Ttcsdat, FMIUAJtY 15, 1913. MATTERS LOCAL AND PERSONAL. rial hum f latere U Tew mi Cavaty Radars. Mr. G. L. Storie, of Blowing Rock, was here last week on his way home from a business trip to Bristol, Tenn. Mr. Gas Cloer has come home from Charlotte and will engage in the grocery business here with his father and brother. Mr. J. A'. Courtney is making preparations to build a new dwelling on a lot he recently bought near the home of Mr. Mark Squires. Mr. Frank Isbell, son of Rev. R. L. Isbell, of the Yadkin Val ley, returned last week from Aurora, Illinois, where he has been attending school. There will be a regular com munication of the Hibriten Lodge No. 262 of A. F. & A. M. at the lodge room tonight. Work in the third degree. A man high up in the craft is expected to take charge of the meeting. Rev. C. E. DuPont is making arrangements to build an addition to the south Lenoir Methodist church, the room to be used as a social meeting room or young j)eoples assembly room for mu sic, lectures and other gather ings and Sunday School room. Mr. J. S. Zimmerman, was here several days last week con fering with the Trustees of Davenport College, with a view to getting up plans for the new dormitory. Mr. Zimmerman is a skillful architect and has done considerable work for persons in Lenoir. The Caldwell County Teachers Association will hold an impor tant meeting in Lenoir next Sat urday and business in connec tion with the big celebration and commencement for the 4th of April will be considered. It is hoped all the members of the Association will be present. The Caldwell County Teachers Association will meet in Lenoir next Saturday at 10:!50 instead of at Granite Falls, as was an nounced at the last meeting of the Association. The Prelim inary contest for Speakers and Readers at the April Commence ment exercises will also be held in Lenoir next Saturday. We are informed that a man named Cobb has been soliciting subscriptions for The News in some parts of the County. We have no agent in the field and no one is authorized to take sub scriptions for the News and if any one claims to oe an agent ask him to show his credentials, which he will have in the shape of a written instrument if he is an agent. Mr. C. B. Harrison was called to Williamsburg Virginia last week by a telegram announcing the death of his sister Mrs W. H. Macon, who had been in fail ing health for some time. She was about 57 years of age and had undergone a serious opera tion in a hospital a year or more ago, with the hope of relief but the operation proved of little benefit. The joint debate between pick--ed speakers from the Morgan ton and Lenoir Graded Schools, which was apart of the Trian gular debates held all over the state on the same subject, was won by the Morgauton contin gent last Friday night. The speakers did well showing good preparation and mucn stuay Mrs. Kimboroagh, of Mocksville is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. M. Dow num. Mr. Harry Eicber returned yesterday from a visit of a few days in Winston-Salm. Messrs J. M. Bernhardt and Mark Squires went to Raleigh yesterday on business. Dr. A. A. Kent returned last Friday from a few weeks busi ness trip to Oklahoma. Mrs. C. C. Shell returned yesterday from a visit of several days to her sister-in-law Miss Helen Shell at Cleveland. The News is piling on new subscribers daily and if your name is not on our list we want it there, Send us 25 cents in stamps and try it three months anyway. The friends here of Mr. John M. Connelly, will be pleased to learn that his health is improv ed. Recently he was seriously ill at Dallas Texas, but later ad vices indicate he is much im proved. Rev. C. M. Pickens was call ed to Asheville last Saturday by the death of his sister Mrs. Weaver of Weaverville. The lady had been in poor health for some time and her death was not a surprise. Mr. Knox, an old Confederate Veteran, who has been in failing health for some time an;l who is living with his daughter Mrs. Morgan in the eastern part of town, suffered a fall last Sunday and is in a critical condition. New reading utter appears la this apace each week. Every Young Man and Every Young Woman Should lay aside a por tion of their income. And the time to begin? Right now. The easiest and sur est way? To open an ac count with this bank, start ing in with a small deposit; and to add to this regularly each week or each motnh. I Many have tried this plan, many nave succeeded. This bank receives deposits as low as a dollar, and is always glad to help those iwho are trying to help themselves. FIRST NATIONAL BANK LINOIK, N. 0. SHS2S2SES31SHSHS2SHSH5 S 1 business incus. Notices aoder this head are & ... Hi jj Uoe Cent a wora insertion, tfl jl No andTertiseatent le than ten Qj 5 cents. :: :: :: :: :: fsJ n: it E They Bring Quick Results Nice Firm for Sale in Yadkin. Valley . tor particulars apply to T. P. i"oods I 1 31 Letferwoud, X. C. FOK SALE At Hudson. X. C. my 8 njom house and one acre lot. Good water, barn and ood location for other business. Write or call on i 32-et-pU George T. King. ! Xice line of Picture Book Store. Moulding- at the ; WANTED-Plain sewing and child I ren's clothes. Mrs. Be&lah Sud- dreth, Lenoir, N. C Rout 5. T. J. Lin, President J. B. Atkinso, Y-Presi4et O. P. Lotz, Cashier E. F. Allkn, Ais't Cashier (Notary Publk at Unk Experienced stenographer wishes per manent position. "Business," care The News. Now is the time to have your old Bug ! fry repainted. See McRary. 32-t When in town call at Depot Cafe for Rood Meals, Nice Rooms and clean beds. Prices reasonable a 22 J. M. Smith Prop. CHICHESTER SPILLS ; My winnings at Lenoir and States ; ville are: 3 firsts; 3 secondA; 3 tliirds: 1 fourth. Birds S2.00 pen pair, i 32 D. V. Youtit. Granite Kalis. pray Pomps We have a big stock of the best makes of Spray Pumps and supply of the solutions used for spraying. Get a pump, spray your fruit trees and shade trees. Protect them from disease and insects and secure good yields of fruits and shade. Most vege tables are much benefitted by spraying. Come in and See us. LENOIR HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY DIAMOND BRAND in Rfd tidaX d wiih BluKO) Buy f y.rW rUES-Ttlti V LADIES Stk 7p DraivM for Cm-CHK-TER'9 DIAMO-- D BRAND PILLS Gold metallic boxes, Scaled Ribbon. Tais no othek. Druvtat 4 Ilk for CHI-CUES. Tl DIAMOND BUAND P1I.LR, for twrntr-fivS tears regarded at Best. Safest, Alwaya Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS T1MR HARD EVERYWHERE i"T You will find a complete hue ot wall paper samples at the Ilook'iStore. FOK SALK Seven White Leghorn Hens and one Cock, all thorough bred. S. S. Jennings. 32 IM KKASh the production of your land by hating it surveyed and drainage course marked out. Ac curate instruments. Charges rea sonable. Call on or wfllte 31 K. Mi l.. Smith, Home address, Wlntnel, N. C. Temporary address, Granite Kalis. Rev. J. F. Kirk of Statesville arrived yesterday and will con- dudt a series of services at Davenport College during the week. There will be two services a day one in the morn ing and the other in the evening. We have had a number of men calling in this week and they all favor wide tires for wagons, except one, and say press ttie matter. Now the way to get these is to write to Mr. Wake field and Mr. Crisp at Raleigh and ask them to have a provis ion put in the roads laws per mitting the county commission ers to regulate the tire business by a special tax on narrow tires. No use to make good roads and then ruin them in a few months with narrow tires. There was a meeting of the board of Trustees of Lenoir Graded school held yesterday morning, at which Mr. J. H. At kinson, who has been chairman of the board for a number of years, tendered his resignation. He is engaging in business in Gastonia and expects to be out of Lenoir most of his time, hence he could not give the school matters the attention he feels they need from a member of the board of trustees. Mr. J. M Bernhardt was elected to till the vacancy. Mr. W. E. French who repre sents the Great Northern Rail way gave his illustrated lecture in the opera house to a good crowd of interested spectators last Friday night. He showed some fine views and made a good impression on the spectators. Of course there is much tine land along the lines of his railway and his company lias the facul ty of presenting the best features of the situation. In this connec tion we ask our readers to note carefully the letter of Mr. Ralph Parleir a Caldwell county man now living in Oregon, which we are publishing in this issue. $100 Reward. $100 The reader of thla paper will be i""-i pleased to learn mat mere i ,UV and the discussion was enjoyed J, tTtiM& by a large audience. Of course v1 there was some disappointment fraternity, catarrh .t.g ment. 'Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken In ternally. Ictlnir directly upon the blood troyn ind i m lit. nature In doln ita worn, im nryi"""".. hare no much faith In Ita curative now n .nr.. rn Munilrad Dollar era ma nvj ,y"i" t- anA Toledo. Ohio. foraonetlpaUon. FOK SALK Nice little 2 acre home on the Yadkin, five room house, good young orchard, fine water, high state of cultiation. 31 J. M. Bishop. Mr. E. L. Shuford is expected home today from northern mar kets where he has been to buy goods for his firm. WTe understand the Princess Theatre, had the biggest run , See those new style Photoes at Ram- FOR SALK--One Cement Block Ma chine in good condition. , Apply to 31 T. J. Sims, R. 2, Lenoir, N, C. sour s, tor young toiks especially. Martin building, room No. 8. 31 last Saturday night ever seen in a motion picture in this place.;" ; 7 , . , 1 1 : Ramsour s is the only place in town The show was fine and COntin- ! to get the penny pictures. Tip stairs 1 in Martin building, room No. 8. 31 ued until ten clock. minutes to 1l o' Good Roadi Aaaociation. The Caldwell county Good Roads Association met in the court house here last Saturday . . .1 II a 1 "a 'l a. persuant to ine can oi rresiaem, Thompson and there was a fair ly good attendance present. The bill that Mr. Wakefield, the senator from this county, proposes to introduce as a sub stitute for the bill prepared by the committee and sent to him recently, was discussed, but no action was taken on it. A resolution was unanimously passed urging him and Mr. Crisp to work for the passage of the Committee bill, authoriz ing the people to vote on a bond issue and copies of the resolu tion were directed to be sent to the representatives. A call was made for the enrollment of names in the Association and a goodly number gave their names as members. A committee con sisting of G. F. Harper, E. C. Ivey and H. C. Martin was ap pointed to draw a constitution and by-laws for the Association and to report the same at the next meeting. The matter ot membership fee was discussed and it was decided to make it one dollar per year. The meet ing adjourned to meet again on We will pay $2.00 for the oldest 1!. S. Silver Dollar in Caldwell County and $1.(10 for the oldest 50c V. S. Coin and 25c for the oldest IT. S. One Cent Coin. Must be in good condition. Send us a list of what you have. The News.. Car of Phosphate Acid and Fertilizers just received. W. H. Cloyd. 3o FOK RENT -5 room house and 5 or 6 acres good land near J. A.. Dula's. 30 W. J. Dula, Lenoir, N. C. Eggs for setting, thorough bred White Wyandotts, Barred Plymouth Rock and Indian Runner Duckal 30 C. B. McNairy. FOR SALK-A quantity of pea and meadow hay, also a quantilybf fod der. K. F. WakefielQ. 30 FOR SALK Eggs for hatching from Thorough bred Barred Plrmouth Rocks, Golden Wyandottes and Buff Cochin Bantams, at $1.00 bor setting of 15 and 13. I also havelor sale 1 Golden Wyandotte Cock alid 2 Cock- erls at $1.00 each, 3 Buff Cochin Bantam Cockerls at $1.00 each to move them. Leae orders at Bran- non & Brown's. R. I. Bush. 29-tf. BOOK AND BOOKS When you buy a Book see that you get a complete Book. Many books spoiled in the printing or binding are being offered to the unsuspecting public at ridiculously low prices. Many of these books have whole chapters left out and are otherwise ruined by miss prints and mistakes. Do not be fooled into buying such. Come to the Book Store and know that you get a book complete when you buy a book. Big shipment of New Books arriving this week. L enoir doo k Store! It costs a lot to live these days: More than it did of yore. But when you stop to think of it, It's worth a whole lot more. And Our Printing is worth a whole lot more, than the ordinary kind too. But just stop by and have a look at our samples and see how much more they are really worth, and how little more we actually charge and you will know better where to get the best values. EGGS for setting from mv S. C. and R. I. Red Hens and and Pullets which took first prize tit Lenoir Poultry Show, 15 for $1.00. J. R. McNairy. FOR SALE The lot and building of the Home Milling Co., on West Main Street in Lenoir, N. C, is for sale. This is a rery desirable pro perty and will be sold at a reason able price. The lot is 145 feet front on West Main street and 177 feet deep. See M. N. Harshaw, 21. tf Agent Home Milling Co. Phone "4 and we will bring those samples to you WANTED clean per pound. cotton rags 2j cents NEWS OFFICE. Eggs for setting. Mottled Anconas, Brown Leghorns, Rhode J Island Reds and Indian Runer Ducks. Thomas G. Hartley. 2' Saturday March 8th at 11 o'- Cock. The following named Xm gentlemen gave their names for '30 C. M. Pickens. membership; R. G. Thompson, G. F. Harper, G. M. Goforth, J. F. Steele, Bruce Anderson, G. A. Tuttle, A. S. Peeler, C. W. Sudderth, C. J. Powell, H. B. Steele, G. 0. Shakespeare, E. C. Ivey, D. C. Flowers. R. B. Bush, Fred Deal, J. M. Bern hardt, H. C. Martin and Y. D. Moore. EGGS for hatching, thorough "red Single Comb Rhode Island Rqfls, 00 cts. per setting1. J. C. Cfrey, 30 Risden, N. C. Dr. King'i Nw DUcoeery Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, relieves tickling throat, tastes nice. I 1 aKC no oiner; once uscu, .un.ij-a used. Buy it at J. E. Shell A Co. Doctors Use This for Eczema that the Lenoir speakers got "licked" here but there Is some compensation in the fact thatUj. ud MiSTE t.hpv won n Hickory, insse ----- debates are being held for the Aycock Memorial Cup, which will be awarded to the school making the best score. s , Pr. Evan. Ex-Commlnalonpr of Health, inys: "There lit almoat no relation be tween akin illeenaes ami tha blood." The wM.tBf k. etrA thrnnrli tha akin. ana mucoua auriac hi m . - . r . . be destroying the foundation of the dla- , The rerma must be washed out, and ao lrr. Tlie moat advaneort phyalelane of thla country re now agreed on thla, and ore preaerlblnir a wash of wlntertreen. thvmol and other Ingredient for edema and all other akin dlaeaeea. Thla com pound a known a IXU.IX PreaorlpUon for Ecieraa. for any eaae that It falla to cure, for Hat et teatlmonlali. laAreaa J. OUKNM CO., Tola Molit br all Praewtata, Tae Take UeU'a reaUly Mia Pr. Holmes, the well known skin ape rtnltnt wrllf: "1 am convinced that the P.U.D. Inscription Is aa much a speoillo for ecat'ma ns nulnlno for malaria. 1 have been prescribing the n.D.D. remedy for yrnrs." It will tnke awny the ltob the Instant you apply It In fact, wa are ao sure of what D.D.D. will do for you that wa will be (lad to let yon ha a II bottle on our truar- antee that It will coat you notnlnf ua leaa you And that It doea the work. 8HBUL CO.. Drugglata. NANCY HALL I BETTER SET PQTATOE PLANTS (6 Varieties,) also Tomatoe, Celery, Pepper, Egg, Beet and Cabbage Plants. Price list free. WAKEFIELD FAtM CHARLOTTE N.C. Subscribe for The News. WMWtl(MMMMMMtM Southern Railway Operating Over 7,000 niles of Railway. Quick route to all points North, 8out East and West. Through trains between principal citiis and resorts, afford ing first class accomodations. Elegant Pullman sleeping cars on all through trains. Dining, club and teservation cars. For speed, comfort and courteous employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. H. DcButts, D. P A J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. AaheTllle, N. C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. H. F. Cary, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. ;