■ » n* •Jiute LlbrUa GREENVILLE IS THE EEART OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR V^E HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. m (T, ^'t p rr» Agriculture is the MoNt Useful, tbi* MokI H«>althfnl. iIip M. FKIDAV AI ii;itNO(>\. IDIllM A!!V i:i, lltll. M HIU.K a I. This City To Experience Improved Postal Facilities During The Present Year Iraining School Issues UuIIb-0(]|||]|I| |||{[ til) For Spriog aod Sum mer lern fostoffice Ouilding to be Com pleted Short ot lime Specified (REE OELIIftm III SyMM[R III Adtiitioii fit riiK tliv (iouM-iiiiiciit Hu'oi'iiis I.ociil Oi'li«c That u Niirlit IMspatcIi l. lcrk is t(> 1)0 Addvii. tlio 4tli iii'otiint, in which you siibiiiit iiifoniii.tioii relative to the nocessilv for ostalilisliiiig night sorviix* at join ottlcn, you are inrornied that as thi.s I'iianKu would involve an allowance- for an additional clerk, the Depnrt- nicnt i.s unable to take? favoralile ac tion in the nuUtor owinj; to the ver„’ I liiuitc'd number of cli'rical i)ositions uvailabli' durinp the current tisoal ye'ar. It i« suBKOsti'd, however, that you bring the matter to the Depart- 1’K‘nt's attention about June 1st, next with a view of effecting the chanRc- SHIilllOWN ITKMS. It. lookw like this is to be a good July 1 liil4.” | year for Creenvillo in the way of ini-: To get these things-the new Iirov-ing postal facilities. Work is building, free delivery and night ser- going i n well on tlie postollice build- vice—all during this year, will rer-j ing and tlio eontractors exi\cct to tainly be a bi'g gain for Greenville in have it completed short of the time mail faeilitles. To have the nigh* specllied. Everybody will be gliul clerk in the office will mean that when this new building can be oe- li tters mailed after the last daily dis ' cupied, for it will provide ciuartcrs i)atch at 0 p. m. nnd there are bun-1 and convenences for handling “UnclG dreda of 'such letters every night— | Sam’s" bu'siness here to much better instead of having to be held until advantage. i nearly S o’clork next morning can Then there is the matter ot free dispatchcd by the night trains and delivery of nuiil, that is coming about advanced from four to eight the middle of the year. By virtue of >''>">•«■ In other words mail for either the local postotnce receipts Green-j or Ualeigh dropped in l.y, ville has been entitled to free mail,reach either city a^, dtlivery now nearly three years. Ev !=>" ™''ier hour than it now leave.-. ,'rybody familiar with the oircum-' r.reenvllle. There wi\ also be a stances know that the reason tht .avins in time on the incon.ing service has not already been install- niails on these nicht train's, as lin ed was that the town failed to meet present arrangement it re the requirements ot the government t'.nins in the baggage room at tb. nect-ssary for this, though former -l-'Pet until s o'clock, tben has to be I'ostmaster Flanagan freuuently cans "ork.,] and distributed before de ed the attention of the city om.iL.l 'i"’''-'' I'atrons. while with the to be called to their neglect in this''>igbt clerk these mails would be particular When Mayor J. U. .Tames , directly from the trains to the took the head of the city government,'oftice and distributed at once, so la'st July one of his first resolutions 'l>='t patrom? would find it in their was that Greenville should be put >'Oxes e.s early in the morning as tbev in conditum for the installation ol, fr"!. The change will effect a the service He and Postmaster f'" buslnes,. Whichard, who was also deeply in '"^'1 oarrying it into effect the terested in it. conferred together f'rst of July is looked forward to with about the work, and when it was encouragement, thought the town was in position to meit the retiuirenient of the govern ment the matter was again pUicc: before the department. Here th. good work of Congressman .lolin 11, Small came in, for ho took the matter right to headiiuarters and a month ago an inspector was sent to Green ville to make investigation. Last week The Uellector gave ex tracts from a letter Congiessman Small fLiit Mayor James, tliat the Department had approved the (avoi - able report of the inspector on Green ville. at the same time giving th.' statement of the First Assistant Post master General that as the tund:- available for extension's durin,g th. current fiscal year were piacticall,\ ovhausted, It would likely be July be fore the free delivery can be install ed. The Keflector stated in the sanu article that the postmaster was at work on some other improved facili ties for the local service that it was hoped eould be accomplished soon and one of these also seems assured for tho beginning of the new flsea’ year July first. He ha's been making ftiuly of the needs of a night clerk for the postofllce and the advantage to the community that would come through the opportunity ot dispatch ing mails by the night trains, and through the assistance of Congres's- man Small has presented tho impor tance of this to the Department. On Tuesday the postmaster received let ters from both the Pinat Assistant Postmaster General and Congressman Small, expressing that this changc can come July 1st. The former let ter says: “With reference to your letter of A bulletin outlining the spring and summer torni.s has boen i'.5sued by tiu! I'^a.st Carolina 'I'l'acbers Training Scliool and is being distrbiitfHl among the teachers of Xorih (,'arolina. 'I'he.si! cinn'! tho spring work. A folder giving a detailed account of the course in I'^iucationai Adniin- i'-.tration and Supervision will be is- 'sned in March. This course is for high school principals, county and city siiperint.eiidents. Lfi mmm karded Gallivan Buildino Co. ot Greenville S. C. Large Crowd f Is Expected Saturday [imcT risuRts noi k S.MITHTDWX, Feb. 10.—Miss Tril by Smith who is attending the K, C. T, T. S, was home on a visit Satur day and Sunday. •Mr, (\ {;, Cob!) and famil>, of Nor folk, is out to his country hiinie. Cobbtlale, for a while. M", l.iiyil Sniitli. of Fariiiville. was iii our town a '.-ihort while Monday, There will be services at the Chris tian cliiiri'.i at Artliur next Saturday 14th. and also Suiulay aftornoon. Jud.^iing from the plant beds in tliir- vicinity the tobacco crop will be in ireascd. Mrs, C, K. McCilowhon and Mr?. Mills Smith attended services at Faniiville la'st Sunday, Miss Winnie i'^vans. Mrs. Ague? mount and Master Jack Hlount spent the day at Mr. Ivy Smith’s last Sun day, coming over from Ayden on a car. •Mrs. Hellen Wat'son from Parm- ville, was vistiing her grandmother. Mrs. A. A. Joyner, Sunday. Any one wishing for a good loca tion would do well to come to our tcwn, as it is on a boom in every way. HIk It^publiranH (» Speak. CObDWATER, Mich.. Feb. 11.— Arrangements have been compietea for the annual banquet of the Lincoln Republican Club here tomorrow night. Senator Charles Townsend will be toastmaster and among the leadini; speakers will be Senator Weeley Jones of Washington and ex-Con- gressman .Tames E, W’atson of In diana, iiiiin: ijiAKKUs i\ ro^. FFIM'XE AT WAS!!I\(JTO\ W.\SH1.\GT0X. D, C„ Feb, 11.— Kepre:'entativi<.-i of ijOO t'ade organ izations embracing the entire countr-. and representing every line of in dustry regisitcr(! to wlietber holding companies and Interlockin.g directorates should be priihibited and as to how the Sher man law reiiiiires definition are to he discussed. In addition to tho trust problen' tho meeting will give attention to the currency and income tax laws and the development of the foreign trade of the United States followinp, tho opening of the Panama canal. Cl-arles A, Prouty of the Interstate Commerce Commis.‘?ion will tell the delegates of tho work Involved in riaking a ph.vsical valuation of tin'- railroads and Secretary Wilson of the Department of I^abor Is down for an addrras on the relations of his department to indutrie and com merce. >ew Hampshire Farmers’ .Voetinir. CONCORD, N, II.. Feb. 11.—The flrvit annual state agricultural con vention of New Hampshire was hel't iii this city today. The leading fea tures of the program was an address by Prof. W. C. Coffey of the Univer sity of Illinois. Work to Itegiii a( Once. Anotlier ( iin. trad to lie i-ct in the >ear I'li- liiru I'or Some (Mher lIiiildingN. Yesterday being the day advertii- eu for the opening of the bids lor tho erection of tho C.reeiuillo Cottiiii .Mills in the soutliwcstcrn part of tie city, about a dozen contractors, in eluding sever:;l from Uicr cities and states were stationed near tho oflices cf the company, lo await the returns from their respective bids. It roi|iried the better part of tlii; day for tl:f oflicials to go over the es timates, and at a late hour in the afternoon the Gallivan liuilding Com pany, of Cireenville, S, was award ed the contract for the main build ings. Tho price being in the neigh borhood of thirty-five tlioiisand dol lars. This leaves still another cmi- tract to he let, that being for lh< tenant hou'.-es anil seveial other ni’c- essary buildings, u |)ower plant and tho liiacliiiieiy to ei|iilp tlie mil! thriiughonf, We understand t'.iis will be done at as early date as possble. The eoiilraet of yestiTiia.v calls for a building 3UIxSo feet with an L TOxSO. Also a '.storage warehouse oT T.ixlihi ffi't. In aiidltion to this ther'' is to be a reservoir holding one hun dred and fifty tlioiisaiid gallons ol water, with a tank filfy feet in the air with tlie capacity of ."ill,000 gal lons. Work is to begin at once and is to lie eonipleted by the latter part of the suiiinier. At the present time laborers art at work niovln.ir weveral buildings on fbi' eiiiniiaiiy's property to clear a right of way fi'r the laying of siib' tracks from the mills tn the XorfolK Southern and .\tlaiitic Coast ljln tracks. It is undevstiH'd that this will b(> fiiiishi'd ill the course of two weeliH. 'I’he rollowing I'ouf rn'-tors suli- mitted estimates yesterd.iy: liaker and ( anuliii. tlrei'iiville, I'. D. It, I’arlioui. Norfolk Va. Itlalock l!ro.~,, .New llern. X. C, Vork and Kvans, Cveenville, X, C J. I). (Irandy. Ctnirlotte, .\. ('. I>. K, Cecil, l.oxln.ulen, C. Fisk-Carter Constrm iion Company, (’arlotte. X. C. ('. M, West. Greenville. N. C. Hiirwell Kiddick. Greenvillo. N. C AIsop and Pierse. Newport Nows Va. .\e\i .Saturday will be a day of more tlian oriliiiar,\ inti'iis-^t, in (ireen\ille iaiiil a large crowd is expected to b- ' hi I'e. II is the i|;iy lor the regular monthly meiiiags of t!ii‘ Fanner.' I I'nioii and also of the 'l\ aeliei'.s Aiiso- |e;aiion. In addition to this it is the I ihite I'di' a Fanners Institule. It i.-; :also III',' liiiii' for holding civil serviei e.\aniinalions lor I'oa11h-cla',-s po-^t- masf'TS and rui'al rout'' carriers, 'lire Fanners iastilMle will |.i'ov< of interest to the I'Ublic geiier.illy. Lecinrers from the state ilepartinenL of agriculture at lialelgh will hold these inslitiiti',-i and illscusslons of farm operations, crops, live stock, n.arketing, household economies, home M eiivenieiices health in the home, edii- 1 cation, etc., will he entered into i'ri ese are all live topics ami will be I discu'.ssed by inacticnl men and wo- Rojland JoynEr, Has Sludeni at HIVE m ACl »0[ I'KOGHV M FOR TK V(’l|. KRS’ ASSOriATH>\. The Grammar (irade division ot the Teachers' Association will meet in the Greenville graded school building on Saturday morning, February the 14th, at 10:.'i0 o’clock. The follow ing subjects will be dKseussed. Sixth and Seventh Grade Geogra phy—Miss Powers. Certiticatos in Rural Schools—.Miss Tucker. Essential Studies in Kngli«h Miss Britt. DKLIA SMITH, Pres. n.eii in a practical way. .\t the afternoon session a nues- tien box will he opened and (luestions answi red in a round table diseus'sion and it will he adviaoable fo take a 'K lo fliis session. A year's subscriiifion to a woman'i magazine wll be given to the womar over l!o years of age. living on a farm, w'lo bakes and exhibit's the highest scoring loaf of bread. .A year's subscription lo a magazine will alsi he given to the girl nnder ;^0 .\ears i.f age who lives on a farm. e\liiliitiii'.r the bii;li"sl .scoring loaf ef bread. Only one of the above prizes will I'.- given in a family, .-V premium will also lie uiM'U to the t-irl from a farni l.akliig and fxliil'iting ihe lie;-! peni of Cl rn bread. >. (. FOIilSllIV ASS0( IA1H>\ »ll.l. Mill l\ VSIIIVII.I.I, The fourth annual convention of the .\r",t'i Carolina Foresfrv ,\; ■ )eia- tiiui will fie held In Asheville, .V. C.. on Wediu’sday and Thur'^da,'. .\pril ^fh and ‘.'th. I'.Mt. Tho .^pl'alachian I’ark .\ssociation and the .-Xsheville Hoard ol Trade are lending their I'earfv co-o|ier:ition. and no effurt will le spared to make tliis one of t'-i' iHi'si inleri^ti!ig and largely attend ed forivtry meetings e\er lielif in the south. The program will itu liali- ;'Uh' SSr liy I'roniiueiit mi-n vui the 'u'actie.i' problems ol the da' and di. ' '.i .sion- ei; eaeli s'.i'.ijiTl oiie'.i t i all tl.-h gates will !i.' ealleil fer. The side trips of unu.'i.il are fil ing arranged for with the land inMi ■ er.-. in connection with the mcetihi;: one a visit to tlie celebril'it plai:t id forests of the lliltniore INtaf''. where forestry was first lira lieed in the I’liited States: and th.. second ,'i trip over the unique logiiinu: railroa'I into th(' spruce forests on the of Mt. ^litcheH, tlie higliest pi'ik eas' of the Rockies which arc now be. ing logged. Such a jirogram should be of onii.il interi'st to foresters. Uimhermen. landowners, and public men; and all who possibly can should plan to attend. Veiiiig .(ovncr as ^cli him-.vu lit I’itt (' shooting him- self tlinuigh the right temi'b with a |{--calihre revoher. Diath was in- sfantaneous. Joyni r was in a room abme :,i lli ■ time and was partly dressed, ile liail just flni'sbed eating a bowl ot ojsteis stew when inmates of the place hearJ a pistol shot and up le liaji]'.' aiul e;MI,hi.d wih I" :oi i ill life, II III- I ;e-l :i lo\e ,lli 111' : -.'.a'; j nol '-;now n. j llis iiinlv WO!- '1 !e,,il\ leliight j !-';:!ieral I'li: j FAKMVlhl.l., Fi ' ei| 1" re th^^ niornii.g .lli.\ lu r, SI I . Iiil r eti ef I. .lo.Mi'r shot l.’t'isilf la'"t nirtit in Uiehiiiond, wlu';’e fie was aft uding Masse.\ l!usinl•^s I'.'llege He U ft a ni'le a.\lng lie was tiled of lining He was ahimt L‘2 years of agi 'I'bo f.iner.il will he held tiimorro%> after- no(iii. It will be recalled I'tioliimi wa's the star sliort-stop on the Kinn- vilh' baseball team of 191:*., in wkicfi he pulled off Bome sensational vlaf-i on the diamoiul. Gur town a-s u Vvul.s, deeply sympathize with bis moG cr in such a sad hour. •I Par. . ill. \ ft< rinmi:, 11’. Xi w ^ real b - that (ioland ,Mis l-'innie Siii|day School Workers Me*‘t. ANDERSON, S, C.. .Feb, 11,—An army of Sunday school workers was on hand hero today at the opening of the annual convention of tlie South Carolina Sunday School As sociation, The convention will con tinue three days, during which tim<- noted religious leaders will delivci addressew and all phases of Sunday schot>l work and methods will be dis cussed. TWO (O^rUACT.S \W\llI>Ki> ro LOCAL (OMlUrTOHS Several days ago Messds. Camden A: Ilaker. local contractors, wore awarded the contract for the erection of a resdence for Mr. K. H. Fergu son. and today they signed np with l*r. S. Haesell and Mr. P. G Jaiiieft for the office building to be built on the lot on Third street Ju»t« to tho r>ar of the Reflector office.