TW New ScUol Ut. (Xewtpo Eaterprie.) ' The Committee on Education ia the House his made f ator vble report by unanimous vote otheJojner bill intended to proTkle six-months schools in all districts in North Carolina. The plan of raising the money, 13 we understand it, is about as follows: The $100.10) from the State treasury which has hereto fore been apportioned to coun ties needing assistance in pro Tiding four months schools and another $.a0 will be added to the tirst ifl-j.OOO and the total $2j0,0W will be divided anions the counties on a per capita ba sis. After this distribution, all counties which have not suffici ent funds for four -months schools will have to raise the re quired amount by special taxes, before they can participate in the division of the fund to be provided for increasing the schools to six -months terms. This fund will be raised by set ting apart ." cents of the taxes on the $100 from the State tax es, and this fund is estimated at $370,000. It will be divided a mong the counties on the basis of teachers' salaries. Compul sory attendance will be required for four months, the county school boards designating the four mohths for compulsory at tendance. An attendance officer for each township will be ap pointed to enforce the law. lie will, after three days notice, prosecute all parents and guar dians before a magistrate or po lice officer who fail to require all children between H and 12 years old to attend school dur ing the four months designated by the school board. There is one amendment we would suggest. Require the schools to lie run six days in a week instead of live. Tho$;!70, 000 additional funds would give an increase of 40 days by this plan but it would not give more than 20 or "25 by the present five-days a week plan. Counties That Draw on the State For School Funds. (Statesville Landmark.) Fifty- five counties share in the distribution of the second $100,000 appropriated by the State for assuring to every county a four-months minimum term of public schools. In mak ing the distribution only $'.)'2,r00 is actually used, only this a mount being necessary after the counties have met the condi tions in doing what they can to assure the maximum term. The following counties in this sec tion of the State draw money from the fund: Alexander $3,714, Alleghany $3, 364, Ashe $4,5:13, Burke $1, 252, Caldwell $3, 70b, Catawba $1,670, Cleveland $1,477, Davie $1, 434, Lincoln $,542, McDowell $1, 134, Mitchell $2,230, Ran dolph $732, Rutherford $747, Watauga $1,798, Wilkes $4,501, Yadkin $3,670, Yancey $2,529. Open The Way. (Charlotte Observer,) In all seriousness The Obser yer hopes the Legislature will see its way clear to making wom- eligible to serve on school )ards. T.tys paper has advo- ited this action not from rea ms oi sentiment, but as a move .ill-riKulfc in material ben efit to the public school system 'of helState. Hy training and instinct, as well as by equip ment, woman has the right to a voice in school affairs and should be given this recognition. The "Women are peculiarly qualified in the needs pfthe children and in many matters their sense of discernment is superior to that, of some men who have wielded Influence on the school boards. There Js a place on the educa tional boards for woman. The way to this new field of uselul ness should , be opened to her Without frivolous objections. Subscribe for the New. RtTtaat Free Doc Tax. (Gretas bo n Kea.) Speaking of longer school terms and revenue producing, listen to this from the Madison Herald: Moore county last year col lected $1,800 from the dog tax, the money going to the schcol fund. We do not know what the rate per head is in Moore county, but it is probably $1. Rockingham should have a law of this kind and at a dollar a head we feel sure at least $3,000 could be raised each year for the county school fund. Be sides this, we would get rid of a lot of worthless curs, and no body would object to paying a dollar tax ou a good dog provid ed the money was to go into the school fund. If all the dogs in North Caro lina were taxed for the benefit of the school fuud, the counties would find little difficulty in ad ding several days length to the school term. A state wide dog law would give considerable aid to the state and couuties in these days of deficits Houn' Dog' Vote. Charlotte Observer.) The press of North Carolina is solid for a State dog tax. If it dot's not represent the jvople in this position, then North Caro lina's press and people are even further apart than South Caro lines, so far as one universally discussed question is concerned The Farmers' Unions of the State have been passing dog tax resolutions; and the State organ ization as a whole stands com mitted to the step. If there re main any people content with the stage of human civilization typified by the houn' dog, they are such as neither read nor write for newspapers nor yet affiliate with organized better ment on the farm. We do not question that these jH'ople exist; but we do question whether they now muster sufficient numerical strength to warrant even very timid legislators in further neg lecting an undoubted need ol the StiUe. To Prevent Accident. Exhibited to railroad men here recently was a device for throw ingand closing switches which promises, if put in use, to make a substantial decrease in the number of deaths and injuries each year as a result of open or split switches. The device shown here makes such a thing as an open or split switch im possible. Directly attributable to accidents from this source last year were 15,000 deaths and injuries. It is so constructed as to make it impossible for the switch to be open unless a train is in mo tion over it. As a labor saving device it abolishes the old prac tice of brakemen opening and closing the switch for the train to pass to and from the main line. It is because of failure to close switches and leaving the main line open, that some of the most fatal railroad accidents of the country have been due. Greensboro News. Many Animal Burned. Payetteville, Feb. 13. - Twen ty eight mures and horses per ished in llames which early this morning destroyed a small barn belonging to C. L. He v ill and livery stables adjoining the home of J. F. West,. Nwelve horses were rescued from the West sta ble and all animals lost were lievill's. This value, with barn, was about $7,ri(X), uninsured. Only one mule among UU ani mals in this stable could le re moved from the terrifying flames, and it was so badly burn ed mat il died. he barn in which the tire originated was di redly behind the big main barn of the Hevill stables and within a stone's throw of the county courthouse and jail, while across the street from the West stables stood those of T. W. Rankiunnd the branch house of Swift and company and numerous dwellings. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Hieing this day qualified u ad miaistrator of the estate ol J. R. Krrin deceased, all person indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make im nediate payaieot to m, aod all per sona hariof claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present tbe same, duly vanned, to the undersigned administrator on or before the 10th day of February 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. This 6th day of February 1913. W. C. Ervin, Admr. of J. R. Erviu, deceased. P. I), of Administrator, Morganton, N. C. No.Necd to Stop work. Whfti the doctor orders you to stop work it staKrs you. I can't, you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. Wl at you need i Electric Bitter to gwe tone, strength and to your system, to prevent break down and buiM you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every tottle is guaranteed to satisfiy. Only 5"c. at J. E. Snell A Co. A Card While away this winter I have left my business in charge of B. F. Wil liams, Esq., who has an office neit door to mine in the Matheson Building. Anyone wishing to see me in regard to any matter will please call on him and oblige. Very truly yours, IS lft Lawrence Wakefield. -- Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money refund ed if it fails to cure you. Do not hesi tatetake it at our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floydada, Texas, writes: Dr King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds." Buy it at J. K. Shell A Co. . . - i in uuitin j i u.TlvlllT-l I7y LUC I one who patronizes the News Frintery when in need of any thing in the Job Printing line. - - - MothersCan Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it to the little ones w hen ailing and suf fering with colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Niagra, Mo. writes; "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our hoy from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of health." Always helps. Buy it at J. E. Shell A Co. The fan who idly allows him self to drift down the stream will never make much of an up rower in the world. - - This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is famous for its cures, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. It is strange that in Rose Bon- heur's picture of "The Horse Fair" there should be several white horses and no red-haired girls. For a sprain you will find Chamber lain's Liniment excellent. It allays the pain, remotes the soreness, and soon restores the parts to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealers. For Rent Rooms in the new Mar tin Building. Suitable for Offices or light house keeping. City w a t e r and Electric Lights in the building. See H. C. Martin. For Sale A thirteen room Board ing House, well ar ranged, large lot, fine water, nice location, in village of Blowing Rock. Will exchange for good farm projerty or sell on easy terms. H. C. MARTIN, LENOIR, M. C. . jULiariT c:kfHT ?;&Et:u stottfcseae Dafiy rWvrer . Chester.... ........ ......Lt 7 55 a Yorkritl 4 , Gat tenia e 30 1 Gatonia ' Lincoln too jj , Newton u 05 Hickory 11 43 p m Lenoir 00 Mortimer 2 ao Edtfemont Ar 3 31 Ptuesftr N. (. Gastonia 5 40 p-ra. Lincolntoo 3j Newton 7 06 Hickory 7 40 Lenoir g 40 MixH fx. at Leioir 2 00 pen Mortimer 4 10 Edgemont .... 4 30 Miles' No. ol Chester Lfll 45 ptn Yorkville 1 05 Gastonia 3 00 t MUrd No M Hickory Lt T 05 am Lenoir Ar 8 40 Soatkkoaao No. . Edgemont L 11 55 am Mortimer 12 0J Lenoir Ar 1 15 pra Lenoir Lt Hickory 2 30 Newton 3 05 Lincoln ton 3 43 Gastonia Ar 4 40 Gastonia Lt Yorkville J J Chester Ar o 25 Passenger No. 7. Lenoir 7 30 a. m. Hickory 8 27 Newton 8 50 Lincoln ton 27 Gastonia . 10 25 MUco No. U. Edgemont Lt 7 30 am Mortimer 7 40 Lenoir Ar 10 15 Mixed No. el Gastonia Lt 7 00 am Yorkville 8 35 Chester Ar 10 25 Mixed No. 51 Lenoir Lt 2 45 pm Hickory Ar 4 20 Lease Arrive Chester- Southern Ry.,S.A. L. and L A C. Yorkville Southern Railway. Gastonia Southern Railway. Lincolnton S. A. L. Newton and Hickory - Southern Ry. t. F. REID, Oea. Pisseoter Agt PIEDMONT COMPANY C. A N-W. Railway. 1:20pm 7:.Via. 111 Lenoir 1 :00pm 8:40pm 4:40 " 10:25 " Gastonia J :30a in 5:40 " PlKDMONT AND NOKTHKRN LlNKS. 5:00pm 10;5)am Gastonia 9:15am5:35pm .v4. ii:44) Charlotte 8:15 " 4:45 " Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 113. Lt. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7:00 ain No. 1 7:53 am " 4 8:15 " " 3 9:15 " " ( 9:30 " " 5 10:1S " " 8 10:50 " " 7 11:40 " " 10 11:45 " " 9 12:40 pm " 12 12:50pm " 11 2:(X) " " 1( 2:30 " " 15 3:.V) " " 18 3:30 " " 17 4:30 " " 20 5:00 " " 19 5:35 " " 22 :30 " " 21 7:3 " " 24 8:45 " " 23 9:45 " " 26 10:55 " " 25 11:55 " N. B. - Schedule and connections published as information only and are not gnaranted. C. V. PALMER, G. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. CONDKNSKD SCHKDULF. CAROLINA, CLIN CHFIELD & OHIO RY. AND Carolina Clinchfleld aod Ohio Railway of South Caroliqa THE NEW SHORT LINE BETWKKN Dante St. Paul and Speer'f Ferry Va. , John on city, lenn., Atnpast and Marlon, N C, and Spartanburg;, S. C. "CLIINCHHIEUD ROUTE" BKFKCTrvE Jan. 19, 1912. SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Pa. Dally Dante, Va 8 00 A.M. St. Paul, Va 8 20 " Johnson City, Tenn 11 15 " Lt. Ar Lt, 4 i Ar Lt Altapass, N. C 2 27 P.M. Marion, N. C 3 3l " Bostic, N. C 4 30 " Spartanburg, H.C 5 40 " No. s. Mixed Dally. Dante, Va 1 10 P. M St. Paul, Va 1 35 " Johnson City, Tenn 5 55 " Altapass, N. C 10 40 " No. 1, Mixed Dally, except Sunday . Ar. Lv Altapass, N. C 6 15 A.M Marion, N. C 7 49 " Bostic, N. C 9 10 " Spartanburg, S. S 10 45 " NORTH BOUND, No. 4, Pait. Dally. Spartanburg, S. C. . . . 11 00 A.M Bostic, N. C 12 07 P. M Marion, N. C 1 05 " Altapass, N. C 2 27 " Johnson City, Tenn. . . 5 28 " St. Paul, Va 8 34 " Dante, Va 9 00 " No. j, Pan. Dally. Ar. Lt. Ai. Lv, Ar, Altapass, N.C 6 05 A.M. JohnHon City, Tenn... 9 01 " St. Paul. Va 12 17 P.M. Dante, Va 12 45 P.M No. 6, Paaa. Dally except Sunday. Spartanburg, S. C. . . . 4 25 P.M Bostic, N. C 5 33 " Marion, N. C b 35 " Altapaas, N. C 8 05 " Lv. Ar. Patrons are reijueated to apply to nearest Agent for definite information or to CHA8. T. MAN DEL, Assistant Gen. Paaa. Agent. J. J. CAMPION, Y-Prea. and Traffic Manager, JoiiNHtN City, Tern. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A Complete line of COFFINS, CASKETS, BURIAL SUITS, DRESSES, SHOES. Etc. can always be found at the I Prices Reasonable. Prompt attention ffi?en to all calls, day or night. Pbooaa; Night. 1S8. Your Health Do jou stop to think how im portant good bread is to good health y Poor bread poor health, good bread good health. Ask your physician. Mayflower and Happy Valley makes the best of bread. Try it to day. Lenoir Mills MONUMENTS M TOMBSTONES Any Shape, Size or Color. Cmentry Work of all Kinds. riiller-Reins Co. Lenoir, N. C. Tinners J. A. Seaboch & Son Tinners and Sheet Iron Workers Rooting, Guttering and Cornice Work. Lenoir, N. C. JEWELER Dula Bldg. Lfl Lenoir, N.C. MRS. McGILL . BROKE DOWN Gives the Real Facts In Regard to Her Case and Tells How She Suffered. Jonesboro, Ark. "I suffered a com plete break down In health, some time ago," writes Mrs. A. McGIIl, from this place. "I was very weak and could not do any work. I tried different remedies, but they did me no good. One day, I got a bottle of Cardul. It did me so much good, I was surprised, and took some more. Before I took Cardul, I had headache and backache, and sometimes I would cry for hours. Now I am over all that, and can do all kinds of housework. I think lt Is the greatest medicine on earth." In the past fifty years, thousands of ladles have written, like Mrs. McQlll, to tell of the benefit received from Cardul. Such testimony, from earnest women, surely indicates the great value of this tonic remedy, for diseases peculiar to women. Are you a sufferer? YesT Cardul Is the medicine you need. We urge you to try It. N. B Write to ; Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chatta aoofja Medicine Co., Chattanoof , Tenn., for Special Jn'trwiinns, and 64-paga book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. eVM44 OVER 68 YEARS' expERiENce D . a - mmvm wnmmmm DffMNfJ r'MlV CopmiOHTsAe. AnroMfandlnf a sketch and detorlptlo nay mloklr aaoertaln our opinion frae whathar an Inrentlnn In probably patentable. Copimunto. tlnns ntrtollT rmittdeiittaJ, I on Palanta sent free. (11(10! ost evency for securing patents. 1'atente taken throuiih Munn Co. reoelTe tvrcial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. I.arveat elr oiilatlon if any eolentlHo Innrnal, Terms, 13 a year: four months, L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.6,B' New York Branch Oinoo, 3 t SU Washlniton. D. 0, iectricl Made A Now Man Of Him. "I wu rnfferlng from pain In mj tomtch, bea4 and fencx. wrltea II. T, Alston, Raleigh, N. C'and idt lltrw infl kl Jnoji did not work right, but four bottle, of Elwctrlc Bittpra msvd3 in feel like) cw nan." nCt 10 CT1. AT ALL DRUQ STOKEt. Subscribe for Thjc Nuws. steers jj A. B. GOODMAN, M..I. Offan hra Profeaaioual Srri tothCitiiD f Ltooiraad Ytoinity Office Over Lenoir Dmi Co.s Store, Cloer's Barber Shop (Jooa BuiMiug , Opposite P. O.) The leadiutr nod tuoat eoovaa Wut Barber 8hop In Lenoir. WE DO YOUR WORK QUICK AND EASY. ! C. Banks AlcNairv I M. D. aXftlDliCK AT Foot Hills Sanatorium fHOBl 111 I Dr. C. L. Robbins I DENTIST I Dental room a In DuIa building f f Phone - m Dr. 0. L. Moore DEINTIST V Office Otek First National Baki 'PHONE IS S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion giTen to collection of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of legal papers. Real Estate titles io Testigated. Office in MILLER BUILDING. Seaboard Air Line. SCHEDULE Traih8 Lratk Chaklottk Effio TIVK Jan. 5, 1913. NO. 405:00 a. ni. Throuh train for Wilmington wifh parlor car attach ed. Oonnects at Hamlet with No. 88 for Portsmouth and Norfolk. No. 8 for Raleigh, Wanhingtou, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; dining car herviee and vestibule coaches t Washington; Pullman sleeping cars to Jersey City. NO. 48-7:80 a. m. For Monroe ana) all points south. NO. 18310:55 a. m. Local for Lin colnton, Shelby and Rutherfordton. NO. 44 4:.: p. in. Local for Wllmin ton, connecting at Hainlet with fast vestibule trains for JaeksouVill,, Fla., and all points south. . NO. 47 4:40 p. m. For Rutherford ton and west. NO. 182-7.45 p. m. Handles local sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk connects at Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with through sleeper to Birmingham; at Monro with No. 82, fast train with Bleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk'and Jeri scy City. Connects at Hamlet with No. 98 with through v e s 1 1 b u 1 coaches to Washington ' Dining car Richmond; to New York. Pufima sleepers to New York. Trains Arrivk at Charlottb. NO. 18810:55 a. in., from the east. NO. 48-10:05 a. m., from the west. NO. 4512:10 p. m from the east. NO. 182-7:10 p. m froi-- the west. NO. 497:25 p. m., from the east. NO. 89-11:00 p m. fiorn the east. C. B. Rtau, . P. A., Norfolk, Va. Jamks Kkr, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. H. 8. Leakd, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. 0. A Morning Reminder., -You awake with a moan, nslj n tic in tho mouth, which remind cu that your stomach ia m n bad .ondliion. It bhould also rem: ad fou that thoro it nothing so good for a dioorderod 9trmach hnmber!ain'Storrvadkand Liver Tablets. they build up the system, assist naru 10 rrslora natural eonditiens, khel are teatla in their actio that 6r hardly rtaj ra a medicine was taktiu. CkambrU,n's ihleu are sold eTerywbe, fVloe S5e biiKhcnoe tor Lenoir News, $1.09