f Fiday. Afui is. mi 44ATTDU LOCAL AND fUSQNAL M Iteau ef Iat u Tew 4 Ceaarfy IUWa. ' Mr. J. A. Knox made a busi ness trip to Greensboro last Tuesday. Born, last Saturday night to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Huftstetler, a daughter. The subject at the Reformed church Sunday morning will be the 9th commandment Miss Josephine Thomas, who has been teaching atChadburn, returned home Wednesday. The Daughters of the Confed eracy wijl meet with the Misses Tuttle next Tuesda'y afternoon ft 3 p'clqcV The selections rendered by the College Chorus at the Reformed church Sunday morning were greatly enjoyed. Mr. Thomas A. Andrews, of Willington, S. C, arrived here Tuesday on a visit to his daugh ter, Mrs. E. N. Joy nor. The big addition to the Kent Coffey Manufacturing Companys plant is now under cover and will soon be ready for use. Get your plans readv for a thorough "Clean up" tomorrow. There should be no half way work about it and it is necessa ry for all to co-operate to get the best results. The Stereopticon lecture, by Rev. J. 0. Fulbright, will be given at the Beach School house tomorrow, Saturday night, in stead of at Kings Creek as stat ed in the last issue of The News. Mr. W. C. Crisp who has been in Dr. Long's hospital at States ville for more than a month for an operation and treatment re turned to his home last Wed nesday, very much improved in health. A former Caldwell lady now living in Oregon, in renewing her subscription says; "The News is worth many times the cost of the paper, to those of us so far away from the old home associates." Mr. Thomas W. Shell, who has been living in Charlotte for several months, returned home this week. He will take out door work for some time, per haps all Summer, upon advice of a physician. The many friends and rela tives among The News readers of Mr. John M. Connelly, will be pained to learn that his health does not improve. He is in Dr. Long's hospital at Statesville and recent advices say he is in a critical condition. On April the 27th Miss Ger trude Cogan, of Philadelphia, Field Secretary of the Woman's Missionary Work of the Re formed church in the United States, will have charge of one of the services in the Reformed church here. She is reported to be a very interesting speaker. Mr. Neill Blair who was down from Watauga this week tells us that the railroad from Kon narock, Va., to Todd in Ashe county is a certainty. The Com pany, the Virginia & Garolina Railway Company, has let con tracts for cross ties for the road and bought and paid for the rights-of-way the entire distance, Capt. Bob Smyre, one of the veteran railroad men of this part of the country, came up the road last Tuesday driving one of the new passenger locomo tives, just put into service on the Carolina & Nrth -Western. Capt. Smyre says In all his ex perience of nearly thirty years as a,n engjneer, this is the first time he has eyer had the pleas are of driving a new locomotive. He is Justly proud of his new machine and says1 His1 a splendid one. ' Come ozt to tie meeting to night and help select a ticket for town oncers. Mrs. li McCormick and her daughter of Clrkesburg, Vir ginia are visiting Mrs. W. H. Crvidock. Mrs. J. Roby Hayes returned to her borne in Mortimer jester day after a visit of several days tq Mrs. F . P. Mojare. The Minister's Union will meet nex Monday afternoon at thq Manse at 3 q'clock instead of at 10.20 A. M. as heretofore. The Bernhardt-Seagle Com PQI pjt pn a big Range Demonstration for next week thatwijl be of interest to all W .8? f& Ppokin$. Revs. C. T. Squires and C. E. PuPont. will exchange pulpits nex Sunday nigh, ir. Squires RFSCPJ? South, Lenoir Church and Mr: PuPont in the Presbyterian church. a The statement of the Graded School and other advertising matter has cutout much news matter from this issue, but our readers will find perhaps more of interest to them in the arti cles referred to. Two cars of a freight train got off the track near Adako! ,,.u, Wn in f.lilin? heaUh fcr yesterday forenoon, which caus-rst.voral inontls svl,ring from eu passengers and mail to be transferred at that place yester day. No persons were hurt, but one car was right badly damaged. "The Star of Bethlehem' an especially impressive and inter esting series of pictures was shown at the Princess Theatre, both Tuesday and Wednesday nights with large audiences. We have heard the pictures praised in high terms. Among our new advertise ments in this issue will be noted the Lenoir Hardware & Furni ture Company, Paints, M. M. Courtney, new Millinery, new Dress Goods and Notions, and the First National Bank gives an additional reason for open ing an account with them. The little twenty months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Hedrick, died last Monday after an illness of several weeks from whooping cough and other com plications. The funeral was conducted from the residence Tuesday by Rev. A. S. Peeler and the body interred in the town cemetery. Mrs. H. H. Green of Watauga died last Monday after an ill ness of some weeks. She was s preparing to come to the Foot Hills Sanatorium here for treat ment at the time of her death. The deceased was about 50 years o age and a sister of the late Rev. George W. 'Green, Missionary to China and to MesdarAes C. E. Thompson, Mary Steele and Rebecca Coffey of this'county. Then!1 suggestion of nominat ing fourteen men for tow com missioners, as mentioned in the last Issue of The News, seems to miiet witli approval and it has been suggested that four teen be nominated also, for Trustees of the graded school. Thip would seem to be giving all tvoters ample latitude to se lect! from and the seven men re ceiving the highest number of votes for each board would be elecjted. Owing to a little misunder standing, last Wednesday, MessVs- A. W. Dula and Ned Joneshad a difficulty and came to lovvs. Both of them are powerful, fearless men and had friends rrot Interfered there would have been an uclv fiurht. Neither wms serlouslv injured however and we understand due apologies have been made and both regret thaNt their nasty tem A 1 pers got away wxtn tnem. Since all flesh is ,J&tms may be the reason that feo many men appear to have mad their hair cut by a lawn mower. , . - - A ;fat, Chriag to the fact th -e town commissioners have a mass meeting for tonig he Daughters' of the Confederacy postponed the Colonial Coacert that was advertised for tonight. It will be given later and due notice will be given of the new date. In view of the fact that there has been some misunderstanding and wrong impressions afloat in regard to the time for the elec tron on a bond issue for the Graded Schools, I make the fol lowing statement, in order that justice may be done to all pax ties. I have examined a copy of the bill ' and it is just as the committee appointed at the mass meeting recommend. ed. And the reason there can be no elec tion held for bondj on May the first, is because legal notice of thirty days prior to the election is required. C. B. McNairy. CoL J. M. Ubcll Dead. Our community was shocked Tuesday by the announcement that Col. J. M. Isbell, died Mon day niirht at his home, about fourtwn lMvs fvo'm tovvn. Ho intirmaties of age and a compli cation of diseases, but his con dition was not considered criti cal by his friends here. Lie was in the Tilth year of his age and is survived by a widow, ! three sons and three daughters. The body was buried Wednes day at the family burying ground, the service being con ducted by Elder W. R. Cottrell of the Adventist church, of which the deceased was a mem ber. Col. Isbell was one of the prominent men of our county, wasyUolonel of the Militia before the outbreak of the civil war, wfts a courageous Confederate soldier and rose to the rank of captain of Company A. 22nd North Carolina Regiment. He served as County Commissioner and held other offices of trust in the County. The Minister's Union will meet Monday at the Manse. The subject for discussion is, Why does the church not reach the masses?" Discussion to be led by Rev. C. T. Squires. E. N. Joyner, Pres. A. S; Peeler, Secy. Separate Meeting. It has been thought best and proper that a separate meeting, for the selection of candidates for School Trustees, be held next Tuesday night and that the Trustees for Graded School should not be named at the meeting tonight. This action is thought best, as the school dis trict embraces more territory than the corporate limits of the town and the effort to name can didates for both town and school at the same meeting will be con fusing. A motion will be made at the opening of the mass meet ing tonight, to postpone the nomination of school trustees until another meeting to be held Tuesday night. We humbly suggest that those Ensrlish suffragists who are complaining of the ' indgnities' to women in the Angelican mar riaire service are either old maids or grass widows. With many men home is the last resort. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury mercury will surely deetroy'tha sna of amell and ' completely Aaranir' the whole ayatem when tntertnc It through tha mucoua aurfacea. Buch article should never be ueed except on preacrtptlona frotn reputable phyalrlana, at the daman they will do la ten fold to the good you can poMH'ijr ubtitw arum uivm. rrrh Pur, miinufactimd DT F. J. Chnr A Co.. 'TolwJtf, O., contains no mercury, and la taken Internally, actinc fl reetiv anon xne Diooa n muv-m m- farea f the aYltetn. I buytnf Catarrh Cure bo aure you ret the rnp Ine. It l taken Internally tH madeja Tnledrt. Ohio, by r. J. Cheney Co. Too Umonlala tree.- Bold by Droinriett. Moo Wo per bottlo. Tako Baai reaUly H1U ft eoaatl-etto. Xew muling matter appears In this space cacb week. 17 REASONS FOR SAV IXG 3rd Reason. Loved Ones Protects your wife and children and home while you are sick, disable or af death. T M LESOJB, N. 0. T. J. Lvtz, President J. B. Atkixsok, Y-Praaiaaart O. P- LTTX, Cashier E. F- Xllek, Ass't Cashisr Notary PuMic at Bank BUSINESS LOCALS. Notices under this head are ni One Cent a word each insertion. r No andvertiseinent less than ten u cents. :: :: :: :: :: j- jThey Bring Quick Results jjj If yon w ant a sitting of tine HuttVUr piiiKton eirs see or write (i. IT Go forth or Willard Goforth. 4l-2t-pd LOST One brown and white spotted setter pup atout four months old, white mark in forehead. Liberal reward for information or return to 47-2t R. E. Hoover. FOR SALE Goodman's Prolific Seed Corn. A white deep tfrain, of a twin variety. Good yielded. J2.00 per bushel. C. E. Cwiley, 45 Hudson. N. C. WANTED Fat Beef Cattle. 45-2t Phifer's Market. FOR SALE A irood Combines Rid ing Cultivator. W. J. Moore, 45-4t-pd West Main St. Lnoir. I will pay cash for chickens and ducks 41-tf J. R. Mcltolry. FOR SALE A tfood Organ, $15.00 Cash will buy it. The News office. Egps for setting. Mottled Anconas, Brown Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds and Indian Ruyfer Ducks. Thomas G. Hartley. 29 FOR SALE CHEAP 2 Horse Hower liasohne Engine. W Powe 36 Lenoir Drdg Co. Eggs for setting, thoro ugh bredw t Plymouin R( Ducks hite Wyandotts, Barred Rock and Indian Runner 30 C. B. McNairy. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from Thorough bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, Golden Wyandottes aruf Buff Cochin Bantams, at $1.00 perlsetting of 15 and 13. K. I. Bush. f UK SALri six room hqse on Mulberry Street. Modernycon veniences. i P. M. Keever. 34-tf For Sale At a bargain if taken at once several pieces of secondhand seconunapa ?sser, Psk, sewirjg Ma- Furniture, Dres Chairs, etc., Sewi chine in good condition, also nice Lawn Swing. Phone No. or call at, HiN LUMBER CD'S, (fflt NEW MILL I have started a newCorn Mill at Whitnel and wilL4o cus tom work any day waffled. Good service and prompt attention. J. M. RA1NEY 47 -4t-pd NOTICE. State of North Carolina Caldwell Cenmty. In Re-Sale of Land for Taxes ( Listed to N. E. Keever t To N, E. Keever: You will take notice, that at a sale of real estate for the non-payment of taxes, made in the county aforesaid, on the 5th day of August, 1912, the un dersigned became the purchaser of the real estate hereinafter described, tax ed In the name of N. E. Keever, that aaid land or lot ao purchased, is on the assessment roll described as fol lows, to-wlt. 28 acres in Yadkin Valley Town ship; that the taxes for which said lands or lot was soul were those as. eaaed for the year 1911 and that the time of redemption for such lands will expire August 5th, 191 J. This April 16th, 1913, B. H. Dri.a. fins -f- "PubUc Office is a Public Trust," said a famous President, and no less exalted trust is BANKING. YOU entrust to us the fruits of your labor it may be the accumu lation of years of toil this we must safe guardand do. Never forgetting that your money with us is a TRUST FUND, and.witb the successful and accumulated experience of 20 years Banking, we are better prepared than ever to serve you and your friend. We invite your account Bank of Lenoir 1 0. W. F. Harper. PrttUeat J. C. SEAQLE, Vlcc-PresMcat. Assets and Resposibility f New Millinery i NeW Dress Goods New Trimmings and Notions 'j) i itu it trui We have just received a large shipment of the Very Latest Styles in Small, Medium and Large Mats, also Beautiful Feathers ai,d Stick-ups. We wiU' hardly be able again this season to show such a wide range of pretty new Hats and Trimmings to select fromnimd at such rea sonable prices. New Striped Crepes Plain and Striped Voiles Ratines New Cloth Vanity Crinkle Holly Batiste and all that's newest and best in White Goods. Beautiful new patlerns in Embroidered Flouncings, 1H, 27 and 4") inches wide made on Swiss, made on Voile 45 inches only. Newest and prettiest Laces in All Overs, Edges and Bands suitable to match and combine with our Sheer Batistes and other white goods for Commencement Dresses. See all the Mew things here, for Summer wear and have the best and most stylish. COURTNEY'S Shoe Repairing We have employed Mr. G. W. Cline, an ex perienced ancLWll known shoemaker to take charge of our Repairing Department and re spectfully invfte all persons needing any kind of shoe repairing to call and see us. Respectfully, Thompson-Lyerly Shoe Co Skin On Fire? Just the mild, simple wash, the well known D.D.D. Prescription for Ecaema, uu me lieu is avx?v A trial wiu prove it trouble but none that we coutt Kuaran e nav wmu umer remeaiPRyior skid tee as we can tne D.D.n. rdmedy. If the first rerular alae tl.00 bottle does not do exactly aa w say, it will not cost you a cent J. E. Shell A Co., Druggists. STOP! Don't buy a Bicycle or anything of the7kind until you have sefen what I have to offer. I know I can save you money. Let me show you. Repair Work of All Kinds. DAYTON BICYCLE ON THE CORNER LENOIR, N: C, Opposite H. T. Newland's Store. J. H. Icall. Cutler A. 0. Fare. Am'L Caakicr 0. Over Half a Million. NT new I ui iv rx Lumber. We are in the market at all times for any kind of lumber, If .1 ' 1 11 U I. uui iiu.:u we win pay uasil w lien ( - loaueu on ear. Al ine present i a . i we need one million feet, each, J Oak, Poplar and Pine. Write, ! us for prices'' stating qualityj? quantity and kind you have aWi6 mention your nearest shipping point. 42- jne FltUMUINT HARDWARE Ct E. Morrison, Secy. STATESVILLE, N. C. For Sale A thirteen room Board ing House, well ar ranged, large lot, fine water, nice location, In village of Blowing Rock. Will exchange for good farm property or sell on easy terms. H. C. MARTI? LENOIR, N v i I f i i; an n- sfat. ifpst i by r.er you very ic n t lit buna