r ; i ! J j ' . , . , I 1 x THIS PAPEfl ICSUED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, ONE DOLLAR, A. YEAR. - " - -- ... ' . ; V.: Lenoir,, N. C, Friday, November 28, 1913 . . : Voluma XVI No. 6 ; Bl ITEOHF I3TEEST. lalereslln? Reading Matter of 1 ' Local and National Affair ' . in Condensed Form. ' - -Wilmington, Nov. 25. Thorn j as Martin " Emerson, 4 president of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail--. -way Company, died late, tonight at bis home in this city,' follow ing an attack of acute indiges- . tion yesterday while on a tnp , of inspection: over the system 1 with members of the v board of -v directors of the .rline. Mr. , Em ' ersoa attended by his' physician and friends reached Wilmington at an early hour ? this' morning on a special train from C the jSooth, and while ' it Sras an nounced daring the day that his : condition was Improved, there came a turn for the . .worse and he died at 11 , o'clock . 'tonight Ashe v Me, Nov. 24. The sec ' ond chapter in the investiga tion into the alleged illicit traffic in liquor In Ashevilfe and Bun combe County was written here this morning '. i when Superior Court Judge Frank .Carter, sit ting as a committing magistrate exploded a bomb ' by ordering the immediate arrest of John H Lange and uay Ureen, owners and proprietors of the Langren hotel, and : the , Century Drug Store, J. L. Alexander proprie tor of the Battery Park hotel, and J.. Baylis Kec ton. manager of the Langren, together with one other man Isadbre Grant, colored, alleged agent of one of f the first four named. The ar rests followed Immediately and the defendants were placed un der heavy bonds. ' Will Fields who lives about 4 miles from' Elkf Park, 4 Avery County, near . the .Tenn. line, was called to his door last Wed nesday nigbt to : look, into the muzzles of two- revolvers In the , hands of two masked' men, who demanded his money or his life. Refusing compliance ' the guns snapped in his face,' but did not ' fire. Fields' dodged back into the house, where he was follow ed by the men,; who heat him in to unconsciousness with the guns. At this juncture an out cry was given by other members of the family ,and the a bandits fled after a hasty search for money. Fields had - about $300 on his person but the .. robbers got none of It. Dave Oakes and his son were arrested on susplc kn of attempting .the robbery Washington, Nov. 25i Wil- . liam Wilson Finley.'president 0 the Southern'-Railway and'j leading'flgure in movements for the development of the South, died here today as a result of a stroke of apoplexy " which he ! suffered a; few hours before Mr.Tinley's family; friends and associates ere 1 totally Vunpre par edlf or hia sudden . death Scarcely past the prime" of life he was vigorous and energetic ! and seemingly" in ' the best T 0: health a moment before he was i felled by the stroke.. The fami ly physician called and every ef k fort was made to '' restore him to J consclbusness. ' At 1:50 this af I'tternooh he'; passed? awayr with Mrs. Finley, three of his daugh :; ters and his son at his , bedside V Eggs are on the free list, bu nobody , has yet , been . heard crowing about their . cheapness. That -New ,York, minister should have known better than to have preached, from the text ''Well done, thou ' good and faithful servant," at a l recen cremation. ' ' WASHINGTON SURVEY, Government surveyors, who have just been checking up some of the lines reputed to have been run by George. Washington lnhlsdays4 of chain, and; con pass work; have found .them good. v . About 1751, according . to tra dition," 1 George ; : Washington, then 19 years old, ranlsOut for Lord Thomas Fairf ai , the line between 1 what was . ; then , to be Augusta and Frederick counties, Virginia, this being only a part of a great , deal of surveying which he is said ' to have been engaged upon ' at that time. These two counties were' sepa rated from .what was then Orange county, and the grant to Lord Fairfax; was supposed to extend westward to ! the Pacific ocean. subsequently ; tnese arge tracts were further subdi vided, so- that the "Fairfax ne' as it is generally known, runs now between Rockingham and Shenandoah counties, ? with 'the original Augusta and . Frederick counties to the south and north respectively. i ' In the orgaalc act for the for mation of the two counties, or parishes' as they were then called, it was required that the line should be a v straight' one from the head .spring of Hedg man river, one of the sources of the Rappahannock, to the head spring of the Potomac Since It was required that the line should be straight, it , was. first necessary to get the -ap proximate course by building large bonfires on the interven ing high points. Then starting from the top of the Massanutten mountains, the line was run straight away over ; intervening mountains ' and - rivers toward the northwest Good Rdi Dy At OA HilL Friday was observed as good roads day at Oak HIU High School. A program calculated to teach the pupils the right of civic duties was the first thing in the day's work. Then came the lessons of the day , with its duties. Then the principal with axe took the boys out on the grounds where they moved stumps, logs, rocks, trees and bushes, making the -campas 'as attractive as possible A - Every little boy did what he could as citizens. The assistants, "with brooms, soap and water, cheer fully aided by the girls made the school rooms a model o: neatness in - nearly every re spect. " Every ; one -did s his or her duty. One who might have noticed them In their work tha day would have said, 'Those children : are bound to make good citizens." . ' ' 5 A reader. San Diego, ': Cal. Nov, 24. Two intrepid navigators of the air, Lieutenants Hugh M. Kelley and Eric L, . Ellington, U.VS. A. attached to the camp of the First Aero Corps, were instant lv killed at North . Island, todav when they fell from an altltudej of 80 or more feet in a dual bi plane. Within eight - minutes after Lieut Ellington f.had Wav ed his hand as a ; signal to 1 the mechanicians to let go the bl plane, the army aviator and his brother. officer ,were . dead Lieut. Ellison was a soitof Sher iff Ellington of Johnson, County N, C, and was the first man ev er transfered from ; the navy to the army, by , executive order 0; President Taft. No man questions a standing in a streetcar. mat Mr. W, Gi Newland is having good shingle roof put on his Lenoir home.V; - v - :? -., . : ",' - - Mr. A. E. Nelson; of Patter. son, was a business ; visitor in Lenoir Wednesday. y - - ' Miss Veile of the 'Graded School' faculty, attended the Teachers Assembly at Raleigh thisveek." ,' -t Supi G. O. Rogers of the Le noir Graded School, is in Raleigh this week; attending the State Teachers Assembly. v Mrs. Frank Martin and chil dren of Thomas ville, N. C, are visiting friends and relatives in Lenoir for a few days. Miss Marshall of the Graded School faculty, left Wednesday or her home in Statesville where she will spend Thanks giving. Mrs." L. F. Englesby who has been spending a monin wiin Mrs. H. C. Martin, returned to ber home in Washington, D. C, Tuesday. x Large numbers of turkeys have been brought to Lenoir during, the past few' weeks and shiDDed over - the country for Thanksgiving dinners. Mr. P. W.Tnrnmire is very 11 at his home on Vance street Mr. Turn mire Is a .Confederate soldier and is one of the .old men in town ' and it is hoped that his illness will be of brief duration. Mr; and Mrs. W. H. Benfield of Everett, Wash., who have been spending a month with rel atives in this section, left Wed nesday for Hickory to spend 1 few day before returning to their home. Mr.; , Benfield is an old engineer but has decided on his return home to go into the dairy business. While , In the city Wednesday he paid The News office a pleasant call. Mr. E. C. Ivey who is the local wireless operator, informs The News that an aerial is being erected in Asbeville with which be will be able to communicate with when it is completed. Mr. Ivey.is'qulte an expert in this line of work and feels that he will have no trouble in getting in touch with the Western, North Carolina metropolis by wireless communication. , The Carolina Field lub has called the attention of its mem bers to the danger connected with numerous clothes cleaning establishments, ;, It states that all through the state there are clothes Cleaning and- pressing shops where benzine and gaso line are used in cleaning clothes. employees at the same time smoking'- 'cigaretts. Smoking should - be prohibited in such places. - ' Rev, E. N. Joyner, , Rector o; the Episcopal church 'of Lenoir, tendered his fellow ministers 0: the' gospel a' very delightful and enjoyable dinner last Monday a the Rectory in honor of Rev. C M, Pickens pastor of the Le noir. Methodist church, who left to attend the conference at Charlotte this week. It is ex pected that Mr, Pickens will be transfered to another church as he has been here for a number of vears. Tnose present were Rev. E. N. Joyner i Rev. C. M Pickens, Rev C. T. Squires Rev. A. S. Peeler, Rev. J. O Fulbrlght, Rev. J. F. Deal,' Rev, J. C. Keeyer, The affair was most pleasant one and was thoroughly enjoyed by all pres ent. m m mi - The fanners in this section are done sowing wheat and gathering eorn. The school at Bludoor is still progressing with a fairly good attendance present most of the time." ' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roberts are visiting friends and relatives at ML Olivet this week. 1 Mrs. S, E. Reid has returned home from an extended visit to friends and relatives at Buffalo. Lumber hauling around old Draco is still on a boom and it seems tnat times are ' getting better. The farmers of this section are going jto sow a great deal of rye to turn under in the spring as a cover crop. It is a great help to the . land to raise and turn under a crop of this kind. Those who attended Rentz Bros, show in Lenoir Saturday report a great time. Mr. Lee Lackey is a great hunter for he has caught seven ty-8ix wis tail. , w no 01 our other hunters can beat this record. If 'possums will make man fat guess Mr. Lackey will be found in tne iat man s cass for sure. Every farmer in Little River Township ought to do his best to make the poultry and live stock show which is to be held n Lenoir Dec. 17th, the great est possible success. As the writer closes he has not yet heard how many 'pos sums Mr. S. P. Martin has 1 . -v caught this season, We expect to give the amount of his catch this season right away. He will have to wake up if he beats Mr, Lackey on 'possum hunting, although he is an awful hunter himself. 1 Hurrah! for The News. Wesley. Robt C. Thompson Pardoned. Information received in the following dispatch to the Char lotte-Times-Democrat and dated at Raleigh Nov. 21st, will be 61 interest to Caldwell County gen erall.V as much interest was taken in therial of Mr. Thomp son, who at the time of the kill ingof Mr. Beaver, was a Deputy Sheriff under former Sheriff Icard. The shooting taking place at a blockade distillery in this county where the officers bad gone to make a raid. Raleigh, Nov. 21. Governor Craig granted pardons today for RobertC. Thompson of Caldwel County, and Jeter Barnett 0: Mitchell County. Thompson is pardoned from six months ser vice on the roads for manslaugh ter. He was a deputy sheriff and killed a man named Beaver while attempting to arrest him indications being that the killing was accidental. Barnett is par doned from 12 months sentence for manslaughter, because he was only 17 years old. Court and county officers asked for both pardons." Girls may go to , palmists to have their hands red; but they don't go into saloons to ge their noses red. -, We saw one of . the most re markable men in the city last week. He made the response of the marriage service loud enough for everybody to hear him. ' . ' j . j , TOSSUMYARN., w (North wmesboro Hustler.) To the Associated AnniasClub of America: ; I, so and so, Alias John Mor gan, do hereby apply for mem bership in the associated liars club of America. I can say that have never been taught how to lie , and therefore I think a young man in North Wilkesboro wnnld ftt&nd a noor chance to earn bowto lie because there are not any boys in town that don t lie. And I want to learn so bad. I will not feel right until learn now. 1 "O, what a time" on Friday - night, October 3rd, 13; there were two men and one boy out opposum hunting. . They walked n. u , .a the dogs could not find any opossum tracks. And they de cided to come back home; they bad to cross small branches and climb steeD hills. Going down one of the hills tbey got tangled .u .ut.o, i j'"6 getout, they were jumping and i i l . M IV. n t nMa m va rn inn TTTinrr rj i Bwevcning vo gei, awajr irum m bnars wnen tne lantern went out leaviBK them in the dark The dogs were so excited that i 1. Mi. : - treed; they could not find their way out of the briar patch after I having lost their matches. He to whom was designated carry-1 ng the lantern stumped his toe aeainst a rock and lighted the antern and went on to get the oppossum woicn the aoga naa treed. At midnight they re turned home. On Oct 6th "the same crowd went another direction and after catching all the opossums they each could carry the young man I eave his opossums (6 or 8 of I them) to the old man and he (the I young man) went to a young assie's home, and from there to church. After church, when started home his two dogs were standing out in front of the church holding an opossum In their mouths saying, "here's one for you, Master, and here's one fdr your darling Dixie." So and So. To Maet At Pattmoa. To the citizens of the Patter - son Township: We, the undersigned commit tee, e&rnestly request - all who expect to place on exhibit any kind of live stock at the Cald well Coun,ty Live. Stock Show to be held at Lenoir, on the 17th day of December, to meet with us at Patterson on Saturday, December 6th,, at 2 o'clock, p. m for the purpose of arranging everything for the show. Now let's get busy and make December 17 a red letter for Caldwell County. See or 9 con fer with the undersigned. G. A. McCall, J. A. Laxton, Rupus Jones, Jay Harper, J.C.Coffey. . . u . . txr u; . XT oc "n 1 v asoingraD, o. ru- r M- ji t : T : ..... . . . . ..!.! wuson secona aaugnter 01 tne President,, were joined in mar - riage late today at the ' White House before a company of dis- tinguished officials of the United States government, members of the diplomatic corps,- dose friends and relatives. It was a scene pfjrare brilliancy, touched through the ten minutes of cer - emony, with a grave ; solemnity as the President of the ' United States stood by his" wife, their! faces a study in deep emotion, as they gave in 'marriage the first of their children. ' Items of Interest, to The People of Lenok--and Cald ' well County. Rev. H. a Marley of Old visitor Fort, was a business here Tuesday. Send or phone in your news they items to this office and wlU appreciated Miss Jane tiallew of Morgan ton, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ballew Qar merchants enjoyed a rush f business dvtriDg this week for the thanksgiving holiday The News Printery has re- ceivedalarge paper cutter of the best make ' and a stapeling machine. At St. James church there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion next Sunday morn ing, at 7:30. MrJ. A. Laxton a promi- Qent farmer from MulberrT - sectioDf was . transacting busi ness here Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Livingston ,pf Boomer. WUkes County; was in wwn on oosiness inesasy anu was a pleasant caller at this of- ftce- Mr. D. H. Moore left the first of the week for Boydton, Va., where he will be engaged in the lumber business for Mr. J. M. Bernhardt. The Rev. E. N. Joynerovwill preach and administer the, , sac rament of the Lord's Supper at Peace Chapel, Whitnel, next Sunday, at 11 o'clock. Mrs. L. R. Xlarke and little son who have been visiting : at the homes of Mrs. H. C. Martin and Mrs. S- M. Clarke, ' . return- led to Hickory Wednesday. The News is requested to an nounce that there will be a Box Supper at Whitnel school house Saturday Nov. 29th at 6 o'clock p.m. lor tne oenent 01 tne school. , Principal W. G. .Hartzog went away Monday to attena tne meeting of State High School Principals at Raleigh, which meets Tuesday and Wednesday. 1 Also he will attend the Teachers Assembly. , Mr. and Mrs. I. M. 1 Curtis of Hay, Wash. , and Mrs. W. P: Pendly of Blowing Rock, re turned Monday from . a visit to relatives in Tennessee. : The former will spend some time in this section with' relatives be fore returning home. The Woman's Home Mission ary Society of the Methodist church will conduct a Bazaar on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 4th and 5tb, in the Wakefield build ing on North Main street for merly occupied by the Lenoir Book Co. They will have for sale many useful articles suita ble for Christmas presents and cinAo iha Raaur ia for n. trnrui anco . mll1 na,n. "v " f - J This will be the first experl- lence of the parcel post depart- Iment of the postal service in J handling Christmas business., I Preparations are being made by the department to Handle an I immense amount of business, An addition to the usual slogan 1 "shop early" may be added this year "send your packages by parcel post and do it early." Have a thought for the welfare of the post office employees ov- er the country as well as for the I clerks.