Tcesdat, Amu 22. 1911. " MATTIRS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Brif Itasma of Lalaras U Towa aaai County Rsadsr. Mr. 0. P. Luta spent Sunday in Hickory. Mrs. Roby Craig and Miss Ruth Dewey returned last week from Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Williams spent Sunday with relatives near Granite Falls. Mrs. Ray of High Point is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Boothe on Ashe street. Miss Minnie Boone of Mor- -gaaton is visiting Mrs. Alice Coffey and other friends on Route 1 Lenoir. Mr. Gaither Hall who has been living in Spartanburg, S. C.i for some time is home on a visit to his parents. Quite a little frost was seen here yesterday morning, but as far as we have learned no dam Age was done to fruit or crops. The indications point to a Kood business at Blowing Rock t.iis season. A number of new cottages have been erected and many inquiries about accommo dations have already been re ceived. Shuford & Abernethy are put ting on a bin special sale this week, offering many splendid bargains. Look their big page advertisement over wnicn is published in this issue and then visit them during the sale. Mr. George E. Moore left Saturday for Arkansas, where he will travel for a Charlotte lirm until about the tirst of June when he expects to return in time to open the Blowing Rock Hotel about June the 10th. Mr. Clarence McKaine, who has been a clerk in the office of the Yadkin River and Watauga Railway, bere for some time has gone to Raleigh where he tikes a position as clerk to Governor Craigs secretary, Mr Kerr. Mr. R. W. Sherrill opened his motion picture show in the big tent last) Saturday night and had a crowded "house." Every seat was taken and many stood in the aisles. The pictures were good and the indications are his tent will be a popular place during the warm weather The Avery Vim published at Elk Park says the sale of the Lihville River Railroad from Cranberry to Pineola, to East! Tennessee & Western North Carolina Railway Company is a certainty. The purchase mon ey has been paid and the road bed is being put in condition for the operation of trains from Johnson City to Pineola. We are printing two suggest ed tickets for School Trustees in this issue and they are both composed of good men. Our people are very desirous that the men whoare choserf to man age the school affairs will be ab le to find some way by which the splendid work being done by the school will in no way be im paired. There has recently been a survey made for a change in the public road from the foot of the hill south of town, on the Hickory road to a point near Peace Chapel. The proposed change takes the road to the west of the present location and we are told a good grade can be had and the building of the road will not be very expensive. Dr. Livingston Lankford, who delivered an address here about a year ago, has been secured by the Minister's Union to speak here again on the second Sun day in May. There will be two services one at 8:30 P. M. and one at 8:00 P.M. Those who were so fortunate as to hear Dr. Lankford last year will recall that his addresses were most In teresting and helpful. " .,' Mrs,W. W. Barber of Edre tnont arrived here yesterday on a visit to Mrs. Joyner at the Rectory. ... Many re'aders of The News will be interested to know that Mr. M. L. Greer and Mrs. Mary Oosier were married last sun day at the home of Rev, G. D. SherrilL , Concord Presbytery will con vene this afternoon in the Pres byterian church at 3 o'clock and will continue until Thursday af ternoon or night. The sessions will all be open to the public and a cordial invitation is ex tended to any who wish to at tend. A number of delegates arrived yesterday and others are expected today and the at tendance will likely be 75 or ov er that number. On behalf of the people of Lenoir The News wishes for every one of them a pleasant and profitable stay in our town. When a man has been locked up for filling himself too full, his friends generally have him bailed out. Death lias been described "as peinless as a fall through the air. .ot with some oi us n we didn't know where we were go ing to alight. Take Notice! FAIR WARNING. To all persons .who have not paid their taxes for the year 1912, I will say that unless said takes are settled by the first day of May, 1913, your property will be advertised. You know that I am required by Uw to do this. So please kfciend to the matter before the above named date, and thereby save yourself un necessary cost and me this very unpleasant duty. A word to the wise is Sufficient. Very respectfully, J. P. Icard Sheriff Caldwell County. NOTICE. State'of North Carolina I Caldwell County. ( In Re-Sale of Land for Taxes I Listed to Haywood Earnest. ( To Haywood Earnest: You will take notice, that a sale of real estate for the non-payment of tax es, made in the county aforesaid, on the Sth day of August, 1912, the un dersigned became the purchaser of the real estate hereinafter described, taxed in the named of Haywood Earn est; that said land or lot so purchased, is on the assessment roll described as follows, to-wit: Interest in Land Patterson Town ship; that the taxes for which said land or lot was sold were those as sessed for the year 1911, and that the time of redemption for such lands will expire Aug. S, 1913. This April 12, 1913. 46-91-pd A. McGinnis. NOTICE OF SALE. Byvirtueofa judgment of the Su perior Court of Caldwell County, in the cause entitled H. M. Crouch, vs. T. P. Crouch, Admr. of Laban E. Hoke, deceased and Felix Abernethy, ren dered at the February Term, 1913, of said Court, the undersigned Commis sioner will, on Monday the 5th. day of May, 1913, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. at the Court House Door in Lenoir, Cald well County, N. C, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land lying and being in Lovelady Township, Caldwell County, State of North Car olina, bounded as follows, viz. Ad joining David Poovey, Felix Aber nethy and others, bounded as follows, Beginning on a stake in M. B. Hel ton's line, and runs South 72 poles to a white oak stump; then with J. H Abernethy's line 60 poles to a stake on the South brink of road in Bost's line (Now Felix Abernethy's line); then North with Felix Abernethy's line 155 poles to a post oak, David Poovey's corner; then.West with the said Poov ey's line 86 polea to the beginning, con taining 33 acres, more or less, being the same land conveyed by deed of La ban E. Hoke and wife Jane C. Hoke to the aald Felix Abernethy, dated Sept. 21, 1889, and recorded in Cald well County In Book No, 22, page 99, to which deed and the record thereof reference U hereby made for greater certaintv. ThU 1st day of April, 1913. . ' T. P. Crouch. Commissioner & Admlulatrator. New reading matter appears in this spac each week. 17 REASONS FOR SAY. ING 4th Reason. Old Age Insures a comfortable old age, and indepen dence long after old age comes. Man with a bank account is in no danger of poor bouse or Potter's Field T NATION'! LENOIR, N. O. T. J. Lvtz, President J. B. Atkinson, V-Proaudsat O. P. Lotz, Cashier E. F. Allrn, Asa't Cashier INotary Public at Bank 2 2SHSaSESaSHSH5eSHSHS BUSINESS LOCALS. 1 Notices under this head are One Cent a word each insertion. No audvertiseinent less than ten cents. :: :: :: :: :: They Bring Quick Results jj ip ru Does the work Reputation mean any thing to you? Stop and think and figure and you will kniyf why the Majestic Range has the Reputation of being not only the' best but the least expensive. Let the man from the factors show you. See our big ad In this paper. Bemhardt-Seagle Company. LOST One brown and white shotted setter pup about four raouOis old, white mark in forehead. Liberal reward for information or return to 47-2t R. E. Hoover. YOUR NEIGHBOR KNOWS his Ma jestic Range uses littb fuel heats abundance of water good and hot and costs practically nothing for repairs. Let us show why. Call during our Demonstration week, April 21 to 26th. Bernhardt-Seagle Co. FOR SALE Goodman's Prolific Seed Corn. A white deep grain, of a twin variety. Good yiefdr. $2.00 per bushel. C. E. Conley, 45 Hudson, N. C. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING IS worth while $8.00 worth of, ware for nothing is worth your tiny to inves tigate. See our big ad in this paper. Bernhardt-Seagle Co. FOR SALE A good Combines Rid ing Cultivator. W. JMMoore, 45-4t-pd West Main St. Lenoir. I will pay cash for chickens awd ducks 41-tf J. K. McTNairy. WANTED To paint your Surry or Buggy work guaranteed. See N. H. McRary at Allen Wafcon Co. near Depot 48-4t Eggs for setting, Mottled Ancqnas, Brown Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds and Indian Ruuer)ucks. Thomas G. Hartley. 29 FOR SALE CHEAP 2 Hor Power Gasoline Engine. W 36 Lenoir Drug Co. PEOPLE WHO KN0W are going to buy a Majestic Jyiuge iluring our Demonstration feek. You would too if you knew. Read our big ad. in this paper. Bernhardt-Seagle Co. FOR RENT- After May 1st. the Folk dwelling, North Main St. V 48-tf A. N. Todd. Eggs for setting, thorough bred White Wyandotts, Barred Plymoutlwock and Indian Runner Ducks. 30 C. B. McNairy. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from Thorough bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, Golden Wyandottes aiM Butt Cochin Bantams, at $1.00 per Retting of 15 and 13. R. I. Bush. FOR SALE Six room hou oyrn c vfer. 3 on Mulberry Street. M con- veniences. P. M. Kee 34-tf NOTICE. State of North Carolina, I Caldwell County, ( In Re-sale of Land for Taxes ) Listed to J. S. Boyles. I To J. S. Boyles: You will take notice, that at sale of real estate for the non-payment of tax es, made in the county aforesaid, on the 5th day of August, 1912, the under signed became the purchaser of the real estate hereinafter described, tax ed in the name of J. S. Boyles; that said land or lot so purchased, is on the assessment roll described as fol lows, to-wit: 66 acres in Lenoir township; that the taxes for which aald land or lot was sold were those assessed for the year 1911, and that the time of redemp tion for auch lands will expire August 5, 1913. Thla April 18, 1913. A. McGinntj. v COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Bjr virtue of an order of the Superior Court, made in the Special Proceed ing entitled J. A. Bush, Sr., Admr. of John H. Jooe. deceased, vs. Sarah Jonns, widow, W. IL Jooea, J. C. Jones, G. F. Cline and Effie Cline, the undersigned Commissioner, on Monday, the 19th day of May, 1912, at 11 o'clock, a. m., at the Court House door of Caldwell County in Lenoir, X. C, will aell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following deacribed real estate, lying and being in Caldwell County and State of North Carolina, bounded aa follows, tu. Beginning at a stone the north-east comer of Lot No. 1 in Geo. Smith's line at a point 4 degrees East 1 poles from his stone corner and runs with hia line North A degreea East 8o poles to a pine stump in the West edge of the public road, now a black jack at Geo. Smith's, John Mast's and Grant Miller's corner near top of ridge or mountain; then with Grant Miller's line as follows: North 65 West 92 poles to a chestnut stump or sprouts (gone") now a stone and point ers; South 3 degrees West 36 poles to a post oak (down) now stake and pointers near the foot of the mountain; then North 85 degrees West crossing a branch at 27 poles 42 poles to a pine knot stake and pointers on top of ridge Jack Bean's corner in said Grant Miller's line; then with Jack Bean's line South 4 degrees West 5o poles to a pine knot stake and pointers on top of a ridge in said line the North west comer of lot No. 1; then South N7Ji degrees East crossing a branch at 24 poles another branch at 28 poles in all 12S poles to the beginning, containing 0(1 rcres, more or less. riiis Hth. day of April, J. A. lH'SH, Sk. Commissioner. Squires, Atty. 4S-4t- lues. Drive Sick Headaches Away. Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach. indigestion, biliousness disappear quickly after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. TJiey purify the blood and put new Hfe and vigor in the sys tem. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Recommen ded by J. E. Shell 4 Co. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, ( Caldwell County. ) In Re-Sale of Land for Taxes ( Listed to N. L. Keever To N. E. Keever: You will take notice, that at a sale of real estate for the non-payment of taxes, made in the county aforesaid, on the 5th day of August, 1912, the un dersigned became the purchaser of the real estate hereinafter described, tax ed in the name of N. E. Keever, that said land or lot so purchased, is on the assessment roll described as fol lows, to-wit. 28 acre9 in Yadkin Valley Town ship; that the taxes for which said lands or lot was sold were those as sessed for the year 1911 and that the time of redemption for such lands will expire August 5th, 1913. This April 16th, 1913. B. H. Dula. Pains in the Stomach. If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your liver or your kidneys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabe tes or Bright's disease. Thousands recommend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N N., who suffered with pain in the stomach and back, writes: "My kid neys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Bitters was recommended and I improved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man. It will improve ypu, too. Only 50c and $1.00. Rec o'mmended by J. E. Shell & Co. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tlie un dersigned has been apixMnted Receiv er of the Lenoir Grocery Company, by virtue of an order made in the cause entitled J. B. Atkinson vs. Lenoir Grocery Company, and under the terms of said order, all creditors are required to present and make proof to such receiver of their respective claims within thirty days from the date here of, or be debarred from participation in any of the assets realized from the sale of its property or the collection of any chooses inaction due said Lenoir Grocery Company. This 22nd day of April, 1913. V. D. GlTIRK, 48-8t Receiver Lenoir Gro. Co. Coughs and Consumption. Coughs and colds, when neglected always lead to serious trouble of the lungs. The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery. You will get relief from the first dose, and finally the cough will disap pear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes: "My wife was down in bexl with an obstinate cough, and I honestly believe had It not been' for Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living to day," Known for forty-three years as the best remedy for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recent' mended by J. . Shell A Co. :&M'M&m jay What could be better for town or country bdidmg! than a roofing that won't bumwon't leak that is lightning proof lasts as long as the building itself, and never needs repairs ? Cortright Metal Shingles meet every one of these requirements. Beware of imitations None genuine without the words " Cortright Reg. U. S. PaL Off." stamped on each shingle. For Sale b$ Lenoir Hardware Lenoir, Why Salves Can't Cure Eczema Since the old-fashioned theory of cur ing eczema through the blood bas been fiven up bjr scientists, many different salres have been tried (or skin diseases, lut It has been found that these salves only clot the pores and cannot penetrate to the Inner skin below the epidermis where the eciema germs are lodged. This the quality of penetrating probably explains the tremendous suc cess of the well known liquid eczema remedy, cl! of wintergreen, thymol, gly cerine, etc., af compounded in D 1) D. Prescription. We have sold other remedies for skin J. H. Shoe Repairing v I aaHMBaaHiMIBHBIBaaiHBBBBaBaSBBSaBMnBBiBlBBSaBM We have employed Mr. G. W. Cline, an ex perienced and well known shoemaker to take charge of our Repairing Department and re spectfully invite all persons ieeding any kind of shoe repairing to call aia see us. Respectfully, Thompson-Lyerly Shoe Co. Cause for Alarm Loss of appetite or distress after ating a aymptom that should not be diaref arded. It is not what you eat but what you' digest and assimilate that does yoa rood. 8ome of the stronKeet, health iest persona are moderate eaters. Nothing will cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people contract aerioua maladies through disregard or abuse oi the stemach. Wa urge all who suffer from hxU ration, or dyspepsia, to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, with the under standing that we will refund the . money .paid us without question ot formality, if after use you are not perfectly satisfied with results. We reoommend Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets to customers every day, and have yet to bear of one m has not been benefited. We beliey them to be without equaL They give prompt relief, aiding to neutralise acidity, stimulate flow of gastrie hues, strengthen the digestive organs, aad thus promote perfect nutr.tioa and correct unhealthy symptoms. Tans) suas.2ocenta.60iaata.aad!. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets la this co msa unity only at out i LENOIR DRUG CO. Lenoir Tfcs TJmwlK Jfw Carolina There is a Rexall Stare In nearly every tows and oity in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy lor nearly every ordinary human ill each especially designed for the particular 01 for which it is recommended. The ReaaJI Store ai Drug Stores Lumber. We are in tlie market at all times for any kind of lumber, for which we will pay cash when loaded on car. At the present we need one million feet, each, Oak, Poplar and iune. Write us for prices, stating quality, quantity and kind you have and mention your nearest shipping point. 42-Ht PIEDMONT HARDWARE CO. E. Morrison, Secy. STATESVILLE, N. C. STOP! Don't buy a Bicycle or anything of the kind until you have seen what I have to offer. 1 Iknow I can save you money. Let me show you. Repair Work of All Kinds. DAYTON BICYCLE SHOP ON THE CORNER LENOIR, N. C. Opposite H. T. Newland's Store. Wlen a woman bas only twelve knives and forks it is un lucky for thirteen to sit at the table. & Furniture Co. IN. G. troubles but none that we can reeont mend as highly as this for we know that D.D.D. stops the itch at once. We just want von to give D.D.D. a tnal. That win be enongh to prove it. Of course all other druggists bar D.D.D. Prescription go to them It jroa can't come to ys but don't accept some big profit substitute. But If voueome to our utor. w araj so certain of What P.D D. will do for yo.. that we offer you a full size bottle om this guarantee: If you do not find that it takes away the itch AT ONCB. as costs you not a cent. .SMt:i.l. siJ.. Druggists. i doer's Barber Shop (Jones Building, Opposite P. O.) The leading and most conven ient Barber Shop in Lenoir. WE DO YOUR WORK QUICK AKD EAST. C. Banks McNairv iVl. D. RKSIDBUCK AT Foot Hills Sanatorium Phovb no I Dr. C. L. Robbins DE1NTIST f Dsntal rooms in Dnla building T a) v)pueii roeiouice. Phone 108 Dr. 0. L. Moore DEINTIST Office Over First National Bank 'PHONE 85 S. A. Richardson Attorney-at-Law. v Lenoir, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Careful and painstaking atten tion given to collection of all ac counts, settlement of estates, and the drawing of all kinds of legal papers. Real Estate titles in vestigated. Office in MILLER BUILDING. JEWELER Dula Bldg. Lenoir, N.C. iy NEW MILL I have started a new Corn Mill at Whitnel and will do cus tom work any daV wanted. Good service and protb) attention. J. NINEY 47-n-pd -J

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