rrt£ CA.iJLl.iA nUrtlt and FARM and EASTtRN KLrU'JIUn iuiice tt PuUiibueO L* rHK itEFLtriuU (OMl’AMi, lue, D J. WHICHAKU. tauor. *«KE*NVlLL,li4, .'JUHXH C.VltOLlJNA. Variety Is the spice of LOVE. Alimony is the price of peace. “Just oiue more" is the Devil’s be-st ".'guiiK'nt. Fool fads are all the rage iu sinaii An iuvitation has been extended to A * * yA society, says the Atlanta Journal Fairfax Harrison, the recently elect- nnniO DCOUI CPC nilllfC ►*< The Scriptnres say that a fool au<^ e<l president of the Southern Railway »J« Dyp ^ nbuKLCuu UlllVb his money soon parted. Company, to meet with the people > ____ jS Weitein North Carolina, at an open A French engineer rises to an- gathering to be held under the aus nounce that the Panama canal is too pices ol the Greater Western Nor* By W. F. CODY. Us an ill wind that teache*3 a man small. And yet it proved too bi,j the V ilue of hatpins. •ut)|on;<tluu, <'ue year, tl.uo luuuiutt, .50 AUvuiiiBiK ruieb may oe had ui.iou »ppiic aciuii <ll L>UaiIiraa I>u.v>r lit rUu tvfi'cclui luii.iiiUb. Kvaub *ud Tuiril blretlB AH Cci' 1.--1 lUm.lKS dl.r . rf real)',cl "i‘! ^'l;r<nn-ii t i al l cei\t iH'i' nm.i .. Com'.u'J-uherlisic^^ oaaJi- lau'S will !■»* I'lt.i; ( i: il lluvn ueui* per liuo. up to tU'ty lines I'.i. ,'i.u .i.> ofcoiid claoB matter ..I', i;' n. .n in i" f' i.'u ■ liret'iu 111'-, .\>ii:ii i. ii "iiiii, .iinl " »ct (./I .M.ii'-ii .i. I for the French company which tack led the job and gave it up. Nine taih)rs many make a man bm t ,ey can I make a t'eatlenian. -o- lii l'a.-^hi(i?i:iMe circles one wife aiid il.'g I oiii tiiute a ''family." A stranKei' in town li'-^t night want- I'li to know wliy the street lights neri' not liKht.'il. and when told that it wiia bci'au.se the moon was shin- Carolina Associatioa February 26. Ii Is the desire of the members of the organiation which has a's its ohjc" the boosting of the “Land of the Sky”, to have Mr. Harrison to niuk the principal address at the ai- proaching meeting. o A typical man of the west was talk ing to a few friends and discussing’ the good old times of the overland NOTICE. NOTICE OF KliOlSTRATlON AND Ki.l!.CTU;N Ul'OX Tllii I'UUl'Ucii- TiO.\ lU JSSUK FiVJJ TJH:ti.4.\a UOLLAliS KLKCTKIC LIGHT liUiNijfci 14V TUi!. lUW.N OF lii-iH i:U, FITT COUNTY, NORTH CAR OLINA. Notice is hereby given that the stage and pony express, Indian tights, ijoard of Coniniissioners of the town and when the “real bad man from Bit ter Creek” was much in evidence. The westerner was Col. M. B. Rus sell of Deadwood, and he looked just what he was—a man who hud “beiJn there.” “There was one drive over the Over- lug, regardeil it as a huge joke. Hut Stay ill iioutli Africa as long as you .\h' ii it was explained that (ireenviih- liUi', Celmell jiiractiies economy n'S well aa thrift - - I.' - - lie dill not thhik it was altogether •\t a .Jackson Day celebration in land trail which I guess tho six Kng- FUIDAV. JA.M'AKV Itl, ll'U, No '.sui'" so f:ir this winter, Imt oh. '.nil i'i'’.inKiiy. Virginia waiit-^ o’lr ."upitoit on f. ' K.‘serve iMiiik iiu'.'.-tioa. Well. Pass (.'!;rinti;iii will h:i'.e to pay fur l;‘r 1\l it:m ?”.''iit Tii'w until tlie i.lent i-.!-.- b;u-k. Mirrv 've l;avi' :i cl: ir.i'o ,H' sr^'i !.iug liu ol the !!a: rv Tliaw !u-aii!:ii ■•i''ii\e >,uy inieiler.^!. II i.s a siire Ihiiig tlie .Me.xii'aa I'ed- • raks tli.it fill'll S;mi intiinrii a' li'orl won't lie boiheri'ii wit.i tr.iin or stiamboat wUiftles, The tango, aiiii llsli walk, i'j thi' limit, I'lit the "’liiti'liin sin’u". anotlii'r i)f tiu' iii'U- tlaiues I'.iiijt be beyone judging from tin' n;;me. It is so I' llil niiw that Orei'iivine it; not making niucb noise, but at ih" •■■aiiie tia’.e tlii‘;e is iiiurli pinnniii!. wing on for iner. a.-eii building on i-'ratio.is will'!! eii-ns. Men taken ti> mini's at point o' pir^tols" reads a I'.enillin". C'uh; yon Maine tiii'm. jaiigirg from tlie mini- b;>r of miiio ili-^a -ters r"rorte;i of hit ■. Some time ,-.2o we ovelu'aril a (on- '■ THatiiMi liet'vr-,’!! t'\o sji'ntlemen. on'' a.-ikeil till’ ot’’''r to tell him wliat li' wouUi terni a real .N'ev.-yorkir, tli' sit.hor replii'.i: n n.an t';iat lias m-ver viHiti'ii any i'tl;'\" i-iaei' e.;eept .Ti.'i'sey lloliokin, .Newark. Wi’liawken and i;ri)(ik!yn. ii,l'.: lie t' riiieU a tip- ienl yankec. Voh had lietter double 'em. The '.cathei' man pudUt's eolil .sn.ips. .\ tea ei'iit boiile of shoe polisli wiil lan.iir luwaiii making a luaii loi.k i.nr a - nl.email tliaii a .fluei). dia- r.ioiul ling. i.istuiing lo I' ry of presperity from oiir l-^asi . liiia iiialirs . us iiri.ii'.i lil uii.i .11 eU of tae wooiirt. so funny. 0-— Hiram W. Johnson that •*1.“ would seek re-eh'ction as gov ernor of t'alifornia. He had an- nniiiiei'd I'eeently that he desired to !-'t. Louis Senator Uecd said that the last national election “broke ti.i strangle-hohl of tho bciieticiaries of special privlego. The Democratic • parly may make mistakes, but it I'.as announced "iH not join in a deliberate conspii- aey against tho common man. Tlu president owes hia election to nu special interests. Members of con llshmen who took It will renienibur to their day of passing In their chips. If they have not already cashed in and gone across the Great Divide," said the colonel. “It was In Bob Scott’s coach and run, and be it known Hob was tho best, yet the most reckless, driver on the Overland trail. “It was in tho parly 'COs, nnd tho coach camo in to Horseshoe with the six Britishers only, and ^\a8 loaded retiie friuii polities lierause of fail- gress elected with him recognize down with Iheir baggage. both l a.i k U' Ir ■n t':l. i.r wall-' that II ■n. I mu!' r h''l’ e-’ —o~ Aii-i:n M.ild'd i: IS tne I 1 '-It: ilnek lOlSe fter that a l;e low ing health. H vtiiy in [lolitic! the rrogi'i'.'sive state mai'hinr it "as p'-piilaily understood. Se'T'taiy Paiiiils .says that just ‘.ii'.iUiilti'd for the nianufaetiiri ■ !' I'ri.j ■I'llli'-: f ir the n-uy sIuhv ■ a iK-i'iease of as eonilKir'-i v..i!i p.ii-i-s paiil last year. If th iKpai int takes aiUantage of tin ris-'lit !o inereas'' onleis hy 'JO per ii-nt, Si'i ri t-'.ry Haniels said, a - it,;; of I.ii" will lie till liiuilly decided tii tlu ir iliities as similar to those of tl e he said, “to wave jiresiihnt insofar as their particuUi' powers permit similarity." I .^tat-' militia orgaiiiatie-ns throi;;.-!. biil-j ort the country must eonfo-:'' ' niar army standards in accorilane with the Dii'k act of H'nS er e’l-e f( il eral linanieal siipii'irt will le u' ' awn. it was announced today. A.- n;y ollieers believed that ti-w il of the slate national guard organiza ti'-'ii-.-^ i-aii nii'i't regular ai'iiiy reijiiite ,7:'o lor the goveriituent laenis. Little or no .ittention has lieei result of the restoratiou p:,;,! io bringing state orgaiuzation- “Tliere Hob Seott was to take tho reins nnd drive tho old hearse through to Fort Laramie, and tho driver that brought them in told how tho six pas sengers had pnimbled all along tho trail against tho slow rate they went. “r'ath driver had taken his share of r.buse, and each one had jiassed word along to Hob about it. "Hhu'st ino bloeily eyes, but you don’t know anylhiiig about staging in this blarsled heathen ctuiulry,” said one of tho party to Hob Scott. I’eb !^''’0tt sniil d and said, simidy: “I'll sea what 1 can do to pleaso you.' up : I- -t spi t in a man'', luaki-- inietiini'S the lu'lil spot o:. of opi-n and rral conii'i-titinn bet. ':iiildi-rs. I a'/.v na n life is a ri'ii! ti’lp'- ari- un r:-ni-y that thi* win - i -It-- «liei-l, on wliii'li ! II i-nly !iy clianee. nil: MSMt M'AI, I'.rsiM SS M \\A- (; i: K. up to an eiricicney standard. This j has gveatiy impairi'd the possible ef I fei tiM-ne.-s of the militia should it lit' ealli'd upon to isupplement the rcg- I ular anii.v. or- An li'Ui' man ini’ aiiiitli.' Ill - t man , : d -'M 11 iiiigiitv s’.'-, Ilian iT-^h I!!'--I s always shim'- tliii'f".- -Moil'-i'ii -iiran. Till’ \’irginia "Drie.s" will try for .-tatewiile proiiibition In-lure tl;e m-\'. si-?,sion ef the gem-ial assemlil'.’ whii’li ciiiivenes on Wi'ihii’siiay. Ili-ri 's hoping tiuit the Virginia peu- p!e will he given the ballut. man's '-.■nseii n. e is like his lu-ad; it ii'-'i-r lii'ti.i rs iiini until "the morn ing atti-r the night hi-fori'. " Now tluit Harry 'riiav.' hi ;.;i-. Ill li.'ii-.'t. out of p’llilie iii.-t Maiiv sii,,.!l 1 ami throiu-ho'it I- l iiitt d Sl.iti- l itizi'iis lil-111- u|iti-ihite nu thods ir rniiiiiii^ lli-ii’ iniiiii- .I'.iLlU .- all- i-’ii- p! i.'iii:: 1e--S n-ana-ri-rs uhosediit.; it is t.i rii'. il'.'- t'lwi. s or rii> .s affair' in mill il the same way tiiat a li'.r.'ini': i; ail.'r ■.■.mil l run a lag nieirantil" e'lal'li'.^i.mi 111. 'I'he idea of a luis- iiii SS ma.nagi r in looking after muni I'.il a/f.ii:.- e.imi.'S fn-m tli.-rmany vlii''e mo?t of tae sn.all towns and ciii i.rms ari- r.nt ehoseii for any l oliti- i- -,l '-. aM-iis Imt insteail for their ahil-- it, t,i reniiiU'l all alYair;’ of the t’lwr. or eity in a hiisine-islike manner. .-\'- ri-ady se\ral towns and cites of this beer- eonntry have adopti il this metlio.! may soon drop .'ind th(' !a(e,--'t town to dei-ide on thi- for a time. tOWl'h I iJi,, ^! IK.l Of grilll wliosi you fei'd tlie summer boarders'.’" "I do", answered Farmer Wheillli- tree. ' .-V farmer's life is a hard one. ain': it '.' " responihd th(' i ity man.—Louis ville Courier. ^trangi', huw Ji>fnl!\ a man will ■ a l.m>"r ti\e liundred dollars for t tint he liet;riidgi>.! a preai’her tni dollars for ty- If every one tliat made -New A'ear " ' resolutions on tho lirst of Januaiy „ , aui has kept them up to the present j„g date was forced to come up and sig: o-i- their names we fear toda>'s mem- .\ eivil term of superior court In ^ orindum sheet, though small, would gan here yesterday with Judge Frank '"iKer plan in the fonduet of the u:u | e^rry the number of signatures. ' I'i';m'1-., d1 C.ililshoro. pr"sid:ni. nieipal ;iffnirs of thi' suhurb, (llenene O This i' the liT't eoiirt he has held ir village trustees advertised for a bur-,-, Congratiihitiona to the Wilmin-tou Pitt county, hut ho i's already mal: iness manager and no Icps than l.i" ;ias promulgated an order prohibit,- j staging please you?’ plan is Ch-neor-. 111., one of the I ing .Did he.st known siilnirlis C'hieago. Cli'ni-oi' is a beautiful suburb ■ivho’S'' residi'nts are mostly men who a"e well lip in tho business world of Chicaco. and it is only natural th.it they siiould prefer the husint-sa man-, Organized labor In Washington, D C., is making arrangements to give a big dinner in that city on January 27, in honor of Samuel Gompepj, Then Hob went to tho stables and .got the stock tenders to hitch up six of the jiony express ridi*rs’ horses ft>r his team that day, and animals not all broken to coaching. “‘AVe'll strike Laramie on time, or I’ll know why not," primly said Hob Scott, and he mounted the box as the Knglishmen came out from dinner and eyed tho nesv team, with men holding them on the earth. “ ‘I’m blest if I don't V>elieve that's a fair going team of cobs.’ said one. " ‘All aboard!’ shouted Hob. ‘“Hlarst you, turn 'em loose!’ and other things wore said to Dob, along with much abuse. “The trail led up a long hill, half a dozen miles in length, but then camo a sharp and rough descent. “Then camo Hob’s chance, and, wild at the abuse heaped upon him. he gave a yell, threw the reins, three on one side, three on the other, to drag on the ground, and began to lay tho whip upon the team. "If tho Englishmen at first 'were pleased, it was only for a moment, as Bob drew his revolver and fired six shots in the air, yelling as ho fired, “His next mad act was to tear first one lamp, then the other from the sides, and hurl them full force at tho leaders, tho tingling of tho broken ^ glass startling them the more. “The Englishmen were scared half '' out of their wits by this time. S S “They dared not jump out, though a S ,s S ,S s S S S S S 8 8 S S S S 8 8 hasty council of war decided unanl- Ou account of the conge.sted con- they were being driven by dition of labor on the Canadian Pa- ^ "To‘'add'fuel to the fire, Bob leaned citic coast and the Hindu ouestiou ^ the ^^>vi'inniL-ut of British Columbia! ••'Gentlemon. does this stylo of To I I- is the niaii v.ho has the po v IT and '.--kill st'Tu the torrent of a wonuin’a V. ill'.’ I'or if she will, slie will, you may d.’- pi'iiil on't; sui h ollieial.'. These man I-Aiid if she won’t, she won’t; Ko there's an end on't." SS8SSS8S8S8SS >OTi;S KKOn TIIK I.AIiOK noitlil). ing until March 31. entry into the I’lovince of all artisians and labor crs. “A groan in chorus was the an swer. “The next station was ten miles from Horseshoe, and with a hop, skip and jump the coach went along, dragged by the maddened team. “The stock tenders heard the noise, saw the horses tearing along, and president of the American Federation i knew that they were running away, cf Labor, on the occasion of his sixt , - , and quickly threw the etable doors .1 i>ethci 111 regular session a'ssemblod on tho 5th day of January, Hi 14, or- .icred an eieetiou to ue held in tho lown of Hetiiel, J’itt comity. North Carolina, on 'I'uesday the iTth of ..lari-li, 1914, at tho regular polling ,>laee in tho town of Het.Uil on tho lUestion or proposition of issuing i'’ivo Thousund Dollars woith of ..lectric Light Honds to bear inter est at ti per cent per annum, inteio.st pajablo annually, and to run lor a eiiini of lliiity years from date of ^sue and the tax rate for the the purpose of payin,; the intere»t on -aid lionds and for paying said bonds, lall not e.M’i I'll tui'iity-livo in-nts on llie hundii'd ilollai's worth of pioj)- I ty and scvent\-hvo ccnts on the .11)11, tho hinds receUeil from the anio aie to be used for tho purposu I' luiilding and installing an electrii: ght plant tui' the town of llelliei, as provide! in chapter 171 of the ri\ate Laws of North Carolina llill. .And iiotiei- is further heieli.v' giv- .1 that Ilie ri-gisti alioii books w ill iipi'iii d t ir tiie reg.’-'t I at ion of ■ I .1 ho ai’i i iititli-d to re . trr and voti' and w'lo are not al- ... 11 g,:. t'-ri'd. I'll the l-lth day .)f ■’.irnar.'. Il'M. and el.isi d at sun set r Sa'iinhiy the 7th of .Mareli. i;il4 nil that S. .\l. Jones has In-eii ap- 1 : ; 1. :ir iur .“aid leirpn.- o at rn I at h Saturday during 'said ■riod the registration books will hi ! i-ne.j at the regular polling plaee in ill' town of iiethel and at all otiu'r IS iiiir.ng .Slid period opened iri 1 >1 l!i I hi'l at Hloiiiii I II I 1 III all ei|i-/--n-^ (ii‘ i" ' 1.’ ' e not already registered and who I'-^ire to vote at '.-‘aid cleetinn will ‘ re'iiiired to register. I'his the Huh day of .lanuaiy. Ilil-l S. T. CARSON, Mayor of Hethel J. K. rARSO.X, ■’k of the Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Hethel, .N'orth Caro lina. ' I l.iw !hv I.AMI SAl.K r.y \irtiie of a decree of the sii -riiir (-i)urt of I’itt eounty in the i;;e of l.aiina lladdoek, widow, vs. \V. Smith, adiiir,, et als., the uii ■rsigned eiimmissioner will offer fo ie hofer the eoiirt house door •ii ■eenville on .Monday, Fehruary llnil, III, the following deseribed tr.iet I land: Situate in tlu' county of I’ii.t .1 in ( liieod townshi]), that tract of nd I'ing on the east side of l-'ork ■ amp, bminded on the north by the ni!'.^ of F. A. Haddock, on tlii' south the lands of .Mrs. M. L. Cox riHl hets. containing -00 acres more or •SS, and hi-ing tiu' same tract of land mveved to John K. Haddock hy Mary . Haddock, and being the land up- •1 which .lolin 1{. H-iddoi'k resided the time of hia death. Terms cf ■le: ont'-half cash, balance in twelve 'ont’.’.’.i. This .laiiiiary 12th, 1!)14. It, W, SMITH. Commir.sione.' ■ O, JAMFS *• SON, Attys. la ltd 3tw Dispatch on having succossfnlly, in- ' ■ fi^'''’n!s here He will also hold !le<Hl triumphantly, negotiated it? ti,,, eriniinal term besiinning next nineteenth milepost. In Cowan an] Monda.v. Lawson, Proprietor McClanimy has a o lining the duties of tho new manager fin® brace of newspapermen on hii Ftring. The year 1914 siiould prove a Rood one for the Dispati-h.—Hal •»ie1i News and Observer. M9 too. In Moultrie, Ga., an ordinance wa‘ FIrowhcre in this paper Solicitor C. L. Alierni'thy publishes a card an nouncing his eandidaey for re-elec t!on. The di.'trict has had no better prosecuting attorney than Mr. Ab- fcrnethy. He gives his duties dill- pent attention and has a host o*. nnr>'’e-infi(ins were received. Mr. Gill, fourth birthday anniversary. ! wide open, knowing the animals would chairman of the village hoard, in on* | p. Sovey, general president of rush in. the Bookbinders’ International I'nioii. i “It was a close call for all. but Bob ordered the coach backed out, a fresn I . , 1- i: f. team hitched up, and quietly called ager to anv big business fi'm-its ,.,t- quarters offices in Indianapolis after ,, ,, J .. . 'an extensive trip through the weU i .. ..n nhnnrd ppntlemen'' zens .IS stockholders and its trus- . i »i . .t i genuemen. reported that the working condition.- the six Knglishmen had had tees as directors It is apparent that j,jg organization were never bet-■ more than their money’s worth and the idea of a business manager to ter than at the present time. j their fill of Bob Scott, and refused to conduct municipal affairs i's one that' The International Bricklayers, Mr-: ride further with him.” w ill crow in popularity. | cons find Plasterers’ Union, which ^ {Copyright, by Dally Story Pu . o.) -n 'ni’=1ness men of a town come has its headquarters in Indianapolis, is reported to have Bet aside a fund pa.sso'l. mainly at the solicitation of friends in every county he serves. thp women, prohibiting the sale o.' wgarettes in the city. Thi'S arousec the smokers who. with the idea of letailiition, circulated a petition prevent women wearing corsets am’ higli-heeled shoes, on the ground that these were injurious to the health if He is held in high esteem by the peo ple of Pitt county. » TIIF l>KMOri{ATI(’ VOTKlfS OF 'UK FIFI H ,in»l( lAI, niSTVH T I am a candidate to succeed myself >s Solicitor of the Fiftli Judical Dis- '*tct, and take this method of making 'lonn my desires to the District. I have tried to the very brct l^f iny bilty to perform the high duties of ly otlice conscientiously, fearlessly ■nd inipartiallv. I feel that if 1 have •illed the position acceptably to th>> ’aw-abiding people of the district , 1 . 1' trillion dollars to protect its large transatlantic steamship line, had Jit I should be renominated and "ft- t le mnn c pa s loii c le com uc ei against a movement now returned to him a letter that he mailed lected. Th« position Is one of great In a business w ay they are ^'onsider-■ to Captain Larson of the Swedish bark e<.ponslbility and the experience I to the conclusion that the affairs Held Letter Thirty 'Vear*. Max Norman, passenger agent for one of the most i«pnrtrin* of c^rnTvnirtffv' dovolopmpnt. WhOTl Crete work for brick work in building Superior more than thirty years ago. construction. “f ntfi^ of the Swedish and Norwegian consul Raleigh, Greensboro. Wilson, Golds- town is improved in tt>.^ goverment it For the purpose of averting strike-? Marseille, Prance, and the envelope boro, and other cities and towns in North Carolina have endorsed Rich- trade. On the other hand, the towTi ,^ve gained while In thie office. 1 "eel, enables me to better perform ny duties than if I had not had thft is improved as a place in which to Massachusetts in 1914, the state the postmark, "New York, Octo- . j i, * .u board of Concilliatlon and Arbitra- i,er 3, 1883,” and "Marseille, October * request my friends throughout the tion has Issued a message to employ- 18, 1883.” district to take an active Interest in the wearers. Imagine the surpri'si ’’eglonal banks, that does get the trade of its owr ^rs and employes, directing their at- "That was written In Sweden to my behalf for the renomination, and nt H.n wVion o matnrifrr nt tti-' hut not Until they had told her how people and community is likely to be tintion to the laws provided for their Captain Laraon," Mr. Norman said re- f renominated and reelected, I freight rate matter. everything else. nf Hia mnn -nrVion n mnioritv nf th'' “““ penpie anil i:iiiiiiiiuiiii.,i’ in imi-i.v iii iit: itiii.iuii lo me lawe provided 7. 0,1,,h..PC. -I-. ™ »•" --'""■« •» 'M"''"."“"r "’*• tio. a,30 r=». matfpr pvorvfhtnir cisp I lofhouts, and pointing out to them I shall continue as in the past, t.> . . >on. and must have Iain all these yeara ♦/» that It is aduty they owe the public consul’s offce In Marseille. It to exhaust ail peaceful and lega’ to reQueet the captain to sell her 'rosecute wthout fear or favor crln-e The laying off of the town into fl.-^ I Cold weather may effect the nose in "it is the dutv of everv one who ^lethods before resorting to a breach when he arrived. He never came, and courts o? di.-Jtricita under the supposition that distrc.’sing ways if proper care is not rererenpes the traditions of the past" of industrial peace. 1 never heard what became the fire whistle would blow certain exercised to prevent redness and en- onfd Senator I»uke Lea. of Tennessee I Although the recent referendum Swedish bark Superior. of the vote of the membership of the Brick- The French postal authorities had layers. Masons and Plasterers’ Inter- national Union was overwhelmingly York.”—New York "World. «ig«alu to locatte the district la larged pores—of which Indigestion is in an address before the city club of which a fire occurred, seems to re another and more common cause o* t «.,<<! ••♦o do his mrt <t, mnV- suit in little or no benefit. Wlien at. says Ablzall Moore. And we ha»’»^ Ing the redoubts against Soclallsn' pg^jjjst affiliation with the American 1 Can’t Be Done alarm la given people have to dr t een told it was hope that puts the secure. This can he done onlv hy Federation of Labor, the officers of ygg believe that aU things ten jvBt as they always did, rush e'lcited- bloom on the snoot each contributing h'.a part toward? ti e organization say that It Is pos- possible?” ly here and there Inquiring of others, 0 fhp R-,’i-cess of the radicalism of t-*- *hat the delegates of the local "Sure I do!** eq.ally as excited until they can Don’t make good resolutions nnless dav in whtch les oni srftfy f..- to- rrnsollda”Jlon plan when^e“y voteT Her^fthl‘‘lnn!i^n’cJme?t%f*?he“en- Sueh con- y®n constantly carry a repair kit wit' morrow. Pispontent and unre«t have annual convention which meetr K*8e™«nt of a popular deaf-muU walked abroad for the last ten years in Houston. Texas couple, after a very romantic oourt- I I ship, ee telay and danger, and again bring« • Slsms lr»ve heen evijent that fore- the district. Respectfully, CHARLES L. ABERNETIIY. learn where the Are Is. fusion from lack of information caus- yoa row TAKEW rp—BLACK WFLL- I headed; underand overbIt the right, underblt the left. Owner can get same by Identifying and paylni; p^-arges. L. P. Dudley, Greenville. N. C. 18 SOtd Brace up and bo a man—imagine It’s not cold. u* Qie subject that Greenville should Cotton is quoted at 12 1-2 centF told a prerlod of conflict. have a good and accurate Are alarru in Atlanta and only 10 1-2 in Green- a ayateia. 1 ville. Wherefor*’ This Is certainly some cold weather. cim III ssTM, mtr iMHiM t(it cm “Welir "Tell ne how the bridegroom-elect To Cure a Cold ta One Day The werM no matter of how long ■undino, want about whlanerinK thn nM awoat ! LAXATIVE BKUMO Quinine. It stop* the I retUblo Ur. V ? «weel He»d«che and wsrk. ofj the Cold, •re cured by the wonderful, old . Portiir’i Antiteptk Healfaic Oil. It relieves | IB tllO ear of tlla bridS^SCtT^ l>sin sDd UeaU at <amc time. Xr. Me. S1.00 Druffgittt refund noney if it fails to cur«, w. GROVE’S •isnatur« oo each box. 2oe.

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