.TWICE-A-WEEK i IL C. MARTIN, Edito ud Piormtoi Entered at the PostofEce it Leooir, X. C, as ccond-cli4 mail matter. Subscription price $1. year, six sooths 50 cents, three nwuths 25 cents. This paper U tent only to subscriber who pay in advance. Advertising rates on application. Tklkphoxk No. 54. Fiiwv, MjitrCH a. THK RESURRECTION. "Now upon the tirst day of the we?k, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and ertain others with them. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. 3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Iord Jesus. 4 And it came to pass, as they were much erplexed thereabout behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them. Why seek ye the living among the dead r t He is iut here, but i risen, remember how he spake unto you w hen lie was yet in Galilee, 7 Saying. The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. A ml they remembered his words. 9 And returned from the sep ulchre, and told all these tilings unto the eleven, and to all the rest. ' ' The idea of Vocational Educa tion, is gaining in popularity in the south and it is a good indi cation. That is a boy or girl is educated along the lines they ex pect to follow in their life work. If a boy is to be a mechanic he is given special instruction a long the lines of work he will undertake when grown. This training should begin in the pub lie schools and taken along with the regular school work. Of course it is impossible to give actual instruction in mechanic al trades, farming etc. in all Bchools, but the text books bear ing on such subjects should be studied by the pupils and then "when the school course is finish ed they are better prepared to persue their studies in the tech nical and demonstration schools of the country. There are ma ny things about animals, grains, forests and domestic science that can be taught in the regular public school course and it is gratifying that these matters are attracting more attention all the time. The County School Commencements being held in various counties of the state and t ie one to be held here on the 4 h of April, do much to stimu late this vocational educational idea and they should be eneour aged. Let the Glorious Easter-tide, be a season of Good will Thanks giving and Praise. The resur rection of the crucitiod'Savior is event of equal or greater im portance to lailen man than His birth, therelore the season should be celebrated with equal, rverenee, praise and thanks giving. The woman who will deliber ately iace a chair where her poor belated husband will be ce tain to stumble over it may bo i ra thi be il never cuedd tne gOiUOU Stftif. j '".fc ' tTbe Sute Journal.) Probably nine out of every tea towns in North Carolina are groping along with inefficient administrations, due, not to the personal failure of their officers nor to anything which may just ly be blamed for it. The truth is that town government needs a new suit of clothes. Some of them know it and some do not, and even those who do, don't know just what kind of new suit they need. More than two hundred and twenty live towns through out the United States have found that the commission form is what they need and that it fits the to a T. The size of these towns range all the way from Arkansas Pass in Texas, with a population of 1,061 to New Or leans with four hundred thous and, and are situated in thirty one States The modern town with its many public utilities, demanding expert and careful management, is a co operative business enterprise, and the old aldermanic government, with its diffused responsibility, jangling jealousies, and lack of cohesive punose, is dead. It is the suit1 that fitted us when we were half grown boys with nothing more in administration than to keep the cows off the sidewalks, but we have out grown it. The sooner the towns wake up to the fact the better. We ask our readers to look up the new advertisements in this issue and among them will be found those of Bernhardt Seagle Company, The Racket, Thompson-Lyerly Shoe Company, G. W. Cloer A: Son, Johnson & Smith, Lenoir Hardware & Furn iture Company, Courtney Cloth ing Company, Bank of Lenoir and our Business Ixcals. Woman's Institute of Anton. (Waleslxro Messenger. The annual exhibit of the women of Anson, which will be held this Fall, will be supple mented by the canned products of the girls' tomato club, and the boys' corn club and the women's potato club. The work of the Woman's Institute of An son County is known all over the State. The list for which premiums will be offered will be published soon. The executive committee hopes to be able to offer some good premiums. Our premiums have always com pared well with the premiums of the county fairs of the State. The Same Old Children. In a book written by Bartholo mew Anglicus about' 12(iU one of the most amusing chapters is on the children of his day. Of these he writes: "They dread no perils more than beating with a rod. and they love an apple more than gold and make more sorrow and woe for the loss of an apple than for the loss of a heritage. They desire all that they see and pray and ask with voice and with hand. They keep no counsel, but they tell all that they hear and see. Suddenly they laugh and suddenly they weep. Al ways they cry and jangle and jape; that unnnth they be still while thev sleep. When they be washed of filth, anon thev defile themselves again. When their mother washeth and combeth them they kick and sprawl and put with feet and with hands and withstand with all their might." All of which Bounds very modern and up to date. The sad expression often worn by old men is probably caused by their -having forgotten the thrhgs they thought they knew young. Btate of Ohio, rlty of Toledo, l Lucas County, f Frank J. Cheney mnkes oath that he la iK-nlnr partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney & Co., doing bueineM In the City of To ledo, County and Btate aforesaid, and thnt euld firm will pny the sum of ONH HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery raao of Ciitarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HAT.L'H CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENET. Bworn to before me and subscribed tn py prr pc, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1SS6. (Seal) A. W. OLEABON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curs ! taken Internally f the yitem. Bend (or leatlmonlili, free. ana arii nirocuy upon tne blood and inu r. j. chf.net a co, Toudo. a Hold by U rmirirliiti. 75c, TJu Bell's FeaUl Ful (or eoaetipeUea. 5 Ml 2 Notices under tin head arc 4, One Cent a word each ioaertkn. jjj No andrertiaement tea than tea g j""- B- ::0j Tbcy Brinj Quick Rcsalts S Let ut hare your order tody for your Eter Cakes. Brannta x crown Sprayer and Staying solution of best kind at special price, also a tew beat variety of apple tree still oo hand. j. A. A S. E. Dula. No Need to bother about your bread and cake for Easter, if you send or phone your order to us. W Brannon A Brown. Oh! that delicious Breakfast Bacon at Cloer's Market. SMt-pd LOST One brown and white spotted setter pup about four months old, white mark in forehead'. Liberal reward for information Tr return to 39-2t K. E. Hooer. Thoroughbred Rhcxle Island Reds and Indian Runner Ducks, fawn and white. EtfK for sale $2. per set ting. K. il. Hayes, 33-t.t-pd-fri. Granite Falls, N. C. For Draymc. Mauling and Plowing, see R. J. Huh or phone l'W. ' 37 5U i'lxxI liK'ht Locust Posts to sell at 1. ots at Tolbert A Sherrill's, or de livered to Lenoir or vicinity. 37 Several nice lanns for sale price and terms right. See K. J. liusli or telephone l''. E ASTER Nt V E L T I K S - Has k Eggs, chickens, etc., at the Racket. FUR SALE Three valuable lots suit able for store ami dwelling. locAted on public roail Ix'tween Leioif and Whitnel, apply to .Vi-4t-pl W. S. Smith. Azalea, X. C. EiOfs for setting. Mottled Anconas, Hrown Leghorns, Rhode -.land Reds and Indian Rimers Ducks. Thomas G. Hartley. 2 OXFOKDS AXI) LOW Ol'T SHOES in black, white and tao for Men, Ladies. Hoys, (iirls'nd Children. I bought these goods' early and can Kive vou right prices. M ' The Racket. Buy your mountain seed potatoes at Watson's. Mi Staple Groceries cheap at Wst foil's FOR SALE CHEAP -2 54, Horse Power Gasoline Engine. 3r Lenoir Druff Co. New Spring Oxfords, just in at Thompson-Lyerly Shoe Co. EGGS for setting from mv R. C. and R. I. Red Hens and Pullets which took first prize at Lenoir Poultry Show, 15 for $1.00. M6tled Anconas eggs, 15 for $1.01). J. R. McNairy. MONEY TO LEND on gilt-edge real estate first mortgage, Apply at I he news omce. 1 Our Boyden Shoes are unsurpassed for style and quality, pricfe right. 36 Thompson-Lyerly Shoe Co. Eggs for setting, thorough bredWhite Wyandotts, Barred Plymouth Rock and Indian Runner Ducks. 30 C. B. McNairy. FOR SALE A beam scale, 250 pound capacity, cheap, at News Office. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from Thorough bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, Golden Wyandottesjad Buff Cochin Bantams, at $1.00 per setting of 15 and 13. R. I. Bush. FOR SALE -The lot and building of the Home MilUng Co., on West Main Street in Lenoir, N, C, is for sale. This is a very (U'sipible pro perty and will be sold Aia reason able price. The lot iri45 feet front on West Main street and 177 feet deep. See M. N. Harshaw, 21. tf Agent Home Milling Co. Spring Clothing in many colors. Suits ami odd pants at right) urices. 36 The R ticket. FOR SALE Six roio inff o u rrv Street. Mlem c s e on Mulbe con- veniences. P M. Keever. 34-tf FOR SALE CHEAP- Secondhand hot water boiler, 30 gallon capacity. II. O. Martin. FOR S A L I - A good p rgan , $1 5.00 Cash will but it. The News office. TREAR1IRY DEPATMENT, Of fice of The Secretary, Washington, D. C, March 11, l'M3. Proposals are hereby solicited, to be opened in the Office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, at 10 o'clock A. M. on April 4th, l')13, for the sale or donation to the United States of a corner lot, central ly and conveniently located and suit able for a Federal building site at Le noir, North Carolina The site must be approximately 16,600 square feet in area, and if the lot offered is rect angular, its minimum dimension must be not less than 115 feet. Upon application the Postmaster will supply prospective bidders with a circular giving particulars as to re quirements and instruction lor pre paration of bids and data to accom pany same. W. G. McAdoo, Secretary, No philosopher ever philoso phized more truly than ho who said "poverty sharpens." Even a razor wouldn't be sharp if it wasn't stra arSubBcrirfe for The Ntw $1. BUSINESS LOCALS. nped. cosdessed scHrme UECUU. CLIKHFIEID & CS13 IT. A5D Catim CikKTU as Otto t tire tr sf Sta Cat 3m THB NEW SHORT UB arrvxEn (tent t. m4 Sever Fery Vc mm my, I ., ahmh bm Karl C. mm4 inmitiii. a. C cu.nchpibu Roirrtr EFFECTIVE JAK. 19, 1912. SOt'Ttt BOCKO. Nex x. rW Daily Lt. Dnre, V 8 00 A.M. " St. PauL V 8 20 " " Johnson City, Tenn.... 11 15 " Ar Altap, N. C 2 27 P.M. Lr. Marion. N. C 3 31 " Bostic, N. C 4 30 " Ar. Spartanburg. S. C 5 40 " N. s. Mla4 Dairy. L. Dante. V k 1 10P.M. " St. Paul, Va 1 35 " " Johnson City, Tenn 5 55 " Ar. Altapas. N. C 10 40 " Na. i, MUa4 DaHy. ucapt Sanaay. Lt. Alnpass, N. C 6 15 A.M Marion, N. C 7 49 " " Boatic, N. C 9 10 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. S 10 45 " NORTH BOVhO, Na. 4. Paa. DaUy. Lt. Spartanburg, S. C. . . . 11 00 A.M. At. Bostic, N. C, 12 07 P.M. " Marion, N. C 1 05 " ' Altapass, N. C 2 27 " " Johnson City, Tenn . . . 5 28 " " St. Paul. Va 8 34 " " Dante, Va 9 00 " No. , Pmu Dally Lt. Altapas. N.C t 05 A.M. Ar. Johnson Citv, Tenn... 9 01 " " St. Paul. Va 12 17 P.M. Dante. Va 12 45 P.M. No. 6, Pim. Daily except 5uaday. Lt. Spartanburg, S. C 4 25 P.M. Ar. Ilostic, N. C ' 5 33 " ' Marion, N. C 3o " " Altapass, N. C h 05 " Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite information or to CHAS. 1 . MANDhL. Assis'.ant Gen. Pass. Agent. J. J. CAMPION, V-Pres. and Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tknn. T 1 C. & N-W. Railway. 1:20pm 7:30a. m Lenoir 1:00pm 8:40pm 4:40 " 10:25 " Gastonia 1:.lim S:M) " PlKDMON I AND NOK IHKHN LlNKS. 5:(K)pm 10;50am Gastonia 9:15am5:35pin ,s:o n:w cnariotte 4:4a " Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 1913 Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7:00 am No. 1 7:53 am " 4 8:15 " " 3 9:15 " " 6 9:30 " " 5 10:15 " " 8 10:50 " ' 7 11:40 " " 10 11:45 " " 9 12:40 pm " 12 12:50pm " 11 2:00 " " 16 2:30 " " 15 3:30 " " 18 3:30 " " 17 4:30 " ' 20 5:00 19 5:35 " ." 22 6:30 " 21 7:30 " " 24 8:45 " " 23 9:45 " " 26 10:55 " 25 11:55 " N. B. Schedule and connections not guaranted. . V. PALMER, G. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. You can say goodbye to constipation with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. tor sale by all dealers. Last Call For Taxes. This tis last call for Taxes. All who have not paid their Tax es meet me at the following places on dates given below: North Catawba, March 24th, W. M. Smith's Store, 8 to 11 a. m. Hudson, Throneburg's store, 2 to 5 p. m. Granite Falls, March 25th, 8 to 12 a. m., Rhodhiss, 2 to 4 p.m. Dudley Shoals, March 26th, 8 to 11 a. m., Little River, 1 to 4 p. m. Kings Creek, March 27th, 8 to 11 a. m.. Yadkin Valley, 2 to 4 p. m. Buffalo Cove, Pipes' stor"e, March 28th, 8 to 11a. in., Rich lands, 2 to " p. m. Patterson, March 29th, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Johns River, March Hist, 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. "Wilsons Creek, April 1st, 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. Globe, April 2nd, 8 a. m. to 12 a. in. Gamewell, April 3rd, 8 a. m. to 12 a. m. Please don't forget the places and dates. Your prompt atten tion to this matter will greatly oblige, Yours respectfully, J. P. Icard, ' Sheriff of Caldwell County. SPECIAL NOTICE. Those wishing1 to see or consult me will call at Foot Hills Sanatorium be tween the hour of 10 A. M. and 2.-00 P.M. C. B. McNairy. epeF5oi? Cofiu Planters rr a m W V. The Bernhardt-Seagle Business poli cy guarantees a square deal to every man, woman and child. When we tell you that the Superior Corn Planter is the BEST value for your money, we mean just what we say and you can have any kind of test you want. Come in and look them over no trouble for us no obligation for you. We just want to "Show You." BERNHARDT-SEAGLE GflMPANY Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Furniture Advertise in The News. Points on Paints There are many kinds of ready mixed paints on th market, but if you pay for a painters time to do the work. USE THEBEST PAINT. The Davis 100 Per Cent Pure Paint is guaranteed and stands any rea sonable test. Call and see us if you expect to do any painting. Respectfully, LENOIR HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY Southern Railway Operating Over 7,000 Hiles of Railway. Quick route to all points North, South, East and West. Through trains between principal cities and resorts, afford ing first-class accomodations. Elegant Pullman sleeping cars od all through trains. Dining, club and reservation cars. For speed, comfort and courteous employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. H. DeButts, D. P A J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Ashevllle, N. C. S. H. Hardwlck, P. T. M. H. F. Cary, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Am AC ie Tine LeooiF Mews wffiselii

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