1 1 :Y . f-, M v rrPT AOVEF.TISI w 1 r vtv L !:."i3 mill RMd try Mort Than B.UOO Hopi. I s I r I LLmill. ..luimi .n.1.11. in .. u i .11 ii in ' ' Jlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TH1G PAPSa ICGUED TUE5DAYG AND FPilDAYG, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Volume XVI -)i ;- : Lenoir, N. CM-Friday, July 24. 1914 I ; No. 71 . . . . . ...... , -i . . . , . i -. HlilSiPEL-CllI'liS At Vancouver. Officer Could Hot Board Ship Because Of V v Stubborn, Resistance. . Ottawa, Oni, July J9.A re port of a battle in vVaiicaaver . early today! between Canadian "officials: backed ;by.lthe; police J and a V body-of Hindus on 'the f STRIKE BARELY AVERTED. ; . New Benv l July 19. What came near resulting in? a strike of the men employed in the ma chine shops, the boiler makers and some of the men oh ; the yards of the Norfolk '- Southern R all w ay - Com pany , x occu r red here yesterday i, morning - when three men who . are employed In the shops 5re fused .to. join . the uflidn.inwhich "the other" men Japanese; steamship .:,Komagata Lyr affiliated. The Vuniod t here Maro;waV recei vedv by govern js'rystrong; practically all of ment .omVials tonight ViAi 1 the'mea-in tbeshops being mem 4 The steamer arrived.' three I jjers and they refused fey work months ago with 350 Hindus, with' "scabs '' ' The men went w ho as British subjects claimed WOrkat o'clock and at that the right tolahd in Canaa i timel informed the three men The Canadian immigration ot- WD0 were not . members, that ficials refused them admission a3 thov had an nnnrtrtunrtr of he: undesirable persons. Several cominz affiliated with ; the union times the Hindus attempted to but thev for some reason tieclin. ed to accept the invitation - The situation was thoroughly explained to them, they were told unless they, became idem- bers that the other men would not work with. them. Still they were obdurate and when this the other tools ' and HENS HUES OF 5TTE Wlfl liSIl lHTEREST Interesting. News of All Kinds Derived from Various Sources, Revised and Condensed for ; reachhor6 but .were prevented . by guard boats the' Canadian .au. . thorities placed on watcfu ' , ., The courts sustained the posi tion taken by the government and the Japanese .captain of the . steamer was' 1 given ' until . o'clock . baturday ; aiternoon to fact became kdown sailfor Asia wltn his load o! men iaid down their Tiindus., ' walked out of . the shops. The The report as i given v out by situation for. awhile had a most the 'immigration, department, oorinna ftsncct. Five minntes :.(ttetV.that'rsboT(lyf:';r'vd passedljy and during this time captain xif the KomagnaU Maru one 0f the bosses was engaged . reported that -the passengers n explaining the situation to the , -prevented him , from getting tnree non-union ' men. For ' steam up and he had asked for twenty minutes they held out in v assistance, iou.. policemen . ana their determination to stay out ' imm igratidn Qfficials went out to 0f the nnion . but finally they v ' the vessel in atug. but could not J were convinced of . the error of , w? uw.w vi. wu AuuiHi tneir aecision ana giaaiy aecia- : U Mara n w race pi; stnooorn ed to join. ) The, men . were but ' resistance offered by the Hindus f0r abbnt twenty minutes and at ; ;on Doarg, no -vonriea ,aown on the end of kthis time, after the the officer coaVfron bars, piec- caase 0f the trouble had ; been espf machinery, natctiets ana remedied, they returned to their Ciuos, injunng niany men du tasks. This is the . first time '. smashing the .windows of the that' any such . incident has oc tug. ? - , . - currea in the local shops of the . ' "Some shots were fired by the Norfolk Southern for a consider- Hindus," the report states, 'but able time. the officers, although farmed, in thei r anxiety to avoid bloodshed, , ' did not return the fire and at 2 . a. m5?f 0 daythe27th;iGreat goodl wiUb? x reaching the' deck of -the - vessel in thAnrini . ' .rl form wdiiwpireithteaehenij.it with . them 20 injured men, wiU UjAtj ,0 therooatlty i . . tey":j,J and encourage co-operation among . .the tuff. :N0nft o the injuries is aliwho are directly iaterested. ." lik to prove fatal. Well teachers' very mnch enjoy . TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Our Institute opens next M6n- 'While desirous that v no un- tha TneHtnta and malrA in minri neces?rryiolence shall be used fioeto attend;lt8 8essions? j but al the government is determined .A tM. aro ntf vb11. nnmi an that the law shall be enforced and with this end in vie,w. has .authorized the use of the cruiser Rainbow to effect a boarding of xthe Komagava Maru., If neces sary to secure control and main .' tain it, .the Hindus will be hand cuffed, a proceeding . which in . -iswthelioIntutlMt 8hoald not open, at asunder the , night, is considered, fully justl- 8Di)ervlsion 0f one of tne8e' feebl'e fied. me government nas in- -Thrfn,. - nt.Fnn structea its agenis ro aeporo wie througlioati thft Vtry are Varn ed tosee to it that their favorite who teach are not well: some are sick o mind and spirit, '.feeble in courage and energy. But so 1 few belong to this class as to make its mention almost unnecessary: r To these few the law says "Thou ghalt Attend." ,. t , . , Oar Board of Education agrees with Dr. Joyuer that a schoo reiected Hindus , on the steam- shin Empress of ; Japan next Thursday if it appears ; that de- 'portation by the Komagata Ma ru, cannot be promptly and effec tually accomplished. Mt is fear ed here that lives may be lost "before the Hindusre subdued, teacher attend the Institute. Teachers should brine to tha Institute a copy of every book they expect to teach.' They wil seed these books through the school this ' winterunless , they bold io the old .way, ol making , the as. they have been , prisoners' on cMiaren rarnisa tnem, ana parents board the vesseP ft thw ?u 'K'7, if inobths: and t are ' .They are known to , ber of guns. V'Y asperate. vve a num- also, a note book and pendl. 'Our conductor, VProf.:VO S Siiipes, of the Fayetteville Graded Schools, is. considered one of the ablest managers, and we are glac the . State,' as ; rell as " Card we county regards j Mrs., if uuer a as among the very best primary teachers. . ' ; -: Let's all get ready, , . ; Y. D.'Moore. - "-"-.' County Supt New York, July 21. The first! bale of 1914. cotton gathered in i the country reached New York today from Georgia and was auc tioned off at the cotton exchange for 12 rents a pound. .It .weigh; ed 300 pounds, In explanation of theLlow price it ..was said the cotton vwas,. of J poor 1 quality. There was only one bid. ) I Los Angeles, Cal., July 21. Fears that Mrs. Edna Sykes, 27 years, of age, would return to Norcross, Ga., and effect a rec onciliation with her husband, a banker there, is believed by her friends to haye led to her death yesterday at. the hands of Charles H. Haag, a contractor, who then killed himself. si'- Salisbury, July 20. Marc Spencer, aged 24, of Tazewell, Va., a civil engineer and inspec tor in the employ of the South ern Aluminum company, v was killed at the power Jiouse. at Badin today by falling on an up right piece of scaffolding. . Inju ry to liver and internal hemor rhages caused death in half an hour. New York, July 20 John A. Hennessy, whom. Colonel Roose: velt was reported last week to avor as the Progressive candi date for governor, started up state yesterday in an automobile on a three weeks tour, it was said by his friends that in these three weeks he will lay the' foun dation for his campaign for the nomination for governor, in the Democratic primaries. Tarboro. July 19. Word was received,, here yesterday from Plnetops, in this county, that a policeman at that place shot and killed a negro who was wanted in vNash county on a tharge ! of criminal 4 assault. It - appears that the man drew a pistol when the officer attempted to arrest him, but the i policeman " was sooner" on the draw and shot first, killing the man instantly. Washington,. July 19. Mem bers of Congress who are stand ing valiantly by the administra tion in the effort to complete its legislative program despite the approaching campaign. ; while admitting they are weary "of leg islative duties - and anxious to get home to their districts, have resigned themselves .to the con elusion that there is little hope for adjournment before fall. . Port Smith, Ark. July 19 Charred fragments of the bod ies of two men' found ' in the ruins pf a log cabin and reports of the destruction of the surface workings of another mine owned by the.Bache Denman Coal com pany were todays 'developments in the, coufiict between strikers and nbn union coal miners and other company employees in the Hartford Valley coal fields. !i Lexington July 21. The Pat terson Lumber company lost $30,000 worth of lumber, mostly hardwoods, by.iire yesterday at the yards south of the city. The origin of the fire is unknown. The companys big mill was sav: ed and it will continue to do bus iness. The lumber destroyed and the office building, a small frame structure, which also went up in smoke, were insured for $22,200. Norfolk, Va., July 20, Motor- IN THE WORLD Jaly. 19, The lamp , in the man w. ii. AtKinson, wno was ulace the searchlights in use in m charge of the Ocean View the navy. electric tram which crashed into a string or n empty coal cars on the Virginia railway last riday morning at Fairmont park crossing,, when seven per sons were killed and 81 injured, ate this afternoon made a sworn New York, largest electric world was flighted last night in the New York navy yard. For some weeks now the beam of this giant searchli ght cu ttd n g the slries will be visible under! favorable conditions, more than i00 miles away. There is no other lamp like it in existence.-: . It is called the Beck searchlight and is the in vention of Heinrich Beck, a Ger man scientist, who is here con ducting the tests-of , his lamp for the United States " government. Measured at two' miles from the lamp 450, OOO.l JO candle pow er is obtained from a lamp with a 44 inch reflector. The pres ent 44-inch lanip, in use on the world's battleships, gives only e0,X),000 candle power. For coast defense a 60-inch refleetdr is now in use. Such a reflector hitched to the Beck searchlight gives 1,000,000,000 candle pow er now obtainable. Germany is now busy building several hundred of the new Beck searchlights, and if the tests here satisfy the government it is likely that the new, lamp will re- ANNQUNCEMENT This week closer my relation with the Lenoir Book Co. The business will be under the super vision or a competent manager un statement in which he declared ta y turned over to its new . . . i,. . I. I presume the public generally seconds before the collision. nniwani0 ,kv i .aa avo Mn. wiava mm j m , He said he regained conscious-1 nected with any commercial enter ness when about a car length prise but now that the Board . ot from thfl . t,MLin. artrl thn w: MSducataon bas increased my salary . iio ine living pome, i giawy jy aside everything that has here to New Orlftana. T. Jnlv 19 wre beset me, ana wui nence rorui k 8U . widower, fL ' "J1 coaay in me same amouiance This is as it should alwavs have with Miss Augustine Serpea, to been. In the future, if I am' in whom he had been paying at-1 town, you will find me at my office tontlnn Anil Iflsi thim t.hirt.v t tH UOUTt UOUSe. hospital both were dead from the patronage that made it possible for effects of pistol wounds inflicted J me to live doting the past eight by the formers According to years. Indeed, the patronage bas the statement of relatives, ' the couple quarreled when Stagart called this morning at the home of Miss Serpes and when the been so universal as to cause the , business to do , far more than it wa? intended. The business has grown in spite of neglect and mis management grown and grown young woman started to leave and grown until it has entirely out Bt. Ditrrhoe Rmfcdy; ' : , If you have ever tiaea ehamberlSin 6 Colfo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 4 V know that it It bt succean. f Sam F (iuin, Whatley, Ala. wrltea, 4, had "measles and r got caught - out , in the V s rain, and it settled In my stomach and v bowels. I had an awful time, and colic: Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme- ; The reason some men are al ; dyi could not possibly have lived but ways hustling for jobs is ,be a few hours longer, but thauks to this cau30 they uever hustle Vkeep For sale bv All Dealer.' ' T ' one. Havana, July zi. Tne mer chants of Havana have address ed a petition to the , American legation requesting that arrange ments be made with the Ameri can government to allow war Ships on the 'way' to Mexico to stop at Havana. The request! believed to be due to the amount of money " spent, by . American sailors who land here. 'Lexington; ; July 21. Odel Lowe a negro better known as Delia Lowe, shot Nf our times at George Wellborn, a popular nie gro barber, this v evening, one ball striking . WellbbrnV watch another ;striUing J,? It McCrary, a prominent member of the local bar in the right leg below the knee, inflicting a slight wound. Lowe entered bom's shop at 6:20 o'clock, drawing his gun, as he entered and. telling'- Wellborn that.be had come to kill him because of his improper relations with his (Lowe's) wife. ; v the room, Stagart drew a revol ver and fired. He then shot himself. ? 1 By a majority of 95 votes the citizens of Greensboro yester day decided that the city should issue $100,000 in , bonds -for the permanent .improvement of streets, this result indicating how the people felt toward the appeals made them for a further progress. ..; By passing the bonds they made possible the expen diture of at least $200,000 for streets in the next few years, the property assessment provis ion in the charter permitting the city government to collect from grown me, For the future I shall be pleased to fall into the ranks with great public, and help Lenoir as the central to have a real Book and Stationary. - School - and Office Supply Business. Gtmwuuy yours, . Y, D. 'Moore. BATHERS TANGO TO HYMNS. Atlantic City, N. J.. July 20, -The dancing enthusiasts among the bathers put ooe over on the city officials today. The authorities thinning that they had discovered a means of check Ing one-stepping and tangoing rn tha hanrh at. lanvt. nn Rnn .Vio rmuartxr Awnra nna.half ,m I- . . .. . . ,w triry.v. w.. Mays, ordered tne mumcipa the cost of putting ment. down pave- David Hall, a negro youth who had been . working with' the county road force which is build- flesh Well- band to play nothing but sacred music. ,,;,;,:;.;;.iv-::l ; As the band .began Onward Christian . Soldiers, ' the first number on the program, the ing a road irom unn to wuuams oaming suiieu ; uancers juiui hnVff met death in a horrible hip frdm the sand and danced as manner Saturday m about noon, readily to the march time as i The boy ,,wa3 riding a mule to they had selected ; the music camp and stopped at ; tne home themselves. VLead Kindly another negro to get a bundle of Light," came next, and though clothes. When he got back on it necessitated "some improvising the mule with the bundle the an- in the way of new steps, it did Juial became frightened and rah not discourage . the dancers," who . ... '.j Ml.1 -l x ! ii. 'I Unt thai tnn thvr.nivhmit away. . a iie yoy vvusi r uuvwu up uou . u from the back of the mule, his the program. ; . r COMITY JUSPfflTS - : . Items from our Regular Corre pondenta and Neighboring : V County PaperaT . " YADKIN VAULEY. v . s Mr. and Mrs. Erank A. Clin- ; ard enjoyed a . family reunioa during the past week. Weston returned from , the Hawaiiaa r Islands where he has been serv- ing in the U S, Cavalry.; "Mrl Horace Hayes' son-in law camo in with Weston from El ' Pasol exas. William, of Hickory was also present. v i . 1 Mr. Samuel Turnmire has re-- cently susffered a relapse and is now very low and weak, . Threshers are busys on the grain here and report a heavy yield of excellent quality. , Geo. Taylor Hart an expert fisherman of Hibriten has been spending a week with friend's ' patroling the deep waters of the Yadkin. - Our farmers who sowed Crim- son Clover in their corn fields.1 ast August now state that the result on the present : -seasons . . growth is amazing. , There is no ertilizer so cheap and valuable ' as clover sod turned "t under ia spring. We hope this practice will continue until on r yields are vastly Increased... 1 r Mr Calvin Melton and family spent Sunday with relatives ia town. The suspension of ' work ! at , Grandin , is keenly . felt in bur Valley, as many ' have .been in terested in business, activity there. - ' '. .l ' " '"' ' ' ": ' - - i)'; '. 'y'' 'f,',! "::V. ' -jy , Mrs. James McLean is visiting: , her relatives and' friends; near Hudson.; ".-'' ' One of our farmers hauled: a ioad of potatoes to town selling them at an excellent price. , ' HIBIUTEN. 'v i (Too late for last issue1.) . Mr. Sylvester Coffey of St. Paul, Minnesota, and ;his moth er Mrs, Harriett Coffey of Le noir, and Dr. L. H. , Coffey and wife of Valmead, all visited Mr. - C. L. Coffey and family"' last" Wednesnay and Thursday. ; Mr. Hester McGowan. who has been in Boydton, Va., for some time came borne last .Thursday. v Mr. J V. Sherrill who "V lives near Tabernacle church is very sick."' ' A match game of base ball was played last Saturday after noon between the Oak Hill team and the Hibriten boys, which re sulted in a tie. ' The Sunday School at Hibri ten Acadamy t have r bought an organ for the use of the School which adds much to 'the muiio and the general interest of the school.. -. 1 , t-The young people ot thisvi cinity enjoyed an ice. cream, sup per at the home of Mr. Robert Kirby last Saturday night. . , , Asheville. July: 20LRev. Mother Theresa, . the ' reverend mother of the Sisters of Mercy in North Carolina, with head- ; quarters at Belmont, who under went an operation at the Meri-, wether hospital here Saturday night, died this morning. She was here for a visit to the . sis ters of St.- Josephs sanitarium, and was taken suddenly ill Sat urday afternoon After the op eration little hope was held; out for her recovery and the end was not unexiwcted, although the news of ber death Will come featanc-ht in tha tiftta chain nf .The beach bad an - August - -. ' - k I . a. 3 iv, a3 mi a -tkA s. i tne narness ana ne was aaaggea crowu uuy w U1 " v " as a distinct shock to her ; num- to death, bis head striking the the resort people call the eight ber of friends through the state ground as the mule ran. , big Sundays." vwho knew nothing of-hor illness.

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