LLU I V,v ' 1 1 - C - ,t IT. J t f I i t I Read by Mor Than " r. rzn ICCUED tluzcdayg and fridayg, one collar a year. VoIumoXVI tenoirv Friday, June 19, J914; No. 61 CFE1GER3 EE MM ACCIDENTS AT HICKORY. Hickory. June 18. Several u :iTY COHRESFDIiDEriTS flWS iTLlES BP lliTEBEST War is about to crop out azain in Greece." On . Monday the government i troops under - , EM Man. Suppoted' to be Mentally have been more ' serious have llem V0 V"1, Kegular Urre- talerwtav Reading, Matter of tbe personal leadership of Prince Auai fc. bterenson u Laid to Unbalanced, Take Officer Guns and Escape pondent and Nfigjiborinx County Paper.' : Local and National Affairs in Condensed1 Form. -.-. Morgantou, Junev15. named England living Lightning struck and set fire iThe n showefa - of rain of t Atlantic CoastLine depot Lj f Cn rf g . HIBRITEN. at Caretoe last .Sunday after noon:' The building was burned to the ground, the -loss being about $3,500. Eighty -one - young doctors Boston, T. B. Jones- of Chicago, W. P. G. Harding of Birming ham, Ala., Paul Warburg of New York and A. C. Miller of San Francisco, to be members passed the examinations in Ral- (of the Federal reserve board, 1 v happened in the last- few days. Saturday a yoqng son; of Mayor G. T. Barker, of West Hickory. -A man land anrtfhofK xrnninfr' man ! vera n eal riding i'fitorcycle;f-'throogh iBridgewater and recently .8up-Highland7whehhe';,Barger boy the last few: days have revived , posed to be mentally Unbalanced j wno waa - driving .Jhe machine, J the drobping:rvegetotion,i:.". .played, a. sensation air trick; on lost controrandN fell He washrMr Rf,,n iW nf Mr. t Officer Lane and his assistants caught imder the machine and Monroe Wilson, left tast week wno naa, gone ;vy nis aome . j severely bruised, bi)t : no, axnes for YaliskVlowa? : bring himjto town Friday. night. wee brokeri,- The : other -boy - ' V The officers boon reachin&r his A 5i-V V -Rno-whifa iiEld. X. W. Thomas held reg- .home and finding no . one in the rounding a feurve on the Newton l .a? tD, 01 their license to practice. There nouse,- proceeaeq jp searca ii. roai riding a motorcycle In com- - , T ; ' a , w were 11 students, who took toe Finding auistbl thev tookitan'dkotr iAthiwmin M Mtemoon for. the benelit- Of .Mr. ft;.,:n.tiAa" tM.con fi. left an unloaded shotgun in the (Joblter; of " Connelly "Springs, fldwbo paralytic and in)f:bc)pttsa Four of the ones house: losticdntrorof themachine'and not able to attend church. to receive license wereneeroes. flry flli n . Vi nan il.Virr -It... 1 1. ' . " I " fPU tXT . tfinn!..iu Cn I 1 'eTS , the officers found England and bankment and jumping aCditcb.ciety of Lower Creek gave, an hi wlfftnrrvlncr VJAtet trt the 1 iia i house." HertT Officer .Lane in- was draired Ijv: the machine un-1 which wasi' listened to by a pack , "Jormed" him that he ha4 come to til it stopped: 7Ari passing auto-jed honsewitb close attention. tatie mm w wwn. ... -r ,. mobile o eked".- him ud and Trie entire program "was well William repulsed ao attack on Dyrazzo, Alabama, by Missul man insurgents. " Washington, June 15. Nomi n a. m W nesc at m nome m ' Bloomington. . Bloomington, I1L, June 16.' With bbsineaA Rii&npndoY) Anrf ,,n of the "city draped : in 1 mournin-. this city to-day paid final honors . to Vice-President Adlai E. Stev - enson.- The body lay in state in the rotunda of the court house for two . hours while - thousands filed past. , . . . : ' The processions to the churchr were headed by a hand, a troop today eigh last week and received were sent to the - -Senate by President Wilsoi)- Raleigh, June 15.--The West of the Illinois National Guard, Raleigh postoffice, the big jew- and surviving members of the establishment of H. Mah- Stevenson Escort club, a famous Sons the Thomas H. marching organization of. the The counties of Forsyth, Ire- Briggs & Sons hardware store, campaign of 1892, which accom- dell and Davie are to receive the Bovlan Pearce Cbmoanv dry ipanied the vice-president elect $30,000 from the federal govern- j goods store and the Raleigh to the inauguration at Washing- ment to ouiia gooa roads, fost- Motor Car- Company, Louis ton, 'mere followed 300 miners master General Burleson ref us-1 Goodwin manager, all the; big-1 from the McLean county mines. ..."-- Lane, saying that if his "ptetol tional bank.-huilding herehissons'given'"by the Young Worn-jmeE ' V - wArA rpt.nmpd to his wife he I mXnl nn' A KfhnW r'nria a.', noflfm I An'a C A ii YflisLrv nrH ' Rnnhpam I are :' 'woufd go' willingly ."rWheri thewaa caueht under s kr mass: of band of the" Lenoir', First Bap-Itals' but a fraction of ' those who wished to hear the services. . The interment at the Bloom rUnkUndreadili counted .nd broMMbim Kere.-.Dr". Men: rendered, id B.Ve the.la 1I.J t ikA V,nnin ' -r ,. r' ", I . I". i 1. i vvJI uduwob lire wuciuuu v HI (UUeiKUi WCIB UUl K1W liCU I mJ j cou jji camcut, lUUUJWl : csawuuw..iM. m9 . vuuw. v r y 1 the road there will to prepare for' bis . trip, ': In a J ne i8 still in a serious condition, j as to the workings'and needs of tbe expenditure iuk tur-ouuiBuu, wiuicu icriCK vault ID tD6 Old jnrai a" lug uiusiruwuus anu oujecs ies-1 1 - i a" hSrof' PracVkirtArUn W.k hnli t.ionroi tbem foreigners, be started in the .United States l ; ": dead and ten are in hospi-1 Senate to find out why , tbe offi probably fatally .. injured, cia,l stationery of the Rules com avaIvah Kofi Keen hanHorl trt t,h I ui-l. . I I. . . -. J I .:. , " nr.4nl SS the IeSUlt ' Of S&S eXDlOSlOIl I mittAP and RAnRDA onmrhittefi Honinir beretoday.lna trench in which was used by W. G. Newman to "f . -. r I " "i ' . ' ' ' I . - - .... 1 - ''I 'I'hA Hot rf"T hAttAM 1 HVri'M - 'aTJii nri hntk WanP( t.hrnncrh i u-.,t kt .iAof 1 fv k nnnA-,.a r la gang Of laborers were laving Inromote the interests : of the! . , ' Myuyijr " ,. V,.. i. HfWlMVl MUM VMWW WW w I IlliIIHI W HI .III II IKVft tin I 1 AC aiUlUDU UUC&U IU . - Wm KKM. UD UUUU UU1 13 . UU I w - - w w t iT - -w , . ',: 'the back way And -gbt the offi: completely - covered 4 by the much and lasting good: I We amaln- Five others, ' painfully Gold Hill Consolidated Compa . V - - "xers vehicle first and departed, briol: . ' . , J I would like to give the entire owned, will recover, according ny located in Rowan county. i- IflaTlnff tbeofflcers". in a remote I . .- . " , k .1 nmirmm Krif iimn and .'. narA to physicians. , Vv est telephone. oj:telfigraph,flU- 4;--;; :atb. . ' '.'Amos, of Versailles,1 has received " bis h?6.-- ,' W.?f LLa fnrmar Oai ,J.'".J 4ioii v'Vr ..-T?': . Washington? June 13. Care- Eng and and bis vvlfe drove lesspe8a0 the part ovesse'l itv rati rur dkiym . , r-, xa i.u -we- captains in tbe bandling of their . (6harjotte buerrer) - n kupw w erftffc not K. to erated here. - tbe North Cpye. . v SEVEN MEN ?URN TO Milford, ? Mass. craft will not be' tolerated here after .by the department mprr." With thA recent ler hi iuw xjui press u uciauu ers included ' many men promi nent in law, politics, and busi- Ronnprmftn U h?rmftn of hfded by james S, Ewing. ..! . -' Iforraeriv amhassadnrtrt Rpl?inm t.,. .. t n. i i I tha Kn oo mmmit.toA ftnrt Amna 1 " - 7 jonn . oi Versailles, nas receivea nis rr-r-r -r -rr " k,flw fm t. commission as United States r" 0 "c u ""r54 lW wr to.. j n .r. oenaior rrom i&enxucKy irom "u v -" - pjgnry uuv v" w vu u" i , w asiunKwa, o uuc i.-wi Among the : notable ' persons expirea term 01 we- taw w . u. i nor etewart 01 Montana tele i nrMant fnrmir . v w:i. ot cornel url:.T.J: Bradle? hicn .enda 4 Phoned President Wilsotf today dept pairbanks.; former Gover- . u.uiy Mr. Camden is a son of asking that federal troops be nor Pranci8 0f Missouri, and lorr.7Tv.r. H- M.pamden, who as. V.B. sent to restore orderinttaButtoGoveW and Mrs. Dunne. . Canaan fmm Woo. Vifmnlol' w J:t..:A4 . .V.n. I v ' - I ' I - " ' wvwwvw si i : i w iigiuiaiguuif UJIUtJ UlSbllkV) nuclei ' mi ' Ss.r: June. 10.- the St.- Lawrence river ' and thH ? a . , .-' :."ri. " i... ' i i i . i ':' J real hcusiuw ttbiieujuw n icKuiaiii 1001 t. iooi .4 1 ."- . i. . - .i. - oeven men were Darneu wuaui mid lmmion liner Monroe oni; ., , : , i""4" iw w iqwi, uu, w inere w scodiucv, oeiweeu i PRESIDENT SIGNS BILL ent U a breeder of thnmmrhbred I wAatorn TPoomtmn nf . f infrtl fi '. . -V - 1 1 . ' x , . .1 . , . il . Washington. June 15Presi . ' . . V. ...V. Lhfl .-Th : Rftid t dent Wilsoo today signed f the governor oiewan oi.flionia- -"v' !lt, it rXrr&i-: .i.uiL rThmttthe household privi- na nas requesiea rresiaen vyu- - ! "Tr iT bill as amended in the senate! V"1 I NrrTK.K. CU11 lilac ttbuCLluliJLl UU U1Q , .--. ... . -j, lOrttt tA fllMltOh h m ' H'fAfA I I UU CbWUV UUUUO vuij wyy i - figure, this privilege.permitting roop5ro 8lore oraer.w roe r .. There was no ceremony at tbe i i, Knrrn nirii mininn niormnr i , u tu - tar a . . . a man to keep a pistol in his "UUTO """'" i -,lr." vuruwu, . h.,.-muc signing. Assistant secretary A' : . vr- 'persons were trapped in aW 'ptod Secretary ' Reeld 'so intf The prying of a: pistol to to ;;?Vlg.todgtogt4w Sted today. la lettorf to we galized on the paypent of a h- -The bodies were -taken C ' ';-"". the upper.floors of the, four and recent grounding of the passen ' 4 ; " a half story1 brick " and wooden j Rer steamer .lrbquols in the Hud . . ' 0 buildingj-, . vJ ';; - .' sok river for. which the ;captain -In addition to the, 20 men tak-Jof the Iroquois-is -.said vto'have . . ;;", en to the hospital au tiering from J received a 80 days .'suspension of V" ' ' burns or from injuries-recel ved I m3 license. The" secretary "is house. Of course this license where rioting had resulted frpm Hiding in abandoned coal mines Forster was the only person tax is not going to suppress the con llicts between the members by day and raiding by night, a with the president who signed n!i.inuwfn I tht f the, WestertTCpnfederation of band of robbers for two weeks the bill with a onlll nn used hv . . ... . i . I Miners and the Industrial Work-1 hna forroriPil t.hpf Paint, and I r" t.i tt : " "???militlegal12esthe -industry," will ff the. World. Governor Cabid Creek, district Theit tne international copyright law nave a goou . wurai eutxii auu will prove a source of I "revenue. As it seems - impossible ' to pre ' "building was burned out. , :v , tains who are in accidents is in- C' The fire, the cause 'of .which sufficient for the gravity j of the nasnotoeen aeiermineu. start' lonense.. muis itiwjr oi,i j --'ed in the dining- Ihall'on .thelRedfield says in part: groundf floor. When firemen ar-1 v "If there Is no law to the con- 'iA rived .'flames'4 .were shooting jtrary in the easel; should.;, say i oiewars - expiainea roai tnere latest exploit was tbe then oi m 1891 and by President Taft in were only 500 .militiamen, in $8,000 ; worth of j merchandise signing the Pan-American copy-( Montana and that he feared se- from the coal company store at rirht treaty, the Lincoln Memo- vent the carrying of"" pistols:4t pons trouble within the next Crown Hill. A box car in which rial Billr and tbe Act Incorporate stknda to reason that a law Di-o- 4"w Uttjr8' r"roaa yewewva waueuvu jng tbe National Institute or viding a license Is the next best Greensboro, N. C. June 15.- tobe hiding was riddled with Arts and Letters. -'i' mur Kt.;-. v-u .,;-iv t I r Ai a a choKnm stpoot Ran. 1 bullets from nigh-power rines.i tha ntn .) . thA-; nmnartv -of through all tour floors.' Escape that this captahvif he had pas- L. . - mntoA nA J tisfc Chnrcb came to the reseue wMwotnn .w Is-Harr Robert Underwood Johnson, of bv the two narrow stairways sengerson board at the time of T " r - .Ln.-.-..i Jrr Tj, ' j..: ' v..vi. aacuuuu uu.uc nignt When lease orf bail pending considering of exit as by jumping irom me us license snspenaea as - wasp . A- . r. o w - v. .Up-,, all - men n; thft K i. a Rn ' a windows. v.."- - ; , 1 for the season on its. Ming! , i. u uU:.L3.iI t.tt fC . The victims wereborers and tprovf n bat bo .V I taw bt 'ti, 'be tome leoatsi and mak'themseWes con: I io' NeW York. The court like- Thbeno: controversy smolders employed at umftnu hope for a pistol tax, v . ' fortable. - The men gladly com- wise declined to rant the auxil- fear pyertne quesupnor yueu , wiu -Mw ufir , - "u . Juiiarj request ior Tnaw w oe sas i r" rrr v-r.:': dnnhf. AninvAd thA. AvanroliftttaUW ia tiaknmK 'in tha V.nfvlbPnhRS. Ipat r issue v y-.was CAMP MEETING SETTLED. ' ' (Newtoo Enterprise.) ' v J turing plant la Hoidale. : ' NorCe of them had families'.' " The mon For! turn' ''. 5-..Wtafba:--:'.; .-,...;.!. fMirethib'bne huidredforesi unique conference" in session, sentees ln . pronrras -:t tb of ShertfT Drew, ot Coos coub'tir, 7?r- predicts TURICO-CRECIAN WAR. '.vjLt. -. .f vho nave otherwise. ; It is .under dy be was p aced by Judge Al- ana navo issued a statement 'l,?? J: Tl?:L ternatiouaicontere unique In foiU 1 heM the tbat the meeting will b held at - j sev- v. London. June - 15, Another ouroera Appaiauuiaos, w.1 history is m session -in unnsw- a. , ;,..4..4, a.. Z A - thft old MmA wnd Rnndav n J;;; w between Greec.Turkeydewlth.oneo redicted by the Times which spring drougots ever. Known fa from the ited, Btyfy and Rns- ; , : ? , . t 7 . ' ers are going W be' there: It fiftv the unrest in the Balkans tne soutneasi. . xne siaiemenw sia Norway and otber nortbern . Kaleign, June v io. uoverpor "T.. that thA hi Jhasbecomo,.. .acute. , Several are pasea on reporwoi . tiiaropean countries .preset vo Mjraig graniea a paroon wqay ttaieigu, wune,j,r-Aue wwHnal picnic which has for s .... .?,. U...nltt700thOT. h1it0SLlf . &rin TirlA TcirPNL I f..mA ' ii r iMiammunt try ' thai fn IHlnria KlgMrnoll nf Molr. 1 1 larYMlnA. MPmft.l RrtP.IAT.V nlini-l ' - l Sliiea'll SHVBi'' niCeuuj .-'.ubioi , - : i j i oluo , a kv!Wuwv.u W.'. ,been employed inclearing their service.,; i i:iwlV BCUUllBU. wmwuco vti lire iaiuitut Vundesirable" elements ana tbe greater parj Tiuliroria na havft hppri the ."Driu muriiicr most ( clpal sufferers." The , unrest is and May was below normal, and William K.-Collier, :-of JNew of Uhariotte, tbree years ago in icai examiners lor 'ine ensuing prali0n July 4. ; of ": thei Caro- York; and f TederlcK weiiastsn, a notei or tnat city. , : " - . v . w ierm oi six yearsc t i ne ' nnai j . - . ... attributed by the 'Newspaper .to 10 certain sections i the drastlo policy of the young Unas in May the rainfall . drop- turks in expelling ' all Greeks pedaslow as two per cent of, 'from Asia ' Minor, and Turkish the normal. v'TheT.number. -X of Thrace.' - It believes "this policy fires reported in the southeast-, is' a prelude to a declaratloni of em, forest areas -increased dar war upon Greece, the "main -bb- ing the spring, months, ' while vjecfcbdr;; the' rcconqucstt by the drought increased.- Only 28 Turkey cf CJ.cr.ilii fced the ro- fires were reported for Marcb, occupation ci JMaccaonia. .; ? -; ey ior Apru, ana iu ;ior, xuay. York; assistant bohui wr ui iu, aiaws i auu jJtuuuu t uu,, utwuut w wuvwmo, jo uj 'vuwvg w people of Newton hftvo department, are the American heroic . effort on tne partoi ioiiowing; wr. j. V .y-TS' demanded better depot faciliti delegates.- . ' : - - ' Blackwell recently at the. Hick' Charlotte; nr. a. - a.- Koyster, 0t the Railroads and the C. Although No Man's Land has oryrNut Gap convict K camp I Raleigh: Dr, I. M; Tay lyr, Mor-" I N-W, and Southern ; Railways knar. imAnrn' a tha roof Af t.ho fwhon h triftil t a atAn nViintiwAv MntonlfrJ. PJ ?Hiflrh9mith: have proposed to install toik world for that It was " found to' horse, Blackweli's leg was yetteAtP '''' 4 . .... " :. i - . . ".. . r.. ! i litr..Lii... n. . is devoid of vegetation little or no ania al life. and has jured and has fully, IaaIta M NAiirt.nri wilt rrt a never "recovered 1 Washington; Dr. tJhas. T. Har' greatly needed improvement la Der. Wilmincton.trCi :?; 'vtbanear future. r'v' -