■ItaM *■ wr.w *>a/, GHKKS VILLE IS THE HE A UT Ob' K At^TE RN XORTH ('Ah'OIJXA. IT HAS A rorri.ATios of fovu TH(»USAM>, OXE UlJNDREl) \XI> ONE. AX It /.S Srii'- : Rorx/>/';!> liY THE BEST EARMlXtl ('OVXTRY. IXhrsTRIES OF ALL hIXDS ARE INVITED TO nx'ATK HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTIIINa TO. offer in THE ir.tj' of l..\HOL\ i'AFITAL ANI> / /// H f I'A R y FA CILI TIES. H/-; HAVE /LV ri'-TO-DATE I OH A NO NEWSPAPER i-l.ANT. •• ■ f ‘/j-. ;i' f.,-' 'j- j -f y ^ X -i-f [■ /b ,'‘N *'11' «: * i', fi- »"' : r*. ';‘'M ’ II r,"' " f:an'.TC;N ^ •^’!4L0.W.^,.,.r iV*UVA.,- . ■'' J;' ;f ■ '■■■'-■ /:^' ■., •'“‘“*^’‘“—^^^'.17. />••■'<' .l.i- vni l >IK XXXIV. »ki:ri« iilHirf In ttir «<.s* l'i;rli(l, tht- MiiKt lleHlthriil, tlie McNf \(inl«- Kinpio.'tin nt «< Mmi.- t«*-or)fc t\ usiilirw'ioii, (iRKi;N\ iiJj;..\.(M' ijiDA V, Ai ri;i;\( ion. maiicii. .% i-.u 1. WE HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE REST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH I'ARU- I.INA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH To GET RFT- TER ACQUAINTED WU’I THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN A BUSINESS TO lAKK 4 FEW IN( HES SPAi'E AND TELL THEy WIlAT }V>f 7.1 VE TO HRING To TIIEIR .1 TT ENT I ON. OUR A D V E R I i S / .V (< '^ATES ARE LOW AND C’.l.V RE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. A RAPID PACE Little Confeslanls Eectniro More Enlhuseil [ach kj mieiiipt lo [scape iiuaid House Milclicll a iH'";i(> iUTost- kliool Saturday Was Kearii liy Odil fellows Las! jtiyiit WIN'l'Kia'Il.LK, MuivI, ■}.- ( U'S I'llill’l!'! (I liiiiiii'd iM (IcMtli Ml W'iilsioiiliiirjjr lii'-l iiiu'lil. 'I'lu- iic;i’i<) liopintr (o y;iiii rrii'iliiiii >cl lire to llu' n'ii;n'il was (■((iiliiu'il. (Iiii'l its lii> ■Mr, 11. 1’. II. to ^ l-ll'l' i 111 i I “fii ftnE m3 'Hi rill ai arc l.i'iiifi' (lay :uiil tl ^lli|\l^■ly iiiiH'li ^^a^. lillll^. I'i:i (iiiy laim Cniilot IS iiii'Viii;; l>ai’c. New li;il:i' ?- lll"| 111 llic 11-1 I1II ||> I'dik- •Ii'c lili-;,' •Iiil;' till' llillial il:: • Idlii' li\' tiu' riijlli ,11 iiioi (• \\ a - ai'i'i'iii Daiiii (■<1 Iktc la>l l‘’ri(la_v liy the local A conicrt will ln' ^ivfii liy Miss \\a-'liiiiL;i (illiciM's I'di' {ircc'ii CDiiiily aiilliori- .Iiiliclti-Lovinji. i>iaii'sl..Miss Kati* aI'lci'imiiai \'ilii larctMiy, was Joliiisi'ii. vocal miIisI ami Li'iii.sc l-'iiircll. violiiii't. of Kal- ciiiii, X. in llic Winlcrvillc ili-:li School amlitoriiiiii Saliir^ ilay c\ciiiii^'. Miiicli (he seventh at ci^'iil o'clo.'k. I he asi<)n I’rc wiil lie (weiiiy li\e I'ciils. I)'you iiccil tiaiU. ^..olillL^ win- (loor-. hnir. C''! ;rhl ill' nii\ lililliT in I hr IllM-'i %■':;l c liiie see Sii'anii'e. of Seatili e;inie in yi'^UTihlX jieiiil a short whil Mr -. I!. ('. rlaiiii's Athelelics at Curliani April 1 fusB to Work for 211 Ceots Hour CIIAI'KL llll.L. M I re NKW VOKK. Ia\ W. I). Weal hri'oril. a iTailuati' ol' Work lor llloll^ 1 IK M.avh ^ - vvas Ciiri.i- ' h'iiise in which li I'UI t'aileil ill his W ■!' 1 iiii; ( ll.'ii Max. \ ii’( 01 ui'iie.i lo cri'p and the Imild- liijdrlely de,-l royed. It is hi 1 i' ll I lie w il.d" I lirned the ill a dired ion ( hal l he coil • !ci; I III.( d rr:illlc'l. I hel'el'orc ,a.- I : II ,i Im d/atli hel'oi'c 111- Mr. StraiiLi'e \v:i' i'oniierly ol' ■Maiiiiint;'. S. ('.. hiii lor ^I'xerai \i ai> ha^ heeii in (he l;ii\rrnnu'iil -(■r\iee. liaN'ili”' Iraxli'd mer lilOr-l d ill I a lid 1 hr o'd i-iiiini ry iiid many ol ihe l--!;ind.' on ih.' ille ('oa-t. N'anderliilt I'liiversity. ami one ol’ (lie leadine ~||idell(s ot' (he nei;'ro |irohlelii in the M ilth. ( .Ml reer. a ^n’aduii le of I lie I ' 11- i\ei--iiy ol' .\lichitr:ni. and I’o e\ ernii\e ^ei-retar_\' uitti .l.ihii it. .Moll ol' (he .Noilli Aineri'-aii 1 ihoii ■ive ai /;.i I / V. w. .Mr. ;i' III Col , ,1 i . I iitxi' iv; ('11. L. L, Kiiirell ol' Aydeii re yi 'l I‘l'd:l \ . 1 li. W . i111 i'' ■r Mill r I're.-h 11,-av'e HIM ih t ra II! I !■'. ml I'Te t I'll \ el - 1 ;i' w.-i' lloU'S irel ill-. 11I. I he ”'lli'-! ' hi>l ii!L:':n ' ;ili I III.',ill ill; II I- Siieh'iil Mo\eliient. .M. ('. ,\ Kell Wlnlr here tln\ di I il'.' Ill le.'t Mi el > on le;n-. T!ii.- \' :i' (he I'iriiiii'.'ii i| \'.i:h t!ii' for I ■ \ eai'. uri'e w il h ! ’ |.||,,|.y -J-. ■ .. Inercd a --i- -Irdi'lil I'l’.ih Iliu'J-c-! ;'\( 1,1 'I . M. < '. .\ ci| III New 1'orl ihe silow .'t'lriii. nil'll far e.\ceed hy 'e\' n nil!:ii di |ja r' liielit h;.' 1 ■A’l'l'k reliio\il.;i- II I’l I II \\ :is e, i !' I.,.1 M M I I: ;i 1. e . t! I- I il'.'li .■li'ar.'d . Whll. I.rivali- ; nil'll !,I I'l , and vieiiiity fiy The deiiiaiul (or the apfilii al ii'li anil. 1)1 -iih c I- stn ef I lea I iM’' .'i.i 11,1(1 iiii f) at siio\,' la^t ii1l'!vI. .it.'ii toihiv t'.;ii 'd 1 c n>i;.i'.! .( ir r 'ii s! i < I had. \'' ' U' ■ V w. II I! a i 1 Ihe 'em •!| dl I .M le'l ''■a:il II ill I'llil; ,' li'U'i pli'iied \ 1 ■' tel'day a III', nine Ill'll' elil h r ei I it NN dl iif I i' llitel'r-1 tesliints t'l w'lii'k hard (li!-; v.eelv a-, the li:.'!!!-' of tiie lhl';-e leilder- r. ill lie t lii'o'N 11 on I he cai,\ ass a! the I'a^ii'e 1 heaire .Monda\' iiiil'ht. voiir I'l iciid' sec that you nit iius\ and thev \\ill leel iih>!'c di.s- posed to help Votl. Pl'oliaMy evoi'v ronte-tani ha\i‘ frii'iids l!i,i(. wold! Lrladly !ri'< 4l;('iii a xeiir’s siilisi'ription to tlie Daily lu'llector or n'liew their pri'^-ent siiliscription lor atiothei vear. IJeineiiilier tliiit a year- siil)scrip( ii'ii ^i\’i's you lilleeii luiiidred votes smd that yoii* are jriven tlie s'linc iimiilier for aP renewals for a year. ^ lu'foi-e sta(ei1 (ho winner imi-t he a liiistler. ati^-'^ ‘ 1 jiieji, I >iinii;. (.'iiLjaa'e'j col,dill' n U! ll \ ,11 l.allaii lirouii and ri'iianiia Sa\’- a^e added lull 'h lo the eilt 1‘1’t ;1 III- I'li'iit of the (.>\eiiiii'j:. Delicioii- refle-'liliieiils xm'I'c siT'ed and prizes ass aided. 'I'Ik uei',-; Mi.'-ses M.ivy and IwiiHla W’lirrt'n. Lillie l)eil and h'rla C’ritcher, Annie Belle and l>ert (^>niiu'rly. I''.selyn Lanp:, Lallaii I’n'own. ,\dalaide 'I'aft, Annie liet Siiiilh, liettie Litllf, Kthel Bowling, fltianiia Smai'e; and Messrs. .Morton tiohnslon, l^'lmo iirv .lanies, WMl .fames, .lames Little. ,lamer- an I'icklen. ('liarles and 1 >ai! 1 iiLrhoiise. (iariand I! 'vn. W alle’’ Li'iiili n W hichard a 1 lliel'arii Kim?. The yoiin^' people dep'irlei! for their home- at declariiiir .Ml''- Hiirlier a charmini;' hostess. I .incsinan Electr; At Burlington lU'KLlNCJTO.V, Match I’..— Halph Warren, a youii}' liiu'sman for the new IMedinont Kailway and Klcetric ('onipany's i)lant liere. was electrocuted today at I :;>t) o'clock hy coinin'; in con tact with a live wire. 'I'he se vere wind i/ci‘ .'ijil- I'l'd ii'iieU' liloiise. '" .'I I olie. I>. 1). I'oi'l'esl iV ( o. I S('i- Kill I'l 11 oi ('o.. for your :iii-| lo and liieycle supplies. 'I'iiev have (hem and iheir prices are! ridil. . ! Mr. 'riiniei' uii'' takiiiLi Mil'S Lena nines from .\rtliur to Ay- present (ll her nioiher Monday and | not lieiiiL' ai'uiiainted v. iiii thej roads ho droM.’ (ht* car into thej ditch. X'o one was hiiri only de i h.ycd the trip a little. | See ,T. (’o.x I'i Son for your nice i('c cri'am. candies and Irints, | Miss .lessie (’annoii returned '.vith Miss Fannie Lee Speir. froinj the 'I'raiiiinj:; School aiiil spent j I the week end with her. | antrh | ^-onr nice cakes and fri'sh ^ffocerii's of all kinds set’ U. ■ i Dail. ^ I i .Vnvtliinur in the line III mitions.' drv u'oods, hat'^. 'llppel'r^. \\ i* liase the ^lyle and prices 's ill suit \'oii. Ste ll' lii’loi'c you 1mi\ ill. I). I'’i>rre't X- (/'o. 1 I Dr, .(. '1'. (lilili' held the i|iiar terlv conference here al tlit' Mi di- I odist church ye'terda\'. j I-'or \'oiir diniii!.’,' chuir'. ruckinii' chairs and lud > i I h I - ivi.i'i ! ih.il ih fores er l^'or ■ 11 n ‘Sill li'iir >ld.^ \ ei| r i'l' (he iii-l< iM |1.,' I lolal 11;! I'll'J;"', , 1 Ihe I'M. Ai'iill, liiiii; \ I Ki'pp.' :• of \ il";' I eli'l I ll'l'll iry o hi' e! •I jlllll Ml a 1111. '. I hri I' I..,. 'I I h I ill- f (he il V. '•ll 11 mI'' ■le li lielis i !• 'ddle" at I'iil .lime -.ll K. the 1 . I ■ h!**' );l \ hUnli ( i ■iini ssill nil", 11 1') S' n 11! 11 rviii; ! Cai’i I s 111: Aged Woman WAYXKSVn.LL. March I!.— ! .liuL'-e I'raiik C arter. presidiniT ()\ er .Swain county Superior court j has .sentenced Neiii-y llannali Km lee. (d' this coimtv to :it' year.', in 'iiiiii leaiil .Miii'i'h hi. 'I'here s\ ill road en?iineer: infelldenl." of Xoi'tli Ciirolii March 17-19. 'i'he maiiaLrer of ('ni'i'liii - h-i i hail team ha^ aniioimi'ed t’lat irame svilli the I’iiiliidelphia \l* .M.i .11 Hu 1 . iii.i 'll ■' ll 11 ii'l I'l.,I, > a iiii'i'l 1 iiii of ill and ci'iijits -III' " piililii' r i'.iiN if' ill 1‘eiilmds llall •state prison. 11, 1 .Aliornevs lor the ssoinaii eiiti'r- dlded for Miiri'h Iia-- I alii'elled. K ) W'l !.('( tMK rolKl- 'K )1 iiiornini; tor (heir spriiifi: tour iir- ( hase her sprini; milliiier\' troods. W’e have a supply of I'olh lelt j and cofiiiiination madre.'.se-- a( i A. W.j I li'r |i:i' lieeli ; , at Diirluim. 1 1 ■ r 'I. f .. 1 I . I \\ ashillL''lo!| aiM eil a plea ol guilty of second de-1 ^ •free muiilir vei'ierady, and tin plea was aceepted. { 'rile svoiiKin. \s ho i> t'lT year.' old is aci'li'cd of hasiliL' killed her SI \-\ear-()ld "'nindi'hd'!. Koiii'iia I’lHiiian. lii'i .'prii!-' hy phii'iii:; t lie child in .1 i :is e on a nn'un'.ain ^-lile and v..ii!ini:' i!ie eiiti'anie np. leas iiii;' the chil 1 to die lr''iii e\- pii'Ure lo I'lild and 'ia rs at iiiii. 'I'he crime \sil- n Iliilll! 11 ed dlll'imr the cold ueaihei of la-l .Miii' h i.nd cNi'iii'd inii'n'c in.li'j'iiiiiion ill iiii.' i'l'Uiity. Ihe aLi'ed pri'oii er is nos\ in llayssood jail, s\ hence she \sill lie taken to Kaleiiili later in the svci'k. i'i-M''e 'I'lie Lee 1 f ir .'ipril irunie v.'ilh r ni V ef'it S'. iri'Il iii.il uiii'ii'p! ■ h'. 1!.- ihc" . 'i'i.iitii.-i I'aaii. . . Iia iniiaii oi l !n i,a i tiiiii'. “.\i hi.'l s\e !,a\e a i'ii«i.< e '.o li't (hei'ils know wh u s'esx.iiit.' I'lliiiierlianni- s',ho ;n,i liidii"-' ll'ial W'oi'ki'l' of the W ■ r' I leader. I'l'umi. “W e .'ii'e ;;ii ml'('1 - f iiic ssi ' kin::- i'la>-. I!s er\thini; .ii U;.s il«.\ ssa- CM',lie 1 i y I'lir hiilld^ »-r I ill- hiiiid- of oi;r i-i'i'ihi I and U i'S. W e have a l iLd.l lo i-haii iM escl'v Imll't' ali'l in ( '.el'Jl liiJili s loaf nf l.'i-:', i. Wh'.l's Uio''t.‘, r (' ,1! III't or t ii k .1 '.'i ''ll!,i '' make I; :i 1 d„ I ill ,.\\ 'i ( IKK. M 11 h iii'ii eNpi'i'I' lo elite!'!.i; lio:i of liil'i'liall ell e eli'l ,'f tlii- S'l'i'k. ' I'ld'' li’l'lii't \S lil he hi'l'e fl'"lll ihi'il 1 'Up' Il'iji iai iraiii ciirrsin:r sisi lire,I ( 'hii'iiiiii fail' i' di lossn loiiiiiri'osv and oihei' la deleiralieiis are rcporleil idioijl start from I'hiladelphia. I’lH'i l’lll'llllr,L^ W'a''^hin!.Mon a cil IC". The Biltlliore Hotel h.i-^ luel! selected a- he:iiIqiianer- for’ (he deiiioii-'t rat ion of sselcoiiie und the loiiriiiii (iiaiits and While Sox w ill he taken there afler their ar risal I'll the Lii'itaiiia on l-'ridas. t til ( ha( diiy t here ss ill he iiici I inirs of the olVicials ahd cliih .issu er.- of the National and .Vmerii'an U'airii'‘s and it is liki ly the iiatln'i'- ini' \s ill 1k' (iiken ads iinta^e ot to h(dd ineeliiiirs of other ha'chall On .'Saturday Ni rl',i I I'l, ■\ ■I'.ll 111 r point'- this vear is one of hest that has! I'i'"'''!' (;o.. are prepare. 1 to , heeii'here for some time and they i-"IM'I.v .V"* 'viH> L'asoline, cvlindei ('ASK FINALLY F.NDS •h :i The II d . 'l!u svill no doiiht rellect credit on the eollejie and on tht'inst-1 ves. On (heir fall trip the cliih encounter ed ;i ^n-eat deal (d‘ rainy weather and it is hopi'd (hat they will strui<;ht. Only experieneoii nien Imve better Inck on this trip. were'^sent, and they had been can-' — tioncail player, ss host* hns with well county, but came to Hurlimr-1 Memphis was sisrned by the De ton when a small boy und has (roit team. From ^ Detroit he spent his entire life here.. He wa.s weat tu Cincinnati five years ail'> 24 ■\'ears old. December 1913 he■ ami retmiine(i there until trailtnl was married to Mi.w Pafje, ofito St. I.eof B. I’enny airnin-t .\tlanti( ('oa>t Line, action for damaircs for jier'iinal injnric-. received at Leland, Briiiisss ick coiinly. I.") vears a^o. svlu'ii the plaint ill wa> shot hv iieiiro pas-.t'ni^i‘r on train of defendant in altercation I'c- tween the neiiro and conductor. Iiiis at last lieen settled. '1 he (’oast I.ine today paid into superior | to when YOU <;et warm playinp; c'>urt $.'l..i(iO. the amount iiall let them serve you with nii-i ‘ cold cream. I hat fi:r .1 hll.' s> .11 I' i. 1 111 - 'aid I II' 'i-iic'tI ;■ “-e li'il ihc li lcr HI iiiLi' hi'l --I in 111 the I'.al; .MII niii,''i'i' ih, ( Il'Hi'i:i' .''.11 I"..'. - '■ci'i lid Si.i'iii;ll. ilioii;i! lea^i: n. h.is Jiimi <1 imoic 1't Mr( !rasv 'I Ini'- \\ I lit', II tl'.Tt 111.I Ic .k ■ II Tlioi'p' .Mhli'ic ih.it . (! o nil iv «h<' SSolld ■ all pl.iStr celcltraic' I \s i(!I ^ ! e . recent term of suj>erior court, and also paid tlu ^ ' niijrht \irtiiallv all of tin men \s I S'r. I’AFL. .Minn., March 4. Fhi \ puhii, ll iildir.'T ■ if St. I'aul today m token of the city’s sixtieth, birth-] costs amounting: to $Led «oi'pr>rated as a cify Mar'ii4, in flames when Ihe ^irl ran into iIku^’Ii *t i.i.d e.'isfed as a -citle- flie stall and hliiul-folded the rnenf and military juvst for nvany horst' with her sweater, and led years prior to dat«. | him through the smoke. b'veniiiir teams. Ill line (i trip ha :out of . I 1 ndian (i iaiiis. I .lohnny Fst'rs is Ik p'lnniiii' »o think ih'iU his ^i'JO.ooo horn.:; to -ilhi ssiih the I’„.--ton l ^lc^ last year, but will not iret tinder svay until .\pril •J1 this vear. fciiT r'Pi Ai*r*rN T r* I • r*