mEEWVlLLE IS THE mSART OF EASTERN SORTE CAROLINA. IT BAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED IND ONE, AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER h\ I HE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. m I Agrlrulture U the XonI Oceful, tke Most HealthfoL the Most Koble Employment of Man.—George Witsblngton. WE HAV^ A CIRCVLA- TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE d FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU UA VE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR AD V E R T I SI N G DATE'S ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. VOLUME XXXIT. UUEEXVILLE, N. FHIDAY A PTKItXION, FKHIM AHV JO, l!tU MMHKH Col. Sk nner Jlltenils Meet ing oi Bar Assaciation Executive Cemmillee (From Raleigh News and Observer^ The 1914 annual convention of tho North Carolina Bar ABaociatlon will meet at Wrlghtsvllle Beach. This wai3 decided at the meettug of the executivt commltteo of the associaioin, whicli was held in Raleigh, and which wai! attended by a number of the mem- j bera of the commltteo. Those pres ent were; A. W. McLiean, chalrniau. l. Andrews, Jr., Raleigh; Thomas W. Davis, WUmlnglon; and Thomas S Rollina (ex-otficlo), Asheville. Tho oate set for the meeting U' Juno 29-July 1, which will make three dayfl in all, the lirat session to be lii‘kl oil .Monday. .Nothing has as yet been done to- witrd tho selection of tlie speakei's. nor in making out any sort of a pro gram for tho occasion. All of this will be left until later. Tlio com- tnittee having in charge the prepara tion of the program is considerin ' eoverai speakers and subjects, and it is supposed that tho principal ad dress will be delivered by some of more than statewide reptuation. 'i has been announced, however, that there is as yet nothing to bo given out in regard to the epeakers or the program. Ko dccisioQ has teca reached as to which of tho Wrightsviile hotels will be made head(iuarter>3 for the convention, it being considered that this i.s a matter of minor importance at this distance from the date for tbo convention. The ineeting of the associaiton was iield last year in Asheville at the Bat tery Park hotel, and was one of the most largely attended in tiie history of tho organization. It la expected that tho 1914 coivention will be a record-breaker. AYl)E3i 1TEM.S. JKTTON’S TRIAL SKT FOR >EXT TIII’HSDAY >anie of Dr. Wooten’s Slayer Drawn With Special Voire of One Hundred. CHAKLOTTiO, Feb. 17.—All efforts ti obtain the release on bail of U. M. Jetton, held liere for tiie alleged n.urder of Dr. \V. W. Wooten last Tuesday, today were ceased, wlieu Jetton was arraigned in euperiot court on a charge of murder and tiie trial set for Thursday of this week. Botii tho state and the de fense '.pressed readiness to begin the trial on that date. Jetton entered a plea of not f;uilty and the cou ' oidM.d a special -..'Mre of .I- A wingular circuti' tance ar.' ■ when in the drawing of the venire men tho name of the defendant was called. It was soon noticed by the court and the name passed. Ncril>e Jteullzes the Deuelit Derived From Uetleotor Ad>ertls*‘iuent. AYPEN, Feb, 14.—Mr. Joseph Ty son, who lived at Mr. C. H. Lan casters died Tuesday morning witli pneumonia, being pick only a Bhori time. Mr. Tyson was an excellent farmer. Be your own veterinotrlan, Buy you a salt brick of J. R. Smith and Bro., and your horse and cow will do tlielr own doctoring. Meuars P. Clayton Turnagu and S. Alphonso Jenkins left for Ral- eigl( last Sunday on their auto and bought a nice herd of Jersey cattle. Tiiey will conduct a dairy farm near the 6uberi)8 of the city this summer Mr. Richard Wingate tells us he will in siiort ship a car of horses and mules to Atlanta. .Mr. Wingate is to Ayden what Mr. iiob Smith i-; to Greenville and Mr. Charlie Hevcl is to Payettevlile, hustling all the time. We are informed that Mr. U. H. Jacksou, the fatuous mole killer, wit, soon opi'ii a fancy grocery in A.' lien and if lie succeeds in propor tion to catcliing inokw we bet on his success. It is an ill wind that blows no body good, this cold snowy weather has created a good demand for rub ber and other winter goods. It surely pays to advertise in The Daily Ueilector. We wrote an ad for Messrs J. R. Smith and Bro. ad vertising Lih\iid Fargaro, or smoke tc take tho place of smoking meat witii oak cliips, and Mrs. Kd. Muu- ford of Greenville came to Ayden the next day and purchased a quart of liquid emoke and returned on the fume day. Mr. Edward Wilkins, of Wilson, was in town Friday and tells your reporter that he never saw the like of preparation being made for to bacco. All the way from Raleigh to Ayden ho could see farmers skin ning pino poles (and erecting new barns. Kverybody works b\it father, is what our Chief of Police told tliree tramps as they aliglited from tho train the other morning and father only had one hour to look him a job, cne of them went to currying liorsea and the others went to unloading a car with a vim. Chief Smith told fiieni this was no town for loafers, i>nd they took him at liis word. Mr. <’.uy Stoki'S, of Timothy sec tion. C-layroot, N. C., ha'.-i accepted a ('(■rkship with J. R. Smitli and Bros., mi will be glad to have his many friends call on him. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Mr. f). R. Holloman to Miss Annio ICdwards on tho morn ing of Wednesday 2oth. At home al'tcr 10th of March. XOTICIO. ‘,'1 tliosi' owing the town of Ayde > t . for either I'M2 or 1913 are noti til'd to conu' and settle same, as I shall proceed to collect by l;i\> promptly. CHARI..KS S. SMITH. Chief of Police and Tax Collector. .SKW VOItK, Feb. IS. -A bunch of the champion New York Giants gath ered in town today preparatory to starting tomorrow for the training camp at Marlin. Texas. Among those who will make the trip are nearly all the young players, the entire catching stiff and Pitcher Christy Mathtwson The m»»iority of the old players, ex cepting those who are on the world tc'ur with Manager McGraw. will *tar{ far .Marlin in another week. Th? world tourists will join the club the second week In March and then will commence a series of exhikttlon games which will continue until the regular season opens in April. Mrs. H. W. Whedbee and son. Will, are visiting rehtlves in Ral eigh. I’ytliianN (Jather in (Va.< furnish a home. Fagan is being held for the Kliza- belli City ' authorities from whie’.. place ho escaped from the chain gang during May of last year. He is also w'anted for the shooting of a negro in \Vaahington last month, it could not be learned for what charge tlu' Davis negro is being iield. They are securely confined in the county jail awaiting the arrival of officers from the above nn'ntionec cities. niAKGED WITH IRGING MAX TO KILL IIIH WIFE CaM* .Vifai'n Jim Trapps in Asheville Takes New Tuni With Arrest of Hranson Mathews. ASHi':V'lKLK, Feb, 17.—The case of Jim Capps, who is charged ' ith shoot ing liis wife with latent to kill a t'hort tie !ij!0 after which he turaed 1 is pistol upon liinisel? and tired two shot»s into his own body took an un expected tu'rn yesterday when the arrested Branson Mathews, who is alleged to have furnished the pisto’ with which the shooting vvas done urging Capps to kill his wife and end it all. The wamon who was injured still hovers between life and death at a local hospital with slight chances for recovery wiiiie the man has been removed from li<‘ hospital {o the eit: jail. Matthews is being held without bond, as is Capps, awaiting the out come of the wounds of the latter'; wife, Citil SerTire Examinations. On Saturday two civil Bervlce ex aminations were held lu’re, one for rural nuiil carriers and one for fourtli class postmasters. There were K{ applicantK in the rural carriers' class and 23 in tho fourth chiPs post- iuast(“rs. The applicants for the postothces were as follows: Bi'thel 8. Choeowinity 1, Fountain I, Hook erton 1, Grinieslaiui 1, Grifton 3, Pac- toluB 1, Stoki'S 4, Winterviile 3. Local Option oauipalirn In Alberta. CALGARY, Alta.. Feb. 18.—Defin ite plans for a vigorous local option capaign in Alberta are to be formu luted at the annual convention of the Alberta Temperance and Moral Re form 1/oague. which met in the Knox Presbyterian church in this city to day for a two day's se4i«ion. Repre sentatives of church and temperance organizations throughout the Province are attending the convention. H. B. Warner ia to be eUirrod in a new play called "Billy Black," by Charles Bradley. Rita Stanwood has been selected for the leading female role. Two Yeung Men Drowned at Belliaveii In Pantego niiier BELHAVEN, Feb. 17.—The town of Belhaven was shocked Sunday after noon by the drowning of Leon Greene and Augustus Anthony, young men about eighteen years. They were both fine young men and were held in the highest esteem by all who knew them. While rowing in a frail craft ur» the river toward the cooperage plant to see the big dredge recently built hero to drain Lake Mattaumuskeet. the boat was capsized for some cause. In company witli tho two young men was Carnie Lupton, but his en- djrance to tho cold wa« greater, and he iield to the up-turned boat till as sistance came. He was rescued m an almost unconscious condition by Mrs. T. E. i^owell. her pon Mark, and Johnny Hurgesw, who were crossing; the river and were attracted l>y the cries I'or help. Hert)ic efforts were nuidt^ to rescue the bodies of the two young men bui ivithoiit suf.'Cefis. Drag nets, oyster tongy, ropes and rods with fish hooks attached were used. Hundreds of peoide flocked to tho scene with tho hope of rendering soinn assist- ince in the recovery of the bodies. A crew worked all nigiit to find them but to lu) avail. Young Mr. Greene was a student >11 the higli Bchool and stood well in hiv class. He was admired by every one for his genteel manly (lualitles, and only recently he had been chosen to n present Belhaven graded school ir the state triangular debate witli Ply mouth and Edenton. Mr. Anthony was a stiideiit la'st year in tlu> same liigh school class but had stopped school this year to accept a position with tlie Interstate Cooperage Company. Tlie people of the town are in tlie di pest synipath.v ■ ' t'"- iiarentv > tl'i' young men. MBS. J. W. FEBKELL ENTEBTAIXS \EW ItBOkS IN I.IHKARY. (Sold.—White. Christoplier llihhault.—Bryant. In Search of a Hustiand.—Harrin. Light of Wi'stern Stars.—Guy. Hurrying Fate and Geraldine.— Hills O' HanipHhire.—C'rwsy. The Hon. Mr. Tawnish.—Famol Peg O’ My Heart.— Tho Old Adam.--.Arnold Itennett Uuth Anne.—Bryant. Girls' Books. Stella Maris.—Locke. .•\nd Then Came Jean. 'I'he llesponsiliility of Itutlles. \ Senior (*o. lOd.— .W the Little Urown llnuse- Hrown t’anip Brave IMne. The Girl From Arizonii,— 'i'he Daiigiiten Jean. Hoys’ Books. On the Plains Hitli t'uster. Camping on Western Trails.—Gre gor. Carlo. Koger Paulding. Guiuier.— Beach o' U. S. N. Boy Scouts on Swift River. The Y'oung Homesteaders. The library is open on Mondays Wednesdays and P’ridaya. from 3 to r> p. m. MRS. W. A. BOWEN, Librarian The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ferrell waa the scene of a very lovely and elaborate affair Tuesday afternoon, when Mrs. Forrell had a delightful reception in honor cf her house guest, Mrs. John H. Small, of WaBbington. The callers were received in the hall by Mesdames E. B. Ferguson and F. Wilson. Mrs. B. W. Moseley and Mrs. M. H. Qulnerly showed them into the living room where refreshing l.unch was served by Mesdames W H. Dali and R. O. Jeflress. Mrs. A. M. Moseley and Mrs. G. B. W. Had ley introduced the ladies to the rt- celving line in the library, in which were Mrs. Ferrell, in pink charmeusc lace and pearls, Mrs. Small in pink crepe meteor with beaded tunic of black chiffon. Mns. J. G. Moye, pink crepe de chine embroidered in roses Mrs. E. It. Ficklen yellow messalinc over-dress of lace, Mrs. Chas. I>augh- inghouse. wliitt* crepe nietoer, and Mrs. SV. Z. .Morton in pink cliiffon Mtvdames I). E. House and W I. Skinner wen* at the door of the dining rotim. Inside this room, H''S. P.. J. Cobb and Mr;-. U. t,’. Skmner greeted the callers. Ices and cakes decorated with tiny pink roses, and bonbons in tlie form ol" rose*.-} and violets were served by Misses Francis Bagwell, Lucille Cobb Veinen.^a Smith and l^stelle Greene. Mesdames L. C. ArtQur, H. E. Austin, H. M. White and F. J Forbt».-< invited the guests into the den, where tiiey were recteived by .Miss .Mary Shelburn. Here .Mrs. C. S. Carr pouredc offee, and Mrs. H A. White served sandwiches from u brown willow basket, daintily trim med with Jonquils and ferns. Mis.’ Kthei Skinner showed the callers out by the south door of the den. The spacious bouse wus a bowet 01' tioral beauty and friigranee. Ba;'-- kets of exquisitf! Anierii'an and Kil larney roses were every where except in the coffet> rcHiin. where the color prevailing being yellow, the decora tions w^re jon. C.. Feb IS. - Today inarkeii the fonnal (jp<-ning oi the four days’ celebration arranged ii honor of tlie golden jutiilic of th» Kiiightjj of I'ythia^. Tiie day wa- devote.1 to the reception of the visi tors who arrived from all parts o' the I'lited States and Canad.i Tin main celebration wilt take place to- nioirow, which will be the tiftietii anniversary of (lie toiiniiiiiK of tin order in this cil;. I''thel Barrymore has met wilh j-m ti sneeess in "Tante" thats be has de cided to continue in the phiy {Iuimia the remainder of tli*‘ reason Itenne Boucicault. dau.i;httr oi ilu- late .-^uljrey Btuu-iiauli. iias been eti g;'ged by Henry W. Sa\age tor the play, "Along came ituth." i’iim;>h.\ i{i;«i:ivi\(; I.lllF.KAI BUN V I KINS Former Townsman Visits Here .Mr. C. E. Lincoln, of (Srei-nsbor.) spell last niglit and today lierc en mite to Kinston. Mr. Lincoln l’\ed in tireenvillo for sometime, bavins sbi'Ut eight yi-ars ago. He has man.N friends here who were g!, ■! to '.■‘ei lilni again. Kans)i> Iteiil Fstate BeaU-rs. nr rClllSON. Kas., Feb. IS. The annual coineiitii'ii of the i\ansas Ke;il Estate Dealers' .-Vsrociation nut in tills city today and was tailed to or- l er by President D. K. Kly nt Larned. The vessitms will last two days an.i w ill be devoted to tlu> discussion of tile mortgage tax question, immigra tion and other subjects of interest. VKFS. WRHiHT LEAVES FOR EDITATIOXAL MEETIXGS Pres. Robt. U. Wright left this morniiig for New York to attend n K« ries of Educational Confereuc*'*.^ which continue through the week N*xt week he will spend the week in Richmond attending a meeting of a division of the .National Educational Association. Mr. James .Ibynei. of Farmville. was here today. Last wi'ek Hope b'ire ^'oiiipany mall eti out letters to several eltlzeiis and corporations in the town asking ai(i to eciuipt their liall. To their pb';* 11 ;.ny ha»e responded litierally. Tlu followin,. names were handed in ((> ti e Keileetor by nieiiiiieis of itie Fir^ l^impany for publieation: Mrs. 1, F'. la’o and t'e “i t.oo llughe'.<. Thoinat' and I'o ; ,e.i Mi . Luma Fleming 1 .no J K. Winslow 10 tut K. of I’ (lo L. W, '1 ueker I.o- F .1. Forbes ... . t.O'i J 1.. Little 1.00 .National Hank Samuel T. White .' (■n-eir. idlle Hanking a I'l iist Co r. iiu C. S Carr I th' (. 11. Folhes 1 00 J. L. Stark. :i 00 T. U. Moor.' too .•\tlantie Coasi Ui-alt.v Co. .. . .'i.oo (Irt ellV ill) Supplx Co 1 .1)0 I’. ,\ . I’.o.Ml ... . ! 0:1 1;. V , ■ . 1 0.- Ill. il!" I i^.'i .i, ■ ■ ;u- l.i'l- C ' 0(1 J . J . l.aimhinghoii^e 1 .on Cash a.oo l-Mmonds Itarln r Shop I .O'i Joe Hateni 1 00 (lUM Halalas j.Oil W. S. Fleming 1.00 C. W. Harvey 'I't'n I'ailpire Hillard Parlor 3,00 T. M. Hi'oker Ii.OO J. 11. Bland I 'W Hart and Hadley Stove The Retlector will gladly publish any contributions made to thin worthy cause. SCHEDl'LE OF FAS8BN«BR TftikXS Atlastic Coast Llae. North Bound SoHth B.aund No. 58 8; 18 a. m. No, 72 1:18 p. m No. 72 5:22 p. ni. No. 69 6:30 p .li Xorfolk SonUitn. East Bound Ifest Bov.ud No. 4 1:02 a. m. No. 3 3:19 «. r>. No. 2 9:S2 a n. No. 17 7:43 a. ui. No. 18 S:3S p. m. i,