Lenoir Graded Sctiools being of purely local in- ' terest, affecting only the people . in the school boundry and the patrons, we do not consider the ' newspapers a proper place for its discussion. We think ho efer it is unfortunate that the .promoters of the proposed amendment did not take the peo ples interested into their confi dence and explain , it in a mass meeting before asking it to be enacted into law. If the meas ure be meritorious, such a course would probably have eliminated any opposition to its Lecooiiug a law.,. '1 I TT ' A man does get to titter the last wdrd wberi'tae is-dyitig, but it s uirieriiiit with a woman. We think it would be the part of wisdom for the. Legislature to sell the state V interest in the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road, to the Norfalk:Southern. It occurs to us that it is more business like to dispose of a piece of property, that pays less than four per pent, and pajjhe floating debt of $750,000, than it would be to borrow money at four per cent by issuing bonds to meet the deficit A law permitting the commis sioners of Caldwell to levy a special tax on narrow tired ve hicles should be passed by the present legislature. If we should issue bonds and make good roads, it would be a seri ous blunder to let them be cut to ruts and destroyed by narrow tires. A tax heavy enough to put the narrow tires out of bus iness is what we should have in addition to the bond issue for good roads. Daughter of The Confederacy. The February meeting of the Z. R Vance Chapter U. 1). C. was held at the home of Mrs. A. V. Dula and was unusually well attended. The Daughters ' Judge Leroy Lisk. Jailer Howell showed their loyalty to the chap- and others say that it is only an ter by the promptness with ' ordinary cur dog just a little bit which they paid their annual wild. Others view the carcass dues. and knowingly observe that it is Many iuiiortant subjects were a species of wolf whose anees discussed and disused of. It tors were almost exterminated was with sincere regret that the rsignation of Mrs. W. E. Cas tor as Secretary, was accepted. imously elected to till this va cancy. Wishing to keep informed on all subjects of interest to our great organization the Chapter renewed its subscription to "The Confederate Veteran" and sub scribed to "The Carolina and Southern Cross" a new maga zine published at Kinston, N. C. devoted principally to Confed erate history of N. C, and should be of special interest to all North Carolinians. An interesting account of a visit to the Soldiers Home in Raleigh by the editor of the Charlotte Observer, was read by Mrs. J. W. Whisnant. Believing it always best to honor our Veterans while they are still with us, the Daughters arranged to remember in a sub stantial way several feeble Veterans in our vicinity. A most important suggestion was made and adopted, making it a rule that each Daughter must notify the hostess before each meeting if she can be pres ent. There are now seventy four members in this Chapter and it is of imKrtance to a hostess to to know how many she is to en tertain. After the meeting ad journed, a tempting salad course followed by coffee and candies, was beautifully served by Mrs. Dula, assisted by Misses Bertha and Anson Tuttle. The next meeting will be held the third Tuesday in March at the home of Mrs. O. I Lutz. Keiorted. AN APPtAL TO MOTHERS v The United States government directs its energies to destroying tuberculosis germs- it causes its soldiers to be vaccinated against typhoid fever, and this precaution is commended. Why not Mothers use all possible precaution against the little one having Croup? Gowans pre paration scatters all inflanlation when applied externally. Then why not buy today, and have for emergency a bottle in the house ready to give relief to the little sufferer if Croup develops in the nighty The wise mother will do this. Gowans is guaranteed, and often when Croup develops or threatens a doctor cannot be gotten. Gor ans gives the mind ease. You feel you have done your duty. All druggists, $i, 50c, 25c adv SICO Reward, $1C5 . ' TtiS readers of this paper wltl ' be pleased to learn that thera U at least on Omded dtscue that sctenc has been abl to cure In all It stages, and that ta Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is ths onlr posIUva cure bow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat- tuent. HaU'l Catarrh Cure ia taksa ln ernally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the di ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting; nature la doing tta work. - The proprietors hare so much faith la its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars tot any- case that .It falls to cure, . (Nad for Hst of testimonial. M Addreaa F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio, Bold by all Drarriata, T5ev Take Hall's reaul Pills for fflBit1rjatljTB.i Doi-KiUtnf Animal. Troy. Feb. 16. Much excite ment was created in and around Troy the past week by some an imal killing and eating dogs. One man saw the dog killer en ter his yard, and before he could interfere it whipped two or three large dogs and then proceeded to bite the heads off three pup pies and eat them. In other parts of the county large dogs were killed and the heads eaten. Consternation was beginning to reign in the Montgomery coun ty dog world, when a valiant dog lover went forth to slay. Success crowned his efforts, and since yesterday the body of the dog killer and dog eater has been on display on a principal corner in Troy. Nearly every citizen has seen the critter that was bringing terror. Authori ties such as Colonel Re?se Blair, some "J.") years ago in this section. Pellagra Hospital. Spartanburg, S. C, Feb.lt". Members of the Thompson Me Fadden Pellagra Commission, who were sent to Spartanburg last year by the New York Post graduate Hospital to study pel lagra, have sent word to local physicians that they will return this Summer and continue their investigations. They have ask ed that an animal house be pro vided for them in which they may keep monkeys, guinea pigs and other animals on which they propose to experiment. The commission last year found about 400 cases of pella gra in Spartanburg County and acquired an immense amount of information concerning the lives, environments and diets of the patients. With the accumula tion of this information out of the way, they now propose to continue their researches along different hues. Plans are on foot to erect a pellagra hospital in the city for the use of the commission. A bill Knding in the Legislature authorizes the county commis sioners to appropriate from $', (MX) to $10,(XK) for the hospital. It isexix'cted that this will be supplemented by a contribution of one cent a spindle from the cotton mills. This will yield $7,8M.4H. The New "Bostonian" Oxfords are Here. See window. $5, - $4.50. - $4.00 Will you select yours now while we have all sizes ahd Widthfe. The Lftoolr News $1. Uieyww. 1 boils. Locals. Notices under this head are u urn v,cni wuru caca insertion. No andvertiseraent leas than tea Jf i """" "." Ml' it a a W Thev Rrfnir ftuidr Pesults Nice Farm for Sale in Yadkin Valley. For particulars apply to T. P. Woods, 31 Legcrwood, N. C. INCREASE the production of your land by having- it surreytd and drainage course marked out. Ac curate instrument. -Charges rea sonable. Call on or writ , 31 R. McL. Smith, Home address, Whitnel, N. C. Temporary address, Graqite Falls. FOR SALE Nice little 20 acre home on the Yadkin, five room house, good young orchard, fine water, high state of cultivation. 31 J. M. Bishop. FOR SALE One Cement Block Ma chine in good' condition. Apply to 31 T. J. Sims, R. 2, Lenoir, N, C. See those new style Photoes at Kam sour's, for young folks especially. Martin building, room No. 8. 31 Ratnsour's is the only place in town to get the penny pictures. Up stairs in Martin building, room No. 8. 31 We will pay !C.OO for the oldest U. S. Silver Dollar in Caldwell County and SI .(X) for the oldest 50c 1. S. Coin ami 25c for the oldest y. S. One Cent Coin. Must te in good condition. Send us a list of what you have. The News. Car of Phosphate Acid and Fertilisers just received. W. H. Cloyd. ' X) FOK RENT 5 room house and 5 or t acres gool land near J. A. Dulss. 30 V. J. Dula. Lenoir, C. Kgs for setting, thorough bred White Wyandotts, Barred Plymouth Rock and Indian Kunner Ducks. , .V) C. B. McNalry. FORSALK--A quantity of pea and meadow hav, also a quantity of.fod der. ' K. F. Wakefield. 30 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from Thorough bred Barred Plymouth Kocks, Golden Wyandottes and Buff Cochin Bantams, at $1.00 per setting of 15 and 13. I also have (or sale 1 Golden Wyandotte Cock and 3 itfock erls at $1.00 each, 3 Buff Obchin Bantam Cockerls at $1.X) each to move them. Leae orders at Bran non & Brown's. R. I. Bush. 2-tf. EGGS for settmg from my R. (. and R. I. Red Hens and and Pullets which took first prize at Lenoir Poultry Show, 15 for $1.00 J. R. McNairy. FOR SALE -The lot and building of the Home Milling Co., ou West Main Street in Lenoir, N, C, is for sale. This is a ery desirable pro perty and will be sold at tyreason ahle price. The lot is 145 feet front on West Main street and 177 feet deep. See M. N. Harshaw, 21. tf Agent Home Milling Co. WANTED clean cotton rags J cents per pound. . . . NEWS OFFICE. Eggs for setting, Mottled Anconas, Brown Leghorns, Rhod Island Recife and Indian Rurr Ducks. Thooia G. Hartley. 29 FOR SALE A splendid and almost eir piano very cheap. 30" C. M. Pickens. EGGS -for hatching, thorough bred Single Comb Rhode IslandiReds, 60 cts. per setting. J. C. Coffey, 30 Risden, N. C. r There is no better medicine made for colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, opens the secre tions, aids expectoration; and restores the system to a healthy condition For sale by all dealers. No matter how much paint some men put on, they never look like fighters. Surpris Your Friends For four weeks regularly use Dr, King's New Life Pills. They stimu' tate the liver, improve digestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and eruptions disappear from your face and body and you feel better. Begi at once. Buy at J, E. Shell & Co. President-elect Wilson has stated that his inaugural ad dress will be short. Now isn' he the sensible man? Dr. King's Nsw Discovery Soothes irritated throat and lungs tops chronic and hacking cough, relieves tickling throat, tastes nice. Take no other; once used, always used. Buy it at J. B. Shell A Co. Carnival ball maskers always "favor" pretty girls. Here la a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. "Martin, Boone Mill, who Is ' the 1 mother of eighteen children. ' Mrs.' Martin was cufed of tomttch trouble 'and cohstl nation bt Chamberlain's - Tablet after five tear Of Buffering, -and' recommends these tablets to the public, Bold by all dealer. We Have Just Received a Gar of k , v m HARROWS, ROLLERS and other earth working Imlerhent tfyrt possess advantages no others can duplicate. Do not buy any Farm Implements until you have had us demonstrate fully the many exclusive features ours possess. "AT YOUR SERVICE." Bernhardt-Seagle Company Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Furniture. 150 HORSES 150 Thursday, ONE WEEKiONLY at Hickory, - N. C. Will have 1 50 Horses, Mares and Mules. This will be the best selected lot of Stock we have ever brought to this market. It will pay you to come if you need any stock. WUJ have Heavy Draft Horses, Mares and Mules also, single driving Horses, medium size Horses and Mules. t ! t ! I HENKEL-CRAIG i u v t j a . J ,jv v ' 1 . STOCK COMPANY Great Northern Railways wee Illustrated with 200 Beautifully Colored Sterepticon Slides m henkel Friday, Feb. 21st, 1913. , This lecture is conducted for tiie purpose pf introducing the opportunities in the States of Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Wash ington and Oregon. Free Government Homestead Ldtids in nbntana JlM prfegoH. 320 Acres of Rich Agricultural Land is Given FREE by the United States Govern ment to American citizens wider the hew laws We Hdve No, Lands For Sak emit Evmtmpi Children accompanied by parents admittecl. Lecttlre begiris pidmptly at 8:00 p. mK . - -. i f l ii nil ti - wimimiHWKi hi run SPIKE WS, LiAND Feb. 27, 1913 t e -- mn UVt: Lcctt rc