MMWi Unloading Car Hay Csir And of Gilt Edj«|e Flour Pl’ULlC SALE OF STOCK OF WOODS. l)y virtue of a po\ver of sale con tinued iu a deed of ii'ssignment made !)v Paul Soloiuou to F. C. Harding, 1)1 the -4th day of January, 1914, the undevsigued. will on Thursday, thr 12th day of February, 1!)14, at 11 o'< lock a. m. at the store formerly occui ied by I’aul Solomon, sltuatoii oil the south side of Dickerson ave nue, in the town of tiroenville, North CaioJina, expose to puglic sale, tc 'iu' hi.shc'st biilder fur cash, the en tile 'Stock of floods, wares and nier- ciiaiisldo, I'iirmcrly ln'longing to Paul Solomon, incliuiiiii; all dry goods, 1"ots, shoes, liats and caps, clothiiifi. I '■ioth and ail kinds of dry poods :iifi notions, also all ii\tiiri"s and stori lurnUuro in i^aid Mort' biiildin.g. | 'i'lic lti\ctiior.v of s:ii(l stock taki' l y tl.'' A.--si!;ni'<' :iK,-rci:aI ing IM'.,'S. All pi'isiins di'siriui; to pun h:isi' tii.' i nk lia'c l^ic privili'"!' cl' i I’ ninini; t'.ic s-aiin' at :niy time, on o.' : -lori' ti:e day of s:ilr by ;iiipl\iTiL' KEEP HUNTERS FROM BIRDS'ANCIENT AND MODERN WAR One Good Thing, and About All, That idle to Make CompaHson as to th» Can Be Said for the Pestilent ^ Courage Required by the Sol* Mosquito. diers of the Period. In the north of Canada the mosquito reigns supreme. The swarms that riso from streams, lakes and marshes, as each comes to the urface and emerge, dry, from the skin he wore when a wiggler in the water, cannot be checked or resisted. Though weakly blown aside by the wind or driven off by smoke, they triumph by the force of nunibt'rs. There is compensation for their vir ulent annoyance, and even for their transmission of the germs of malaria, compctnsations more Important than the ft'pding of trout and bass fry. They protect our feathered game dur ing the nesting season and insure im- Much Is written of the terrors of modern war. Little is written of the terrors of the wars of old. Yet it is doubtful If war today makes greater demands on human couragts tlian war In the time of Grant, of Washington, of Turenne, of Caesar, of Alexander. Consider a stand-up infantry fiKht In the days of the revolution. After the preliminary cannonade and long distance musketry practice, the two regiments marched toward each other in close ranks. At a given distance, frequently at thirty yards, there was a halt, a smashing: volley, and then a bayonet charge through the smoke. Hnllets those days were largo and PK0FES810NAL CARDS. O. M. CLABK Attorney at Law Land and Drainage Caees a Speolalt;; In office formerly occupied Vy JTarvis and Blow. L I. Moore W. H. Loag iniinity to the tiocks of mi.q:rants that of soft liad, and the man who was hit rear their broods in the northern went down. Over him tramped his woods. The egg collector, tho skin col- comrades or the enemy, shooting and lector and all the inguisitive, curious stabbing. iViU !! < li; tl; ' ;:ilit 1'. ihi ■ (il 'uniKiry. l;il t. II XKIM.NC. Assiiuic • and destructive who would otherwise invade the woods and marshes during lies for l&O years, the nesting season, are warned off by that ominous and persistent hum. It is more effective than all the game- preserving and bird-protecting stat- ALBIOir DUVN Attorney at Law Uf&ce In Shelburn Bulldlus, Third It. Fractlceg whereever bis services art degirbd Greenville, - - Norfii Carolina H. W. CARTER, M. «. Practice limited to diseasos of the By*. Ear Nose and Throat WaKhlngton, N. C. Greenville, N. C. Office with Dr. L). L. James, Green- ville, day every MoDd-17. 9 a m to fc pm S. .1. EVEHETT Attorney at Law tJd'iVaids Building, on the Court House Square In I i.\M>s\i.r. I I’-y ■, if;.' 0’.' .. .- “11(1 ^ I ; re ol ,-;;iiii ri'.ir ciuirt of I’itt icnnit.'’. in ;[ t!i.' f l.aim ll.uUlock, widow li. \V. Smitli, Aiiuir. ft a!s,. tlu< ‘ 1 ni;inn>>i.>ni r will (ilTer for sale be- ; liiii' I:,I- (\>int lun;-"' do.'r in i;ri\-n- TluU was the typo of infantry bat- To niinimize tho eoiira.';e t;i>eded to make a good sol- 1 ~ dier tnuier such circumstances is to i K\niH.\(} & I'lEKfE l!y in the face of common sense. j Lmvyrrt* Modern war requires a different i Practicing in all the Court* utes. It insures nau-ty during tliat type 01 courage irom that m eded ofiomce In Wooten BuHdlng on Thir<l helpless time when the mother bird old. The old touch of elbows is lack-I street fronting Court House can only tUitter along tlie ground in liig. The old fei Uiig of companion- | ‘ ' paralyzed terror, drawing tiie invader ship is gti.we. Tho modern .soldier ■ uway from lier treasured but helpiccs must be i.iore alert, better tauijht, | offspring. While the mosiiuito reigns keener witted than the olden soUiier | Huprenif tho bird life that ranges the of t-npial value. Hut it does not fol- I continent will nest uninolotJted iu itd low that tho modern soldier is tha varied northern re'reals. , ,111 Moi;< t!.. I uali' ill . I 1 ii-(<,'i i I,' ini: oil tin .. ' ■ M. I.. 11 - V./ .omn;-rcr: 1 iJc partmtnt T <'.ucj sound and rnctietr '.V- O:.., r r/ j Coiri-'o „ oiiai a tmcnl i ■ d Qit.irteri tl I'!ANard i;. il... :itli. ,M;',1V'U I’lUi. the li'i- tr.'i't of land: Sit- I'ou.;:.. el' I’iu and in :ip. Tl .it trai-t of ;>t ^ of i’olk Sivaiu; . •' 11 ' t! t!:<' Ills.. I'ontainiim' ■ ;Hid b' iiii; "i! r.ijiveyi !l t ' Mnry A, Il:;d- imi upon wliii-li SEEK FOR THE “SUNNY SIDE” t ■1. To Look Always for the Best Is One of the Main Secrets of Life's Happiness. One \v!io hoards a train or. a hot day is UbUally cr.refiil to chooso a seat on the shady side, if we took as mueh cart) to look oti the sunny side as do to sit on the siuidy side this wou'd be a far more couu-iiird and peaceful world. The best of good habits to cultivate braver man. The man who fou.eht at tho ‘ blood- angles” of Ciiickanmuga and Spott.syI- vf.nia, at Hunker Hill and Oriakany, nt Rivolt, Zorndorf and Milplaquet, liad no need to learn Iieroism in any modern school, it was there already. M(MMiE A LOX; AttoniejH at Law ■■iJie. - - North Carolina HELPLESS WITHOUT THE DOG Bejmingly Owner of Cows Had Not T.houg.'it That He Himseif Might Go After Them. An Atlanta man ti-lls of an amusing Fxperience he had in a isioautuiiious It. r. TVso'. InsuraiKe I.ifc, Fire, Sick and Accident Oflico on Fourth st;eet, near Fraic» VVllson'B Hicrti lIMtUV SKIVM-IJ Ait<iriie> ill l.iiw (:i;f;i;\vii.Li;. xdktii c\ cas';. i,,]. is tluit of seeing tilings as a radiant region iu a soiiiiiwetiiern state, wlu-rii SXirrlt. ('iinmiiss : ' I S.IX. ,\'f’ ni- IV. Dej)0 ?it? \;t |K r. and L'lorious Hood of daylight sliow.-i tliem. not as siiap-i-s dimly descried in the .L.loom of il pe.-iileiitial caveru. I'ptiiin a stone iu the tii-ld—and ou the under s;dt>, the side away from tho Mill, you will find 11 d.inip iiiul mouMy fi:tilness. v.iih i'll nianin r el crawiin.;. many-i' ;.;g('d creatures that run away tho ii.b;',ts a;-- notoriously shift l<-bS. .\rri\ 1.,; at a dilapiilated shaniy nt the iui"i liDiir, he iiie-.iiri'd as tu tho prospect for n Itiii,.; diiuit-r. Tlio heaii of the i.,':ii!;,', v. ho hr.d been •■ii*siii!g” ou a f.iUen troe in front | , . ,.j t)f his dwelling, made reply to tho ef. feet tliat lie "gut sted ma'd lu,v sulhin' ‘T! Vi Kjrny .!5avt' in Cj^reenviile ‘ .f'nera no o3:.ter pr-jLaction tlian a saving's account’’ iM'A I . Motiiii ir stoeii ;ritory I’uhli. cr I tin! with- it. :. 1.0.-al from the light bec:iuse tlii'y do iioL aiito the table j.utty soon.” V 0 ir dI i',3 atcivj Of and let us c:c )ti Dickinsot> 'iiin \ve. '’H 5ul'.:rrlav rli.lii.'-' >,ur r'ervice to you persona I'y .\rar A. C. L. Depot, litm 7 to 9 P. M. :;s .--|id I rritory is still ' stock law r.nd any on.' still k to ri’u :'.t large erritory will violate (li >u!,i'^-t to the pcnaltiiv- TH IS • (H ARMERS BANK B, nr. OK, Forest. r. A. Kdniundson Cashier. V-P. M 3. Bryan, Asst Cash. i|.:.-r , l.a-v'.-. ni i:ill. r .bji-et Id the ailovvii'" 1 i'.-i i'lini ;-:iid t. ; be i t'-. r."iii(ii'r. And notice and warning is hereby furtlie:- given, that the stoi-k law I. Ill " aruusd the stork law territor.v as creat.'d by (’hajitiT T'C' I'f the I’liblie I.oeal Laws of 1!<11 is '.^till Ihi' ^toi-k law fence and prute.-t.-il bv i law. damaging or unlawfully inter- I I'li iiig with till' tame w ill bi- prose- iii.led as i.rovidi'U by law. I l!y (inh-r at the floard of Conimis- jsiuiis III' ritt t'oiint,., at tln-ii- regula;' nil-, tiiii' 'anuary iird, I'.ti l. !!. LKWI.S, cliairman. \Me>t : IlKASCOK liKLi.. ('lerk. -' I i I lo\o it. Ilow di!Vereiit it is from tlio beauty of the flowers and tlu* verdiiro of the greensward livii'.g in the ojii n, and looking toward the sUyl In life it is like that. We have not asci rtaim d the secri't of liapi.iuess until we have learned to look, to work, and to live, forever on the sunny side.—Philadel phia Ledger, < iiOM K ( I T ki.o>m;i;s i-'er all occasions. Hoses, Carna tions, Violets and Valiies the lead- ' .s. Our art in wedding arraupe- i.:. utfi are of the lati ; t touch. Noth- i:g liner in Moral ol'l'eriiigs to be had. iilooiairig ()ot pK'itits, a/alias. lly- •ii.ths, palms, ferns, Norfolk pine* ;m d ma.ny other nice pot plants ilose bushes, evergreens, phrub- hedge jilants and tree.^. ^■:lil, telegr.'iph and telephone orderi I ,imptly executed by ■I. I.. O'tjuinn Co., P]:oni-': Store 'I2, f’lreeiihouse i4;< RALIMGH. .N. ('. 1). .1, Whii'hard, Jr., nt I’or (Iroenville and Viciiilt' PYRENE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS \v'e Ka’-’e just received a shipment of P\RLNEFiie E>( fcr zv- krroi/iics, garaccs aid he rr( f. [f)e Pyiene extinguishtr is crJy ihrto inches START OF POSTAL SERVICE First Attempt at System Began in Engl.ind as Far Back as the Year 1635. To Convert Gypsies. In a never-ending, restless tide, a million gypsies surge to and fro across Europe. From east to west tlu'y mi grate at the Iieginning of summer, and west to east in the fall. Nowhere are they wanted, everywhere are they eyed with suspicion, but ,still ever.v year they wander, and the authorities of the countries they cross dread their coming and are relieved when they go. There is always trouble at tho frontiers. lli‘re the wanderers are stopped, questioned and often Impris oned as vagrants. l!ut there is noth ing to do but finally let them go, and they invariably return the next year. An effort to aid and protect these gypsies i.s being made by a Swiss clergyman, Uev. H. I'^cuyer. He has organized a society one of the pur poses of which la to instruct the gyp sies in tho Christian religion, for tlieso nomads are all pagans. Willi this ('iicouragi uK'iit the travel< rr dismounted. To his chagrin, how- ever, he soon di«covi'4'ed that tlie food set before him was such that he coulj not possibly "make a meal.” He mad« eucli excuses as lie could for iiis iacS of uiipetite, iind linally bothought hini> self of a kind of nourishment which h< might veiitun* to take ami which wai sure to be found in any locality. H« asked for some milk. "Don't have milk no more,” said th« head of the place. "The dawg's dead." “Tho dog!” cried tho etranger, "What on earth has the dog to do witb It?” "Well,” explained his host inedltai tively, "them cows dou't seem to kno\» 'nougli to come up an’ be milked their ^ oiis hcadinp.s tliroii);)! Ihe Niiiijnif‘r, Cabbage Plants Mii.MONs (M rMoi:«U4;ii iii{e;> i KO-'I IMMMII l AKltAlii; I’LANTs K»li SALE. The i'()llo>\in^vari(‘ti(‘s: .lersej- Wak^- ti<'lil, Curlesion Wakelicld, Siifces- >i(in and i^trge Late Drum Heail, This selection »ilioulii i;Itc cuntiuu* pelves. The dog, ho used to go foi ’em an’ fctch ’em up.”—Lijipincott's. diameter, (curletn irxhes i hiuh and weH^f»s only five pc und. It can be atlachcd la ar-}’ aulc mobile ard It also comes with a bracket attachment for ihc garage and home. f r; c f ' } I is LyTht ft srd vi!l pcfifiw!y kc'im wii ntiicn oti'c frd e?rafe'. Ask yci;r Injtrai.ce AfCJ!, il tr cttrt L r f nv ri’trr ! .^ [ r r (< 1 .1 < r a tris If ftp IS £1 d I< t us tlicw }cu this vcurtiftl litt'c iracFirr. The John Flanagan Buggy Company GEEENVILLE, N. C. Established 1866. ; KEEN KU n ER ani tools always guaranteed. Stag and Devoe* V apor Oil and Ga.^oline Stove and Kmc; Windsor Aslseftos hard Wall Plaiter. Ilow many of us know tliat the post office be;4an to exist in the year 103-\i! Sp.cial messen.gers and the romtnon carrii'r were till then the only means of communiciitiou. Afti r that date a horse poHt, car ried letters along the gnat road-; into tlie different parts of Enghuid, those who lived near these roads luurying out at the sound of tho nostman’s horn. And tho remote byv’ays were not neglected. I If one desired to send a h tter to | some remote town in Yorkshire, one went to Ludgate, then to the Hell Sov- age In, close by. and there intrusted it to the carrier for the country in question, The messenger from I.on- don would not penetrate into byways, Kach country had Its fyoteni of foot- posts, which linked the outlying dis tricts with its chief towns and with the great high roads. The I.,ondon courier, pressing on to his terminus, was relieved of packets for remote regions by the local postman, who. In turn, passed them on from hand to hand to their destination. In some what similar fashion, though less reg ularly and smoothly, letters inland I were carried over the long and tedi- I ous journey to the hands for which I they were laboriously Indited. Who We Are. There are many people who think that the term “American embassy” ' should bt^ changi'd to "United States embassy” because tho latter sounds more dignified and be/ltting this great I country. They do not realiza, however, ! tliat tho "United Stales” may mean tho United States of Colombia or tlie United States of Brazil. As a matter of fact, wo are Americans because we live in the United States of America. In Spain, however "American” means I a peivon who lives in South America. The Spaniards cull the people of this country ‘ North Americans” or "yau- ke«‘s.” The latter term was most popular just before tho late disturb ance between the United States and Spain—with the addition of “pig.”— Troy Record. American Style. New Yorkers are so accustomed ta F*'eij;ig things done in their own waj that they never slop to think ho\f they are done until somebody else makes a virtue of doing them that way. Two American women who had always accepted everything at home as a universal custom were astonished to see iu a I.ondon drug store win dow this notice; “American drugs and drinks. Par eels fa.steiied American style.” They wi re sutliciently interested to step in and imiuiro what the Ameri can stylo was? “Witii rubber bands,” said the cleric, and deftly snapped a band around a bottle in the familiar way. "13ut how else would you fasten it?" they asked. "With sealing w'ax,” he said. "No conservative English firm would dream of using anytiiing else. It ia only the stores that make a bid for tha American trade that will UPfi rubber bands.” ..Prepared for shipment 1 ntiosshrd Prepared for shipment lit lots fron; liiOO |o 10,000 lit jier tb<>ii.>iaDd: over HMtOO lit $1.00 piT (liuiisand f. <). I>. <ireenville, V, ('an supplf < rdcrs any size. (oiint and >atlsfactl(in ifiinrante***!. L. C. Arthur GHEEAVILLE. N. C. !:.> 5 tfd *• Cuttlery J- * ^ ijaiats, ^ Ranges. ' tlas Cetr rr.t O-Cfder J olish Oi! and Mojis, i CARR & ATKINS I EMPORIUM »:<«BMqsgBaB15ZSaiiglte n .l MiMI Th. pit a? •iM.’ $100 Iveward* flOO n ii.l.TS 1,1 tl.'s p.ipi r wHt hi 1 tfi I, II !i ilrtt il.ii , !.-< ut t* oTi, .1 ,11.^1 . I .at s.' .'iin- l,a# tl- I I cui" i', .ill iis .•-■ 1 ,j,w. itiiil ili.ii : . Mi;irrh. II til.- . . irrli i'uh- i.-; l!.i’ niiU |l..Siti\.' ( 111'*- I: -w t.i 111,- ni'.t'rili ; I'11. I iiil.v. I*!, t-mu a • t.Ti.^iiluiiiina! ili.o'-'.r.q.iT .■ a I ..ii. tliuiiiiii il Ir-a! n.- ’i( II.III'."-' I' nil < iir,' i..- i.iim i iri- tMMiil., ai tiiii, 'I :.' Il;- llpi.ri (h- M. an.l IT: K'lrf.i' . ■ . I ilii’ .-iysli'in lli.-r,- Ipv .It.- r>.y;i'K n." f'.aii.l iiimi nf tlif ili.-;- • ■a.“ ■. a:..I niviii‘-T I'.' (. itii-iii Mr,Ti.-;tlt hy liailitiniT up the < ufit*n an.t HHsiisfint; li.ltlir*- in it:i 'l*!.,' Iir.ipl'i. inin liavi sii tiiiii h fiitli la it.'f i iiriilivf pi.w- *‘•9 tliat they otYi r on,, Itiinilrcil l>iillar<- f. r !iny cnni- II. n i' f lil.s to l ure. S> iij fur tist of t*'slitnnnliil.«. A.Iilress K. J i'HKNKY * CO , V-iledo, Ohio .-irlit liv all 7!h'. Take I'uniilv PUt« for cotXMtiPAtioa. He Knew the Type. Little Hobby, who had been taken for a Suuday walk in the park, W’as much interested in watching the swans while a keeper was feeding them. "Papa,” he asked, "is that a papa swan or a mamma swan?” "Which ono do you mean, Bobby?” "That tired looking ono over there with the feathers all pecked off the top of Its head and the one tho others won’t let get any of the bread.” "That, my son,” replied his father padly, without even troubling to look, "is the papa iowan,” Urgent Need of More Water. If a reason is sought for the hold which beer drinking has on people It may be found in part in tho ditTlculty of getting water to drink. That also gives the soda fountains business. The New York Tribune has published a letter from a citizen of New Jersey who complained that he could not get a drink of water in New York city. Ills complaint ia just, and it applies to every town and city. The person who wishes a cooling draft must pay money, five cents at least, for it, and he can rarely get water even then. Various attempts to meet the lack have failed, and the discovery of the gorm theory has contrived to render the failure apparently final. ; New Gar den Seed Flower Seed Onion Sets Maine Red Bliss Irish Cobblers Seed Oats Rape Seed Dr. Hess Stock & Poultry Powder S M SCHULTZ PHONE 55 OFTEN What a Child Needs Most. It is not, after all, a smattering of chemistry, or an acquaintance with the habits of bees which will carry our children through life, but a ca pacity for doing what they do not want to do, if Jt be a thing which needs to be done. They will have to do many things they do not want to do later ou, it their lives are going to be worth the living, and the sooner they learn to stand to their guns the bet ter for them, and for all those whoso welfare will lie in their bands.— Agnes Repplier In Atlantic Monthly. Profanity Once Indispensable. Swearing was at ono time regarded as an indispensable accomplishment. Kvelyn Ashley once told Sir Algernon West that on his father becoming Ix)rd Shaftesbury, Lady Caroline Necld, his sister, said to him, in alt seriousness, "Now that you have como Into the title, you must learn to swear. Your father always did, and WANTED. For County Home Sit«. A tract of land, containing from ,'jO to 75 acres, located on railroad, from (Jreenville, on either railroad eitiicr direction, on either railroad, i few miles from Greenville. Pleaso submit your proposition: gained great respect by it in the coun- stating location number of acres of- ty." Those were the days when tho archbishoi) of Canterbury, calling upon Ixird Melbourne to discuss some busi- net s. said; ".N'ow, my lord, it wilt save time if, oei'ore we begin, we assume that everybody and everything la damned.”—I..ondon Chronicle. tcred, price per acre, whether clear ed or not, to any member of the Hoar I of County Commissioners or Regls- tir of Deeds. P. M. WOOTEN, Member of Committee Appointe 1. 1 24 tf

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