SCIENTIFIC POINT CLEARED IK 8Iz of Water Particle Hem Known to Chang With the Ago of Clouds. WMOT It seems .rather lingular to speak of the "age of clouds" of "old clouds" and "young clouds," yet It reaUy-appears- that such a distinction can be made, and that the discovery, as so frequently happens in matters scien tific, was based upon a preceding mis take. The conclusion was reached years ago in scientific quaters that the density of a cloud was proportioned to the number cf water particles it con tained, the water particles, in turn, depending upon the particles of dust present. Later, however, these same authorities ascertained that their first conclusion was wrong, and that in many clouds the density falls far short of proportionality with the number of water particles. Further investiga tion points to the fact that the site of the water particles changes with the "age" of the cloud. The clouds upon which the first observations were made must, it is thought, have been old clouds, and in them the water particles, being comparatively large, appeared to be proportional to the density. But the later observations were made upon newly-formed or young clouds, in which the panicles were small In sire. EASY ONE FOR "PROPHET' Congressman Coined Epigram and Stated Absolute Fact in On Brief Word. Congressman Homer Bulb of Ne vada was famed in his day at Wash ington as a raconteur and epigram- j matist. Whenever he sat down in the lobby of the Dingle house, his head quarters at the capital, be was sure to gather about him in no time a group of friends end acquaintances and to convulse them over and over again with bis sallies. One of these, the butt of which was j Senator Montgomery Twell. is par ticularly well remembered by the Dingle's Old Guard. The senator entered the hotel one evening, looked long and solemnly at the skies, which were cloudy, and then remarked (o Congressman Bulb In a tone of railery. "Well. Bulb, I know you pride your self on being a prophet. What sort of a day do you think we'll have to morrow?" "Wednesday." replied Congressman Bulb. Among those who heard him was Col. Anthony lUtherswyck, the civil war veteran, who lost no time In tell ing the quip all over Washington. How Franklin Learned Manners. Franklin collected thirteen princi ples to cover the small amenities of dally Ufa. Each week he picked out one and practiced It diligently, thin creating a hahlt It took three months to cover them all. Each year he pne ticed each one four full weeks. He kept this up for many years. The un couth Franklin of early manhood, who found fault with his wife for giving him s silver spoon and a china bowl for his bread and milk instead of a pewter spoon and earthenware crock. I developed Into the statesman and man I of the world who won the respect of Englishmen, the admiration of French I men and the gratitude of Americans. i Engineering Magazine. Chocolate at First Disliked. Chocolate was regarded as an In vention of the devil by a considerable class in England during the seven tenth century. A formidable treatise was written in order to denounce the i use of the beverage by monks The treatise appeared In 1G24. but the monks saw to It. by destroying every copy that came their way. that Its circulation was small and brief. Choc olate houses succeeded coffee houses in London as centers of a supposed greater refinement, although Roger North describes them as centers for the benefit of "rooks and cullies of quality, where gaming Is added to all the rest," and where plots against the state were hatched by Idle fel lows. Doctor's Subscription. "T been awful sick sence 1 seen yo Mis Saunders," announced Reginald, the colored man, who came to shake Jtrs. Saunders' rugs the other day. "8eemed like I would die, sho. Ev'ry body was a-rec'mendin' dere fav'rlte med'eine an' I done took all de dif'rent kinds day tol" roe 'bout, but I jes kep on gettln' wuss tell my wife, she say to me: 'Wot yo' foolln' wlf dem rem' dles fo'T Yo' don' know wot's In 'em! Oo 'long an' git de doctoh to sub scribe fo' yo'. So 1 went to de doctoh an' he give me a subscription dai cure me r-a-i-g-ht away." Turn Evil Into Good. Madagascar is visited every year with a plague of locusts, which docs a fast amount of damage to the cropH, but it is an ill wind that blows no body Rood, and to these Inserts highly esteemed as food by the na tives. The locusts fly within two or three feet of the ground, and, on the approach of a sw.irm, the people nth out of their huts tind strike them .down With flit bn'Pts. Then Ifcp women and rhl'dren pather "horn 'r from the ground in hik-Us, where the; ' are divested of wtngn nnd legs by : severe shakintr tin. Tiwe extremity v art carefully winnow. -kI out, the bodi. dried In tho eun or fried in fat, h i . then packed la etit.s for food or su In the markets. EiVERCITY IN FARMING. The ferxer is in a hazardous busi ness at the best. His success jo a very large extent oo the weatae: Droughts or excessive rains, are disas trous to him. Early frosts threaten him, says the Charleston News and Courier. As in ther hazardous busi nesses, he must make large profits id the good years to make up lor tt loses of the bad years. His prorus must be recorded in ten-year periods. He cannot judge from the record of one year what his profits are. More over, it is evident that as a succes sion ot seasons must assist each other in maintaining a general average oi success, so the best insurance he can have In any one season is the planting of diverse crops, the harvesting 01 which will take place at different sea sons of the year. He can thus escape a complete calamity in the event ot a storm or other natural disturbance The man, for instance, who has made money on truck in the spring can tace the loss ot his cotton crop wun equanimity. In the average for the year'he finds things balancing up, anil althojgh he has lost the profits ot the one crop in the destruction ot the other, he has been insured against ab solute loss on the entire year s opera tions It is the capacity of the soil In this section for widely diverse crops that makes it so valuable. This ts not a one-crop section. The lands are not merely good cotton lands They are good truck lands, good orchard lands, good pasture lands They can t-e cade to yield wealth in a variety of w.iys. The latest innovation pro.'r .ted by Mrs Ella Flagg Young, superintendent of schools ot t'hic.igo. ts the Introduc tion of instruction In flipping." which is another name tor the art and mys tery of descending scathless from mov iiig vehicles The Idea is that every body who has acquired skill In this 1 direction irrespective of sej -will I know too much to jump off a street car heading in any other direction than that In which the car Is moving. Of course, before the generation that has been taught 'Hipping" supplants that which Is now In control, a great many accidents may occur to reckless patrons In the meantime, however, it Is Inexplicable that Intelligent wom en continue to alight from 6treet cars In such a way as to court danger When fish change their places of residence they usually travel by wa ter The finny Inhabitants of Kenslco lake, near Westchester, a suburb of New York, torni an exception to the rule The lake is being drained, and all the gune fish It contains, especial ly pike and bass, are to be carried overland to neighboring bodies or wa ter, the fishing clubs of the vicinity bearing the expense Only game fish will be thus preserved A moving pic ture company has arranged to photo graph the work, which In this way become fimiiliar to the entertainment loving public throughout the country. A Boston Chinaman Is going back to his native land after having amassed a fortune of half a million dollars out ot ( hop suey W'e venture to predict that he will lose his head if he ever tries to spring that Amer ican luvenMnn on his fellow country int n Out in I .os Angeles a man ol the name of John Smith Ir belrg pursued: by five women who claim that he Is their husband He nray be right In his rlaim that some of them must have married other John Smiths. The doctors don't want the mortar and pestle on their automobile tags. That is the symbol of a druggist, they declare, and very naturally they don't care to be taken for soda water dis pensers and souvenir postal card dealers A New Jersey woman wants a di vorce because she finds bungalow life too monotonous. It ts hard to tell whether some of the miseries of mar ried life are tragedies or Jokes. It Is said that a raw onion mashed and mixed with half Its bulk In salt will cure snake bite. This remedy, we venture to hope, is applied ex ternally Are there more comets In the skies than there used to be, or does the eye at the telescope S(.e farther Into space? Sleep Is a brain poison, ho French Hdentists say One of the most pffec live antidotes Is an operatic rat on the back fence It ts going to bother (triors and divas to get married and divorced more than onre each during the busy Aeroplanes hiive gone to carrying mall and Koon the Jaded mesKenger boy may be supplied with wings A tramp comet Is said to be headed this way. but we refuse to sit up all night to give It a handout Ttirkeyp nre ntp?ittfiii thi9 portend lag a short cranberry crop. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having- this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. R. Ervin deceased, all persons, indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment to me, and all per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, duly varified, to the undersigned administrator on or before the 10th day of February 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. This 6th day of February 1913. W. C. Ervin, Adtnr. of J. R. Ervin, deceased. P. O. of Administrator, Morganton, N. C. 1 he Cause of Rheumatism. Stomach trouble, l;uy liver and de ranged kidneys are the cause of rheu matism. Get your stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels in healthy condition by taking Electric Hitters, and you will not be troubled with the pains of rheumatism. Charles B. Allen, a school principal, of Sylvania, Ga., who suffered indescribable torture from rheumatism, lner and stomach trouble and diseased kidneys writes: "All remedies failed until 1 used Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this wonderiul remedy cured me com pletely." Maybe your rheumatic pains conie troin stomach, liver ami kidney troubles. Electric Bitters will ive you prompt relief. 5c and $l.l Recommended bv J. E. Shell A Co. A Crd While away this winter I have left my busme in charge ot B. K. Wil liams, Esq.. who lias an other next door to mine in the Matheson Building. Anyone wishing to see me in regard to any matter will please call on him ami oblige. Very truly yours, 1H 1m Lawrence Wakefield. - - --- Beit Known Cough Remedy For forty-three years Or. King's New Discovery has been known throughout the world as the most re liable cough remedy. (Her three mil lion bottler were used last year. Isn't this proof ' It will get rid of your cough, or we will refund your money. J.J. Owens, of Allendale. S. C, writes the way hundreds of others have done: "After twenty years, I tinil that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds that I have ever used." For coughs or colds and all throat and lung troubles, it has no equal. 5lc and fl at J. E. Shell k Co. For Rent Rooms in the new Mar tin Huildintf. Suitable for Offices or light house keeping. Cit.y water and Electric Lights in the building. See H. C. Martin. Bet Skin Disease Nearly every skin disease yields quickly and permanently to Hucklen's Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. John Iteye, of (iladvvin, Mich., says, after sutlering twelve years with skin ailment and spending $4IK)in doctors' bills, Hucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It will help you. Only 25c. Recommended bv J. E. Shell Co. For Sale A thirteen room Hoard ing House, well ar ranged, large lot, fine water, nice location, in village of Blowing Rock. Will exchange for good farm property or sell on easy terms. H. C. MARTIN, LENOIR, N. C. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consump tion are diseases that are often contract ed when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities, say be ware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will lind nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always tie dex;nded tion and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. Promises make debts, and debts, make promises. . - Many mifferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by ap plying Chamberlain's Liniment, Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is tor sale by all deal ers. The Lanoir News $1 . the year. CIBCMI & ISBTH-WBTEBI RAILWAY CCkPAlT SCHEDULE Narthkeaifl Dally He. ft. . Chester Lv 7 55 a as Ttortevillt , . g 42 Gastonta ) 30t " ixasioaiv... ........... Lincolnton 10 M Newton..... 11 os. Hickory jf m T i w .CTKMr..... i QO Mortimer 2 30 Edgemont Ar 2 34 Pstseafer Ms. t. Gaatonia , 5 40 p.m Lincolnton 6 31 Newton 7 08 Hickory 7 40 Lenoir 8 40 Milts' Ns. 42. Let-oir 2 00 pm Mortimer 4 10 Edgemont 4 30 Mixes' Nt. 60, Chester Lvll 45 pm iorKvine 1 05 Gastonia 3 00 f Mixed No. SO Hickory , Lv 7 05 am Lenoir Ar 8 40 Sosiibeitf Ne. . Edgemont Lv 11 55 am Mortimer 12 03 Lenoir Ar 1 15 pin Lenoir Lv Hickory 2 30 New ton 3 05 Lincolnton 3 43 Gastonia Ar 4 40 Gastonia Lt York v die S3 Chester Ar 25 Passeoxer No. 7. Lenoir 7 30 a. m. Hickory 8 27 New ton 8 50 Lincolnton 9 27 Gastonia 10 25 Mixed No. 6J. Edgemont Lv 7 30 am Mortimer 7 40 Lenoir Ar 10 15 Mixed No. 61 Gastonia Lv 7 00 am Yorkv ille h 35 Chester Ar 10 25 Mixed No. 51 Lenoir Lv 2 45 pm Hickory Ar 4 20 "Leave JArrive Chester Southern Kv .S.A. L. and L a'. Yorkv ille . Southern Railway. Gastonia Southern Railway. Lincolnton- S. A. L. New ton and Hickory - Southern Ry. E. F. R KID, (leo. Pmeofer Aft T 1 C. v N-W. Railway. 1 :20pm 7:30a. 111 Lenoir 1 :0lpm H :40pm 4:40 " 10:25 " Gastonia ':30am 5:40 " PtHJMONr AND NoHTtiKKN LlNKS. 5:()0pm 10;50am Gastonia l):15am5:35pm 5:45 " 11:40 " Charlotte 8:15 " 4:45 " Between Gastonia and Charlotte. F.tTective Sunday Jan. 12, l'13. Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7:00 am No. 1 7:53 am " 4 H:15 " " 3 9:15 " " hM 5 10:15 " " H 10:50 " 7 11:40 " " 10 11:45 " " 4 12:40pm " 12 12:50pm " 11 2:00 " " K 2:3u " 15 3:30 " " W 3:30 " " 17 4:30 " " 20 5:00 " " Vt 5:35 " " 22 6:30 " " 21 7:30 " " 24 8:45 " ' 23 :45 " " 2( 10:55 " " 25 11:55 " N. H. Schedule and connections published as information only and are not g'uaranteil. C. V. PALMER, G. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. CONDKNSKD SCU KDITLK CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELO & GHIO RY. AND Carolina Cllochlltld and Ohio Rsilwsy ol South Carollos Tilt! NIIW SHORT U.NK BKTWKKN Dnte St. Paul and Spccr'i Frry V., John ton City, Tenn.. AUpai and Marlon, N C, and .Spartanburg, S. C. "VJLIINCHRIBLD ROUTB" w kkctivk Jan. 19, 1912. SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Pan. Dally Lv. Dante, Va 8 00 A.M. " S?t. Paul, Va 8 20 " " Johnson City, Tenn.... 11 15 " Ar Altapass, N. C 2 27 P.M. Lv. Marion, N. C 3 31 " " Bostic, N. C 4 30 " Ar. Spartanburg, 8. C 5 40 " No. g, Mlxod Dally. Lv. Dante, Va 1 10 P.M. " St. Paul, Va 1 35 " " Johnson City, Tenn.... 5 55 " Ar. Altapass, N. C 10 40 " No. 1, Mixed Dally, except Sunday. Lv. Altapass, N. C fi 15 A.M " Marion, N. C 7 49 " " Bostic, N. C 9 10 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. S 10 45 " NOHTH BOUND, No. 4, Pad. Dally. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C. . . . 11 00 A.M. Ai. Bostic, N. C 12 07 P.M. " Marion, N. C 1 05 " " Altapass, N. C 2 27 " " Johnson City, Tenn. . . 5 28 " " St. Paul, Va 8 34 " " Dante, Va 9 (X) " No. 1, Pan. Dally. Lv. Altapass, N.C 6 05 A.M. Ar. Johnson City, Tenn. . . 9 01 " " St. Paul. Va 12 17 P,M. " Dante, Vd 12 45 P.M, No. 0, Pai. Dally except Sunday. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C 4 25 P.M. Ar, Bostic, N. C 5 33 " " Marion, N. C 6 '35 " " Altapass, N. C 8 05 " Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite information or to CHAS. T. MANDEL, Assistant Gen. Pass, Agent. J.J. CAMPION, . VPrea. and Traflllr Manager, JonwsoJ) City, Tkxn. 7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. f 14 A Complete line of COFFINS, .V v CASKETS, 1 BURIAL SUITS, DRESSES SHOES, Etc. can alwaj'S be found at the mnmrii mm 4 (jALUiiLLLIinll Prices Reasonable Prompt attention ffi'en to lis, day or night. Night, 158. Day, 39. f all calls. Phooea; EVERY SICK THE SAME One strong feature about Happy Valley and May Flow er Brands they are always the same. Good select wheat and modern machinery make this possible. This one feature is enough to warrant a trial. Lenoir Mills Any Shape, Size or Color. Cementry Work of all Kinds. riilier-Reins. Co. Lenoir, N. C. Tinners J. A. Seaboch & Son Tinnors and Shot Iron Workers Hoofing, (JutU'rinK and Cornice Work. Lknoik, - K. C. JEWELER Dula Bldg. Lfl Lenoir. N.C. LIVED ON RAW EGGS Mr. Richard's Experience With DIN ferent Diets. Peaches and Buttermilk for Three Years. Ceclllon, Md.Mr. George RlchanU, of this place, during th past 12 years, has probably tried more different died than the average perton would ever usi in a lifetime. What he hat to say about his expert ments, must therefore be highly interest ing to anyone suffering from indigestion dr stomach troubles of any kind. He says : "For more than 12 years. I suffered with stomach troubles, ana paid hihidreds of dollars for doctor billi and medicines. I was also operated oa for piles. , I lived on dried peaches and buttermilk for nearly three years. The only thing that would not give me pain was raw eggs. I was a physical wreck. 1 could not sleep, and was as near crazy as a man could well be. 1 must say that after taking two 25-cenl packages of Thedfords Black-Draught. It did me more good than all 1 ever spent for ether medicines. I have been working dally on the farm ever since, and I am as hard as iron." This purely vegetable remedy has been In successful use for more than 70 years. TryiL ButbesluethatU'',Thedfordl.,, kl44 ovitft ea TEAM' f fTTN 'yirfini''i.I.lririlij 4 "ffsy wnmmm f. aO UIMtNS jRrlMf f 1 Commisurra Aft. AnronMandlnf i akatoh and d Mart pt Ion ma? qiiloklf aaoarlalii ant opinion fra whUar an Immitlcm ! prolmblf pataiirabia,' Xommunloa. tlonantriotlTContt(1iit(al. HANDBOOK on Patanu aunt fra.- If kta avotwr for aaonrinc Baiantw 1 Fnlanta taken tlirouiih Munn A to. raoajrs w nonaa, T" apu smiiva in ipi A hanriaomaty lltnatratad Jrtlr. Irtaat otr. dilution of an? aoiantiOd Journal, Tarma, 3 a. Tmr: lour of ail nawaaaaiara. ranoh ortlda, hi t si, Washington. O. of Made A Now Man Of H Im. "I was suffering from pain in my T. Alston, Raleigh, N.O, "and mt liver and kldnoya did not work right, but ronr bottles ox jiectrr? Hitters made me feel like a new man." MICE 50CT3. AT ALL DRUG STORES. Subscribe ior The News. mm Electric Biters av-va- A. B. GOODMAN, M. P. Offers his Profetifou&l Services totbeCitiiens f Lenoir and Vicinity Office Over Lenoir Driij Co.'s Store. f i Cloer's Barber Shop (Jones Building, Opposite P. O.) The leadlup and most eonvea ient Barber Shop in Lenoir. WE DO YOTJR WORK QUICK AND EASY. ! C. Banks McNairv M. D. RK8IDKHCI AT Foot Hill Sanatorium ! Phqnk no J WWWWWWW WW WW WW WWW WWWWWWW I Dr. C. L. Robbins o DEINTIST 1 " Dental rooun In Dnla building 11 Oppoaite Pontofflce. Phoue iee A Dr. 0. L. Moore j utr,rN 1 la r Office Otek First National Bank 'PHONE 85 S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRAC1 ICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atttn tion giren to collection of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of legal papers. Ifeal Estate titles in estigated. Office in MILLEK BUILDING. Seaboard Air Line. 80H EDULE Trains Lbavk Charlottk EfFae TI K Jan. 5, 1913. NO. 405:00 a. iu. Through train for Wiluiiugton with parlor car attach ed. Connects at Hamlet with No. 88 for Portfttuonth and Norfolk. No. 69 for KalHgh, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; dining oar aervire and ventlhule coaches to Waidiingtou; PulluiaD Sleeping can to Jersey City. NO. 48 7:B0 a. in. For Mouroe and all points south. NO. 188-10:55 a. m. l-ocal for LJn coluton, Hhelby and Rutherfordton. NO. 444:. 0 u. iu. I-ocal for WDmlnr 1 ton, connecting at Hamlet with fat vestilmle trains for Jacksonville, Fla., and all points soath. NO. 47- 4:40 p. m. For Rutherford ton and west. NO. 182-7.45 p. m. Handles locaj sleepers for Portsuiouth. Norfolk oouutcts at Monroe with No, 41 fox Atlanta and Southwest with through sleeper to Birmingham; at Monro with No, 82, fast trafo with aleepejr to Portamoutb and Norfolk apd Jes ey City. Connects at Hamlet wfth No. W with through reitibtll coaches to Washington Dining oar Richmond to New York. Puflmaal sleepers to New York. Tbais Arrive at Charlptt. NO. 18810:55 a. in., from, the east. NO. 46-10:05 a. m., from th west. NO. 4512:10 p, in., from the east, NO. 1837:10 p. m.frop- the west. NOr 49 7:2P p, in., from the east. NO. 89-11:00 p. iu. fioin the east. C. B. RTAN, a. P. A., Norfolk, Va. Jamks Kkr, T. P. Am Charlotte, N. C. H. 8. l.KAHD, I). P A., , Kaleigh. N. 0. A Morning Reminder... You awake with a mean, nastj note in fhe mouth, which remind ou that your tomach ia in a had condition. It should also reniintf rou that there is nothing so mi for a diuordcred ct6mn?h a, Chamberlain's Stomach ami Live 1" Tablets. They build up the system, assist r.atuio cf restore natural conditions, and eru p tentle in tliair action that one hardly real. ts a madicine was taksn. Chambarlsin's aUU are sold venrwher. Pries 2(iu Subscribe for Lenoir News', $1.09