THE CAROLINA HOME and FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR iOnca a week) Published by lU fiEFLECl'OB COMPANT, Ine. D. J. WHICHARD, Editor. •REENVILLE, WORTH CAROLINA. There are 2,750 languages and isn’t it funny why we make hast ouf of Ju'st one. A full purso is the best pocket Companion. Any fool can give advice, and ho is continually at it. til- A woman's ideal husband is li' s’.io Cl>llltll't ROt. e About the only force some poo- ■ubiQrlptlon, oue year, , . flOU ■Ui Biontha. .60 ▲dvertisiK rates may be had upon ' ipptloatiou at tbe busiuess office iu The ReSector Buildiug, coruer Evans ; uid Taird streets. | ... . , , ■ AU cards of tUauKs and resolutions I'*'' havi' is the torcc ot habit. respect will be charged tjr at 1 o aeot per word. i — C.ivc to a pis when it frnints, an CouimuniCHtion* advertising candi-i a child when it cries, and yon will So far as we know all dead men are honest. Treat all alike by stopping the shipment of whiskey into the state. i«r -rt will be charged (''r at three oe:if< per line, up to llcty lines. isiitcD'd as eeeoiid class matter L’O, in hi, at the post oiflce at Gi .vtivillr'. North C.arolliia, under tcc it .March 3. 1879. “STlilKK WHILK THE IRON IS HOT.” Those two eloquent sermons de livered Sunday in Greenville by Rev. R. L. Davis tthouid prompt not only our officers but our citizens as well ti) girdle on the armor, and be up and doing to rid our town and com nmnity of the scores of blind tigeiv? that art' bocoining more and more indepcndi'nt each day. Conditions existing as they are at < present, make it almost an impoiv ,Iu-;t conlrmiilate thiy innnection: Krida.v, i:Uh, February, moonlight-h*'’*"'-'' f"’’ of our 'town to secure the service of a scr- and the I'.avi' line pigs and a had chihi. nights, grounil hog. ,\re you prised at any kind of weather. Ii'.'UI'AY Fi;i!R! AKV .’n. |:U4 VVt> don't .suppose that Sen, (iori- (■;in Iiiit.' tJi-;!-; |I|I> joke, it .vtm Hi'uUl know wl’.al a dol lar.-. w01 111 try to borrow mie ir lhe,\ \vi-)uld let Kvel,vii Thaw go on w ii!iom so iniicli opposition, she would not get near the notoriety She is gi-ttiiig just t'.ie kind of ad- vei'lisiiig liesired to draw a crowd. It has hi’en said, (lie secret o; i calth i^^ I'ating onions. Iiut we can t >i'e how it could be kept a se.-ret vant of any description, business people employing laborers report that oftimes workmen rcfus' to tnako more than half a week, i"’ they work at all. The meeting in the court house to- law is a neccssary expense Q. morrow night, in the interest ot Pitt Conuuissioners 133 N. C. ) lUo county’s Confederate monument, is Commissioners Vs. Railroad 133 N C. 216. In Harper Vs. Commissioners, supra, something to keep in mind. WINTERVILLE ) 0 WINTERVILLE, Feb. 14.—On Prf- it is not decided that the building on *i,„ of a fence to release a territory, February 20. the Col- ^ from the stock law is not a necessary I Hsperian Literary so- Collier’s Weekly that tried so hard expense, but the Court expresses cieties will give their annual mld- to defeat Senator Simmons in the last doubt about it Is follows: “We can- term public debate. The query Is. campaign is dabbling in North Caro- ^''^Sislaturr ^hat eristing conditions it. (..Miipaisn, IS aauuiing m i\orin Laro- directed the building the' „ „ lina politics again by trying to find fence to be taken out ot the genera! j ' r .. point to the down- snmp orif. tn rtnfont County and made no pro- “siUon. The aflirmative ‘ visou for replacing it by special as-' " ill he represented by Messrs. Henry That is a thing that cannot be done sessment imposed upon the lands, if Scott. W. K. Tucker and G. L. Hat- and Collier’s has just as well save it-: breath on that 'subject. The Opinion of Julius Brown, County At torney, In Regard to The Stock Law any, that were benetited thereby. If Hesperian society, and this construction should be given, it , „ is doubtful wiiether it could be sus- ' negative by Messrs. F. H. Pearcc, tained, under the decisions of this Carroll Whitl'ord and Jamio Smith, court, as a necessary expense." And of the Columbian society. The boys .ludge Clark in his concuring opinion ^v,)rking hard and we may ex in same case refering to a general tax levied to build a fence to release a territory from the stock law says: consider the building of the fence liacl: on the old lino out of the general fund, as a neceswary county expense. .North Carolina In Commissioners Vs. Railroad su- I’itt County. pra. It was held that the building To tiie Hoard of Commissioners oi of a stock law fence around a terri- I’itt County: tory in Chatham county was a local niight be dry when you get ready to Whereas by Chapter 702 of the i’ub in>provement. And numbers of cases i,-ivinL' one ,lu Local Laws ot 1911 the stock law have been decidid by the supreniej plant,s and by ha\iu}, on What brings about such conditions" I t,.i-riotrv on tlie south side ot Tar river <'onrt in which the stock law was Hiind it will sa\e you a lot ol , , I ^ , declared a local improvement. Then'time and worry, s It that they demand such e- was enlarged, and whereas a great j,- supreme court has repeatedly F,-„f. j. r. Carroll left here Thurs- pect a hard fought debate. The pub lic is most cordially invited to be "It is invalid, because, not being .j' "nec»'s>sary county expense". With| ^ want a nice spring suit go tiiese expressions from the court the j to li. I). Forrest and Co. They liave commissioners could not afford to a (ine line of spring goods, just in. Tlieir prices are right. Wanted, at once, one hundred head of beef cattle.. K, W. Dail. See Harrington, Harber and Co.. I'or your tohacco transplanter. It i'lv.ii liie people who \isii .Mi hind catch the babil iil holdintr q::a- 1,1'r nii-e!ings. f'tviiideiit Wilson Beeni“ fieteraiineii to leave the pro.gressive party withj,,^^^ j,, individual will visit nothinf: much to do, but endorse hi^ wise .lots. 1 mous wages that they can support a number of the citizens re*siding in ijold the stock law to be a local ini- ‘ the new stock law territory as creat- provement, it is as above stated ex- lanuly by working two or three days j,y ti,j, i;m were opposed tremely doubtful that the supreme out of every six? No, it i« not that, to stock law and therefore peti- court would liold the building of a a( A. \V. Ange and Co. ' ' * " - - . - -- .1-- When in need of'sporting goods s J. Cox and Son, dap for Raleigh and Wake Forest. A car of agriculture lime in bags tioned the Legislature ot 1SH3 to re- fence to relea'se a territory from the tnn have the stock law, to be a necessary county ey- V\'i..,i im.''iirs I'Ugeiiii s law iiiir.,ii.stitiition;iI fur tinman :n!i( iinneressai'y I'or .-eraplis. pnn ed being?^ It may becumo necessary to iin ins tile .Vow (Jovcrnment regional r acrvo banks. po'ototflce and express office two or law line established a's it*was before pense. three divs in succession, as the writer ^ neceesary county ex- 11 ublic Local Laws ot 1911. That iu pe„s(>_ tiien t|,e Commissioners would bas done, he will that th^ response to said petition of tlie poo- have a right to use the general pie within said new stock law ter- f„„rto nf thf» fmmtv \n anv spme negroes, men and women, are General Assembly of 1913 ^latever to Suiir^aid fence rumble all those cities that are seek n.aking daily orders for w hi>skey. | passed an Act amending Chapter 3.i jj, yjgaj 1379. Wliile conversine with one of our ^ 1 ublic Laws ot li>9o by adding yg Commissioners 122 X. C nniK conier.>,ing wiui one or our County to said Act, which Act jijo reliable townsmen ju'st a few days provided that any township or terri tory in which the stock law had beea informed us that he had Then again the Commissioners arc Kittrell and Co. can supply you with cylinder oil and gasoline. Mr and Mrs. K. P. Tucker left here way Thursday afternoon for Greenville oil a machine which Mr. Tucker pur chased abotit a month ago. When they were about two miles from Greenville they were struck by a mn .'(H-akiiig . ago. he know- dow on their t() contain the laundry for t;ome honu established could withdraw from ana JI Greenville. Mrs. Tuck- tor that it is forbidden by the ( on- thrown from tbe car, etrikinr I the ground with her head first, but I was not seriously injured. Mr, I Tucker iield to the machine by the I >teer w heel, as he was driving. Mr. necessary county expenses. nnt.1 i,-' "towivship or Aiticle 7 Soctiou 7 of the Coivstitu arms supposui h,\ the publh territory to the Hoard of ( ommission- of the County, when it would be jjcvisal 131S Sub, Se c. 2i . of the Constitu- tv citv '■''“'•'•’'’'s auto was damaged so bad- i! tlu-y are i^oini; to 'I'Vaniiflize' .-'.lutii Carolina iiolitieiaii.-i. the mi.-; ^ioiiari s i-an In-gin with tlie ;;over iiitr. ^ the duty of the Commissioners Article Sec. but instead the bottom of the basket; ail an election in said territory and tion is as follows; "No count 'i es. il the citizens will be men, an,. | territory released from the stock law \ote of" the majoritv of the ti i.ohil to .s will h.- llU.-iille.-<.-i, -lljo.\ tile good and aiiea it . ,111 iiave l-'ourt!i ol .Ini.' I'ritiu I'll vtinr aox ei-nni'-utal proii i'-m-;: wliili he wails tnrthii iie'v-- lion; .U'-\‘ieo t'ity the I'residi-r.t i.- rani-iii.i; a littl- ■h.'i-t Ir.iiigi- lieailliiii •■.\-i;.i,\ >. on U.i'-on". It ..iiuUl b- : u.-J'' it on simi'- I 'l’d -^tcr.''.' W' ■ , ,tr,s-:i!. r i: ' r; (li>i)eliK'-|-> et' (.'’iriiig ■ I A inti r. n j lend a iielping hand to the law, the The death ot I nitfd States Senator fhiie will not be tai distant -«hei. Hai-on ol' (ii'orgia. which oecurred hliiid tigers will be brought to the b-ir in Wa.-hington Samrday. was a great , <'l' J'li^tice, and after this is done labor to the eoiiiury, generally will l.e more plentiful, and our '.-lertion of the Carolina will be composed of law abiding citizens Cluirlotte will not have tootliaelie . . I Sirikt- HK-ii. w liib' the iron is hot. this Week with a ilistriet meetinc ol" di-iiti'..i(.< tlierp. It i.-; mole than gratit’ying that th'- long talki'd abiuit Conl'ederate nion- nnii'ut for I’itt <-onnty in soon lo b- .1 ri'aliiy. The coTnmittce is now get ting ready tor real work, and A good tme to purchase a peg tooth harrow for smoothing your groliind. You will find them at Harrington Barber and Co, Said amendment being Chapter 2.-)l of voters therein the I'ublic Local l.«iws ol 1913. In ad- xhen as the building of the fence on dition to the amendment above re- the old line as it existed before tbe lerred to ,i Supiilenientai Act wa-i pa-ssage of Cliapter 702 of the Piihile ' passed by the General Assembly of l_x-cal Laws of 1911 will necessarily be | - good sewing inachUH 19i;’. further amending Chapter 3.5 of f„,. the reasons .above set P* ^ I-'- I'’reo". It is up I. the 1-ublic Laws of 1.S95 as amended ^..^ritory included in the ‘I-'"' -''“I «•:>'> '><' A. W by said •■Vet of 1911 will Ange aiul i out. by Chapter 2."il of the i’ublic l^ocal Laws of 1913, whicli SupplementJil *■*," r i necessarily as a matter of law re-1 Mr. .1. U. Smith, of Ayden, wus I'HKI’VRK KOI! THK STRAXJKIiS WITHIN (M U <;atfs lireeiiviik' is hiikiri'; altuig <'iie line, and we are looking forward with niiieii anxiety to a better day. Wc liav(> heard numerous complaints re- -o- Tlii Kailk o! l-> .-(ii'ion iiitiijiiniis tiia! tii('> will .;i\.- .) ev ,.i-y b ,!iy born iu tie- ^ ity 11 Vlint till :r iiielivr'.’ !.i!k hi-.- o .i-r. (iicin't lloh-.iii ' ■! ill !l: Ahi; all. 1 \Vi. .-nl ■! i-.o: I p ,a. I one iiit'-ri'sted slinnld be at the nieet-1 "‘irdlng board .ind ro.ims. Why not iiig ill ili,> eonrt house 'I'hiir.^^da’'j •ome up along that lin<\ While we liiSht. ,\nd bette;- still, be rraiiy witli, ‘‘!c making ra])id strides in the line a eontribulion '.vhen the roinmiite.'|ol progresoiveness make (iicen\ille a ealls on voii Till' .'?I.rnn) ol' popular , h ader in this particular. -uh,.i riptions shonhl be rai,~e.l quick-! nttractiveness ty Mipply and then the like an,omit appropri-| :..ed hv the .-ouuty will be available. g iieeaiise they ean't (ind a snitabi'' plat e to live and in many instaiu i>- they can't find accommodations hrini: abieat lln-se iinproi eiiifiit', tae*. .,.,1 ' iiy iiol l.'t il be done. j Till- pi-(q)le wlso ha'M , n- ■. , I this pai tieiilar rea'ron (a:i do inori I .,11 to hiwer the ^lalldard ol our town Act is Chapter 15,5 of the I’ublic Lo cal Laws of 1913, which provide.-c '"'re Thursday. • That upon said election being car- erei ted on J . lin. atheletie a.swociation of W. H. ried in Uie atnrmative, tlie tax to be and procla.natto.i made the Commu.- enthusiastic meeting Tues- levied shall not exceed ten cents on sioners to that effect. And the stock ‘ t a- o ... i .t i the one hundred dollars assessed val- law fence known as the new stock P- ■ '• was elected nation of property nor more than law fence which was erected around manager of the ball team for the thirty cents on the poll." tie' new stock law ti rritory created coining season, and .1. I’. Crooni. I’ursuant to the legi'slation above h' said .-^ct of 1011 is the present capUiin. Tbe prospects for a team r, l.-rred to an (dei-tion was called by '.nock law fence and is protected bv nnnsinllv briclit On- the (’onmiissioners of I'itt County to 'aw an 1 it is tbe duty of the Roard of sta.on i. unii. nail, b if. . n he held in tlu^ new stock law terri- I'onimissioners of IMtt County to keep ly two ol Uist years tast aggregation said fence in re|iair until the fenc r!;. 1m- ill :i..i:-hahl,- . .1 :.o!il 1 14 -r .--1.111.- .ii’i’ N.'.v Vorli willini-' to .li.-^|i' liiio. it i' 'J iL'i r. I' ol I lii-a|M>, I ill ..n t ie- lUle blli in I Thi goM rnnii-ni lia.-* ap|ii'oiiriati-i! .1 hair million dollai > to wipe oni : -g f-hol, r::. ,\i-t raisi-.-; not a liimi-r 10 !-iot) tralii" in uhi:'ki"‘y. Vet ev.-rv >-,r liiot-r p. opb- ail- killeii hy w-hin- Ui-> t:,,'n :.ogs dii o!' 1 hol.-ra. Hi-ni - rniie-iit ,;hoW--; tiioi-i' ■ (in'-i-rti lot; than i'or the in:in, I' n.ii-t hasi- li'-.-n ini ,1, , hi.-h I'(■ I onniii-,~ioiii---: Ihaii w.- can to build it up. Now. its | law above rel'erred to. It will be re- “ ■imiini.-i..iii .. * I leased and the fence huilt on till- obi I-' I’ll! ■ iiutit,\ w. re \M-iuh'(1 and ’>!> to :-one- l.o> . line wiien thi- Coinuii.-'Sioner.' ot I’itt ■ ...and ^^a^lin^^ ■ W,. know that they ' o I'omil.. haw I , ^ ( ollert 'M' money to build the same, iii’i-.' li ii il out on avoii'diipois iioi : l-rei i,i-,ioro lias atlopt'.-d a r.;i e be;;- ^^.)]j,.i| tinp- is uncertain as they ar-' .ohi; r-ine*-. and the hnneli ol' tl.eiii regatien o'-dinanco and intend? lo liiniti d to ten cents on the one liiin- , I . ! di .'d dollars valuation of property Iipj.ed tin- .-lalis at l.mis pounds entone ,i. 1 he ordinanci- p;-ohibits .Vothing wan'ing abotit that w eight neunn .s m:iking thi-ir ie.siil. nic i; luiw long it will take is uncertain. . , , , I -11 I . 1 I but it seem-s to be pretty generall.v And wiieii It ( omes to public opinion idocks o.eupi. d h;, whit.' people, and | j, „j,, they are enually a., heavy. Ve.-^. T’iti puls t’.n- sanie restrii-tions on white* ' ciie year uiub-r sui h limitation. Thi.-; may be said to be a great annoyanc torv created hy Chapter 7o2 of th I’ublic U)cal Laws of 1911 on the lo can be erected on tbe line ot the old day of June. 19K!. to determine w heth-| stock law territory, er the said territory should be relcas-1 ‘ Kespei ttull.y siihniitted. ^ eti from the '.-itock law or remain ini JILII'S HHOW X. the same. The election was earrieil | County .Mtorney 1( r "no stock law", and the r.'sult so ■ On motion of K. II. Hhicbard the deelar.'d bv the Commissioners. j above opinion was unanitnou'.=ly ad- \s above totaled the election was (.pled by the Hoard and ordered to be held on tbe lu of June, 19i;i, and the r< <'orded on the minutes of their pro- ri'-iult (b-clarcd bv the Commission-I f " dings, e;s on the first Mtmday oC July, 19i::. This the ICtb. day of February 1911, v.hieh was too late to have the prop- IIU.^SCOK ISKLL. city and polls listed within said new Cb-rk to Hoard of ('(unnii.ssionerH stock l.-iw territory, therefore tin I’itt Coiiiit.v Commissioners could not in,-ike a levy Tile Coniniis'.'ioners could not levy on .soiiietliiiig not listed. Therefore no funds have been colU'cted to build the lelice on the old line as reqiiir- er’ by the result of the electiiMi. .Now tile proposition is bow- and when will the said territory be re- Uusd from the 'Stock law and tin- fence biiiit on the old line as it ex isted prior to the .-Vet of H'll. etilarg ing till- territory'.' It will be luiil: liy taxes levied on the propertv and ))idN in tiu' teirtory to be released ironi the Kto<-k law. a.' pioviih'd by the i'Yida\ the l-‘*,th. o',-, r all (*■ k ! .(• lit .-.■iivill. but WiI.-,on .-a\- it wa.- :oi iinliii k ilay lor her. V wcinian knows lier new hat i-n't b.-.-oming to her becnnse her deare-.! • m'lnv telN her it is I oiinty's eimmiissioner^ ari be;iv\ .is to taking np residence on blocks w-i'ight, with nothini; "w minting" troin oeeiipied hy negroes. The ordinance, • iny .-.tandpoinl. al.-so i liminates all places *s Wonderful Stomach Remedy ‘'Ilowili.ankfiilwpnre to is back, hut there is pb'uty of new material for a good team. Capt Cromn’s first call for candidate;-' brought out about twenty hoys. Tbe whole wtudent body arc taking great interi'St in tbe team and everybody expect a winning team this year. If it is nice fresh o.vstcrs, meat, beef or siiasage you will find it a* K. \V. Uaii’s. Mr. Jamie Smith went to Green ville yesterday. Miss Myrtle Patrick, of tirifton, i, visiting Dorothy Johnson. S(».\ IlKATS KATHKH. miniinirton Man Was Mistreafinf? Wife and Uanght' r. WILM1.\CT0.\. Feb. Is.—At tbeii me. near .Ninth and Chestnut'.-dreet.- tcday .r. Ivey liland. a white carpen- j’on ror a nf . v *i i .m * ^ * your WondenuJ Krmedy. honi»‘. !u*ar Ninth and Chestnut My w.fe o>uU n't liai liadbut ashon tim^ tri !m _ if she haJ not taken j. ur t‘T. and his son, Janu-s K. Bland. :i V \v!u?n .1 r i.» 1 shedid. One niurt'or those .'onth of lu, \v»‘ro arrfsled by Po f {lilvVnK^vouhi'h^iv^^^ K'eman T. M. Hall, the boy for beaf- for I'4 lu-rwitiii'Ht a dou'jt. li w ing ills father and the I'atber T // 1 ‘'i Ofe tri m jiil f un. , ... , . ... , , , /I \ 4 lreffrtinihe:irttrotiblt'..-.iJ heating his Wlte and daughter. I . .I,'!;'!'.'If ' It appears, from w hat otilcer.s free tr im that distuil.ii.K ar>nears Jl .NViu;(lsu-a.i tlu-r< suits app« ars. «'t live learned, that the elder liland, unde.' -Il-I'N-riiUiiin of five or SIX hundred Gall St. .-,cs. , . - pisablct'.eiC ar.yih iiKshewanisiindhiT 'he intlueiue ol li(|uor, was beating If; .-iieis^MK>il.nT,dbetoretakinRyniirnipr;.( ne i,ic w-if.> 'inrt I i v.^..,il.l H.iitfrlifnr hi'h.,lino appctitf aid when she ate any; .‘iinit H-,'t.lI-OId d.lUgtlter •m.i:idr.utlerd«-ath for si dointand ctiuiUnot w hen the S{)u appeared. Realizing ti! mi,'..I; 511.1-f takiriK vimr trratmpiit she , . _ ' SW til ail nigi.t long. T. A. Nckll, Roanoke, himsell no matf-b tor tbe older man. young Itlaiid grabbed a broom and and hiiideraiu e to the people's will, but the law bas been written by tlu l^egislatiire your Hoard cannot aii- null an act of the l.egislature. The law is valiil, or it is presumed to be. il nf't tlu'ii the election would be a nullity. It has bl eu suggested that the Hoard c.f (Uimmissioners of I’itt county ought to borrow money with which to build (Joethals tor Covernor ol tlo' laiirl ' that the mean things murder ot Mary I’hagan. “, /.om- and Corgas fur Suriieou-C Mie \;,„^ak of a man you dislike for polit- worked in bis faetor.v. Tbe | ,-ral fund is sufllcient. This cannot l al is .. :^ood ticket for Panama. j leal r-asons. are of ten tim.-.-i his decision of tbe court was four to | Tirpro\*ik>d‘'‘'how O - ' greatest as.set?" Hy that paper s own It looks nw like Frank w ill bo ex-1 said fenco sh.iU be built, by a levy Whi'U you see a woman wealing a reasoning tbe l onimissioners of IMtt| f’<-uted in a(-»-ordance with the con- etinginir gown if's a sign that she i;- t.T j Xorth Carolina having abetter board of people on board. The year 1914 «,f the Legislature. 2nd. Hecause it hare great value among coin lollec- commissioners than Pitt would be is certainly making a record for fa- is extremely doubtful that the build- tura. hard to find. tal disasters. ing of said fence on tho old line to relieve said territory from the stock T hf- abfive letter should ronvince you more m ..iivtiiinK wc coiiid sBv in behait r’» began to beat his father over tlu- i*:'nrietlvlbir>machlitmtdy. fiufferersshduld „ iti, :» ry r.-Ci.seo; tlusRemcdy—(inediise.shouldi-on- ■'< .lu wiiii ii. ir.'ii.tmtl.f-t they can be restored to health. | Mr, Uiui's Freimutli, who live.s near -taity Hil hiomach AiimentH are caused by the ' 'I.T the intestinal tract With mucoid and hy. ht‘ard tno ories. and, rusllinR i t at. tfbal act rations allowing poisonous flui^ ♦jwx i,.. j *1. *. rlif* St.math and otherwise derangine the houso, pmrtod the two. Mrs. IKe Mayr*» Wonderfulsiomoeh Bland was uninjured, though verv '.eneJy painlesMy removes these accretions o . 1 «-iut a sur^rital operation^and puts an end to nervous after her trying experience daughter also was uninjured. *« 1.^ Attacks, Gases in the Stoinach and Intes- ri^t I o<« end all of the usual symptoms of Stomach. ^ ^cung Recorder George Har r Hcnd to fieo. H. Mavr, Mfg. Chemist, 154 riss the cas€*s were eontinued unti! Whiting St.. Chicago. III., for free booklet on . Stomach Ailments and many crateful letters I'^nionow. frum people who have t>eea restored. Fnr Sale In UrpeiiTllle, If. C., by THE JOHN L. WOOTEJr DRl’G CO and Drugsistv everywhere I’nblie View of Morgan Art XKW YORK, Feb. IS—A public ex hibition of the marvelouB art collec tion gathered by the late J. F. Mor gan was opened today in the new northeast wing of the Metropolitan Museum. The collection is valued a* from $30,000,000 to $60,000,000 and is said to bo the finest private collec tion in the world. PATENTS trade uinrk9Mii4tfopyH);litiioht«im<4t nr no ] .S**iul miHh'l. Kkt*t(.'hr*t or |>hot«*» tui<1 dt'* •IU...U for free search »nd rupoil on iwtfiitiibiiity. f^iik lefcrem’ea. PATENTS build FORTUNES for you. (Hir fttv tH#i>kleu tfU how. wh«U to Utv«nt | aitd »iav4« you mnnt*y. Writ« todfty. ID. SWIFT & GO, PATENT LAWYERS, ^03 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C.j