Washington Letter. Special Cor. to Reflector. Washington, D. C., July 5, 1886. Congress has been wrangling all week over the money bills which provide for running the Govern- 1 ment during the next fiscal yean The subject sounds like a dry one,; but the Congressional debates have ; not been dull. Appropriation bills always provoke much disagree ment and afford an opportunityj I office in piivate life of exactly dou- , bie what he receives in his present official position. He is considered, by the way, the ablest treasurer (that has tilled that office since it was first created. Realand Bogus Tax Reduction.) GREENVILLE MARKET. Philadelphia Record, Dem- The shaip difference between the Tariff,nil offered by Mr. Mor- & Co.. Wholesale aml Retail Grocers. Mess Pork .9.66 to 11.00 Bulk Sides I risen and the Tariff bill offered by I Bulk Shoulders Secretary Lamar recently asked Mi. Rantal! is that Mr. Morrison’s ‘ c “ " 1 1-11 1 1 Bacon Shoulders a wealthy business man to hunt lull propsea reductions of revenue put county Ham.* him up a good business man for that wtuld cheapen the cost of Sugar Cured I Una Chief Clerk of the Interior depart-) living while Mr. Randall’s plan is Flour 1 Coffee . Brown Sugar ment. IIow much can you payf° Reduce revenue by increasing such a man ? inquired the capital- flmduty on articles of necessity, , X Granulated Suga ist, who, himself, emp oys about s°that importation shall be stop- S 114 to rf 5 «T to 12^ 1 5| to 7 7$ to 10 WST^ Byriw-HOLE 3' 1 53 m CD for discussing the comparative travagance and economy of two parties. The Nation’s balance sheet just been drawn up again. has The Government’s bookkeepers have; footed up their .accounts for tb.e fiscal year that came to an end on June 3Ab, and the figures are even more satisfactory than could have been expected. The receipts ex- ^eeded the expenditures by $90,- 528,546. The receipts and expen ditures for the fiscal year compared with the last preceding one, show 1 an increase of revenues of about) $14,500,000. Customs receipts are j some $11,000,000 better, internal revenue $4,500,000 and miscella neous $3,000,000. The ordinary expenses are $22,400,000 less than last year, interest is nearly $1,000,- 000 less and pensions are $8,600,- 000 more. Yes, dining the year just closed the Pension Office issued 81,422 pension certificates, a larger num ber by 6,721 than ever were issued in any previous year. And when it is remembered that this immense work has been performed with a force of clerks less by over 100 than for the three previous, there seems to be sufficient reason for congratulating the present Com missioner of Pensions, Gen. Black, upon retrenchment in his office. At a recent Cabinet meeting the question of how many telephones were in use at the seveial execu tive depar numbs of the Govern ment in this city came up. The President asked each of his Sec retaries bow many the department ever which he presided used. The Attorney General said two. Sec- retary Lamar gave what he tho’t was his number, and so on around. They made up about fifty altogeth er. The F resident asked them to look into the matter and report at the next meeting. They did and Attorney General Garland was the only one who had made a correct return. The total was one hun dred and fifty. The average cost of each telephone—because the de partments have a number of special wires—is $100 a year. Thus for telephonic service for the departments in this city alone, the Government, pays nearly $15,- 000 a year. This was thought to be too high by the Cabinet officers and retrenchment in this line has begun. Fifteen telephones have already been taken out of the Treasury department, leaving only one on each floor. The salaries of Government clerks comes out of the Legislative, Executive and Appropriation bill. four hundred men. Twenty-five f^J and the articles produced at ■ Tobacco B CD THE BEET DEMOCRATIC 1’/ VER EVER PUBLISHED IN GREENVILLE. hundred dollars, replied the Sec- ! greater cost in this country, thus Snuff retary. Oh, said the visitor, I increasing the cost of living. Mr. y^ 1 cannot furnish him. I pay ?10,00(T Morrison’s bill was very simple'^ a year for the services of such 1' and easily understood. It reduced Eggs the duty on cheap cottons, sugar, 1 Meal man as yon have described. The new administration has been for tunate however, in securing the services of men to whom it weald be economy to pay very large sau ries in order to retain them. woollens, and a few other articles i Coru of necessity in every household’ 1 *" 1 ' . f . , , . ’, Irish Potatoes and put salt, wool, lumber, nsnJ,. . , .... * 7 ' . ■ 'piHcl'i 1 oiaioe ijnte and hemp on the free list. 1 H-errings IThe bill was moderate to a fault, jE A. Salt Mr. Randall’s bill, on the contrary Items ofInterest From Immigration Department. Mr. Henry Bell,of Philadelpbia I is ;ompJcx, raising the duties on ! Ra tin, plate, cotton-ties and other 1^ necessary articles on which there ■should be no duty, and depending for revenue reduction upon the re- peal of the tobacco tax and partial : Liverpool Salt Hides reffii. 16$ to 12 i •20 to 30 , 10 to 15 10 GO to 80 | 40 to 1.20 I GO to 80 1AO 2b A^SWHOVAXV OPJF- CUKES — Diphtheric. Croup, Asl hn Hoarseness, Wlluenza, Kecking- Cough, D -J Wliichcird, EDITOR AND PR ORRITTOI ITHE REFLECTOR is- e re ,; vi ifor public patronage for lAe . 10^0. It will pnesent to mt* readers j ring the year the LATEST NEWS E. Tenn., would like to correspond ■ re P e M of t be spirits tux. Mr. Mor- with North Carolina people bav-) 118011,6 ^^ kept faith with the ing desirable farming land with 1 l’^dg£ '1 the Democratic party for j mill property for Cabbages Peanuts R intake) gas 40 PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Reported by EVANS BROS. pills. Find out About free. Sold evei-ywher' Kheridali-s "GonTition j 1'owder is absolutely; pure and highly con centrated. Onaonncej az v.ii. s t.. Boston. .Nothing en earth twill make hens lay ' like it. It cures i of Ml kinds, NATIONAL, STATE : and LOCAL, and will devote itself to the manorial adv^ncemekt of the section ill which it chc.ii.la,tea. rent or sale.H ax reduction. Mr. RimdaJl’s I’d! ’ PE()DrcE (.ojuhssiox MWilANTS property [j u 8S les _ witl > tijo3>e ( >l'le l>y'‘raking No _ 140 Dock Street. Philadelphia, Pa. J BUTTER. EGGS, POULTRY, CHEESE AND Parties having such a property with the people by making would do well to correspond with ^' e reduction in internal revenue the pretext for increasing the bur- I den upon necessaries. Mr. Bell. Mr. J. N. Chalker, of Bancroft, Mich., is anxious to purchase tim ber, oak, and if be can be suited, be is willing to purchase a large amount in North Carolina. IIc is a .business man of means and con siderable influence in Michigan and Indiana and if he is pleased can influence a number of gentle men to invest in N. C. Mr. Alex Smecds, of Ellenville., N. Y., contemplates visiting North Carolina for the purpose of secu ring a considerable quantity of well timbered lands for a parry of Northern gentlemen. stO^lyL medicine to^^^ (f T W^ - & ^ ^ 8 ^ W ^UM E j a *?£• lUustrated be .-riven with fcod. 'S S SB 12 12 -Ai r:0 E 1.3 YDS & sa wx L--ck by mail tree. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 1'5 cents in stamps.. 2 1-4 lb. tur-ught UDI cane, • i; byrnail, $1.20. %ixgans by express, prepaid, for $6.00. LH.. I. 8. ■TO-^LNSGIn & CO., Boston. 28 eakinm weekly, ^hmi Prizes for Base Ball Players During 1888. For losing an ear, appointment as usher in the grand stand. A. broken finger joint, lay off until it is well. Scraping skin from the elbow in stealing a base, promise of an in crease in salary - both elbows, two promises.. Wilmington & Weldon R. E. Co Condensed Schedule. June 5, 1886 Philadelphia, Butter Its subscription Jest is no w the largest ever given a paper pnblish- I ed 111 1 itt county,, and its constant Iv increasing. Timothy Hay STEAM ENGINES Rye Straw VAN CE. I Dry Hides per lb. SA MB BE COB ¥ FREE. THE STAR Mrs. M. M. Kelson Honey in Comb Published In the City of New York, FAMILY PAPER' 10 to 1 1 23 to 25 .20^0 11.00 10.00 10 to 11 410 a thaw any paper of its size in Eas tern Carolina. □. 40, Daily ] excellent medium for .ommunica- ) ting with the people. SURSCTJVTION PRICE s, mi ve.AU CASH IN Ah-- 1.0 ) to 3.5(1 Iron and FRAi NS GOING NORTH MT Soi A11 I full and Cuniph tc. Tojnictor THEL, N. C. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR ro -Srr. bo.v of goods that will put you in the way The Proprietor of the Bethel House has take pleasure in saving that .the facts above stated by him are true, and that his was one of the worst cases of Blood Poison 1 A Sixteen-page ^ew^paper, Issued every Wednesday, TERMS OF THE DAILY STAR To Sint HUBERS : very day for one rear (inchi(1in"Svndny)... $7 V r.v ry nay. six mioikks c Daily, without Sunday, six months 3 A Mr. ^ TI11£ ST A. I?, the following schedule : Le:ive Greenville at 6:30 a. in. daily Peanuts per lb. Onions Cabbage per 100 Apples per bbl. Oranges per 100 Black-Eye Peas per bushel Irish Potatoes per bbl 2.1'0 to 4.31 8 to 104 15.00 to 16.00 Getting second on a long slide o at c (basement of pants must remain in- Wool tact), autograph of managers. Dr. R. S. True, of Rome, N. Y., " >'eiiom ma^ iv-1 sa]red ni(k>! . writes Com. Patrick that he will) en Jn t o t^ s l sll ll half an inch, loud sheepSkins shortly move to North Carolinaj a PP llluse froln Trento's; for get- anil practice medicine in Western ‘'"8 killed ’ s0t ° f rations N. C. in or near the town of Ashe- withont Name, to relatives. A. W. Clingac, of 0., will be- come a permanent settler in N. C., For twisting the ankle in trying to make an impossible play,£ IT ‘out of sorts' WITH headache, stomach A. Why Men Smoke. number of literary men smoke simply to make an income. They have learned that with a pipe in their mouths thoughts not only come more readily, but in better order, while it is often difficult to get the proper word if they are not smoking ; it runs to the point of the pen the moment they “light up.” With many men, smoking is on ly an excuse for staying at home, A man looks foolish of an evening Bruising the shins, the light to, rub them. W ARD 3 WOES. For losing the sight of the eyes in tiding to Catch a fl) in the face ‘ jjjQ 0 d poison which ran into the secondary of the sun, release, with back pay. hind" 171 forn Tor having spike in an oppo-1 cam nent’s shoe driven through the in-! “all step, two diivs’ vacation, ) “T T orliaving toe nail ground oft [ re f H ny an opponent’s heel, the privilege ! qua 1.0 limp, ! ui ^ r Hue, T or not making upa face or say-1 W()1 . ing “Ob” when a hot liner lands : My on the fingers’ ends, sympathy of ? ell( stockholders. Foul ball in the pit of thestom ack, permit to stop. Having teeth knocked out and continuing play, the privilege of doing nothing. Yet be is too ti red to do much. A cigar supplies: For killing a scorer the amount of labor he requires, j United States bond. being called “tough , a $1,000 ° rt ' and all other machine notice, at home Brass Turning d Cylinders bored O. F. 111 MBEF NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES Danger! A neglected cold or cough inny KI (o 1 'ill-ninon 1 1 . nsumption or other fa t rd iM-a.se. Strong’s Pectoral Tills will cu. e void as by magic. Best thing for dyspepsia, i diue.stion’.sicK headache as thousands tesilu. or and Proprietor. Daily, Sunday, and Weekly Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, 10 P M, 6 40 P M. | 00 J’ Agricultural, Market, ashion, Household, Political, and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial connection for all ia Rlchiwoud and Wa-h- solid betw^uj Wsltttina - -! THE DAILY STAR The failure of Congress to pass it | of dignity and look over it admi- by the close of the old fiscal year, rill g]y^ and yet undemonstratively, at his wife. Should a man with a and be does not mind the trouble) 101 K,cK1 ng against me umpire s me. .• i • t i • decisions when he is known to be ot smoking it so long as it enables i . . , .. ■ t . . 1 wel ° i right, two shoes from a mule ;this i him to stay at home without loss is an emblematic trophy. caused an unusual outlook for the new. The departments opened on trust July 1st, it being against the law to make any contracts for ser vices in excess of appropriations. “So you are without pay,’' was the remark made to a Government clerk, “that must be uncomforta ble.” He showed no anxiety on the subject however. Said he, ‘‘the pay of members of Congress is provided for in this .appropria tion bill just the same as mine is. Soyou see I am all right. Every Congressman will see that I am provided for in time.” It was Senator Ruldleberger who introduced the bill to reduce the salaries of Congressmen and certain high officials twenty-live per cent. This reminds me of the difficulty of getting good business men to take the responsible places in the departments. There is no trouble at all in getting mere poli ticians for these places, but it has been the President’s id^a to get good business men. Such men come here occasionally tempted by tlie allurements of office, although they can do much better in private life. For instance, the U.S. Treas- urer small income be an epicure,or nat urally of an irrascible temper, it will add greatly to the happiness of his home if he compels himself to smoke. And at present, when times are so hard as to affect every one more or less, a cigar is a cheap and excellent substitute for more expensive amusements,. SPRINGFEVER At this season nearly every one needs to use some Bort °? tonic. IRON entersintoalmost every phy- , Sician s prescription for those who need building up. .uANEii o, \«A. r^H .L .c ' remedy. 1 have twelve months, and no re- iase has occurred. ROBERT WARD. , Jan., 1886.—We, the un- w Mr. Robert Ward, and Three Mon Uis, For a Sample Copy Passe:io-ers by this line will find good accommodation. May 6, 1885 He Was Punished. Bitt feE-Z-SEST TONIC. —THE Botanic Blood Balm. W C BIRCHMORE & Co., Mere A T Brightwell, Merchant . Capital not required. Ye I home -and work in spare til the time. All of both sexe grandly successful. 50 cei or all 1 SHOP. 'J'lia: all who; FIRST-CLASS STYLE, All who desire full information about | not " ell salirtM w.- y ill semi SI to pay e cause autoure of Bluod Poisons. Seito for the trouble ot writing to us 1 nil par- 1 C 1 Hcukirs. directions, elf. srul tree. Inl ¬ direction CLEAN & PLEASANT SHAVE HAIR CUT, SHAMPOO, IM ONLY 6 QUICK. 1»EK«MTflT,CERTAIN CURE FOR Lost orf ailing Manhood, Mervousiaess Weakness, Lack of Strength, Vigor or Devalon/nesit, Oausod by indiscretions, exc(is.aw. «tc Ben efit', ir. n A bright little boy was looking over his geography the other day, and came across the word Rotter dam. He asked his good Christian mother if it would be a sin for him to pronounce that ugly word, and when bis mother assured him that it would not be wrong, he startled her by saying “ if sissy don’t stop eating so much candy it will Rot terdam teeth out.” And right then and there that good mother took off her slipper, and the boy tried to slip her. but he couldn’t, Tor Weakness Lassitude, iLack of Energy., ^e., it TIAS NO EQUAL, and Is the only Iron medicine that is not injurious. It Enriches the Blood, Invigorates the System, lies tores Appetite, Aids Digestion It does not blacken or injure the teeth, cause head, ache or produce constipation—other Iron medicines do PR. G. H. Binkley, a leading physician of Springfield. O., pays: “Brown’s Iron Bitters is a thoroughly good medi cine, I use it in ray practice, and find its action excels all other forms of iron. In weakness, or a low condition of the system. Brown’s Iron Bitters is usually a positive necessity. It is all that is claimed for it.” Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Made,only by BROWN CHEMICAL CO.. BAI,T? MOirE, MD. EADIE'S' Hand Book--useful and .attractive con taining list of prizes for recipes, information about coins, etc., given away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA,; Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaints., j Catarrh, etc, can secure by mail, free,, a I copy of our 32-page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled w ith the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known Address, BLOOD BALM CO, FRIGHTFUL CATARRH. Pieces of Bona. For four years I have been afflicted I with a very troublesome catarrh of the I head,. So terrible, has its nature been that, when J blew my nose small pieces j of bone would frequ-ntly come out of my i mouth and nose. The discharge was .co- My blood became so impure that my gen eral health was greatiy impaired, with the 2nd (Uy of April, D86, u Riee is here- j Nuiuereus medicines were used witli- hy given to all pci-sous indebted to thees-'out reliefs until I began the use of B. B. late of the said Stanly Moore to make ini- B., and three bottles acted almost like mediate payment anclsettleinent ; and all' magic. Since their use not a symptom alia so the is-sue was -drawn right | win present them for payment on or be- 1 unite restored to health, is now reah- I f ? ,e 'l”: ? tn (,a .. v ()f April. 1887, orthis no- citizen of Atlanta, aml a there, and that b.o I am an old at once. Portland, Maine. A Life Experience. Remarkable and. quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr, WARD & CO. Louisiana, Milo. I is invited to give mea trial. Satisfaction . . : ui r ivicH in plain Heuina envelope. I, .■. . leans MEDICAL co., P.O. Drawer 179. Buffalo.N.Y. ALFRED CULLY HOUSE FOR RENT. Sil WIIE HORSE AND DOT ON 1 Washington St, in the town of Smith, will be for rent on and after July 1st. Apnly to zing the terrorsofpunishment,and ; pull lie , Mr. Jordan, has a standing] jg saddest when he sits.. This 7th day of April., 18 36. to Dr. illian.^ The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is thecharm- er that almost cheats the looking-glass. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling .lotion,. Mustang Liniment. .PATENTS obtained, and all business in tlie U. S. Patent Office orin the Courts ttended to for Moderate Fees We are opposite the U. S Patent Office engaged in Patents Exclu sively, and can obtain patents in less time than those more remote from Washington. When model or drawing is sent we advise as to patentability free of charge, and we make no charge unless we obtain Patents. We refer, here, to the Post Mas ter, the Supt. of the Money Order Div., and to officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and reference to actual cli ents in your own State, or coimiy address, C. A. SNOW &Co z , Apr.7., Gw Executory Mas. Elizabeth W.a sh ingles, D. C,