Ttesoat, Arm 15. 1913. MATTERS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Brisf ItaoM f Istsrset to Tswm sso Cmmmtf Reader. Mr. H. T. Newland left Sun day for a business trip to Miss issippi. Mrs. C. W. Hailey went to Rutherford College last week to Tisit relatives. Don't fail to enjoy the Old Folks concert Friday night at Opera House. Admission 25c. Mrs. Amanda Brown of Ashe ville is here on a visit to Mrs. C. B. Harrison and other relatives. Messrs. Monroe Robbins, cf Spear, and Walter Winkler, of Blowing Rock, were both here list week shipping large quan tities of mountain evergreen shrubbery to northern points. We trust no one who has any loved ones buried In the town cemetery, or who has a single particle of town pride, will hes itate about responding to the ap peal of the Cemetery Committee, of the Betterment Association which appears in this issue. This is undoubtedly one of the most important objects the la dies have undertaken and they should not be hampered in the least in the noble work. A rare treat is in store for those who attend the Colonial concert at the Opera House Fri day night. Mrs. Edmund Jones left last Saturday for an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. C.B. Bryan at Petersburg, Va. The Orphean Concert Com pany gave a very good concert in the Graded school auditorium last Saturday night. Mrs. E. W. Hahn of Gastonia arrived here yesterday on a vis it to her sister Mrs. W. L. Miu- ish and other relatives. The little two year old daugh ter of Mr. J. A. Bentley was taken to the hospital for a slight operation last Thursday. Mr. Seagle'snew home on Hi briten Avenue is nearing com pletion and he hopes to move into it about the first of May. Mrs. W. A. West who recently had a limb amputated at the Foot Hills Sanatorium has recovered sufficiently to be taken to her home. Mr. Ii. G. Munday who is in the employ of the Grandin Lum ber Company, at Grandin, was at home Sunday to visit his homefolks. The friends of Mr. W. A. Hall will be delighted to know that he has been greatly bene fited by his stay at Hypea Hos pital, Richmond, Va. Hickory Democrat. Mr. E.. C. Ivey tells us he is getting Washington time regu larly now every day over his wireless telegraph instruments, it coming in distinctly and is easily read, Mr. E. L. Steele sold last Saturday his cottage in the western part of town, to Mr. D. H. Dellinger, who will occupy it as soon as necessary arrange ments can be made. Mrs. Helen E. Shell went to Statesville last week on.a visit to relatives. She will visit her only living uncle Mr. Hile Scroees who lives a few miles from Statesville in the country. It is hoped that a large audi ence will be present on Friday night at the Opera House. The music, readings and costumes from "ve olden times." will be well worth the admission fee, 25 cents. Mrs. Jeff Hubbard, of Val mead, was operated on for tu . mor last Thursday at the Foot Hills Sanatorium. The opera tion was a serious one and atone time it was thought the lady could not live, but she is slowly recovering. Mr. T. L. Nelson who is one ) of the superintendents of con struction on the Watauga ana Yadkin River Railway, came home Saturday to spend Sun dav with his family. His camps are now located at Darby about 19L miles from Cooks Gap and the grading is mostly done f rom Elk ville to that place. , Mr. O. W. Clin who moved from this place to Florida a Vear olr bo ago and then return ed to Thomas ville in this state has accepted a position as man ager of: DM shoe repairing de partment at the Thompson-Ly .erly Shoe Company add arri? ed ,here last week to begin work. Csscord Prseaytery. The next meeting ot Concord Prestjytefy, will convene In the Presbyar,ian, church at this place next Wednesday 23rd and continue, in session for three days. The meeting will be com posed of about clerical and lay delegates and will represent the Presbyterian church in nine counties. A number of able ministers will be present and there will no doubt be much good preaching in addition to the interesting routine features of the assembly. PoSdtt 5WU I Paid. (Union Republican.) Stereopticon Lecture. Rev. J. O. Fulbright will de liver a Stereopticon Lecture at Kings Creek next Saturday night llJth. His subject will be an "Evening of Laughter" and some of the pictures lie will present will be the and his Calf" "Uncle Rastus and his Mule" "The Elephant's Revenge" and others, inter sperced with songs. A small admission fee will be charged and the proceeds will, we under- tand be used for the benefit of the school building, probably re painting it. School Truateei. Our people are much interest ed in selecting good progressive men for the new board of Trus tees for Lenoir Graded Schools and we have heard many names mentioned. By request we are giving below two tickets that have been suggested. J. M. Bernhardt, J. L. Nelson, J. W. Whisnant, E. F. Allen, A. A. Kent, C. B- Harrison and C. D. Rabb. The other ticket sug gested is E. F. Wakefield, J. L. Nelson, A. A. Kent, W. J. Leri- . - i-s an -r r T k oir, Hi. tf . Alien, j. m. uern hardt, J. W. Whisnant. As noted in our last issue, in surance men, upon the call of State Commissioner Young, gathered in this city the past week. There have been a se ries of unfortunate fires here during the past year and inves tigation was desired. -There were charges of over insurance and loss quite naturally, etc Examinations and inspections were made and what was the re sult? That there was no over insurance, that Winston-Salem bad as good fire departments as there was in the State; an abund ant supply of water, property insured was in a satisfactory condition and tnat a most liberal patronage was extended. Ac cording to Commissioner Young, North Carolina pays some $4, 000,000 for insurance, with loss es at about $1,000,000. Of course Winston-Salem pays its proportionate part That fires come is a matter of regret and such misfortunes are unavoida ble. Yet when the golden streams of one section fails to pour its wealth into the insur ance coffers for a brief period, then there is a protest, exaini nation, inspection and insinua tions. Peopfe insure for pro tection. They pay their poli cies year after year at prices fix ed by the insurance companies. When calamity comes they ex pect to receive what they pay for in a business like way and without occasion for special meetings, investigations and in- 'Farmer 1 sinuations upon the entire com munity. It is unjust to the cit izens, to liberal insurance pat rons and to the good name of Winston-Salem. Xev reading- matter appears la this space each week. 17 REASONS FOR SAV ING 2nd Reason. Emergency Bank accounts tides you through sickness, loss o employment, hard tim accidents, bad crops, in sures you against bank ruptcy after floods, light ning tornadoes, cyclones. Will get you out of any trouble and keep you out FIRST Nlll BANK lenoir; n. 0. T. J. L-uti, President 3. B. Atkinson, V-Preaideat O. P. Lotx, Cashier E. F. Allkm, Ass't Cashier Notary Public at tank Make Us Prove It W dsn not exarrtrate to ytw- We are dependent epos your patroatre. To get It we must have your trust and coaft fence. Wr make the following statements with a full under standing of what they mean to us. Yea are safe when jm believe In these state meats. For the Bowels If Tom only ksew m smkb ae v lAOM WSSkSeS f bowel Es sad ia s short about Basil OrderUae, yoe xiid beaaesUksaaatx bom rsoaraiesd isa theea ss we era. Tsey tasta )ut hie eeady. They set s eaaly ssd so plwitly that the tskts W team st s pit an. Evas ehSdraa Eke RexaQ Order Baa: and you as that si s bmsV cue appeal to s eaOd. M sis' appeal to gross-upa. kelp ehaaa gloom. &apai blocs sad asks Torn M saps by tsesr i did tonic, ciaaaasc ssd UafUta iat effect upon the bowels They set to ire um rytleao-ead keep it free (rem the dWreas aad ill freiinj that satarsUjr reealte from irregular sad kscav bowels, Bsisil Orderlies do tbia quietly, without griping or causing nauera, purging o aaeaaarv Uoeeut-ea. They act to overcome aad remove the causa saoauv ssase saDacaaeary tha aoa faaoad aae af phyatca aad purgativaa, thua trading to atop aueh antwalthj habits ss aosr hsvs bees formed. Make Us Prove This We do sot ask rom ta taas oo word for tlna, Wa wsss yea ta asskat se proea it, sod st so cost to you. Buy s boi of Razstt Orderlies as our Mora. Use thees eoea, ar usa as the whole box. Thea, U you. srs sot thoroughly satisfied, mat eoase Wk empty handed sad tell as. Without obligatiBg you or quratins tog you wa will retura tha moaar 70s paid sa tor thesa. Doeao't thst indicate thst Ressl Oraaruea are at leaat warthy of thait Deeas't it pro? e cur faith ia thsatT Doeao't it merit your eon&deaeet Could soy offer be mora fair Is you? We particularly recomsMnd KesaB QrderUss tor children deucsts sad aged paraoss. Ressl Ordrrtiee eoeaa k eooTesueat veevpaekes aiss Us boxes. 12 tableta, 10c; 34 tablets. 16c; 80 tablets, 50c CAUTION : Please bear ia roiod that Retail Orderlies are not eold by all giata. You cao buy ReiaJI Orderlies only at Tha Raxaii chorea. You ess buy Rexsll Orderiiea io commusity ooly at our atora: LENOIR Clean up Day. Next Saturday has been des ignated by the Ladies of the Betterment Association as Clean up tay" and it is hoped every body will heartily co-op erate in this most worthy work The mayor assures the ladies that all rubbish and refuse that is collected will be hauled off, if it is placed at convenient places so that the garbage wagon can net to it. A little work on the part of every body will do much towards the attractiveness ana healthiulness ol our town and . 1 1 A A every person snouia see w 11 that the work is done promptly and thoroughly. Shear Brutality. (Greensboro News.) Of all the cold, heartless, trag ical things, that story from Hay wood county is the worst. Nothing quite like it has dark ened the criminal annals of this state perhaps of any state for a long while. The charge is that an aged woman, of the name of Kerlee, wishing to get rid of her three-year-old grand daughter, took the THE M COST OF HIGH LIVING Will be1 realized next winter if you buy one of our "El Flo" lannmg (Hunts ana can your surplus fruits and vegetables this summer. We have the kind you want. Our Canning Outfits are giving universal satisfaction in the United States, Canada Mexico and China. I'rices $;lrt0 up. Car Load of Cans just receiv ed. We offer special prices on cans for sales during April. Good, sturdy Hot House To mato i'lants, oy t'arcei rost, cents ner dozen. Have the first tomatoes in your community. Write for catalog ana price list. HOME CANKER MFG. CO., Hickory, N. C, U. S. I LENOIR DRUG CO. The foyxatl Store north caroluu TSm k a TUzaO Store Id mita mr? town eaa a)y a Che United States Canada aaa) Oraaa Britain Thar a linwaot Raxall Kwamir fee nearly eeery ordinary eoaaaa Ik aaeh rrr-""- iimr ' U oarucuiai ill tar akua 11 e naaauDeoded " rite wexsl) Stores srs . merles' Greatest Drug Mores SBKOHF It is not only lichtninff proof but fire-proof and storm-proof, too. CORTR1GHT METAL SHINGLES i.i .ii'ii- l i last as long as the Duiiaing ana nevrr need renairs. Just the thing (or town or country buikLncs, because thrv mrt avtrv rruirlitinn rJ rnmfnrt Liiuhr KnJ rsr-X A. lEFg For Sale by Lenoir Hardware & Furniture Co. ;. 1 Lenoir, N. C. Mui Meeting. a We understand the usual mass meeting of citizens to nominate child into candidates for town officers will the mountains and confined it in be held next Tuesday night 22nd. aroutrh. craesrv olace to die of A citizeQ who is larKe'y mter- exposure and starvation. A ested in the welfare of the town child left in the mountain fast- suggests that it would be a wise nesses to crv its heart out in measure for the meeting to nom terror until death came! The hnate two i?kets or furteen imagination of Dickens never men for Commissioners, and then let the seven men receiving tne Yomip Slaffioeeiiy pictured a thing more horrible, as the result of human deprav ity, icrnorance and brutality. The sow that eats her offspring avoid the possibility of another 1 1 largest number of votes be the Commissioners. This would is not more brutish. ticket and a factional fight, for Rst. J. O. Fulbright Resigns. Many of our people regardless of denomination, will regret to learn that Rev. J. O. Fulbright, pastor of the Baptist church at this place has tendered his res ignation. The announcement came last Sunday as quite a shock to most of his congrega tion. He has had several calls to larger fields, some of them in the middle west and his resigna tion is due entirely we under stand to these calls. His work here has been most acceptable, not only to his own congrega tion, bnt to our entire cominuni ty and his untiring energetic ef forts have been productive of fine results. Hia congregation Is bendlhcr everv effort to ret&ih him and, has hopes of doing w and therefore has not accepted his resignation. We have wondered what will any voter should be able to se- become of this case, if the pros lect from the fourten men named ecuting officers will in time let seven he could support for Com- if rlrnii Tinhlip is nnlv miSSlOnerS. interested, perhaps, in an ab stract way, and may come to for get. On the strength of the find ings of the coroner's jury, the Kerlee woman is in jail. If she is guilty then that guilt ought to be determined, with as little delay as possible. If she would prefer a life sentence, then she ought to be hanged; if she had rather be hanged, then she ought to be given a life sen tence. Justice ought to begin here below. The law ought to avenge the death of that child. Her Reason. "Why did you lead me on to pro pose to you?" he asked, on the night of the danoe. "Why did you encour age me if you Intended to refuse me?" "You do me a great Injustice," she answered. "What have I ever done to make you think that I loved you?" "When you danced with the other men, ne replied, you Kepi mem at arms length. But when you danced with me you-leaned on my shoulder you almost let me carry you." That was to keep my feet off the floor so that you wouldn't step on my toes. You are a very bum dancer, you know. Have you no other rea sons?" L. Scott a respected and reli able colored man died suddenly Really Interesting People. Stevenson says he once sailed on a steamer wnicn lurnea out io us si at his home in the northern part ship with no style on, but with plenty nfnn, V!,low nirrht Wa Of SallOri tO taUI tO. -flenty OI 1 1 .ltAesas n IV AM Sill VCSASltsl fnADT I V. naa Deen m nis usual neann ine mag but you cia nJt tn a day before and did not complain man by the company he keeps." The nf hcinrr a r-lr hia fnmilv great man loves to rub elbows witn During the night he bad OCCa- common people, people who live their sion to get up and upon retiring own queer- way regardless of man he passed away at once without mf 1wr wh,m "d a struggle, a numoer 01 years , who. wise or foolish, ar- ago he appeared as a witness in natural and Interesting. court and vfhen asked by a law yer what his occupation was, he replied that he followed digging wells, cellars and 'systems" meaning cisterns. The body was buried Sunday in the ceme- tery ior coiorea people. The Lenoir Mews $1.00 a year Natural History. "Why. air," said Mf. Dustln Stax. "do you )MI mv an amphtWaiir " refer to your method of capltaU iatlon," , ' "Tnt t have developed lb reeouroM cf tha land." i - -Tet. Bttt.whea ytw, get tired ef the land you take to water." Give it one-tenth the con sideration you give to the appearance of your goods -arid you'll telephone us to submit suggestions for its improvement. There is an advertising value an impression-making value in business sta tionery that works for you or against you. A firm's stationery, is something like an individuals person al appearance. It often gives you your first, and sometimes your only, im pression of him. We know how to make it work for you-by giving you "Impressive Sta tionery." Let us show you the difference. The News Printery. J The News Printery for Good Job Printing-