if - o A A. ja i I T f t 1 Count that day tost Whos low descending Sqn Sees at thy hand No worthy Advertising done. WE FURS1SH THE L!ED!D!ii The Lenoir Ne Job Department does more than half the job print ir.j done in thii lection -EEC?:J5E t'E LrI FBEF1EED.' Volume XVIII PUBUSHED TUESDAYS and f RIO AYSj Lenoir, N. C, Friday, June 23, 1916 PRICE: -TWO CENTS A COPY No.5 FROM J;v ;V -SERVICE i:a7 .-. Borne of North Carolina s sol djiera do not want to go to Mexi-j ; : co.- Appeals are already coming In fays a report from Washing- ton to (ret Congressmen ,and . others "to usef their inlluence to have the War Department let the : boys stay: at home.- Secretary Baker told a, Tar Heel friend- of V A ; National ; Guardsman , today that there is to be noback-steV ping now. Those regularly en listed must offer for serv ice. - T A well-known cotton mill man, whose-name has not yet been made public, appealed in behalf of two of his officers -whose ser- vicesare needed at home to keep - the factory gplng. The prospects for obtaining their release are not bright, , A number of North Carolina i employers, - along with others throughout r the nation, have announced that they would "pay theimen wliO belong to the miiitfa the difference between what Uncle Sam pays and what 'tbeyjBetnow and 'let them go to t , ,. , vrfjLLyrz If : . .5 - - . Z " Te DESTROYER. 'MCPOUGAL" MAKING 30 HlLtS AN HOURT m a -v - war. , GENERAL YOUNG PLEASED WITH CONDITION OP THE MP.'. NORTH CAROLINA GUARD 5 Raleigh, N. C. June ,19.-Ad jutant General Lawrence W. Yo'ung , said s tonight ' that - the nromptne$a, with which the com panies of ihe guard responded to the mobilization order with full cftninjmm strength of sixty-five reo. to- the company was really 1 i Skrkable and that numbers of tnem reportea as ine . aay aa- yanced, enlistments as high as twenty-five and ovr towards the Njmaxlmum strength of 140 men, -He' mentioned especially Heder son,: Asheviller..Louisbugf Tar I . - . .... . i , T - - . A SECTiON of iH NAVY AVIATION CAMP ESTABLISHED eVCRA CRUZ'- YEAR. SGO" TAft K-7 ONE UMCLE SAMS 37 SUBMAPjKES ttOW . JAMES EOLiGK, OF TAKOLEO ITI HARNESS QCK ATTEMPTED THEO. ROBi fiSQTI IS DRAG- TO CBJJfJlT SUICIDE : GEO TH DEATH BY UULE (Special to The Newt) Theodore Robinson, the '18- Mr, James Bolick, of Bailey year-old son of Mr. Henry Rob Camp, attempted to commit jnson, of North Catawba town- suicide Sunday nigtit ' by ship, met with a horrible death cutting bis throat with a knife. Tuesday when a male which he However, bis attempt failed. he was plowing became f rieh J nst before Mr. Bolick attemp- tened and ran away, dragging ted this desperate act he went the boy, who has tangled in some into the parlor where his wife, of the harness, for about a half baby and daughter were and U mile. toid tnem good-Dye ana saia, 1 Young Robinson just unhit' will soon go to sleep He ched his mule from the plow to threw himself across the bed go to the house .out of a thunner ana seemea ro oe in reai para, stiower. Ue decided it was not riis wire rushed to can some going to rain and was hitching neighbors and while she was out back to the plow when the mule he attempted to cut his throat became frightened and started with a Knile. A smau son and to run. In the struggle a line daughter, the only two persons which was fastened to one of the in the house at that time, pre-1 hames. became tangled around vented him succeeding his rash I the boy's arm and was dragged tn;i uy grauuiug uis uuu tuu i aoout a nan a mue oeiore a taking the knife from him. neighbor. -Mr Ivey Conway A physician was called from caugnt the mule. The boy was Blowing Rock and be found the unconscious when released and wound not so bad as was first his body was badly bruised and thought. The gash across his mutilated. Physicians were im- neck was about one inch long mediately called, however, they7 and a quarter oi an men deep. were unable to save , the bbv's It is said that the trouble was iife. He lived until about 12 the outcome of jealousness be- oclock that night. cause the minister walked home with Mrs. Bolick Saturday even ing to spend the night, with the family. v 4 , II1S RTTAGK DETACHMENT OF AMERICAN CHY El Paso, Texas, June 21. A detachment of American cavalry clashed with Carranza forces at Carrizal, 'aboal 90 miles south of i : : i the fall of n SCRAPS WITH SON-IN-LAW Mrs. Mire Eldridge and her son-in-law had quite a scrap one day last week , over a pig. It seems that Mrs. Eldridge wanted the pig and her son-in.law sold it to somebody else. SMALL BOY PIED . BENEATH AUTOMOBILE WILL RECOVER rlv irAn.v hnt.h sides boro, Wilson, Raleigh, Lexing- heavV casualties ac- ton and Aahboro as . making es- ,n nrtW.:ttV rBnnrtJ) re- pectatly fine records in enlist- , fe4 by Mexcan military arf. tborities in Juarez tonight. "According to the report which the Mexican authorities are in vestigating forty Americans were .oients.. There are no orders yet , as, to the concentration camps in this ; state: It is believed "here th.at the First and. Third infant ft to b tlrv ttUI ho mn- : . . . . , killed bv machine gun fire in a hll zed at the state lair grounast-- t- k. - - . . .- . j sa.4- surorlse attack. The Mexican nere ana iue oecoaa loiauvrjri - . . r, . . rMW Wfr hM : at casualities ittd said not to have. Theexecutivecommittee of the Gomez is nataed as being among RfiA-Mr association. ; today the Mexican dead. granted permission loathe use TheAmerican command is said of the fair grounds, if the war to have been part of a scouting department approves that( place patrol from Guzman, returning ' for a concentration camp. Ral- th fleneral Pershines line of eigh authorities have oeen ham- 0 m ic&tion, Carrizal, nam meringon the vyashington an th'Orities all "day in the ' interest sof concentration camp here. ed as the place of the encounter, is about 9 miles southwest of Villa Ahunada, the Mexican field base" in Northern Chihuahua. Later General Francisco Gon zales, Mexican commander at Juarez, gave out a statement in which he announced officially that the Mexican command had taken 17 American prisoners. He r also said that General Gomez's death had been confirm ed, but said he bad no official re ports as to thenumberof casual ties on either side. The wound ed, both American and Mexican, the exact number of whom is not known here, were taken to Villa Abumada. ' General Gonzales said that the report of the engagment ' was made to him by Lieutenant Col onel Genoveso Riva who succeed ed to the command of the Car ranza troops with General Gomez. AMERICANS OPENED FIRE Washington, June 21. Gen Funston transmitted to the War Department the following report from Gen. Bell at El Paso: "There was a clash this morn ing at Carrizal near Villa Ahum ada, between Carranza and A merican troops in which Gen Gomez and other Mexicans were killed,, the number unknown Number of Americans killed or wounded unknown. Gen. Gomez sent a captain with an order to the American commander to go back, but the American com man dersaid he was going to Villa SHQULD'CONGRESSMEN ! ANSWER CALL TO ARMS? Washington, June 20. Presi dent Wilson's call for the nation al guard for border duty renew ed today a perplexing question as to the status under the new army reorganization act of mem' bers of congress who also are members of the nationel guard. A bouse sub-committee named some weeks ago to study the question has not reported. MastefcJ'ck Coffey, aged four ; ' years was seriously , injured i about 6 o'clock Monday aftef . noon when the automobile ot his father, Dr Lawrence : Coffey v of Lenoir, turned completely: ' over while rounding the curve . just beyond Mr.- G, H, Geitner's residence between Hickory, and" the Catawba river, and others' .t ' in the party were slightly injur- " ed. Dr. Coffey, Mrs. Coffey , their son Jack and 18-months- " " old baby and Miss Fannie Cost- ' ner, of Lincolnton were- return- ' ; ing from Mount Holly. They were driy ing a Ford. Dr. J. H. v Shuford was sunf- Representative Chiperfield, moned b teieDhone he htjr. wno juuK uvuv,, "T ried out in his large car and car-' Illinois nauonai guara, express- . . . - A . h Rict.krd ed the opinion that a member Baker pital, where attention oi congress ii oruereu k iuei od . M nrvff v i tv ma 4 v uui v. v hwa wuvj Trout snouia resign irom con "ei i m ) nj gress. opeaKer viarjs recwieui , MM K. Aac !- eh: tnai uenerai jouq a. ixgau re- ed in d MWrmv; riba bew Mexican captain wounding mm. signed from uongress to serve brokeDt Unusual tovrelate, he Americans attacked uen. uomez, mioewu war, ous tuat vu-1 wa not kilied. but it was feared rai tsiair s resignation irom con but were thrown back." is it ft' HURT1EII AUTOMOBILE T! MissyHessle Bush was painful- JRNED OVER NEAR DALLAS SUMMER SCHOOL BREAKS REGISTRATION RECORDS in both the. enthusiasm mani filgted and the number of stu 'SOx iar regiawsicu nic . ', miD sw8iu W,vU, uuHwu Mr R T. . Rush. HV t"C A; S. Wilson were slightly, hnrri Ot A i nursaay, J une, , iw k r,.,,, -M .nA xsseau :y , r r?j over on. curve about four miles fa"1?: thissidebf DaUas- Mn Wllsoh v ,-r . . w wars driving the car when tne was nurrieu w - ajiuuiu wju uu the hospital on another car. Mr. Bush ana Mr vyuson were noi F LOCAL MAN DE VELOPING POWER PLANT AT BOONE'S F FIRST REGIMENT WILL GO TO E- the 800 mark before' Sunday thus making it practically: "cer tain now that over 1000 students 1 will be enrolled before the . sum ' 'feer is over, ! 'All available' -Jor- mitories are full,-and the; univer slty is taxe'd to accommbdateajl .'who come. " It is also hard to find a suftlcient, nuiberfof class .. rooms H- Subscribe . for The : Lenoir News, $1.00 ft yearv, . so badly hurt and secured help to turn the car back over. ,They foun'.yeryTittledamagedone to the car and -were able to : rup it back to LENOIR that after noon.- Tuesday Mr; ; Busb ' went to Lincolnton' to bring his niece bach home from the hospital. T congress was pocketed by Piesi dent' Lincoln and never was ac cented. Joseph A, Wheeler, a major; general in the Spanish war, resumed his seat in con- a a 1 . a gress alter tne declaration oi during the night . that he could not recover. His condition 'was improved Tuesday,. however, and Dr. Shuford said he wop Id recover. ' -.. ? . Miss Costner, whoia a niece of Dr. and Mrs. Coffey, sustain of peace, but while serving with Ld a bmised eye and a fractured - t Mr. David R. Shearer electric engineer for the Boone Fork Lumber Company, is spending a few days in town. He is making plans for a hydro electric plant at Boone's Fork Falls.' These falls are more than one hundred feet high and although the stream is small more than three hundred horse power will be de yeloped. , This power will be used to run the Lumber Com pany's plant. The Company is cutting timber and peeling tan bark and building train roads. Quite a nuinher from this sec tion are working there and spend their Sundays at home. The Railroad running 1 from , Monte zuma to Shulls Mill is v being rnnWiv nushed to completion. They expect to be at Shulls Mill ! by August 1st. . : .? . , ' the colors drew no pay as a member. Senator Wadsworth . is lieuten tenant in the New York national Orders came late Tuesday night for the mobilization move ment of the North Carolina Na- guard and to the absence, of his tional Guard to begin Saturday, Ca.ptsLio in Europe,' it was said June 17, when the companies today would command Troop M of the First regiment will be Representative Tilson is lieuten- transportedfrom their home ant the Connecticut guard; station to Camp Glenn, More- Representative Crago is a lieu- head City. lhe second and tenant colonel of the Tenth Penn Third regiments will iouow ai Uvlvania. and Representative intverals of three days each, the bhCD0lls is a member of ' the J- i A 1 ! J I . ' ' . ., eastern aepaj-unenj. uyiuK u- South Carolina guard. signated Camp Glenn as mobili zation of the entire force in the state. Adjutant General Young says mobilization 'preliminarle3l are moving splendidly witlx rapid enlistment to war strength The News Printery first when in need of Job Printing. ' right" forearm. Dr.. and Mrs. Coffey were bruised and the baby, which was in. Mrs. Coffey's; v arms, , escaped with, nothing. more serious than a mouthful of i .. . . - , 1 dirt. . , .. . , . i. Dr. Coffey's machine hit' the curve too rapidly and the auto- mobile ran off and turned over.N Had it been a heavier machine,' the result would have been more serious,' but fortunately ' all the occupants will recover, Hickory Record, June 20. v AMI jllCAN AVIATORS BEING V ASKED TO RETURN Mr. Frank Clinard, of the i ;' ley. Revs. J, N.. Atkins, of Fos coe. Hugh' A2 Dobbin,- of .the if;,:.: .'ii'' ' ' ''ftA .'-:'i,'. ..A'..'' ' - X '?..s.t -4'.- American aviators arriving in France have been invited by the raerson pcnooi, : un. oaB, Aero;(viuo ot America to return joi oiowmxiiocs, anua. a. vwjr- to tfclir native country for ser- ner, of this placed 'left Tuesday vice in the event-of war yith j for Asheville to attend a conven ' Mexico. 'j;;:i."-v.;:.1'tiott.::.; My1' X , ; J-" ' ... .. '''11 '"f ... ' f ' i n. i : , " i' , S .... -, ' f. '.rf'';t'', ''.lf .. .:'v,V ii 4 1 7 r.l Kt ft: '.AV"''' l'''i;'''t" ; ''

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