Man on the Wire Br Dorothy Douglas Kathleen stirrevl uneasily in the big chair bv the tin.-. A fitful wind had blown up to d.turb a calm twi light. The irl glanced up at the ckvk and st Ht-d a sigh. Her parents would not return for another two hour? and Kathleen had legun to feel the letie lines of bem? in a house in the country with only a little yellow dog for companionship. Even Mike had growu retles as he snoozed by the tire and Kathleen watched his little body tremble with inward growls as the creaking of a door or the gentle tapping of branch es on the windows disturbed his slumber. "Mike, if you were not Fiich a nice little yellow dog 1 would wish you were a (ireat Dane or some ferocious beast so that I wouldn't feel so spooky when you and I are alone in the house." Kathleen turned again to her mag azine, but the steadily rising wind began to play havoc with her nerves, and when the telephone clashed a loud ring she sprang from her (hair in sheer fright. Kathleen went to the telephone, but no answer rewarded her. The number had not been rung, central informed her. She returned to her chair, but be fore she had seated herself another sharp ring startled her. Kathleen spoke with asperity to central. "The telephone certainly rang!" "Probably it is the wind," came back from central, and Kathleen hung up the receiver. She went to her chair, determined not to be diturbed again. The imperious ring did not come, but a gentle, regular tinkling of the bell continued. Kathleen drew a breath of relief and remembered that often before the wind had played up on the wires in that persistent, exas perating way. Mike et ill growled inwardly, but Kathleen became absorbed in her Btory. Gradually, however, she became conscious that while the wind had abated there still continued that maddening tinkle of the telephone bell. Kathleen arose and went to the window. Outside all was calm and clear and moonlit and Kathleen let her troubled nerves absorb some of that calm. After a moment's hesi tation she decided to investigate the cause of the telephone's regular tinkling. Mike, because he felt in duty bound to follow his mistress' every step went with her up the low flight of stairs to the second floor. Switching on the lights as she went Kathleen made her way to the back of the house and there her nerves again played her false. A low sound, much as of some one calling came from the outside world. Mike set up a deafening bark and when Kathleen's shaking fingers found the electric switch and flood ed the room with light Mike was jumping at the window. A ui6tinct xieiio now came through the window. Kathleen gath ered all her courage and peered out The light from the room streamed full force on a man's face. Kath leen had time to observe that it was not the face of a highway robber. Mike had ceased to bark and Kath leen leaned far out the window. "Who is there?" she called out. In a semi-consciouK way Kath leen's eyes had traveled beyond the man and she saw, there in the great oak branches, that which had once been an airship. "I am here just now," came in a weak but deep voire. "I am lump; - inn by my belt when that gives out" "0!" Kathleen had vanished from the window and now with Mike close at her heels she came swiftly from the kitchen door. "I will get you a step ladder!" she Called to the man, who presented an unusual spectacle hanging from the branch of a tree. Kathlecii hlruggled there in the moonlight with the great ladder, and then in his almost tragic posi- tion, the stranger had the power rlmire the snrc, iwift movement of 4hUtUfigTirt.. With aa ef ort he rtaii?d ta pet U ft planted on the ladder tie ui bld beneath him. When he ached the ground he toppled orer. le lay still for a moment and the -irl bent OTer him. She vt all strength now and tenderness. Til be all right in a minute when my diaphragm gets to work .ng." He sat up. "You eared my ife," he said, and looked wondering y into her face. He was getting his .reath hm-fc now and his hand uneon oiouslv stroked Mike's nose which nad thrut itself inM his hand. Kathleen watched the man and the tog and felt curiously at peace. "1 was out like an idiot for a short moonlight sail in the air," the man explained. "It was calm when I started, but that wind " He cast a rueful glance at the huge wreck in 'he tree. "I must have hung by that leather Ult for 15 minutes. I could, 1 v swinging, touch some wires." ""You certainly did touch some wires; 1 scolded central and grew Kevish at the elements thinking thev were responsible for calling me lo the phone." The man eehoed her laugh, and it did not seem strange to Kathleen that she was sitting in the back gar den with a perfectly strange man and talking as if he were her neighbor. "It has been an experience," ("ranger remarked, "but one that I do not care to try again." He gently rubbtd the line of his waist where the leather strap seemed still to dutch. "1 am forgetting," Kathleen said with ipiiek thought, "that you may be badly in need of " "No, no that is too much to ask after vou have saved my life," (J ranger exclaimed and arose tc his feet. Kathleen was silent a moment. then she looked up at the man. "1 believe 1 am a little afraid to go back in the house alone." she said t Has not Me fat ef a hyhway robber shyly, "and the fire in the sitting room needs another log. They are verv heavy logs and there are some fresh doughnuts in the bouse and " "Please don't say any more laughed Granger. She continued. "I am going to make some coffee and wait up for mamma and papa so that I can hear all about the play." She drew close tc (J rancor. "I hate to do all these things alone." "1 am Tom Granger," lie said and kept his voice steady, ''and complete ly at your service." Kathleen smiled and stooped quickly to pick up the little yellow dog. "Mike," she said, breathlessly, "tell Mr. Granger that your name is Mike and that you belong to Kath leen McVicker." TOO HASTY. At a locture a well-known author ,ty on economics mentioned the fact that in pome parte of America the number of men was considerably larger than that of women, and he added humrously : "I can, therefore, recommend the ladies to emigrate to that part." A vounc woman seated in one of 1 the last rows of the auditorium got "P and, full of indignation, left the room rather noisilv, whereupon the lecturer remarked: "I did not mpan that it fhould be , lne in such a hurry." Tit-Bita. I ' INCREDIBLE. I Mips Scribble The heroine of my i Mxt R,nI7 '8 one ' those mod- , , rD advanced girls who have ideas of ; "n and doa't want to get mar- Tlfd- to1 ' he Colonel (po.iteljr) Ah, in- 'n t uuna i eter met that tjps. Lift. m)m Lumber. We are in the market at all tiroes for &nj kind of Inmber, for which we will paj c&sh. when loaded on car. At the present we need one million feet, each, Oak, Poplar and Pine. Write us for prices, stating Equality, quantity and kind you hav and mention your nearestlsWppinjr point. 42 t PIEDMONT HARPWARF CO. E. Morrison, Secy. STATESV1LLE. N. C. Miracles IF YOU BF.LIEVE IN AD VERTISING MIRACLES WE CAN'T TALK BUSINESS. IF YOU DO WANT TO EMPTY YOUR SHELVES OF OVERSTOCKED GOODS WE CAN HELP. TO ADVERTISE IS NOT 'A FAD IT'S COMMON BUSLNESS SENSE. NOTICE. State o' North Carolina (.'.iti1' -i' - nn-t . t In Ke-Sale of r.:ii'' for Taxes I Listed to !'" ivxl Karne.-t. To Haywooil Karnest: You will take notice, that a sale of real estate for the non-payment of tax es, made in the county aforesaid, on tie.Sthday of August, 112, the un dersigned became the purchaser of the real estate hereinafter1 descrilx-d, taxed in the named of Haywood Karn est; that said land or lot so purchased, is on the assessment roll described as follows, to-wit: Interest in Land Patterson Town ship; that the taxes for which said land or lot was sold were those as sessed for the year 1911, and that the time of redemption for such lands will expire Aug. 5, 1913. This April 12. 1913. 4-9t-pd A. McGinnis. T C. A N-W. Railway. 1 :20pm 7:30a. m Lenoir ;i :00pm 8:40pm 4:40 " 10:25 " Gastonia 9:30am 5:40 " Piedmont and Northern Lines. 5 :00pm 10 ;50am G astoni a 9 :1 5am 5 :35pm 5:45 " 11:40 " Charlotte 8:15 " 4:45 " Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 1913. OA. Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7:00 an No. 1 7:53 am " 4 8:15 " " 3 9:15 " " 6 9:30 " " 5 10:15 " " 8 10:50 " " 7 11:40 " " 10 11:45 " " 9 12:40pm " 12 12:50pm " 11 2:00 " " 16 2:30 " " 15 3:30 " " 18 3:30 " " 17 4:30 " " 20 5:00 " " 19 5:35 " " 22 6:30 " " 21 7:30 " " 24 8:45 " " 23 9:45 " " 26 10:55 " " 2.5 11:55 " N. B. Schedule and connections published as information only and are not guaranted. C. V. PALMER, G. P. A. Charlotte, N. C For Rent Rooms in the new Mar tin Building. Suitable for Offices or light house keeping. City water and Electric Lights in . the building. See H. C. Martin. SA1YE IN THE WORLD Quickest Relief, Surest Cure of Barm, Bolls, Sores, Eciemi, Pilot, Soalds, Itch, U cers, Skin - Eruptions, Pimples, Faver-Sorts, Chapped Hands. Money Back If It Faila n Cents At All Druggi.ta A reiigiouf journal says that tliprp is no Dolitics in henven. popQ reason or other nothing RBR d t lace I COJTBESSED SCHr-DCLK CAECUIA, CU1SHFIELD & CH!3 BY. Crla CJsanrW 01 to taSvaj at Sacth Careda TUB NEW SHORT L4.NB ETWEZX Da to. St. Pm aaa Smr'a Fatty V. aa CJty, Taa. Ataaa aaa Maria. CU.NCHPtEUD ROUTS" EFFECTIVE JAK. 19, 1912. SOCTM BOlD. Na. J. Pa. Daily Dante, Va 8 00 A.M. Lt " St. Paul. Va 8 2D " " Johnson City, Tenn.... U 15 " Ar Altapasa. N. C 227 P.M. Lv. Marion, N. C 3 31 " Bostic. X. C " Ar. Spartanburg, S. C 5 40 " ISa. 3. Mixed Daily. Lv. Dante, Va 1 10 P.M. " St. Paul, Va 1 3o " Johnson City, Tenn.... 5 55 " Ar. Altapass. X. C 10 40 " Na. i, Mild Daily, excapt Sanaay . Lt. Altapass. X. C 6 15 A.M " Marion. X. C 7 49 " " Bostic, X. C 9 10 " Ar. Spartanburg, S. S 10 45 " NORTH BOi'ND, Na. 4, Pa. Dally. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C 11 00 A.M. Ai. Bostic, X. C 12 07 P.M. " Marion, N. C 1 05 " Altapass, X. C 2 27 " " Johnson City, Tenn . . . 5 28 " " St. Paul, Va 8 34 " " Dante, Va 00 " Na. a. Past. Dally. Lv. Ar. Altapass, N.C 0 05 A.M. Johnson Citv, Tenn... 9 01 " " St. Paul, Va 12 17 P,M. " Dante, Va 12 45 P.M. No. o. Pass. Dally except 5undy. Lv. Spartanburg, S. C... 4 25 P.M. Ar. lio-stic, X. C 5 33 " " Marion, X. C h 35 " " Altapass, X. C 8 05 " Patrons art- requested to apply to nearest Aent for definite information or to CHAS. T. MAXDEL, Assistant Gen. Pass. Affent. J. J. CAMPIOX, V-Pres. and Traffic Manager, Johnson Ci ty, Tksn. For Burnt, Bruises and Sore. The quickest and surest cure for burns, bruises, loils, sores, inflamma tion and all skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L. H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of a sore on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Should be in ev ery house. Only 25c. Recommended by J. E. Shell & Co. NOTICE OF SALE. Byrirtucofa judgment of the Su perior Court of Caldwell County, in the cause entitled H. M. Crouch, vs. T. P. Crouch, Admr. of Laban E. Hoke, deceased and Felix Abernethy, ren dered at the February Term, 1913, of said Court, the undersigned Commis sioner will, on Monday the 5th. day of May, 1U3, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House Door in Lenoir, Cald well County, N. C, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land lying and being in Lovelady Township, Caldwell County, State of North Car olina, bounded as follows, viz. Ad joining David Poovey, Felix Aber nethy and others, bounded as follows, Beginning on a stake in M. B. Hel ton's line, and runs South 72 poles to a white oak stump; then with J. H. Abernethy 's line 60 poles to a stake on the South brink of road in Bost's line (Now Felix Abernethv's line); then North with Felix Abernethy's line 155 poles to a post oak, David Poovey's corner; then West with the said Poov ey's line 86 poles to the beginning, con taining 33 acres, more or less, being the same land conveyed by deed of La ban E. Hoke and wife Jane C. Hoke to the said Felix Abernethy, dated Sept. 21, 1889, and recorded in Cald well County in Book No. 22, page 99, to which deed and the record thereof reference is hereby made for greater certaint. . This 1st day of April, 1913. T. P. Croocii. Commissioner & Administrator. Labor may carry the day, that is the eight-hour day. 40 OVER 68 YEARS' "V EXPERIENCE Tradi Marks DfttONt ' CO-VRIOHTS AC. AnTOMiatxIInf atkatnh nd dMartptloa may qnloklT aaocrtiiln our opinion fraa wbathar ao Itifentlnn It prohnMr patantabla, Cotnmonlca. Ilnniitiietlroonililantfal. HANDBOOK onPatanta ant fraa. OlrtMt Manor for oarlnipatanu. f'Menta taken throuih Muiid A Co. raoalT nvtriat nntUt, without obarca, In ttaa Scientific American. A lmn1nmtr illnotratad wnoklf. larrat etr cuIkikmi i f anr clatnlllo Journal, Term, IS a rmr i four mc,ntb. It Bold brail nowadtalara. M IINN K Pn SeiBraaow, Will, W WWI HUM I Braoen omoa. r SU rTaihloaioo. D. For Sale A thirteen room Hoard ing House, well ar ran Red, larie lot, fine water, nice location, in village of Blowing Kock. Will exchange for good farm property or sell on easy terms. I-U C. VARTINf LENOItt, N. C. LIVED ON RAW EGGS Kr. EdanTs Expcriwct lfth CIT-i fcrtnt Diets. PcichtJ 12J BctttnnUl for Thru Yeirs. Cecfltoa, AW. Mr. Geore Rkfcarda, of this place, during the past 12 years. has probably tnea more amereni aiea than the average person would crer use in a lifetime. What he has to say about his experi ments, must therefore be highly interest ing to anyone suffering from indigesuoa or stomach troubles of any kind. He says: "For more than 12 years. I suffered with stomach troubles, and paid hundreds of dollars for doctor bull and medicines. 1 was also operated on for piles. I Ived on dried peaches and buttermilk for nearly three years. The only thing that would not give me pain was raw eggs. I was a physical wreck. 1 could not sleep, and was as near crazy as a maa could well be. I must say that after taking two 25-cem packages of Thedford's Black-Draught it did me more good than all I ever speni for other medicines. I have been working daily on the farm ever since, and I am as hard as iron." This purely vegetable remedy has been in successful use for more than 70 years. Try it. Butbesurethatit's,The4od,l.,, CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COkPANY SCHEDULE .Northbound Dally Pastotr fit. M. Chester Lt 7 55 a m Yorkville Gastonia Gastonia Lincolnton Newton Hickory Lenoir Mortimer Edgemont Ar 8 42 y 30 1 10 26 11 05 11 4.S p tn 1 00 2 20 2 30 Passeofer No. 8. Gastonia 5 40 Lincolnton 6 31 p.m. Newton 7 08 Hickory 7 40 Lenoir'. 8 40 Mixed No. 62. Lei oir 2 00 pm Mortimer 4 10 Edgemont 4 30 Mixed No. 60. Chester LtII 45 p m Yorkville 1 OS Gastonia 3 00 t Mixed No. SO Hickory Lt 7 05 am Lenoir Ar a 40 Southbound No. '. Edgemont Lt 11 55 am Mortimer 12 03 Lenoir Ar 1 15 pm Lenoir Lv Hickory Newton Lincolnton Gastonia Ar Gastonia Lt Yorkville Chester Ar 2 30 3 05 3 43 4 40 5 3 t 25 Passenger No. 7. Lenoir 7 30 a. m Hickory 8 27 Newton 8 50 Lincolnton 9 27 Gastonia 10 25 Mixed No. 63. Edgemont Lt 7 30 am Mortimer 7 40 Lenoir Ar 10 15 Mixed No. 61. Gastonia Lt 7 00 am Yorkville 8 35 Chester Ar 10 25 Mixed No. SI Lenoir Li 2 45 pm 4 20 Hickory Ar Leave Arrive Chester -Southern Ry..S.A. L. and L & C. Yorkville Southern Railway. Gastonia Southern Railway. Lincolnton- S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Ry. E. P. REID, Qei. Pasienier Aft. Coughs and Consumption. Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs. The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery. You will get relief from the first dose, and finally the cough will disap pear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes: "My wife was down in bed with an obstinate cough, and I honestly believe had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living to day." Known for forty-three years as the best remedy for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by J. E. Shell & Co. People do not like the music of the fellow who blows his own horn. Paint in tha Stomach. If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your liver or your kidney areout of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabe tes or Bright's disease. Thousands recommend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. N., who suffered with pain in the stomach and back, writes: "My kid neys were deranged anil my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Bitters was recommended and I improved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man. It ill improve I, m. inn OnI Min and 11.00. Rm. , ommeuded by J. E. Shell A Co, doer's Barber Shop ' (Jooea Building-, Opposite P. O.) The leading aod most coovtn leot Barber Shop ta Lenoir. WE DO TOTJE WORK QUICK AXD EABYi 1 C. Banks McNairv T a r-v M. Da RESIDENCE AT I Foot Hills Sanatorium Phone WW WW W W WW V W Dr. C. L Robbins DENTIST nntt riwitfia In Tiiil KniMtn w &u ar u s v a VUUUIUB i Phone 106 Dr. 0. L. Moore DEINTIST Office Over First National Bank 'PHONE 85 S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion given to collection of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of legal papers. Real Estate titles in vestigated. Office in MILLER BUILDING. JEWELER Ln Lenoir, N.C. Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back? writes IL T. Alston, Baleigh, N. X,"and mj liver snd kidneys did not work right, bat four bottles or. J&iectno fitters mads me feel like a new man. PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG. STORES. Seaboard Air Line. SCHEDULE Trains Lkavk Charlottk Effec tive Jan. 5. 1913. NO. 405:00 a. m. Through train for Wilmington with parlor car attach ed. Connects at Hamlet with No , 88 for Portsmouth and Norfolk. No. 61 for Raleigh, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; dining car service and vestibule coaches f Washington; Pullman sleeping cars to Jersey City. NO. 48 7:80 a. m. For Monroe and all points south. NO. 18810:55 a. m. Local for Lla- colDton, Shelby and Rutherfordton. NO. 444:00 p. ra. Local for Wilminrl ton, connecting at Hamlet with fast vestibule trains for Jacksonville, Fla., and all points south. NO. 47 4:40 p. m. For Rutherford . ton and west. NO. 1827.45 p. m. Handles local sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk connects at Monroe with No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with through sleeper to Birmingham; at Monro with No. 82, fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jer sey City. Connects at Hamlet with No. 98 with through vestibule coaches to Washington Dining ear Richmond to New York. Pullmaa sleepers to New York. Trains Arrivk at Charlotte. NO. 18310:56 a. in., from the east. NO. 4610:05 a. m., from the west. NO. 4512:10 p. m., from the east. NO. 182-7:10 . . m., froi- the west. NO. 497:25 p. m , from the east. NO. 8911:00 p. m. f ouj the east. C. H. Rtan. H P. A , Norfolk, Va. Jamks Kkr. T P A , hHrlotie. N. 0. H. 8. Leahh. I) P A , Raleigh, N.0. Drive Sick Haadachai Away, Sick headaches, sour gasoy stomach, indigestion, biliousness disappear' quickly after you take Dr. King's New Life PilU. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the sys tem. Try them and you will be well """ f"1 ""k" guarantcea. rrica oc. necumrocn- ded by J. E. Shell A Co.

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