TWICE-A-WCEK IL C. MARTIN, Editoi ii Piomttoi Enttrcvl at tbe Poto35c at Lcooir, M. C, conl-el.s4 matter. Subcription price $1.00 a year, ix oath 50 cents, thre months 25 ccoU. This paper is scot only to subscribers who pay in advance. Advertising rates oa application. Tt LI phone No. 54. and society, must be upheld. Therefore we are constrained in this cise to endorse the course of Governor Mann, who "having full knowledge," after most thorough and critical in vestigation, refused to interfere with the execution of the men. Friday. Apbil 18. 1913. Our esteemed friend Mr. Sav age, of Blowing Rock, takes is sue with us in regard to the ex ecution of two of the Allen gang connected with the awful Hills jille tragedy. We are glad to publish his communication and join heartily with him in wish ing the time may soon come when the reign of the Savior's teachings, will have full sway over and control the lives and actions of mankind. But that time has not yet arrived, and until it does come, human laws for the protection of human life By an oversight of the School Trustees, or some body charged with the duty, the notice for the election on Graded School bonds, as provided for in an act of the recent Legislature, has not been published therefore no election on this question can le gally be held on May the 1st as the law directs. This will leave the school in the present condi tion until another meeting of the Legislature, which will pos sibly be held in the fall of this year. It is unfortunate that the trustees must continue to re new obligations at high rates of interest, which were intended to be provided for by a bond issue at a lower rate. this issue from th pea of Rev. C T. Squires, is good and will meet with hearty endorsement, from many persons, but those who advocated thd tried to put those Ideas into laws, by the re cent Legislature, failed. There is therefore no remedy availa ble until the re assembling of the General Assembly, in the mean time what is to be done with the conditions that con front the town and the Graded School? We are publishing in this is sue a comprehensive and accu rate financial statement of the condition of the Graded School as prepared by Messrs. S. S. Jennings and E. F- Allen, two expert accountants. This is right and proper that such a statement be made public and we trust the town authorities will do likewise at the proper time. NOT A CIXT. (From Tbe Bosn Globe.) Hippy U the sua who U content With saoderate wealth and store: L'abappy be vhote nit! U brat - On ever (ainiof sure. Tfee roal of entile free is poff. Tbe journey dark and rough; So he but does himself a v roof Who seeks no re than enough; For, with the piling up of wealth, There comes the aJJed care. That when shall fail his strength aod health. Will every Joy impair. And yet on one the habit grows To dig, to drudge, to save; And ere a mortal hardly knows His call comes f rom the grave. Then people wonder and surmise. When he has passed from earth; Aod some are startled with surprise When told what he was worth. For, when his will is read, they find, Whate'er his heart's intent, All that he had he left behind. Nor took with him a cent. Heavens! Lot us hope tlnvt j the crimnal court judge will not The article on Taxation, in wear hobble skirts. "Why," said the teacher, "does a bride invariably desire to be clothed in white at her j marriage?" As no one answer I ed, she explained. "White," said she, "stands for joy, and the wedding day is the most j joyous occasion life." A small bov queried, "Whyiuj i do the men all wear black: Y is the most'X( of a woman's ! I i ni i We are selling large quantities of the Famous DotIs 100 Per Cent Pnure Paiiets and if you expect to do $ny painting this season, see us and let us figure with you. " "--niM-s Respectfully, LENOIR HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY i 1 o n ;pxOTM AND SALE ON GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE One Week Only April 21st to 26t One Week Only SAVE $8.00 As a special inducement during our de ministration week only, with every MA JESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same) we will give free one handsome set of ware as illustrated here. Every piece of this ware is the best of its kind; Not a piece that is not needed in every kitche.i. Itcaunot possibly be bought for less than 8.00. This ware is on exhi bition at our store. Don't fail to see it. iyinJE9TICtWHEg nREHIflBE IN fla-glZE? fltt5TYLEg SPECIAL All during this week a special demons trator direct from the MAJESTIC! FAC TORY will be glad to show you "ALL ABOUT RANGES" SHOW YOU why the MAJESTIC is the best range on earth at any price. Come, If You Intend IU DUV Ul i Ul. Ijj I, EDUCATION lies in KNOWING THINGS KNOW why the oven of a range is heated KNOW how the water is heat ed WHY the MAJESTIC uses so little fuel KNOW how a range is made inside and outside. This education may serve you in the future. Don't overlook a chance to kt'ow things shown by one who knows. COME. MflJE5Tlt MEVER-RURn LOOKER f fliH HI I SWVRBLrJZWwSinVPr? TEflmEULLEN&ER AND J1JIP I LMR5E DEVER-BfRM VUlREtV HEAVY 5TiWE& IRW hlflRBLEIZEG w SHU 1 M hi H rFnlr-tf II fcRIPPIMS PAN: 2 UETTLE WPPEH TEA KETTLE PllMH Lffcj I BIRll-UM?EB-DRIPPII16-PflN5- 14 02-ALL WPPER iiitfiHis.;''- mww, - -musm. Minimi .. . ,i i mw Which Shall It Be? Do you intend to continue laboring, burniDg valuable fuel and destroying high priced food with that id worn out cook stove? You know that old stove eats np a lot of fuel each year. You know you have trouble in getting it to bake jst right, in fact, spoil a batch of bread every once in a while you know it costs considerable for yearly repairs. Stop and think and figure. Wouldn't it pay vpu to bay a good range a range with a reputatiou The Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoa Iron Range? You make no mistake in buying the GREAT MAJESTIC-it's the range with THE REPU TATION ask your neighbors. Then, too, it's made just right and of the right kind of mater ial MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON riveted together practically air tight lined w ith pure asbestos toard-parts being malle able can't break has a movable reservoir and an oven that don't warp that, s why the MA JKSTIC uses so little fuel, bakes just right every day in 'the year (browns bread just right all over without turning), heats 15 gallons of water while breakfast is cooking- properly handled lasts a lifetime, and costs pratically nothing for repairs. Don't buy the range you expect to last a life time, "unsight unseen," you'll be sure to be disappointed. Come to our store during de monstration week, see the GREAT MAJESTIC- have its many exclusive features explain-ed- flndout why the MAJESTIC is 300 strong er than other ranges where most ranges are weakest. Don't Overlook the Date. This is a Special Invitation to You and Your Friends and Neighbors. Bemhardt-Seagle Company Wholesale and Retail Hardware $k Fwrnitttre