Ckeab&f Public tad Private. (American Magazine.) F.P.Dunne, writing the "In terpreter's House," says in part: . "What we - have to do is to make people feel that political dishonesty is as disgraceful as private dishonesty; to force upon men who regard themselves as leaders of human progress the conviction that they must play the game fairly, and that bribe giving and bribe taking are as shameful as forgiug noUs, or cheating at cards, or pulling a horse in a race. Of course there is no comparison between the crimes. A man who would slip an ace up Ins sleeve or bribe a jockey to put a horse in a pock et is a gentlemanly sportsman compared with the man who will sow corruption through the whole body of a community in order to gain an unfair advan tage in the game of politics. Yet decent people who will shun a black leg of the race course or the card table will not hesitate to take their dinner publicly in the company of a man who is avowedly corrupt in his relations witti the government. "A card sharp is kicked out of the game. One lapse con demns him forever. We have known of a brave and wo think) honest man who was pursued to his grave by the mere rumor that he cheated at cards. Yet a man may cheat at the far great er game of politics, he may sell his hand to an opponent, or throw away the stronger hand for a bribe, and be none the worse off in the opiniou of the public. He can't live down a jieek at his neighbor's hand, but he cannot only live down but he can thrive on bribing a jude." Aaks Uncle Sam To Hunt Ghoit. Washington, D. C. Feb. 10. Uncle Sam, a man of large family and varied employment, has been invited to take a job of ghost hunter. The obnoxious spirit is said to abide at .Jonas Pidge, North Carolina, and the suggestion is made that the gov ernment send an expert down there to "investigate" it. It. T. Clay well, of Morganton, in a letter to Congressman Webb says: "For two or three years visi tors at Jonas Ridge (Cold Springs) have been right much wrought up over a strange light they could see every night about 9 o'clock. Some of the fishing clubs have had letters from Mr. Lovin in the last few days, and he says that the light is still do ing business at the old stand. Looking at the mountains and peaks, the light seems to be a bout eight miles from Mr. Lov in's house. It rises up to the height of fifty feet, and then gradually disappears. In talk ing with Rev. Mr. Gregory, pas tor of the Presbyterian church here, this morning, he told me that when he saw it last summer it was very bright, so bright that it hurt his eyes like the sun What is it? Can't you get the government to send an expert down here to investigate it? If you do this, make 'Red Buck' Bryant come with him." And Now A Bond Issue. (Catawba County News.) Did you hear one word about a bond issue during the cam paign to meet the expenses of running this State government. Did you hear one word about a State debt and the need of such a thing as a bond issue? And now comes word from Raleigh that we are to have a bond issue in order to pay olT our debts and to run our state institutions. If this legislature issues bonds under these circumstances, it will be more tolerable tor Sod om and Gomorrah than for tin men who do this thing. The striking New York wait ers threaten to reveal kitchen 'secrete. After all we may be able to determine "what is hash." ITOWIONAL SfcSrSOIQOL Lesson By K. O. SELLERS, Director of Eve ning Department The Moody Bible Ia tltute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 23 ABRAM AND LOT. I.FSSON TEXT Oen IS 1-11 GOl.PKN TEXT ""The blessing of Je hovah, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrows therewith." Prov 10.21. During the time that Intervened be tween this and last week's lesson we read of Abrani's journey "down Into Efcypt," a story that is rich with sug gestive typical lessons. Abram's de ceit is discovered by Pharaoh and he is driven from Egypt. Fear Is the root of unbelief, and when we fall we are sure to can-y some one with us But a man's sin is sure to be discov ered, so It was that "Pharaoh com manded his men. and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he had." Egypt, a type of the world, turned Abram out ( 12:20) when he tried the "good Lord good devil" mode of life. Compromise and separation are not compatible. Lesson's Picture. I. "Up Out of Egypt." vv. 15 Again we have presented the lesson of sepa ration. This portion Is a great pic ture of repentance. Abram carried with him not only his own possessions but also those of his nephew Lot No tice. Abraro's wealth did not make hlni acceptable In Egypt. The world desires not alone the wealth of a man. but also the man bark of the wealth. Again Abmrn turns from conflict un to Pethel, the house of God, that place of confession, of consecration, and of encouragement. These returning pilgrims were not I ordinary men, no more is the man who Is in Christ, and God was already given evidence of the blessing prom ised to Abram (12:2) and of that ma terial blessing so definitely promised to the descendants of Jacob We read (v fi) "their substance was great " But there Ib far greater dan ger however In material prosperity than In adversity. This was a greater danger to these pilgrims than that of the Canaanltes who dwelt In the land II. "And There Was Strife," vv. 5-9 The evidence of this danger manifest ed Itself when It was found that the land could not support both Abram an. 1 Lot (v. 6) Paul calls Timothy's at tention to this same danger (I Tim fi:9L and we are constantly seeing it Illustrated all about us. Lot'e History. Lot was Journeying with Abram rather than with Jehovah (12:3). doubtless in a great measure he was governed by cupidity and selfishness when he beheld Abram's prosperity. Millions In America profit by the se curity and the prosperity of this which so nearly approaches a Christian na tion and yet In scorn or In neglect re fuse to believe in or to serve the Ood who sends the blessing. The whole history of Lot Is one of selfishness which later resulted In sorrow and sadness and In his being shorn of all of his selfishly acquired prosperity. Lot had no particular claim upon Abram nor have we In onr own right, or because of our own merit, upon or be causeof our own merit, upon God. There Is so little that divides most of us and so much that we hold In com mon that It is but little short of crim inal to waste our energy upon that which is ephemeral or of slight Im portance. What a difference In the choice of Lot and that of Abram. One entered Into the path of the wicked. Prov. 4:14, 15. while the other Into the path that "shlneth more and more unto the perfect day," Prov. 4:18. III. "And Lot . . . Beheld All the Plain of Jordan," vv. 10-13. Lacking the counsel and guidance of Jehovah Lot followed the choice that which was pleasing to the eyes and made a sorry mess of It, for in the end he was a great loser. Already the land was doomed (v. 10) and so today the man who chooses the world In preference to Christ makes a bad bargain (I John 2:17) and the greater condemnation Is his for be makes, his choice in the blaz ing light of nearly twenty centuries of the Gospel. Lot made a" willing com promise, a superficial choice and came near losing his own soul. Matt, 16:26, 6:33. He dehberately entered into danger when he "pitched his tent to wards Sodom." The believers peril is worldllness. Lot's journey (v. 11) led at last to Sodom v. 12. Abram aspired to know Ood, Lot had an ambition to possess the things of time and sense. . Abram coveted righteousness (Matt. 5). Lot eoveted success in this life only. Well has Goethe exclaimed. "Choose well: your choice is brief and yet it is endless." Eternity alone will reveal the results of our choice of surroundings, upon ourselves, upon our families and upon our friends. IV. "Lift Up Thine Eyes," vv. 14-18. After separation comes fellowship and fruitfulnese. God invited Abram to ;irise arid to Inspect his promised pos sessions. So may we contemplate the vast possessions Ood has promised ijh in Christ Jesus. Rom. 8:17. 2 Cor. 4:18. After our separntlon and our fellowship comes true fmitfulnesB and no ;per!ty, I Tim. 4:18. Abram went to Hebron (v.iiich means fellowship), Mnd there in the midst of Mamre (which means fatness) he built an al tar unto God. Worship and sacrifice ko hand In hand today aa they did In agtis past. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having1 thia day qualified aa ad ministrator of the estate of J. R. Ervtn deceased, all person indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment to me, and all per sona having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, duly varified, to the undersigned administrator on or before the 10th day of February 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. This 6th day of February 1913. W. C. En in, Admr. of J. R. Ervin, deceased. P. O. of Administrator, Morganton, N. C. NoJSd to Stop work. When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you saw You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. Wliat you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your sj stem, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak. sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will bt-netit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satis fiy. Only 50c. at J. E. Shell & Co. A Card While away this winter I have left my business in charge of B. F. Wil liams, Esq., who has an office neit door to mine in the Matheson Building. Any one wishing to see me in regard to any matter will pleasecallon him and oblige. Very truly your, 1H l')t Lawrence Wakefield. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money refund ed if it (ails to cure you. Do not hesi tatetake it at our risk. First dose helps. J. K. Wells, Floydada, Texas, writes: Dr" King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds." Buy it at J. E. Shell A Co. The Satisfied customer is the one who patronizes tlie News Printery when in need of any thing in the Job Printing line. Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it to the little ones when ailing and suf fering with colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Niagra, Mo. writes; "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of health." Always helps. Buy it at J. E. Shell A Co. ' Some boys at schools may not be good athletes and yet they break records running into debt. This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. The worst Jthing about chil dren's banks is that it takes so long to get the money out of them when you'are in a hurry to catch a car. For a sprain you will find Chamber lain's Liniment excellent. It allays the pain, removes the soreness, and soon restores the parts to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealers. For Rent Rooms in the new Mar tin Building. Suitable for Offices or light house keeping. City water and Electric Lights in the building. See H. C. Martin. For Sale A thirteen room Board ing House, well ar ranged, large lot, tine water, nice location, in village of Blowing Rock. Will tochange for good farm property or sell on easy firms. hi. id MARTIN, I L LENOIR, N. C. CAF.CLIXA & KCHTH-WESTEKM RA1LVKAY CCkPAMY SCHEDULE Nertaseaaa Dally Patscater Ne. aX. Chester.... . Lf 7 SS a aa Yorkville $42 " Gastonia . 30$ . Gastonia ..- , Lincolnton 10 26 Newton., i OS Hickory 11 45 p m Lenoir 1 00 Mortimer 2 30 Edgemont ..Ar 2 3 Psucttcf Ne. L Gastonia 5 40 p.m. Lincolnton 6 31 Newton 7 08 Hickory 7 40 Lenoir 8 40 Mixta Ne. 41 Let oir 2 00 pm Mortimer 4 10 Edgemont 4 30 Mixes' Ne. M. Chester Lvll 45 pm Yorkville 1 05 Gastonia 3 00 J MUri Ne. M Hickory L 7 05 am Lenoir Ar 8 40 Soaiabeaaa' Ne. . Edgemont Lt 11 55 am Mortimer 12 03 Lenoir Ar 1 15 pin Lenoir Lt Hickory 2 3 Newton 3 05 Lincolnton 3 43 Gastonia Ar 4 40 Gastonia L Yorkville 5 31 Chester Ar a 25 Passrofer No. 7. Lenoir 7 30 a. m. Hickory 8 27 Newton 8 5 Lincolnton 4 27 Gastonia 10 25 Mlid No. 63. Edgemont Lv 7 30 am Mortimer 7 4) Lenoir Ar 10 15 Mixed Ne. 41 Gastonia . Lv 7 (X) am Yorkville H 35 Chester Ar 10 25 Mlied No. 51 Lenoir Lt 2 45 pin Hickory Ar 4 20 Leave JArrive Chester Southern Ky.,S.A. L. and L A C. Yorkville - Southern Railway. Gastonia Southern Railway. Lincolnton - S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Ry. t. F. REID, Oca. Passeaicr Aft PIEDMONT fXl HIGH COMPANY C. N-W. Railway. 1 :20pm 7:3hi.m Lenoir 1:00pm 8:40pm 4:40 " 10:25 " Gastonia ':30am 5:40 " PlKDMDN T AND N'OKTHKKN LlNRS. 5:00pin l();50am Gastonia 9:15am 5:35pm 5:45 " 11:40 " Charlotte 8:15 " 4:45 " Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, l'13. Lt. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7:OOam No. 1 7:53 am " 4 8:15 " " 3 :15 " " 6 ":30 " " 5 10:15 ' " 8 10:50 "'7 11:40 " " 10 11:45 " " ) 12:40pm " 12 12:50pm " 11 2:00 " " lt 2:30 " " 15 3:30 " " 18 3:30 " " 17 4:30 " " 20 5:00 " " 1') 5:35 " " 22 6:30 " " 21 7:30 " " 24 8:45 " " 23 'MS " " 26 10:55 " " 25 11:55 " N. B. -Schedule and connections published as information only anil are not guaranted. C. V. PALMER, G. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. CONDKNSKD SCHEDULE . CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD & OHIO RY. AND Carolina Cllnchflrld and Ohio Railway of South Carolina THE NEW SHORT LINB BF.TWKKN Dante. St. Paul and Spcer'i Perry. Va., John eon City, Tenn.. Atapa.n and Marlon, N C. and Spartanburg, S. C. "CUINCHPIELD ROUTE" ei i kctivf Jan. 1, 112. SOUTH BOUND. No. j, Paas. Dally Dante, Va 8 00 A.M. St. Paul, Va 8 20 " Johnson City, Tenn 11 15 " Altapass, N. C 2 27 P.M. Marion, N. C 3 31 " Bostic, N. C 4 30 " Spartanburg, S. C 5 40 " No. s. Mixed Dally. Dante, Va 1 10 P.M. St. Paul, Va 1 35 " Johnson City, Tenn 5 55 " Altapass, N. C 10 40 " No. 1, Mixed Dally, except Sunday. Lt. Ar L. 41 Ar. Lt. 4 4 44 Ar. Lv. 4 4 44 Ar. Lv. Ai, Altapass, N. C 6 15 A.M Marion, N. C 7 49 " Bostic, N. C 9 10 " Spartanburg, S. S 10 45 " NORTH BOUND, No. 4, Pan. Dally. Spartanburg, S. C. . . . 11 00 A.M. Bostic, N. C 12 07 P.M. Marion, N. C 1 05 " Altapass, N. C 2 27 " Johnson City, Tenn... 5 28 " St. Paul, Va 8 34 . " Dante, Ya 9 00 " No, a, Pan. Dally. Lv Ar, Altapass, N.C 6 05 A.M. Johnson City, Tenn... 9 01 " St. Paul, Va 12 17 P,M Dante, Va 12 45 P.M. No. 6, Pae. Dally except Sunday. Lv, Ar, Spartanburg, 8. C 4 25 P.M. Bostic, N. C 5 33 " Marion, N. C 6 35 " Altapass, N. C. .. 8 05 " Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent tor aixnite inrormation or to CHAS. T. MANDEL, Assistant (ten. Pasa. Agent. j.j. Afftnuw, V-Pres. and Truffle Manager. Johnow Citv, Tknn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 i - 4! A Complete line of COFFINS, CASKETS, BURIAL SUITS, DRESSES, SHOES. Etc. can always be found at the I', ii i i Prices Reasonable. Prompt attention given to all calls, day or night Phoo; Night, 158. Day, 39. 4 Your Health Do you stop to think how im portant good bread is to good health ? Poor bread poor health, good bread good health. Ask your physician. Mayflower and Happy Valley makes the best of bread. Try it to-day. Lenoir Mills MONUMENTS Ul TOMBSTONES Any Shape, Size or Color. Cementry Work of all Kinds. fliller- Reins Co. Lenoir, N. C Tinners J. A. Seaboch & Son Tinners and Sheet Iron Workers Rooting, Guttering and Cornice Work. Lenoik, N. C. A JEWELER Dula Bldg. Lfi Lenoir, N.C. FELT BAD ALL THE TIME Shellhom Lady Suffered a Great Deal, But Is All Right Now. Ehcllhorn, Ala. In a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrie May says: "A short time ago, I commenced to have weak apellg and headaches. I felt bad all the (lme, and soon grew bo bad I couldn't stay up. I thought I would die. At last my husband got me a bottle of Cardul, and it helped me; so he got some more. After I had taken the second bottle, I was entirely well. I wish every lady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try Cardul. It Is the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I ever used." Cardul la a woman's tonlo a strengthening medicine for women, made from Ingredients that act spe cifically on the womanly organu, and thus help to build up the womanly con stitution to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's Ills, It has a successful record of over 60 years. Your druggist sells lt Please try It N. B - Write to: Udtei' Advltory Dtpt.. Chatta aooca Medlctna Co., Chatypnoot. Tenn.. for Special Instructions, and 64-pag book. Home Tralnna lor Women." Mat In plain imp par, aa raouaaU M4 4 OVER 66 YEARS' v EXPERIENCE D Tradi Mailt DcaiaN ' ''.tin' c Coa-vwoHTS Ae. Anroneundlna a ikateb and dmorlntton na nnloklr aaoeruln our opinion fraa whathar an kirmtlon la prahahly ciuaiitubie, Commnnlea tlotia Btrlctlr comirteiitfal. HANDBOOK on PatanU cut free. Oldcat anoy for (ourlnapatanta. 1'ni.anta taken through Munn k Co. reoelr special noUcs, wll hoot flbana, In toe Scientific American A tmndanmalr lllnirt.rat4 waaklr. Lamat oir. oulntimi tif any srlenUUO Journal, Tarim, ta a roar 1 four montbi, It Sou MUNN & Co ,B"d"-- New York Branob Ofllca, fit t BU Washington. IX. C Hia Oft fall nawadaalara. Made A New Man Of Him. MI was suffering from fain in taj stomach, bead and back,'' write IL T. Alston, Baleigh. N.C, "and my Urer and kidneys did not work right, but t our bottlea of Electric Hitters made me feel like a new man.'' PRICE BOCTS. AT ALL DRUG ST0RE1 Sulsccribe for Ths Ncwb. Electric Bitters A. B. GOODMAN. M. Offera hia Professional Services to the Citlien f Lenoir and Vicinity Office Over Lenoir Drvj J Co.'s Store. Cloer's Barber Shop (Jones Building, Opposite P. O.) The leading and uioat conven ient Barber Shop in Lenoir. WE DO YOUR WORK QUICK AND EASY. C. Banks McNairv M. D. MC8IDKHCK AT Foot Hills Sanatorium Phosi 110 Dr. C. L. Robbins DENTIST Dental roooia in Dnla buildinr 1 1.. T l - SI vppoeue rovionice. Phone 1W A A AAA A A AAA. .A. F??V"f f f f f f f f f f f f Dr. 0. L. Moore DENTIST Office Oyer First National Bank 'PHONE 15 S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion given to collection of all ac counts, nettlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of legal papers. Real Estate titles in vestigated. Office in MILLER BUILDING. Seaboard Air Line. SCHEDULE Trainb Lkatr Charlottk ErrBO TIVK Jan. S. 1913. NO. 403:00 a. m. Through train for Wilmington with parlor car attach ed. Connects at Hainlet ith No. St for Portsmouth and Norfolk. No. 0 for Raleigh, Watthington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; dlulne; car fervioe and vestibule coaches ta Washington; Pullman sleeping ear to Jersey City. NO. 487:80 a. in. For Monroe and all points south. NO. 188-10:55 a. m. Local for Lin colnton, Shelby and Kutherfordton. NO. 44-4::o p. in. Local for Wllmlnr ! ton, connecting at Hamlet with fast vestibule trains for Jacksonville, Fla., and all points south. NO. 47 4:40 p. m. For Rutherford ton and west. NO. 1827.48 p. m. Handlea local sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk connects at Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with through sleeper to Birmingham; at Monroe) with No. 82, fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jer sey City. Connect!) at Hamlet with No. 98 with through vestibular coaches to Washington Dining car Richmond to New York. Pullman sleepers to New York. Trainb Arrivk at Charlottb. NO. 18810:56 a. m., from the east. NO. 4610:08 a. ni., from the west. NO. 4812:10 p. in., from the east. NO. 182-7:10 p. ui., frop- the west. NO. 497:28 p. m., from the east. NO. 89-11:00 p. m. fiom the east. C. B. Ryan, G. P. A., Norfolk, V. Jamkb Kkr, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. H. 8. Leard, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. 0. A Morning Reminder.. You awake with a tnecn, nastj ate in the mouth, which remind ion that your stomach ia in a bad Condition. It ahould alao remind fou that there is nothing ao good for a disordered stomach et Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. , They build up the; system, aasiat natui a lo reitora natural conditions, and are ao jentla in their action that one hardly reU sea a medicine waa takan. Chambarlain'a 'ableta are sold everywhere. '. Price 25a. bubscribe for Lenoir News, $1.09 D. I