r f ' TCCT ADVERTISIU3 jr til i . Rf AD FCSS ILY SJSr Rm by Mor Than THIS PAPER IGGUED TUEGDAY5 AND FRIDAYS, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Volume XVI: Lenoir, N. C. Tuesday, July 2ir 1914 No. 70 ' ' ' ' .4 1 ! I -. r TOETrRANY OF CUSTOM. - . lPrebyterin Standard) ' 'We have all read r and "have been thrilled by the story of the young Swiss who threw, himself ' upon the bristling spears in or 1 der to break the serried ' ranks '- of the enemy, f j 1 1; - I . y -It is in order) now for some modern Arnold von Wlnkelrled to'sacrifice his social standing by , disregarding " a social custom that is fast spreading. ., v ..' 1 " Once the presents at Christ mas werelconflned to the imme diate family, and were real : ex pressions of love. In recent years the circle has steadily grown till it la fast including "' one's acquaintances, without re gard to age or intimacy, and in consequence the Christmas sea- v son is onedreaded as the maker of burdens too heavy ;tobe borne. ' : Some of your friends have : been married 25, or it may be 50 years. There is . nothing pecu liarly wonderful about that, such as would reflect any credit -upon the parties' concerned. It only shows how good God has , been to spare them to each oth- . er for so ' many years, and if there is to be any giving, it would seem more in keeping with the fitness of things to give something to His cause, Such, however,' is not the cus tom; but cards are sent out an 'n'ouncing a certain 'anniversary, - which is a delicate , way of ask ing for aj)resent 'and forthwith . all who receive such, card's, buy 'SOCQethiQgof the; least " cost that ; ili'ii their face: '' The children, have their birth day parties, r and then, instead of old-time games such as our level headed ancestors played, each one invited must bring a present, which means heart burning on the 1 . part of some who could not afford a finer one, - and social ostracism for .those , who brought nothing, v Again the circle is widening. -The rite of infant baptism has 'been caught in the ' maelstrom, and now instead .of being aTe iigious ceremony in which par ents dedicate their child to God and enter into covenant rela ' tions with Him, it has also be come an occasion, for the same conferring of presents. -' ; No one likes these ; customs, . and all would like a return to 'the old ways, yet no one has the . couragcfto defy them. So far the : funeral has escap ed, but the time may come,' when each one in vited will bring some , thing to be put in the grave, af V ter the manner of our savage ancestors, ," v ; V . A FEW RULES , FOR HOG RAISERS. (By Lester Homes, R. R. 25, Sheridan - j') Indiana)' "- , . ,K( For young pigs y?Q always fur "nish a dry' bed where they can get lots of sunshine. - , ' v .,We keep fresh : water where Vthey can get it always. ' i We never permit a hog to be f come lousy, using crude carbolic acid and coal oil-as a preventive. j'We keep pldnty of charcoal or , soft coal before them. ' If possible we never have "a pen or hog lot next the highway "Jand we try to prevent pigeons 'and crows and buzzards from alighting in the peris. - 1 : ! J ,We tiuarantine new hogs uhti sure that they are free from dis ease. ' . , . ' - . , -iWe do riot allow stock-food men.or patent medicine men " , within the lot, for-we can't te) how recently they ; may ha,ve visited a sick herd. v , : We never keep a sow more ', than a year if she does not pro ' duce an average of six pigs per litter.' x' , ' " v' " COLD HILL SENATORS ESCAPE ALL ; BLAME ? Washington July J 17. No body is to- blame for - having boomed the Gold Hill mine on senate stationery. . That in substance is the find ing of senate committe which has investigated the remarkable chain of circumstances that led to the circulation on the Wall Street curb of a Gold Hill report struck off on senate committee letterheads in the offices of two senators who are stockholders in thymine.; ; ; ' V. . J? The committee's report, which was laid before the full commit tee on privileges and elections, contains not a word of condem nation for anybody or anything. There is nothing in it that would discourage, the ibost timid from emulating, this effort to exploit the North Carolina Golconda on senate stationery. Even Walter George Newman, the promoter who used the Pres ident's room at the Capitol to sing the praises of Gold Hill and who enjoyed the extraordinary privilege of going on the floor of the senate,-might find encour agement in the report to try his luck again. LOUD "AMENS" COVERED PRISON. ERS' DEPARTURE. ' ' 7 Klnston, July 15. Alonzo Marshburn, a negro, was today carried to the Duplin county Jail at Kenans vllle, from where he with seven others escaped about two Weeks ago. He was arrested by a- Lenoir county planter and brought to jail here until a Duplin county officer could come for bim. Marshburn confessed that he was wanted in Duplin to stand trial on a charge of larceny and described the means that he and the others employed to escape. - While the little county seat town was sleep ihg the conspirators in the jil held a. religious service to drown the noise made by those dig ging the hole, for their escape. oong and prayer 5 services are frequent : occurrences in theH county jail in- Kenansville, and citizens disturbed., froni their; slumbers returned v- immediately to sleep. An especially capable black led the service, while the physical huskies used the tools. Marshburn was a . - chorister, and prayed a bit too, he said. The time for the .exit v was ac companied by an extra loud men" and the eight slipped through the ' hole and skulked away over the . country side. Only Marshburn hast been cap-. tured. MORE FRAUD WHEAT. I bought one bushel .. of seed wheat from' E. P. Link, the seed peddler, one half bushel each of two varieties both smooth head wheat. I sowedseparate. One of the lots was about half bearded and had several different kinds of wheat In it; the other lot was about one1 fourth bearded and mixed with other kinds of wheat. I sowed. it on the best land. w J bad prepared it well v and used 200 pounds .of fertilizer per acre. It did not make ' near as goo wheat as my qwn seed " did right b,y the side of it. I lost ' some thing like $10.00 by: buying the one bushel of seed, $4.75 I paid for the wheat and ' it liked," five or six .bushels of .'making as much as my own seed ' would have made. V . . - John Turner, - Yadkin Valley, N: 0. " Before marriage he thinks she is the dearest girl in the world After marriage, when the bills come in, ue Knows sne is. , EWS ITL1E5 DF STATE Interesting Neyrs of All Kinds Derived from Various 1 Sources, Revised and Condensed for ' , . -v. v-- Brief Reading. : - The Bank ofv Morganton - has ately moved into its handsome new quarters on , West " Union street. . President Wilson is being urg ed by Gov. Craig and many oth er prominent North Carolinians to appoint Chief Justjkpe Walter Clark of ths ' State Supreme Court to the" U. S. Supreme Court to succeed the late Judge . H. Lurton. Washington, July 16. Repre sentative Webb, North Carolina, was chosen by the house Demo cratic caucus today to succeed Representative Clayton, Alaba ma, recently named federal udge, as chairman of the judici ary committee. New York, July 15. In one borough 6f Greater New York- Manhattan 540 absolute divorc es were granted during the six months ended June 30, as against 872 during the same pe riod last year. These figures were made public today by the county clerk. Durham, July 15. William Erwin, the 16-year-old son, of W. A. ErwiR, of West Durham, was placed under arrest this aft ernoon in connection with the injury of Thomas Cogbill, who Was run down by an j&atomobile being driven by young Erwin this afternoon. The people around Louisburg don't seem to want booze very badly as there was a trunk con taining 50 pints of whiskey "tok en from the train carrying' mili tia companies to Morehead City some ten days ago and has not been claimed as yet. It is sup posed it belonged to some of the boys who Wanted to do a little blind tigering" and. they are afraid to claim it. .Fayetteville, July 16. Wed nesday night Sheriff McGeachy arrested at Watkins mill, a few miles north of Fayetteville, a negro identified, as Aaron Du pree, murderer of Mack Brown on his farm at Dundarrach last December. The prisoner denied being the right party - but he is now safety locked in jail. Newton, July 16. Carl Stew art was arrested here a few days ago ch arged with deserting the navy, ; He is the son of Mr. arid Mrs. Ueorge Stewart, and was only about 16 years old when he enlisted and did so without the knowledge and consent of his parents. He ' was ; taken to Charlotte and from theTe to Norfolk for trial. - vAshevllle, July 16. The trial Of Berry Dockery, charged with the, murder; of Perry, Bradburn in the Leicester section " last March," began in Superior court here this mornrag, 'Judge E. B. Cline- presiding. The state introduced only four wit nesses and then rested its case. which is considered a damaging one for the defendant. J. L. Boger, former chief of police of Concord, has been ap pointed United States deputy marshal to succeed R. R. Ross, who resigned to , become post master at Asheboro. Boger s appointment was fought by T, D, Maness, pity attorney ot Con cord, wqp charged and' the charge-was not - publicly denied -that Boger was short in his 'accounts while chief of police of Concord. AND USTfl INTEREST Percy Fields, 18 years old, of Abbott's Creek township, Davie son county, is in fail charged with criminally assaulting Vir gie Vaden, a 13-.vear-old orphan. The boy denies the crimp. San Jose. Cal.. July 15. Eva J. Rinehart, a nurse was arrest ed here today charged with hav ing killed her companion and partner, Mrs. Kathleen "Bluett, to collect her life insurance. Leipsic, July .14 A new world record for an aeroplane was established here today by Heinsich Oelerich, a German av iator, who rose in his biplane 7,500 metres or approximately 24,606 feet nearly four and three quarter miles, Miss Doxthy Bauer, a 14-year I old girl of , Tarry town, N. Y., swam the Hudson River at its widest point last Friday, the dis tance covered by .Miss Bauer was about six miles and the wa ter was very rough. The feat is said to be unparalleled in the history of swimmers. In the police court at Wins ton-Salem this week J. E. Saint sing, a Winston-Salem druggist, was convicted of retailing and Dr, Dimmette, a physician bf Wallburg, Davidson county, was convicted of issuing illegal prescriptions for, whiskey. Both were fined and , both appealed. v . ' .. v , - i - t - - President Duncan of the Nor folk' Southern ; Railway system has announced that Raleigh will have thjgri : principal railway shops of the system., They will be among the . largest in the south and do the work for four divisions of the road. ' i Six persons were killed and twenty wounded in Norfolk Fri day when a trolley car pulling a trailer crashed into a freight train, the cars were running at such a great rae of speed that two of the heavy steel cars of the train were carried several yards from the track. Paris? Ark'., July 15. Main taining his innocence, Arthur Tillman, 22 years old, was hang' ed here today for the murder of his sweetheart, Amanda Steph ens, iy years old, whose body was found in an abandoned well at Delaware. Ark., last March. Both the Stephens' and Tillman families. were prominent. Washington? July I6.r-Secre- tary Bryan, in a formal state, ment issued tonight, came out fof woman suffrage. He de ciarea tnat ne would as no po litical rights for himself that he was not willing to grant his wife, and announced his interi tion of supporting the proposed state constitutional amendment extending the franchise to worn en to be voted upon in Nebras ka next November, r ( ; Asheville. July 16. -An; or ganization was perfected and a juvenile court established for Asheville at the meeting held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the Y, M. C. A. building, which was attended ? by a large number of people interested in the movement in this city. The meeting was due to. the . v isit here of the Juvenn! Protective association wthwuth'ern,'head'; quarters in Atlanta, who came to Asheville several days ago and made ;severaV; addsses in the city in regard . to the estah- lishme.it of the court ' KWDEL QUITS THE PARTY. A Washington dispatch says: Representative -George J. Kindel, of Colorado, elected as a Democrat it(was learned .today, has left the Democratic party, and will henceforth be known as an independent lr Kindel has told his friends that he re gards the administration as in competent and; that he is no longer able to affiliate with the party. Not only that, but Mr. Kindel will assist. Senator Jo seph W. Bristow of Kansas, Republican candidate Tor re-election to the Senate, and will aid other Republican candidates in so far as they esijjuse bis views on the transportation problem and the Mexican question. Mr. Kindel has pui chased a&tereop ticon outfit, and will invade the congressional district of Repre sentative David J. Lewis, Dem ocrat of Maryland, who has been an adviser to' Mr. Burle son, tne .Postmaster General, in parcel post matters. Claiming that he was thrown from his bicycle by reason of a defective place in a paved street, John Arnold has brought suit against the city ' of Ashe ville for damages in the sum of $2,000. The education commission ap pointed by the general confer ence of the Methodist church to choose a location for the pro posed Methodist University has selected Atlanta, Ga. Hender sonville, N. C, and Birmingham Ala., made strong- bids for it Asa Candler, brother of Bishop Candler, 'hasdonated $1,000,000 to the institution. f ? Winston-Salem, July 16. The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Compa ny has awarded the contract for the new concrete sweat house to Harwood and Moss, of New port News, Va. The new build ing will be of steel and reinforc ed concrete and will contain no wood.' It will be 66 feet wide, 291 feet long and 104 ; feet high. It is to have 11 stories and will have a capacity of 3,400,000 pounds of leaf tobacco. " i A rather unusual fake was tried on Mr. J. ( B. Stanley of Durham' last week when his nephew who was in Norfolk, Va., sent several telegrams to him 'informing him that his nephew Jim Stanley bad been killed and wanted money to bu ry the body. Mr. Stanley wired to have the body prepared for burial and sent to Durham and he would settle all bills on ar rival. After the body did not arrive and further investigation was made it was found' that the young man had sent the tele grams himself in order to get the money. Fort Smith, Ark., July 171 After a pitched battle x between several hundaed striking coal miners and their sympathizers and 100 guards stationed at the Prairie Creek mines, of the! Mammoth vein uoal company near Fort Smith today, which ended in the rout of the guards, tipples of three mines were de stroyed by fire and , dynamite. The property damage is estiiriat ed at $200,000. So far as can be ascertained, no one was killed or seriously wounded i'n the fighting, which began short- ly after daybreak and continued until late in the day when the their ammunition was exhausted Rioters held possession of the mines for several hours, wreck - Jng the, plants wi explosives. Tonight the prop - erties are deserted. ' ' A BIG GUN. . ' The 16-inch gun, said to be the biggest piece of ordinance in the world, now being made ready for service on the fortifi cations at Panama, will be sent -to Panama next spring. Some idea of the tremendous power of this gun, destined to protect the Pacific ' entrance to the Panama canal, may be formed from the fact that it is fifty feet long, weighs 142 ton : and fires a projectile about six feet long. The projectile itself weighs a ton and is discharged by 665 pounds of powder. It re-" quires eight men to carry the - -powder charge. This gnn has a maximum range of, from 22 to 23 miles. The elevation per- f mitted by its carriage willenah- " le the gun to fire a projectile" about 11 miles across the Pacific ' ocean. It has sufficient powers theoretically, to pierce two feet of the best armor at the muzzle. " At 11 mile? the gun is calculated to pierce a 12-inch armor plate, or any side armor afloat When a shell leaves the gua it is revolving around its axis at , '. about 4,000 revolutions per min ute and develops a pressure of 88,000 pounds ' to the square) inch. The pressure to the rear on the gun and forward on the projectile amounts to 7,600,000 ' , pounds. The projectile's veloc ity of 2,250 feet per second gives a muzzle energy of. somewhat more than 84,000 foot tons .' that is an energy capable of raising 42 tons one foot - every. ' second.,. '.L'--'X.r!',h:.:MiQ Army ordinance officers believe the gun ' will be a tremendous instrument of peace when it fin-1 ally is In position on the 6anal. ON LOYALTY f , , (Jerome P. Fleishman) " Take It from me, unless you're ' iq sympathy with the Old Man1-, unless you can work "with" him as well as ior, bim unless yott want to grow as the business grows unless you sometimes. think about your job an the man who makes it , possible in a a kindly, helpful, uplifting way1 " you'd better resign. - ,: , You'd better do it quick. You ' . aren't worth much to the : firm. What's more, you arenrt worth much to yourself. I know. I worked for a mean boss . once.. Loyalty was an unknown thing in his organization . . The only . time the men and women in his employ cared a rap for him was on pay 'day. - Then they showed their interest in the firm by step ping up to the cashier's window, . And that was about the only time they looked halfway inter ested. . , - .iV f Get a good boss. , Take an in terest in your work. Try to im prove daily on that wprk. Get some fun out of tackling every-, thing t hat comes your way with the one idea v of doing . it ,"the bes you know how". That is, loyalty loyalty to the boss and loyalty to ypur own ; best inter ests.- Pretty soon you 11 be doing your work so weir that .the boss will be compelled to sit up and take notice. Then, maybe, he'll raise your salary. He will if he's the right kind of, an executive! And when he does that, you will raise your standards and . your ideals still higher and try to beat out the good work,' that brought about the increase; in recognition. ; t Oh, yes loyalty pays: ! It pays best the man who is loyal, t ' ! Tf ' . ' : tions will bet barred- from tho mails. ,

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